God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1150: Precarious

The stock price of Federation Lightyear has been going down all the way.

Chu Jungui's shares have long been frozen, and Light Year's business on planet 4 has nothing to do with Federation Light Year. Now Federation Light Year is an internal circulation and has become a supplier of the Federation military. The supporting equipment system that Chu Jungui originally raised more than 70 billion yuan is now serving the Federation. In the past few days, a committee in the Federal Parliament has debated several times on whether to confiscate light years, but finally failed to reach a conclusion. And this committee has a lot of issues to deal with, and Light Year is just one of them, so after a few quarrels with no results, it was put on hold and forgotten.

In the next few months, the battlefield situation fell into a stalemate again, but the dynasty began to be turbulent. Wang Wei was still suspended for review and transferred to the rear. A dozen generals and hundreds of school officers were also under review with him. The fleet staying behind the longitudinal line was scolded **** by the rear media, calling them cowards and deserters. Although this kind of public opinion was started by someone with a heart, it caused the morale of the front line to drop again and again. Those soldiers were extremely dissatisfied. The real deserters had long since fled and stolen away. Most of the soldiers who are still guarding the longitudinal line are veterans who have experienced life and death several times.

In this way, the power vacuum left by Xu Bingyan was quickly filled amid all the strife. During this process, Chu Jungui unexpectedly discovered that Lin Xi was also involved. She had returned to the army before, and was in charge of commanding a formation consisting of a light cruiser and a heavy cruiser. Although not in the main battlefield of the vertical line, Lin Xi's record is also remarkable, winning 4 consecutive battles in a short period of time. It's just that her little credit was all overshadowed by Xu Bingyan's great success, and it was not at all eye-catching.

Now Lin Xi had a new opportunity to be promoted to major general and become the commander of a newly formed squadron.

However, the competition for this position was extremely fierce. Besides Lin Xi, there were seven or eight veteran generals competing for it. Although these generals spend most of their time in the rear, they are all ready to make contributions on the front line. If you want to do meritorious service, you must have a fleet.

Faced with such a situation, Lin Xi finally asked Chu Jungui for help.

Chu Jungui mobilized various channels and resources, and first learned about the background of this promotion and the situation of his competitors. In fact, among all the opponents, Lin Xi's military achievements are the highest. After all, she has been active on the front line since the beginning of the war, and she never left even in the most difficult time. Even if the combat achievements she made in Light Years later were not counted, she still overwhelmed all opponents.

But promotion is not just based on military merit, or, this time, it is not only based on military merit. It is said that someone above is trying to formulate rules and regulations for this promotion, such as qualifications, education, work experience, research results, etc., and some even want to set the gender as male, but because the intention is too obvious and there are many opponents, they have to give up. All in all, if there are no many rules and regulations, but only military exploits, it would seem a little strange.

After reading all the information, Chu Jungui knew that Lin Xi was definitely qualified for this position. The only problem was that she was too young, more than ten years younger than all the competitors, which made her more difficult out of thin air.

However, it is enough for Lin Xi to be competent. Chu Jungui is not good at operating these things. His only advantage is resources. Fortunately, Chu Jungui is not good at it, but some people are good at it, such as Li Ruobai. Chu Jungui had a conversation with Li Ruobai, Li Ruobai thought for a while, then asked Chu Jungui for some money, bought a few houses in Garden Star and Capital Star, and donated some money to a very famous university in Chao Dynasty, I got a few entrance exam-free places, and then took these to the Capital Star.

A week later, Lin Xi's appointment came down.

Lin Xi rushed to take up his post in the fleet immediately, and didn't have time to meet Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui also understands very well, after all, she wants to take over what was originally a third-line fleet, half of which are defensive fleets in the local star field, and their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the original fourth fleet. Lin Xi needs time to master and get familiar with the troops. After all, she is not given much time, and she will go to the front line in two months.

After dealing with Lin Xi's matter, Chu Jungui began to live a regular and peaceful life again. Every day is to deal with various affairs, and most of the time is spent in research and laboratories. The focus of Chu Jungui's research is still the strange ability he brought out from the real dream, but he has been unable to find a breakthrough direction, and can only monitor and record data again and again, trying to find patterns from it. As time goes by, the only thing we can know is that the proportion of the unknown part of Chu Jungui's mobilized energy is getting bigger and bigger, and the objective performance is that his ability is getting stronger and stronger.

What the wise man studies is the field of production and development. It climbs rapidly along the technology tree generated by human beings for thousands of years, combined with the memory of its own genetic inheritance, and constantly looks for the combination of Wuzu and technology to replace pure human technology. In just a few years after entering space, the strength of the wise man also expanded miraculously. After completing a new evolution, it is growing every moment. If the main body is fully unfolded, it will also have a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. The road to becoming stronger for the Wu clan is simple and rough, big is strong, more is beautiful, the more cells, the more tyrannical. The current wise man, every other month, the increase in computing power is equivalent to a human's most advanced super master brain.

With the support of terrifying computing power, there are ready-made templates to learn from, so in a short period of time, wise men have climbed the light-year technology tree to the point where it is only a few years away from the most advanced human level. The many licenses sent by Chen Er, many cutting-edge equipment involved in them, as long as they pass through the hands of a wise man, the technology inside will be reversely analyzed in sevens and eights, but those top-level materials are temporarily difficult to copy, after all, most of them are the latest Manufactured by advanced technology, such technology is temporarily beyond the ability of wise men.

However, Chu Jungui is not very concerned about many of these top-level technologies. These technologies are basically focused on high precision. The computing power is directly catching up with the small mastermind. Light years don’t need to be so fine. For Chu Jungui, putting 1 million ordinary chips into a 1,000 cubic meter cabinet has the same effect~www.readwn.com~ The climb of the technology tree is directly reflected in the No. 5 planet development. Dozens of gigantic factories have already been erected on Planet 5, and each factory is accompanied by more than a dozen mines, and a large amount of raw materials are excavated and fed into the factories. The so-called raw material is simply the soil that was dug out directly, but the metal content in the soil on planet 5 is extremely high, exceeding 60%, so it can be used directly for training. The remaining non-metallic materials are turned into building materials. In the central area of ​​many factories is a huge comprehensive production center, which can directly produce most of the existing equipment of human beings. It's just that so far, all the equipment is used to build the second production center, and there is no time to take care of others for the time being. Just for this comprehensive production base, one year's production capacity can be converted into a battleship.

The calm situation didn't last long. People had just digested the shock of Xu Bingyan's death when a new piece of news shocked everyone: the community declared war on the dynasty.

Within 24 hours of the announcement of the declaration of war, the six major fleets of the community attacked at the same time, attacking different star fields of the dynasty. The Federation announced its alliance with the Commonwealth, assembled the main fleet to attack the vertical line, and at the same time separated two fleets to attack the weak areas of the dynasty. For a while, the dynasty was in turmoil.

What Chu Jungui didn't expect was that there was actually a squadron coming towards him.

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