God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1153: Is it necessary?

Chapter 1384 Is it necessary?

Planet 5.

The huge factories on the surface are already visible to the naked eye in orbit, and the material resources refined by the planet every day are close to 100 million cubic meters. And half of all production capacity is used to build new factories and mining bases to generate new production capacity. In this way, the production capacity of the entire planet is increasing exponentially, doubling every two months.

A spaceship penetrated the planet's atmosphere, slowed down slowly, and hovered above the planetary center production base. Chu Jungui overlooked the production center below. Looking down from this height, the entire production base is as huge as a city, and the shortest side is more than ten kilometers long. And on the outer edge, several new modules are popping up. Each of these modules is one square kilometer, and a section is completely embedded in the original production base.

The new bases are all such modular expansions. The production capacity of each module is actually very strong. The module is not only large in size, but also has a height of one kilometer, and it is divided into 10 floors.

Chu Jungui looked at it for a while, and with a thought, the spaceship landed slowly. The center roof opens to reveal the massive tarmac inside. After the spaceship landed, Chu Jungui walked out of the cabin door, and heard a huge mechanical sound coming from above his head. He looked up and saw that the two roofs were slowly closing, keeping the wind and sand out.

This is a huge hangar with a height of 500 meters, which can hold the largest planetary shuttle transport ship. Just to the side, a huge transport ship with a length of 1,000 meters and a height of 300 meters was parked at this time. Compared with the transport ship in this small city, Chu Jungui's spaceship looked like a toy.

At this time, a speeding car had parked outside and waited. Chu Jungui sat on it, and the flying car started on its own, flying to the other side of the apron. This flying car is not luxurious, not even comfortable enough, but the interior space is so large that Chu Jungui feels a little pocket-sized when sitting in it, even a giant four meters tall, he doesn't feel the slightest bit when he sits in it. cramped.

There is no driver in the flying car, everything is controlled by a wise man. After passing through multiple isolation doors, it finally came to the control center of the production base.

This control center is another hall with a height of 100 meters. There are more than a dozen metal pillars with a diameter of several meters erected inside, and there are many holes with a diameter of half a meter distributed on it. The entire hall is very dark, with only a few lights, and there is nothing but these giant metal pillars, no display screen, no projection table, not even a console.

Chu Jungui stood in front of the huge pillar, looked at it silently for a while, and then said, "Is this necessary?"

The wise man was taken aback, and said: "All the functions are here, is there anything not in place?"

At this time, a door opened, and several engineering beasts came out from inside. These engineering beasts are different from the common ones outside. They are extraordinarily tall, each head is ten meters high. They walked to the giant pillar respectively, inserted their arms and legs into the interface, and stood still. Although they didn't move at all, everything in the entire production center was under the conscious monitoring of Chu Jungui, so he naturally knew that there was a huge amount of data being exchanged between the engineering beasts and the control center. These engineering beasts are still carefully screening and checking the data of the control center. If you don't look at the appearance, they are completely in the attitude of a controller, and the efficiency is very high.

After checking the information, Chu Jungui knew that these engineering beasts were a new generation of intelligent offspring produced by Brother Dao, possessing a hundred times the intelligence of ordinary humans and a hundred thousand times the data processing capacity. In terms of capabilities, they are fully capable of playing the role of controllers, and their data storage capacity is billions of times that of human beings. All the data of a mining center can be stored at only two ends, and then sent back to the central base.

Now the central base and some distant factory bases have not yet established communication lines. Under the shining of the blue sun, wireless communication is a huge problem, and there is no way to solve it now. There is no urgent need for instant communication between the factory base and the attached mine, and between the factory base and the central base. Therefore, a regular communication mode is designed. Every few hours, an intelligent daughter will bring good data. Get in an off-road vehicle and head to the factory base to pass the data that way. Some factory bases are too far away, so they are simply equipped with special flying cars. In this somewhat stupid way, the data can also be updated every few hours.

This control center is completely built to adapt to the intelligent control sub-body, and the use of human beings is not considered at all. As the demand rises, the future intelligent sub-body will become bigger and taller. After all, the logic of the Wu family is to increase the computing power, just pile up more cells, and evolution is a difficult thing. Therefore, the pillars of the control center are hundreds of meters high to accommodate the future giant sub-body. Even if it is not wasted at present, because each individual body can climb on the pillar.

There is direct data exchange between the smart offspring and the control center. Naturally, there is no need for terminals such as screens and influencers, and the efficiency is naturally greatly improved.

However, the wise man still took care of Chu Jungui's mood, and set up a control center for human use in the corner, but the control center has no functions, it just monitors the data and production process, and has no other functions. Now everything is running well on planet 5, and the environment is not suitable for human survival, so the control center is empty and has not been activated.

All the base spaces are very tall~www.readwn.com~This is completely unnecessary in the eyes of humans, but from the beginning of the design, it is all designed for the Fog Race. Brother Dao's daughter body is getting bigger and bigger, and its functions and production capacity are also increasing. In order to cooperate with the daughter body, all kinds of production equipment and tools have been updated for three generations. Now in terms of mining transportation, transport vehicles that carry thousands of tons at a time have become standard configurations, and large excavation equipment can excavate tens of cubic meters with a shovel. In some mines, it is simply suction-type excavation, and the prototype of modifying the planet has already faintly appeared.

Among the data just sent by an intelligent descendant, Chu Jungui saw the data sent by a new generation of mines.

The mine was built on a metal vein, mainly copper, with a large number of associated mines, and the metal content of the vein exceeded 75%. Hundreds of giant winch-suction mine trucks are working. The giant winch in front of the truck body is like the mouth of a sandworm, constantly digging soil, and then simply crushed into standard-sized modules in the truck body and left on the ground behind the truck. There are also hundreds of giant transport vehicles shuttle back and forth, picking up the mineral modules and sending them back to the base for smelting. Seen from the air, it seems that there are hundreds of huge creatures walking side by side, gnawing on the ground, and then gnawing back after their heads. In this way, the ground will drop ten meters. The mine has only been built for less than a month, and it has already left a large pit on the surface of the planet that is 100 kilometers long, 50 kilometers wide, and 800 meters deep.

Such a mine only used less than 1,000 daughters, and the wise plan can build another 1,000.

(end of this chapter)

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