God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1167: Benefit

The Wu Clan are all consequentialists, and they have always had only one voice.

Brother Dao has tens of thousands of offspring, but in fact he only has one will. Before meeting Chu Jungui, many of the Wu Clan actually took Brother Dao's will as their highest will. After being subdued by Chu Jungui, the wise man and Dao brother absolutely obeyed the orders, only Kaitian occasionally made some small movements.

The Wu Clan's thoughts on war are very similar to Xu Bingyan's, so the wise men speak highly of Xu Bingyan.

The little princess has been acting frequently recently, and Chu Jungui feels both relieved and a little weird. In fact, the two sides are now on opposite sides, but they are not on the same battlefield and have not met yet. This is a doomed fate. It is impossible for Chu Jungui to abandon the dynasty, and it is impossible for Hathaway to abandon the Federation. The two sides can only tacitly try to avoid appearing on the same battlefield.

Facing a dead end, Chu Jungui could only temporarily put it aside and concentrate on dealing with the imminent threat. He turned on the production system and looked at the current status of the fleet.

Now there are 6 capital ships under construction in Light Years, and 3 ships that can be put into battle in a short period of time. There are already 8 heavy cruisers under construction, 15 light cruisers, and 20 destroyers. Now the number of warships in the light year dock is equivalent to a first-line fleet of the dynasty. The combat power on paper is slightly inferior, but the real combat power is still higher than that of the federal dynasty. The reason is very simple. In the words of a wise man, the fighting will of human beings cannot be compared with that of the Fog Clan.

However, these starships are already at the limit of light years. If there are more, the raw materials can barely keep up, but the shipboard equipment is gone, not even the equipment removed from the captive community starship. At present, most of the equipment light years cannot be produced. The supply chain established in the federation and most of the equipment purchased in the early stage have been seized by the federation, and there is no possibility of getting it back. This was something Chu Jungui didn't expect at first. He didn't expect Xu Bingyan to die so quickly, and he didn't expect that at the critical moment, Henry and all the light-year-old management couldn't even withhold the last batch of goods. However, although these have an impact on light years, they are not fatal. The wise men are already designing second-generation starships that do not require so many equipment.

The new generation of starships is completely tailor-made for the descendants of the Wu clan, paying special attention to the integrity and durability of the structure. As long as the damage to the hull does not exceed 50%, it can still fight. This generation of starships uses a large number of fully encapsulated Wuzu daughters to replace the original equipment, so the final required equipment is less than one-tenth of a normal human starship. After being encapsulated, Brother Dao's offspring will have a greatly shortened survival time, with only one year left in their lifespan. But these starships were originally designed for **** battles to the end, and they never thought of surviving for more than a year. Chu Jungui didn't think it was a problem either, the child body died as soon as it died, and Brother Dao could split into new ones after death.

In order to speed up the time of the itinerary and combat power, Chu Jungui's first batch of first-built destroyers were all destroyers. According to human standards, these destroyers are almost like steel billets, and it is a shame to say that they are semi-finished products. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to a floating turret, put on an armored shell to give it some power, stuff a few heads as controllers, and then it's over. This kind of thing is naturally built at a very fast speed. Humans built it 1,000 years ago were equally fast. The only difficulty is the encapsulated daughter.

Just when Guangnian was busy building the ship, a piece of news was sent to Chu Jungui.

"So, they still sent troops?" Chu Jungui was quite speechless.

"Yes, and it is a mixed fleet composed of the Federation and the Commonwealth." The wise man replied.

"Where is the information about the fleet?"

"I only know that it is at least a full-stacked regular fleet, and it carries planetary marines. The specific number and ship type are unknown."

Chu Jungui frowned and asked, "Is there no information from the Dynasty?"

"I have already contacted the dynasty's channels, and they have no information."

Chu Jungui's frown deepened: "Impossible! Such a large-scale fleet transfer is still a mixed fleet of two big countries. It is absolutely impossible to be airtight. At least there should be basic information such as the number of ships and types. If you don’t give it, it seems that you don’t want to give it to us! So, there are still people who plan to see us suffer a lot.”

In the dynastic federation community, the three major forces have been infiltrating each other for hundreds of years, and they all infiltrate each other like a sieve. There must be such ordinary information. However, the spy intelligence system is not in the hands of the doctor. On the contrary, these people are quite at odds with the military-industrial complex represented by the doctor. Withholding information at this critical moment clearly represents their position.

"If you don't give it, don't give it, and settle accounts with them later!" Chu Jungui glanced at the only information at hand, and said: "Send a few more small scout starships to patrol around the galaxy."

"Yes!" The wise man immediately arranged a plan, and a dozen starships slightly smaller than frigates flew directly to the outside of the galaxy. From receiving the order to the departure of the starship, it took less than a second.

Chu Jungui put the information aside and looked down at Planet 5 from the window. Several huge spots have appeared on the surface of the planet, which can be clearly seen from the orbit.

This galaxy has been discovered for thousands of years, and it has been incorporated into the territory of the dynasty for more than three hundred years. For hundreds of years, no one has been interested in this place, and the dynasty has never had a development plan. After all, the initial detection results showed that this place is barren and barren, with no possibility of habitation or development value. There are billions of similar galaxies in the Milky Way, and no one cares about them at all.

Now that Light Year has developed this place, forming a well-established industry and huge production capacity~www.readwn.com~, some people are tempted. Otherwise, how could a regular fleet be sent to such a remote star field when the two sides are still in an all-out war?

As for the dynasty, Chu Jungui never had hope. Some time ago, the vertical line was in full swing, and all the power of the dynasty was concentrated on the front line. During this time, it was too busy to take care of itself, and there was no spare energy to manage Light Years. Otherwise, according to Chu Jungui's estimation, the time when the vertical line is completely victorious will be the day when the dynasty's fleet will approach the city.

Although the doctor has a detached status, he is only a person after all, and his right to speak in the dynasty is also very limited. If Light Years hadn't developed fast enough and strong enough, it might have been terminated when the Fourth Fleet arrived.

Greed is the original sin. Chu Jungui suddenly remembered this sentence.

The interests of the representatives of the Frostwolf class are too great, and they have already caught the attention of many people. Regardless of whether it is in the Federation or the Dynasty, once they have obtained all the technology and production facilities of the Frostwolf class, they will immediately become a new Bilinde Group.

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