God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1169: Does it still make sense?

An extremely frustrating battle!

Looking at the gradually collapsing defense line, Rendell trembled with anger, but he was helpless.

The light-year fleet is like a silent giant, fighting mechanically and continuously, as if it will never get tired or hurt. There are starships on the battlefield constantly igniting and exploding, both sides have it, it is completely a meat grinder. In the central battlefield, the second Frostwolf was also seriously injured, half of its hull was on fire, and the capital ship belonging to the community was already burning and exploding violently at this time, the main engine was blown up, and even the simplest turning It's all tough. Numerous rescue capsules desperately ejected from the spaceship, apparently giving up on saving the ship.

Seeing this scene, Rendell couldn't help but get angry. If it hadn't been for the hard-hit Commonwealth capital ship that forcibly turned to leave the battlefield, the main engine would not have been exposed and destroyed in one fell swoop. If it can fight to the end like the two Frostwolves in Light Years, even though it will not escape the fate of being destroyed in the end, at least it can output a lot more damage, so that Rendell is sure to kill the remaining two in one fell swoop at the cost of serious injuries. A Frostwolf. In this way, the final result of the battle would be that the United Fleet exchanged three Frostwolves at the cost of one capital ship, which was not a loss no matter how you looked at it.

However, the capital ship of the community could not help but escape, which completely broke the balance of the battle situation.

The Light Year Fleet continued to fight no matter how much the hull was damaged, and almost no rescue capsules popped out. They are like silent machines, constantly harvesting the opponent's life.

If this continues, the Federation Fleet will also collapse... Rendell has a bad feeling in his heart. But now there is no chance to leave the battlefield, so we can only fight this battle to the end.

Lights suddenly flickered in the deep sky in the distance, and a large group of landing ships rushed towards the galaxy under the desperate cover of the **** fleet, heading straight for the No. 4 planet.

"Okay!" Rendell applauded immediately! Pang is not a fool, the landing fleet can't escape, and the strength of the **** fleet can't withstand the light-year outflanking fleet with capital ships, so it's better to put all the marines on the planet. As long as the surface of the planet is conquered, that little thing in orbit will be wiped out by the coalition forces sooner or later.

Watching the huge landing fleet enter the galaxy, Rendell withdrew his gaze and continued to command the fleet battle.

On the edge of the galaxy, Chu Jungui looked at the menacing landing ship group, and asked casually, "How many tanks do we have?"

The wise man replied: "There are only 1.2 million left."

"Huh?" Chu Jungui felt that the number was wrong.

The wise man felt a little guilty: "Recently, I have been building a fleet, and there are some leftovers that are useless, so I built some chariots, which is a bit small."

Chu Jungui really ignored this little matter. When he checked the production system, the data he looked at were how many starships and equipment were built in this batch, and finally the tanks. The light-year chariot can be called a walking piece of steel, and it is indeed leftovers. Chu Jungui didn't care at all. He didn't expect that there were so many of them.

According to the number of landing ships, the size of the landing force is roughly between 1.4 million and 1.6 million. Basically, one person can share one tank...

Of course, the numbers are not calculated in this way. According to past experience, the landing troops of the Commonwealth should surrender if their casualties exceed 20%, and the ace troops will not exceed 40%.

Chu Jungui looked at the **** fleet that was still desperately entangled with the attacking fleet, and said, "All right, let the landing fleet go."

The Light Year Fleet slightly changed its formation and opened the way to the interior of the galaxy, so the huge landing fleet rushed to planet No. 4 at full speed, which was their only way of life.

On the surface of planet 4, the storm clouds suddenly surged, and huge fireballs shot out from inside. In the center of the fireball is the shadow of a huge ship, one by one crookedly shot on the ground. A few landing ships were unlucky and disintegrated in the air, but most of the landing ships were specially modified and strengthened, and they successfully broke through the storm clouds and landed on the surface of the planet.

However, around them, an endless tide of chariots was swarming.

After a day and a night, Chu Jungui looked at the scattered shadows of ships on the star map, and said expressionlessly, "It's over."

The wise man said: "After this battle is over, it's time to put our star destroying plan on the agenda. Based on the achievements of mankind so far, there are several plans as follows..."

In the deep sky, many United Fleet starships have begun to disperse and flee for their lives, and almost every one of them is chasing light-year starships, chasing and killing them all the way. Rendell has tried his best to withdraw from the battlefield, but Light Year is too tightly entangled, even sacrificing himself in order to drag his opponent into the water. A large number of casualties inevitably occurred during the evacuation of the battlefield, and less than 20% of them successfully escaped in the end.

The second n77 campaign is over.

The result of this battle shocked the entire human world. A reorganized and strengthened fleet composed of the Federation and the Community was almost wiped out. Only a few remnant fish and shrimps escaped back. All starships above the heavy cruiser level were wiped out. After the landing fleet rushed into the fourth planet, there was no news.

According to the news sent back by the surviving starships, there are actually four battleships participating in the battle in Light Years! Although two ships were destroyed and one was severely damaged in the battle, the Commonwealth and the Federation also paid the price of two capital ships.

From the perspective of the battle loss ratio, the United Fleet is actually not a disastrous defeat. The battle loss is 1.3:1, which can be seen in Rendell's fleet command art. What makes people wonder is, where are there so many starships in light years? Since a few years ago, the n7703 galaxy has been like a black hole, and no one knows how far the light years hidden inside have developed.

Now the flames of war are spreading everywhere, and the potential for dynasty wars is endless. Although they are at an absolute disadvantage, the Federation and the Community dare not say that they will win. Suddenly, a whole fleet was missing, shaking the entire war situation in an instant.

When the battle was over and the battlefield was still being cleaned, Chu Jungui contacted Chen Er and McMillan successively.

In the video, Chen Er's face is haggard, and the thick dark circles under his eyes look like he hasn't slept for several days. Seeing Chu Jungui, his eyes lit up, and he said, "How did you do it? That's a whole strengthened fleet!"

Chu Jungui was expressionless: "So you know the information about the incoming fleet."

Chen Er's complexion changed, and he said with a wry smile: "I also just found out that before UU Reading www.uukanshu.com started fighting, it was not information that I could get access to. Besides, even if I knew, I couldn't tell you."

This guy is telling the truth, just like now, it looks like two people are talking on the phone, but in fact, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching their every move.

Chu Jungui was very aware that there were countless people monitoring in secret, so he asked bluntly: "How did the mixed fleet of the Federation and the Commonwealth appear in n77? I think some people must be very clear about it. My request now is that the people who planned this matter Hand it over, everything."

Chen Er was stunned, and then said helplessly, "This is impossible..."

"Then I have nothing else to do."

"Wait!" Chen Er called to stop Chu Jungui, and said with a wry smile, "I don't know about this, but can you change the request? For example, more permits?"

"Is the license still meaningful now?" Chu Jungui asked back.

Chen Er was speechless for a moment. Chu Jungui also knew that he had no authority to promise himself anything, so he said: "This is my only request." After saying that, he cut off the communication.

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