God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1218: chips

Latest URL: This kind of meeting is always lengthy and inefficient, especially in a system like the Commonwealth, where each member federation has considerable autonomy, and the largest member countries are de facto semi-independent. The meeting discussed for several days without any results, but the mixed opinions gradually divided into two factions.

"One faction, headed by the Republic of Lidolf, is determined to launch an all-out war to eliminate Light Year. The other faction is headed by the Duke of Yodel, who believes that Light Year should be included in the community, and at least start negotiations. However, Duke Yodel is in an obvious position. Weaknesses," McMillan said to Chu Jungui.

This time, Chu Jungui took the initiative to contact McMillan, intending to solve the troubles on the community side. After listening to McMillan, Chu Jungui quickly went through the information of the two factions.

Duke Yodell is one of the big men sent back by Chu Jungui. He has the Wu Clan's control descendant in his mind, so he naturally wants to stand by Chu Jungui's side. It's just that Chu Jungui didn't expect Duke Yodel to have such great energy that he could become an opinion leader in the community council. It is inevitable that he is in a weak position. After all, the Republic of Lidolf is one of the largest federations in the community, four times the size of the Principality of Yodel. But even if it is the largest franchise country, it is only capable of supporting an entire fleet alone. It is much stronger than the Tianyu Li family, but it is far from the current light-year opponent.

Chu Jungui looked at the territory of the Lidolf Republic and asked, "What about the Harvey Republic? What's their attitude?"

"The Republic of Harvey has been disqualified from parliament, but it is only temporary."

Chu Jungui nodded. It seems that the President paid a heavy price for standing on his side. However, the Republic of Harvey had suffered heavy losses. The entire fleet was wiped out, one galaxy was occupied by Light Years, and the other two galaxies were almost destroyed in the war. But if he hadn't taken refuge in Light Years, the president would have been kicked out by the rebels long ago and flown overseas.

"Now is not the time to fight." Chu Jungui said seriously.

McMillan sighed and said: "Many people think that the real dream is just a trouble for the Federation and has nothing to do with us. In this war, everyone has nothing to gain, so a few careerists are very dissatisfied and want to do something. For example, the Prime Minister of Li Daofu is one. I said that there is a big trouble in the real dream, but unfortunately few people are willing to listen."

Chu Jungui said: "There is no gain in the war, so you want to beat me? Do I look so easy to bully?"

"Many people are only willing to see the facts they want to see. Although I don't know the reason, I know that not only the speed at which you build starships is abnormal, but also the starships you build are also abnormal. I have inspected the wreckage of your starships, Many non-human traces have been found. Perhaps this is the latest research result of the doctor, but here I want to remind you that the doctor always likes to walk on the edge of danger. Although he has not made any major mistakes so far, But people who like to play with fire never end well. History has shown that any development related to artificial intelligence does not end well, maybe the Ph.D. is that exception, maybe not.”

Chu Jungui saw McMillan's solemnity and kindness, and followed his words: "The core technology is indeed from a doctor, and I don't know the specific principle."

McMillan was thoughtful: "It seems that the doctor has gained beyond imagination in the real dream. What do you need me to do for you this time?"

"Find some helpers for Duke Yoddle."

"This matter is very difficult. In fact, Duke Yordle already has a few more powerful partners, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this step. These partners have one thing in common, that is, they have all stayed with you."

Chu Jungui pretended not to see McMillan's strange gaze, and said: "We have common interests in preventing the coming war. Since simple persuasion can't produce results, then we will use the community method. In addition to the 5 galaxies that I planned to co-manage initially, this time I also occupied 7 additional galaxies. I plan to hand over these 7 galaxies to the community, but it is not certain who will be handed over."

"You are tantamount to redistricting the territory, and the parliament will definitely oppose it. Those councilors and nobles are indeed stupid, but they are not so stupid." McMillan said.

"Then add more chips. In addition to the seven galaxies, I will hand over a few more galaxies."

McMillan glanced at Chu Jungui and said, "Are you going to spit out the fat in your mouth?" McMillan knew very well that Chu Jungui had made a lot of preparations for taking over several galaxies, even the galaxies. Management has started to change.

Chu Jungui shook his head: "No, the five co-managed galaxies remain the same. I mean other galaxies. For example, the Omega galaxy of the Lidolf Republic is very close to me."

"You are expanding the war. And other alliance countries will not take over the star system of Li Daofu."

"They won't want one galaxy, two, three? Look at the Harvey Republic now. Oh, Li Daofu has a strong fleet left behind, but there are not many fleets on the front line of the dynasty. Without this fleet , I’m afraid that many people’s minds will change. Therefore, in addition to convincing other congressmen, I also need the movement of this fleet.”

McMillan frowned: "If you do this, I will be a real collaborator."

"We are all for the benefit of mankind, including the benefit of the community. I don't want to fight, but not fighting now does not seem to be able to prevent a full-scale war in the future."

McMillan thought for a moment and asked, "Will you really hand over those galaxies to the community?"

"My request is limited to the original condominium galaxy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com But if the community fails again, will I still think so, maybe."

"How many starship reserves do you have?"

"This time you saw 6 capital ships, oh, now there are 5 ships, one of which was seriously damaged and was dismantled and rebuilt. What you see is true. When your front-line fleet is transferred back, I will There are five battleships available in the sea. According to the past record, the community cannot defeat me without paying three full fleets."

McMillan snorted, and said, "According to past experience, your fleet is always much larger than expected. I sometimes wonder if the dynasty secretly gave you all the starships under construction. .Alright, I will do my best on this matter, and I will send you the information on the defense fleet of the Lidolf Republic in a short while. My request is that I will decide on the handover plan of those galaxies, and you must provide the necessary cooperation.”

"Of course."

"The second requirement is that in addition to the Omega galaxy, I also need to manage the Mermaid galaxy of the Dove Republic. My country will eat these two galaxies."

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