God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1238: go deep

When the door opened, Lin Xi did not rush in immediately, but raised his gun on guard. This door looks like it opened by itself. No one knows how many war beasts are hidden behind the door.

The door slowly opened, opened to a width of more than two meters, and then stopped. Behind the door was an empty, deep and dark passage, filled with a light mist, and the visibility was only a dozen meters.

Lin Xi waited for a moment, but didn't see the door move or anything rushing out from inside. She gestured, and a warrior leaned against the door and shined a laser into the passage. He shook the laser transmitter and quickly and carefully scanned the entire cross-section of the passage. At least there was no trace of the war beast within dozens of meters.

The soldier used the ultrasonic test again and made a gesture to Lin Xi indicating that it was safe within 100 meters.

Lin Xi and Chu Jungui walked in first.

The thickness of the gate is actually two meters, and including the part embedded in the passage, it is as high as 30 meters! People standing in front of such a gate are like little bugs.

After Lin Xi and Chu Jungui entered the house, they stopped going deep and investigated on the spot. If the door suddenly closes after entering, everyone will be imprisoned in despair. Such a door is difficult to open even if you want to blow it up.

The passage is flat at the bottom and rounded at the top, 10 meters wide and 20 meters high. Even the largest rhinoceros can move freely inside. The channel wall is extremely hard and looks like a shell-like material, dark brown in color.

On the inside of the door, a large amount of muscle-like tissue appeared. Chu Jungui gently tapped the dark purple tissues, which had the texture of leather and were indeed muscles.

The two doors actually looked like the mouths of some huge creature, and the switches were all powered by muscles.

Could it be that the entire valley underground is filled with the bodies of some giant creature? If so, what organs are these two doors, mouths, or something else?

It's not a good thing to open your mouth and wait for someone to get in with such a big thing. Thinking of this, Lin Xi didn't dare to walk in at will.

Chu Jungui stood beside him, thoughtful. He just opened the door by disrupting the current, but he didn't expect that the door was actually controlled by muscles.

In other words, the test subject really tickled the big guy, and then the big guy couldn't stand it anymore and opened the door by himself.

Then Chu Jungui thought of another possibility. He had just knocked on the door and told everyone that food was coming.

The test subjects don’t want to go deep into it rashly.

But everyone can't stand still here, let alone waste more time. Who knows when the next wave of beasts will appear. This time it was equivalent to a sneak attack. It turned out that no one was in the opponent's lair, so he just got a big advantage.

Lin Xi suddenly sneered and said: "So many beasts have resisted, how can we still be afraid of something that can't move?"

The political component jumped out and wanted to say that he disagreed, but was pushed back by the test subject.

Except for the experimenter, the other warriors seemed a little hesitant. Although this big guy can't move, it's not big enough to hold it up, and everyone has to go into its belly. Besides, who knew that this guy would be unable to move?

Lin Xi saw everyone's reaction in his eyes, and without explaining much, ordered the soldiers to go back to the mobile base to bring supplies. Lin Xi then used armor plates to build brackets and passages in the center of the door. Once the door wanted to close, these armor plates would be the support to prevent the door from closing.

Although the armor plates were of excellent quality, the doors were too big. Looking at the mountain-like body tissue, no one had confidence in these armor plates, which were only 5 centimeters thick.

But what comes next is the killer trick. Lin Xi placed boxes of explosives on the muscles that controlled the door, and attached a large number of cutting blades. Once the explosive explodes, tens of thousands of cutting blades will turn the muscle into floss.

After loading the explosives, everyone immediately became calmer and followed Lin Xi and Chu Jun back to the depths of the passage.

There is almost no light in the passage, and the natural light coming from the cave wall is very weak, and can only illuminate one or two meters around it in the thick fog. Standing in the middle of the passage, there is darkness in front of you. The armor's lighting could only illuminate less than 20 meters ahead, and it was impossible to see where the end of the passage was.

Lin Xi turned on the sound wave detection system of the personal terminal, which would emit a soft beep every second. Based on the echo, the rough outline of environmental objects could be distinguished.

Since Lin Xi turned on the sonic detection, Chu Jungui did not turn it on again. Two different sound sources will interfere with each other, so the test subject can just listen to Lin Xi's echo directly.

The team continued to deepen, and the two warriors on both sides continued to scan the surroundings with specialized laser beams to prevent sneak attacks.

The passage was deep and long, and the test subject silently calculated the distance. After walking a full 1,000 meters, another door appeared in front of it.

This door was exactly the same as the door at the entrance. Chu Jungui followed the same method and interfered with the current inside the door. Sure enough, the door opened on its own, with the same amplitude as the first door. Chu Jungui tried to interfere for a while more, and the door opened slower and slower, UU reading www. uukanshu.com finally stopped responding at all.

Lin Xi stopped advancing and waited for the explosives to be brought up from behind and arranged before continuing deeper.

After walking forward for a while, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up, and an underground hall appeared.

The underground hall is extremely majestic, and the interior is also filled with fog. Although the view is not as bad as in the passage, you can only see out for tens of meters, and cannot see the other side at all.

Chu Jungui walked to the entrance of the passage and looked down. He couldn't see the bottom at all. He could only see several holes dozens of meters below, which should be passages leading to other places.

Chu Jungui looked at the curvature of the cave wall of the underground hall and initially estimated that the diameter of the underground hall was at least 2,000 meters. According to this size, the mysterious black shadow is also within the scope of the hall.

The walls of the underground hall are very smooth and straight, and there are no stairs or lifting platforms at all. Moreover, the edge at the exit of the passage is curved. I don’t know whether it is natural or has been rubbed by something. That is to say, the test subject can accurately grasp its own balance, so it dares to stand on the edge of the cave and look down. If it had been anyone else, it would have slipped down accidentally.

Chu Jungui thought for a while, took an empty magazine and threw it down. After hearing the echo, he said: "It's okay, it's about 100 meters, not too deep. You guys wait for me here, I'll go down and have a look."

Lin Xi immediately said: "I'll go with you."

"No, it's easier for me to move alone!" This is the answer of the art component.

"No, you need to direct from here." was the answer from the political component.

"No, you have to stay here. If anything happens, you have to be able to respond to me." Tactically deceptive reply.

Chu Jungui instinctively chose the tactic of deception.

This was also a pretty good reason. Lin Xi hesitated and nodded in agreement. She also knew that with Chu Jungui's skills, it was actually safer to move alone.

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