God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1287: final peace

In a real dream, Chu Jungui took off a completed breastplate from the light belt wrapped in the air and placed it on the shelf next to it. Hundreds of light strips are intertwined with each other in the open field, and in the light strips are various armor parts. They started from scratch and are already completing the last details.

There are now nearly 1,000 people in the camp. Since the Doctor captured MacMillan, the real dream civil war has actually stopped. Chu Jungui sent out more than a dozen search teams to find the scattered explorers and bring them back to the camp. If the explorer found is stubborn or has excessive behavior, the team sent out will suppress it and then bring the person back. Anyway, Chu Jungui's request was just to live without missing arms or legs, and he didn't care about anything else. Therefore, when encountering anyone who resists, the search team will beat them first and then beat them until they are unable to resist, which is regarded as agreeing to join.

The members of the exploration team are already equipped with some equipment using Disno technology. Naturally, they cannot compete with the handmade workshop-style equipment of sporadic explorers. So in the past few days, people have been arrested one after another. Needless to say, explorers of the dynasty must obey that duty. The explorers of the Federation are leaderless and belong to the lowest class. The community's explorers were originally all thorny, but when they saw that the thorny leader MacMillan was caught, they all stopped.

The ones suffering the most are Chu Jungui, Lin Xi and Kai Tian. They are almost turning into humanoid fully automatic manufacturing machines. The list sent by the doctor seems to be endless.

Chu Jungui was building a battle armor here, while a ray of consciousness on the other side was already in the doctor's laboratory, transforming an image of himself and discussing the upcoming action.

Lin Xi stood in the center of the laboratory, with a holographic image of an explorer in front of him. This explorer was wearing a dark silver battle armor with an ultra-era appearance. He held a Desno assault rifle in his hand and a multi-functional backpack on his back. Lin Xi is summarizing the functions of the new equipment one by one.

"We assume that an ordinary explorer's original combat power is 10. After slight adjustments, his physical skills increase by about 50% on average, and the comprehensive combat power index can reach 30. The armor is made of reduced S102 metal as the main material It has a full range of power support, which can greatly improve the explorer's mobility. Without turning on the flight function, it can jump to a height of 50 meters in place, sprint at a top speed of 500 kilometers, and instantly accelerate overload 20G. After turning on the flight function, you can start from It absorbs energy from the environment and can support short-distance flight with a duration of 1 minute. The armor's protection has reached starship level, which is equivalent to a military patrol boat, and can effectively defend against known attack methods such as death roar. Finally, there are weapons, mainly rifles .The adjusted body energy and the environmental energy absorbed by the armor are mainly used to charge bullets. After 100% charging, the bullet power covers a radius of 100 meters, and can kill all known unprotected monsters within the coverage range."

After Lin Xi finished explaining, the doctor, Chu Jungui and Kaitian were all thinking about possible improvements. In fact, only Lin Xi in the laboratory is the real person, and the other three are all phantoms transformed by consciousness. Lin Xi's adjustment was not as thorough as that of Chu Jungui and Kai Tian. He was not yet accustomed to the full data communication method, and the information provided by his eyes still dominated.

An ordinary explorer's combat power index can be increased from 10 to 30 after slight adjustments. Putting on a battle armor will directly increase the index by 10 times to 300. A rifle with God Snow technology will be increased to 510, and some sporadic equipment and tools. It can be increased by 50, and finally it is the overall blessing of Doctor, Chu Jungui or Kaitian. After the blessing, the combat power index directly exceeds 1000. If the overall blessing is Lin Xi, then there will only be 800.

After a series of equipment blessings, the strength of an ordinary explorer soared a hundred times, and the previous McMillan was nothing more than that. The firepower of the entire camp has been greatly improved, far exceeding that of the planetary marine infantry in the real world.

The last step in preparing for the game is to make adjustments to McMillan and Mir. The doctor was naturally worried about MacMillan, so he openly fed him a copy of Kaitian's control body. After this period of evolution, Kaitian has evolved his control daughter body toxicity mechanism from neurotoxins and protein decomposers to data erasure. Although it has not yet reached the horror of erasure in the concept of little girl Mi'er, it is not a normal human being either. Can resist it. To put it simply, Mil's attack is clear in all directions, and the person will disappear, even in other people's memories and file records. After Kaitian's child body was poisoned, he was still alive, but his memory and intelligence were all gone, and he was just a living piece of flesh. Even cellular memory cannot escape the poisonous hand.

After Kaitian thoughtfully explained in detail the function of controlling the sub-body, McMillan could only sigh and accept his fate.

McMillan is about the same strength as Doctor and Chu Jungui, and the effect after adjustment is naturally quite powerful. Humanity has added another strong person. But when Mi'er made adjustments, there was an unprecedented data riot. All the data in her surroundings were rioting, rushing towards Mi'er like she was a bottomless black hole. And all the data was changed during the riot and turned into useless random data. For Desno life forms, the toxicity of random data is second only to concept erasure.

When something unexpected happened, Chu Jungui, Doctor and Kaitian reacted very quickly and immediately suppressed and sorted out the environmental data with all their strength. They finally suppressed the data storm, but a lot of random data had already entered Mi'er's body. If it were Kaitian, these data could kill 5% of its cells. Chu Jungui immediately examined Mi'er's body in detail, including the internal cells, but found that the damage was unexpectedly small, with only a small amount of cell death, less than 1% in total, which had no impact on Mi'er at all.

This time the adjustment finally passed without any danger. After the adjustment, the girl fell into a deep sleep, while the doctor and Chu Jungui were silent.

"Did you find anything abnormal during the examination just now?" the doctor asked.

Chu Jungui recalled every detail and said: "There are some abnormalities. That is, when I first started checking, almost everything in her body was normal. There were a few cells that showed insufficient vitality, which was less than 10,000. One. These should be old cells that are about to be eliminated. It was not until a few microseconds after my examination started that cells began to die inside her body. After analysis, these dead cells were completely consistent with the consequences of the data storm. . It’s a perfect match, without any deviation.”

The Doctor thought about it for a full ten seconds, which meant he absolutely took it seriously. It is definitely a big deal to be able to get a doctor who is equivalent to several human super brains to spend ten seconds.

After thinking about it, the doctor said: "Theoretically, her body reaction should not be delayed, but the results are in line with predictions. There is no problem. After all, none of us have seen a data storm, and all results are theoretical speculations. Now the reality is consistent with If you understand the theory, it should be a good thing.”

After a pause, the doctor added: "Reality should deviate from the theoretical results, no matter how much the deviation is. But the premise of this common sense is that theory is a simplified reality, but Disno can achieve almost perfect reproduction of reality, so in There is no difference between theory and reality in their category. Maybe Mil's results also have deviations, but they are so small that we can't see them. Maybe the deviations occur at a level below the proton."

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "I just rechecked the proton level data, and it's still perfect."

The doctor frowned slightly, then patted Chu Jungui on the shoulder and said, "Let's proceed to the next step first."

Chu Jungui nodded, waved his hand, lifted up Mi'er with a beam of light, and sent her back to rest. Mi'er's body reaction is also a bit strange. Most people don't need to sleep after adjusting, they will only feel a little weak. The number of cells that died in Mi'er was not very large, and her adjusted body could fully withstand it.

McMillan and Mill's adjustments are over, and preparations for the war have reached the final stage. Next comes the Explorer’s complete makeover and familiarity with the new equipment. This is not difficult at all. Many explorers have already become familiar with some of the equipment in advance during team operations. In addition, their intelligence has been greatly improved after adjustments. All of them are at the level of geniuses. They only need to be explained once to remember them. It only takes one training session to form muscle memory.

Chu Jungui didn't need to worry about changing clothes. In his last free time, he and Kaitian went to the shelter to visit the rabbits. Kaitian and Rabbit have a special affection. In the beginning, Kaitian couldn't live without Rabbit. Later, they went through life and death together until they were killed by a strange beast in the end. They also died together.

Revisiting the old place, it only took 10 minutes for Chu Jun to return and open the sky.

The shelter is still the same, nothing has changed. There is a skylight above the operating table, and a beam of sunlight shines down from the skylight onto the rabbit. The rabbit was warmed by the sun and was sleeping on the operating table.

"Hi! The war is about to start. Let's take a last look at you." Kaitian greeted.

Rabbit opened his eyes, shook his ears twice, accepted the data from Kaitian, and said, "Are you going to the creator's cemetery? Then... I wish you good luck."

Kaitian looked around and asked, "Do you need anything else?"

Rabbit shook his head: "It's good like this. As you know, I'm actually dead. I don't have much fighting power, so just rest here. When we succeed, this place will disappear and I can go back to accompany the master." Sleep forever."

"...Well, you have a good rest and I won't disturb you anymore."

While Kaitian was chatting with Rabbit, Chu Jungui looked at the shelter. The shelter looked the same as when they left, except that the materials in the cabinets had been used. But in Disno's field of vision, all the data and energy originally stored in the surrounding environment were gone. They were all used up during the last adjustment by the doctor and Lin Xi. The scattered memories and data stored in the environment were also taken away by the doctor and used for research.

So from Disno's perspective, the original shelter had beautiful scenery and abundant supplies. But now it is the Gobi desert, and the family is surrounded by nothing. The last bit of data left constitutes the sunshine on the operating table, shining on the rabbit so that it can have a good sleep. As for the operating platform, it is now just a solid block of material and has no other functions.

Of course, Chu Jungui and Kaitian came here this time not just to say goodbye to Rabbit. In fact, he came to see if there were any missing data fragments or memory fragments that suddenly appeared. During this period of time, in order to prepare for the war, the doctor dug deep into the ground and used all the data he could find. The shelter is an important node, and many scattered data will treat it as a halfway point and pass by here from time to time.

Chu Jungui looked around the shelter and found nothing. In fact, this kind of behavior is indeed a bit embarrassing, but there is nothing we can do about it. After collecting all the data available, there are still too many omissions and defects. The Disno civilization can only know a rough idea, and most of the technology is missing. Most of Egger's memory has also been lost. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com can be read less than one millionth of its original size. And the most critical part is that the origin of derivative natural disasters and what happened after the invasion of real dreams are missing. This has led to the fact that human understanding of derivative natural disasters is still blank.

So even at the last moment before the war started, Chu Jungui and Kaitian were still working hard to collect data and try to make up for the missing parts. The so-called Disno history, technology, and Aige's personal memories and insights are actually classified by humans according to their own knowledge framework, and the complete data may not necessarily look like what it is. Even a trivial complement may lead to different interpretations.

After looking at the entire shelter, the last remaining bit of data was the ray of sunshine on the rabbit's head. Chu Jun returned to look at the ray of sunshine, and then from the corner of his eye he saw Kai Tian gently shaking his head.

Chu Jungui estimated the amount of data in this ray of sunlight, which was the level of an ordinary light strip. When he was making equipment, he would produce hundreds of data light strips at one time.

This bit of data is most likely useless... While hesitating, Chu Jungui looked at Kaitian again and clearly felt his reluctance. No matter what, Rabbit is a comrade who has lived and died with Kaitian, and what he enjoys now is the last peace in his life. After arriving at Egg's graveyard and breaking Egg's concept of existence, the entire real dream will disappear, including the rabbit.

Chu Jungui did not touch the ray of sunshine, and felt a little ashamed of what he had just thought. Kaitian said goodbye to Rabbit, and left the shelter with Chu Jungui. After they left, the rabbit began to sleep again, and the sunlight became dim and warm.

But Chu Jungui didn't see that there was a wall in the deepest part of the sunlight, which was covered with cracks, and each one was bleeding.


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