God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1292: source

Chu Jungui stretched out his hand, but found that he had no hand at all. Not only the hands, but the entire body disappeared, leaving only pure consciousness. Chu Jungui looked around again, and this time he "saw" Doctor, Kaitian and Mi'er. They also only have consciousness left. As for Lin Xi, he does not exist in this world at all.

"This is where?"

The doctor's figure appeared, but it was just a translucent shadow. He looked at the crimson cone in the center and said slowly: "We are in the consciousness of the creator, and now we are looking at the entire universe from Egg's perspective."

Is Egg really about the same size as a star? Chu Jungui thought. When he first saw the history of Disno, Chu Jungui had no idea about the size of Disno. Things like 10 or 20 light years were just simple numbers. But now seeing the toy-like galaxies around him, Chu Jungui finally had an intuitive feeling.

No...Chu Jungui thought of an unreasonable place. The distances between galaxies should be very far away, measured in light years. But when Chu Jungui looked at several surrounding star systems, he found that he could see very clearly and without delay. What he saw was what was happening in the stars.

In other words, Egg actually brought hundreds of galaxies up, down, left, and right into his perception range, and he would know everything that happened within this range. In a sense, this is the omniscient and omnipotent Lord.

The diameter of Egg's perception range is about 3 light-years. The density of galaxies in this area is much greater than that of the human home star, and also exceeds all of humanity's current star fields. After all, humans only live in the outermost areas of the river system, and the density of galaxies is far less than that in the center of the river system.

According to Desno's common sense, the range of perception of a Desno individual is often the range of its body. In other words, Egg is actually a top-level Disno who has reached the light level? However, in Egger's own memory, his body was trapped in a singularity, doubly suppressed by both universes, and was severely stunted. A stunted person can be 3 light years old. If he could grow freely in the universe, wouldn't there be a powerful Disno leader who is 10 light years old?

But now Chu Jungui couldn't care less about his emotion. He looked at the crimson vertebral body and didn't know how to start. Inside this cone is Egger's concept of existence. It can be said to be Egger's body or the cemetery. Compared with the surrounding galaxies, the cone is equivalent to an ordinary star, twice the size of the star of humankind's home planet. But in Chu Jungui's perception, this vertebral body neither exists nor exists. Its state keeps switching between stars and nothingness, and the switching is completely irregular.

Chu Jungui had no talent in basic science and was confused about this phenomenon. He didn't know whether he should attack or not. Even if he wanted to attack, he couldn't do it. He couldn't lock the target at all. It is likely that when Chu Jungui's attack arrived, Aige's graveyard suddenly turned into a point.

Except for Chu Jungui, Mi'er knew nothing about it, and Kaitian was about the same as Chu Jungui. Fortunately, there is still a doctor, so Chu Jungui and Kaitian are waiting for the doctor's decision.

After an unknown amount of time, the doctor spoke slowly: "Time has no meaning here, so we can relax a little. When I came here, I confirmed something, something related to us."

Is it related to yourself? Chu Jungui listened silently.

"The creator Iger once put many concepts into our universe, and most of them were neutralized by our universe because the rules were inconsistent. But at the last moment, he had some understanding of our universe, and the concepts he put in finally affected our universe. life. Perhaps because they are the closest, humans are the most affected. In the evolutionary history of the home planet, humans have become intelligent life in a short period of time, which is actually not an accident. Many geniuses in history who have changed the course of history, It’s all influenced by the concept.”

"When humans set foot in the stars, it was actually equivalent to giving feedback on the concept of projection. Based on the feedback, Iger greatly deepened his understanding of our universe, so he launched a new concept. The new concept already contains the characteristics of our universe. Some elements, so the influence is more significant. In just one thousand years, the territory of human beings has expanded to 3,000 light years. Let’s talk about something related to us. We already know that the emergence of the Mist Tribe is actually a group of people who were influenced by the concept. Scientists sensed the existence of Disno through some way, and then began to study the form of aggregate consciousness life forms, and finally created the Mist Tribe."

Kaitian listened attentively. This is the mystery of its origin, which has troubled it for a long time.

The doctor continued: "My grandfather was among the scientists who created the Mist Clan."

Now it was Chu Jungui's turn to be shocked.

The doctor said: "The genetic memory of the Mist Tribe is actually derived from Disno's technology. When they grow to a certain stage, they will have some ability to communicate with the environment and can retrieve the knowledge pre-existing there from a specific time and space. Jun Gui has been studying for a long time but has not been able to figure out what genetic memory is. Later, the dynasty also mobilized a large number of scientists. They also could not understand why so much information could be accommodated in limited gene fragments. In fact, the information was stored in the environmental space. Or to be more precise, stored in this part of the universe.”

Chu Jungui asked: "So you know everything from the beginning?"

The doctor shook his head and said: "This history is actually stored in the genetic memory of our family. It wasn't until I became crazy obsessed with scientific research that I suddenly learned about the real dream. But at that time, it was just some fragmentary information. I thought It was my own flash of inspiration. Later, as I got deeper and deeper into the real dream, more memories were awakened. It was also at that time that I learned about the existence of the Mist Clan."

"My grandfather was not the first person to create the Mist Clan. In his generation, a dozen scientists independently proposed the idea of ​​the Mist Clan. After my grandfather discovered this, he wrote to them respectively. In the end, 8 Several scientists are willing to cooperate on this project. They believe that polymer life is the next step in human evolution, and energy life is too far away and unrealistic. Since then, it has been a history of hard work by a few scientific madmen."

"In the beginning, they were poor and had nothing. The highly sensitive nature of this project prevented them from raising funds publicly and obtaining support. So in order to have the initial laboratory, they opened the Starship Construction Group, Space Base Design and Construction company, in order to have a reliable transport fleet, they had to open a starship manufacturing factory; without energy, they founded Deep Space Energy; without supplies, they opened Deep Space Food; finally, because of their own shortages, they had to open a established its own bank and financial exchange…”

The more Chu Jungui listened, the more wrong he became. What the doctor said was that there were several Big Macs in the top 500 in the Galaxy. So it turned out that they were all opened by his grandfather's group? ?

But it doesn't seem strange when you think about it. These guys are all people who were influenced by the concept of Desno. They are not normal human beings in the first place. Whether they can be called human is controversial. Now Chu Jungui finally knows that whether you are a human being depends not on appearance or even genes, but on the fundamental concept of existence. In a sense, the doctor's grandfather's batch can be said to be alien creatures wearing human skin. A group of people have even created the Mist Clan, making some money is no problem.

The doctor's story is continuing, but the taste is even more wrong: "In order to ensure the safety of the laboratory, they had to acquire a little-known security company; because they were not satisfied with the existing weapons and equipment on the market, they were forced to Get involved in the military industry; when the conditions are basically available, it is difficult to recruit qualified employees, so we have to train our own security forces from scratch. In the end, these piecemeal industries were put into the security company and Billing was established Germany Group.”

"The basis of all research is computing power. Without enough computing power, nothing can be done. Because they were dissatisfied with the existing master brain, someone proposed a plan to transform a star into a new generation of master brain, but this The plan was terminated due to an accident..."

At this point, the doctor paused, and Chu Jungui finally breathed a sigh of relief. If you keep listening, I'm afraid these lunatics might even be able to move the galaxy.

"They successfully cultivated the first generation of the Mist Tribe. She seemed perfect: intelligent, super adaptable, with computing potential comparable to the Master Brain, and able to reproduce. In the laboratory, she completed The first single-body reproduction split into five mist tribes with independent consciousness. They were not children, they all had their own independent will and could reproduce. However, one day, one of the mist tribes suddenly lost control."

"The Mist child escaped from the laboratory and fled to the nearest planet. In the battle with the pursuit force, it learned to swallow and transform planetary material, learned to absorb energy from stellar radiation and material decomposition, and learned to Making various weapons and splitting into many sub-bodies...yes, that is the first war lord. Jungui, your Dao brother inherited her path."

"The war was completely out of control. They filled in an entire Marine Corps and half an interstellar fleet, but still could not destroy the War Lords. The surface of the planet was filled with lairs of War Lords, and the number of their offspring exceeded 10 billion. The War Lord's body has penetrated into the core of the planet, and it is impossible to completely eliminate it without destroying the entire planet. Before the situation completely got out of control, they had to push the entire planet to the star, and then destroyed the War Lord and the planet together. "

"The accident also resulted in the death of 4 of the original 9-member committee. Including the 2 who had passed away before, UU Kanshu www.uukanshcom ended up with only 3 people left. They realized the endless potential of the Mist Tribe and They also realized that humans could not control the Fog Tribe at all, so they ended the experiment, sealed the data in a natural cage planet, and then started their own lives incognito."

The more Chu Jungui listened, the more something was wrong. Isn't that a natural prison? Planet No. 4?

The doctor continued: "The conclusion that has been drawn at that time is that normal humans cannot control the Fog Clan. Once the Fog Clan develops, they will be able to get rid of the shackles of humans sooner or later. What about abnormal humans? After suspending the project, the three people on the committee quietly We have started new research, and the research direction is intelligent life in the form between humans and the Mist Tribe."

Chu Jungui suddenly felt that his throat was dry, and then he noticed that Mi'er seemed to be nervous.

The doctor then said: "Mi'er, you are the fruit of your research, right?"

Mil was silent for a long time before saying: "My father created me, and I also have part of my father's genes, so I think he is my father."

The doctor pondered for a moment and said: "The normal experimental process should not have your ability... It's not that the probability is low, but it's completely impossible. But it doesn't matter, science is always full of surprises. Without your ability, we wouldn't be here today. How to open Egg's graveyard. A normal creator's graveyard should be similar to a black hole that can absorb all matter and energy. We will not see any color. But now, we see deep red, which is a derivative natural disaster. Maybe I will change way, you can see it more clearly.”

Chu Jungui felt a slight change in his consciousness. The doctor adjusted his system for receiving data, and more changes came from the system for processing data. After the change was completed, the world in Chu Jungui's eyes completely changed.


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