God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 462: Who gives courage?

"Refuse to play?" Sinoe's voice was chilling.

Jane took a step closer and said: "The fighter planes are not starships. They acted in such an environment and they would be over once they were swept by the outbreak of ion storms. It is not a crisis moment for the fleet's life and death. According to federal regulations, they have reasons to refuse ."

Sinoe calmed down for a moment, then pointed in the direction of the fake sawtooth knife and said, "Isn't that a fighter?"

"It's bigger than the heavy fighter after all. Master, you're already a little messy."

Sinoe's face became more and more gloomy, and he said slowly, "No, I'm not in a mess. I just wondered, when will this guy really get a glimpse of my fighting fighter skills."

Jane didn't seem surprised, but just persuaded: "In your capacity, it doesn't seem necessary to take risks now."

"There is no problem winning him, this is not an adventure at all!"

Jane is still insisting, “I’m not doubting your fighter’s level of driving. I just need to remind you that your grandfather is in critical condition and he has assigned most of his legacy to you. If you have an accident, then This legacy will fall into the hands of your cousin. And your cousin seems to be pursuing your fiancee frantically."

Sinoe's face was blue and white, "How do you know everything?"

"This is the duty of an intelligence officer."

"You seem to be focusing on something too broad!"

Jane was not afraid, saying, "All my starting points are to make you better."

Sinoe sighed and said, "If I flinch, I might leave a stain."

"Before you, I heard that a lot of people have hit the wall here. With them in front, you will not be too ugly to retreat at this time."

"Not too ugly, isn't it still ugly? Okay, you don't need to persuade me, just follow the original plan."

"Sir, I have to remind you. Your opponent is very unreasonable, so your new tactics may not work."

Sinoe sneered, "I can't help but squash past him, what else can he do?"

Jane is worried, and can't persuade anymore.

The Federal Fleet finally moved, led by the heavy cruiser, led the light cruiser and the destroyer, and vigorously pressed to the lower orbit, starting the carpet search. Sinoe is convinced that the opponent must have secretly established an orbital base. As long as you find and destroy this base, you can gain advantage in one fell swoop.

After several battles with Chu Jungui, Sinoe has roughly judged the direction of the opponent's appearance, and now he is repeatedly searching in that direction, and can always find the secret base of Chu Jungui.

The search is long and boring, and it is not a matter of half an hour to search an area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers when the horizon is only a few hundred kilometers. Sinoe had been staring at the operation for ten hours, finally tired, and returned to the bedroom to rest. This is a protracted battle, compared to patience and consumption.

After searching all day and night in this way, Sinoe finally found the orbital energy supply station hidden on the surface of the storm cloud and the temporary warehouse built nearby. The warehouse contains the wreckage and parts of various starships collected by Chu Jun.

This piecemeal building together is not even a destroyer big, for Sinoe it is a bit of meat in the teeth. But he was still very excited. He stared at the two rail buildings for a long time before saying: "I haven't seen such a peculiar rail station for a long time, which reminds me of the college era."

Jane also nodded, “Yes, we didn’t have much money at the time, but we had to hand in our graduation works. So the last rail station we built was weird, how to save money and how to come. At that time, there was a senior who used building blocks on a substrate. Build a fully functional orbital station."

Sinoe said with a smile: "At that time, your sealed cabin plan really surprised me. No one thought you would use a piece of plastic cloth as a seal."

"At that time, my budget was only 11 yuan. A large piece of plastic cloth cost me 7 yuan, and then I consumed 2 yuan of armor fuel to cover it."

Sinoe looked at the orbital station's gaze no longer, "Send someone to see it first, maybe not in a hurry to destroy it."

Jane nodded and began to issue orders. A moment later, a small landing ship carrying a dozen soldiers flew from the heavy cruiser, flew to the orbital station, and began to check on the station.

The image from the orbital station was sent back, and Sinoe looked startled: "This is the destroyer's energy cabin? They actually built an orbital energy station here? This..."

In Sino's impression, the orbital energy stations are very high-end atmosphere, that is the monopoly industry of deep space energy, each orbital energy supply station is like a small space city, with all kinds of facilities inside, no matter what you want Services can be found.

After watching the team inside and outside, the team members who checked the station replied: "The guide bee reported back to the mother ship. We did not see any defensive facilities. The base is working normally and is recharging the energy cabin. It is expected to fully fill an energy cabin. The time is 4 hours."

"Huh? 4 hours?" Sinoe's expression changed, saying, "This small energy station can fill an energy tank in 4 hours? This is impossible! Scan the charging device to determine its total power."

The boarding team members emitted a scanning beam and began to test the power furnace. After a while, the test result came out, and he was shocked too, reporting with a trembling voice: "The guide bee returns to the mother ship, the total power of the energy station is... 21 million kilowatts. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"What?" Sinoe was taken aback, and then calmed down instantly, and the color of happiness emerged: "It seems that Shengtang has taken a step ahead of us and mastered the breakthrough energy technology! As long as we get these samples, we will make a big contribution this time! Let the blue fish Go forward and take away everything that can be loaded. I will not allow even the smallest screw..."

Sinoe's voice was still echoing in the communication channel, a strange flying object was ejected from the storm clouds, and in a blink of an eye, it rushed to the front of the re-tour!

Sinoe vaguely distinguished from the material that this flying object was the egg that brought him the painful loss before. But now its appearance is almost completely changed, from egg shape to weird lotus shape. The original main gun secondary gun is located in the heart of the lotus, and the lotus is surrounded by holes.

The appearance of this flying object is very funny, but Sinoe has no feeling of wanting to laugh at all. The closer the shower was, the stronger the alertness in his heart.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the heavy cruiser is very relaxed. The heavy cruiser not only has the main gun, but also has up to twelve secondary guns. Moreover, the defense of the heavy patrol is not comparable to that of the destroyer, so the officers locked the little guy and looked at it mockingly, wanting to see what it could do.

Sino suddenly shouted, "Fire! Don't let it come near!"

The officers were startled. After all, the reaction was still a bit slow. Multiple high-energy beams hit the small spaceship, but it took a while to penetrate.

At this time, a space torpedo slid out of every hole in the shower! Dozens of space torpedo volleys hit an overwhelming momentum!

Inside the starship, Chu Jun let out a sigh of relief and said, "27 torpedoes fired in a burst and always blown its head."

Li Ruobai laughed and said, "That's it! Don't escape in the face of a bursting serrated knife, I really don't know who gave him the courage!"

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