God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 108

Chapter 108 Doomsday Major General’s Palm Pet 29

Whether it was Shu Xu and others, or Qi Yu, everyone felt that Hong Ying and others were unusual.

But what is surprising is that one night passed, and there was no accident.

Moreover, Hongying also prepared a sumptuous breakfast.

When everyone was eating, Shu Xu sensitively felt that Hongying’s eyes looked at them with a trace of regret.


What is she regretting?

Shu Xu turned his smart brain while picking powder in his mouth.

Then, caught off guard, a counter-thinking thought suddenly ran into his head.

Shu Xu’s eyes sank, and he recalled all the things they had happened after seeing Hong Ying yesterday. Shu Xu finally knew.

In fact, this is a trap set by Hongying.

She deliberately showed the extraordinaryness of this village in front of everyone, knowing that food is precious in the end, but she still entertains everyone with big fish and meat, just to arouse everyone’s curiosity and greed.

If Qi Yu really agreed to Mao Shuang’s request last night and sent someone out to investigate at night, maybe Hongying and the others had already prepared some post-recruitment and were waiting for everyone.

Hong Ying clearly saw that Qiyu’s team had so many people, and each possessed supernatural powers, and had a high level of cultivation.

But she was still fearless, looked casual, and was able to speak with ease. Obviously there were other cards that Shu Xu and others hadn’t discovered that hadn’t been exposed.

Just waiting for everyone to get the bait last night.

Fortunately, everyone did not change last night.

Although this village is weird, everyone has other tasks after all. After finding Dr. Zhang, it is not too late to come and explore the village.

After trying to understand all of this, Shu Xu became more and more vigilant towards Hong Ying and at the same time admired Qi Yu more and more.

These things he only wanted to understand until now, I am afraid that Qi Yu had already understood it when he had dinner last night or when he saw Hong Ying’s high-profile behavior.

After everyone had breakfast, Shu Xu said goodbye to Hongying.

Hong Ying looked at the group of people. Although she regretted that she didn’t make a big deal last night, she still agreed with them to leave and even told the villagers to remove all the wooden stakes outside.

However, just as Shu Xu and others were driving away from here, a thin, tall man ran to Hong Ying’s ear and whispered something to her. The smile on Hong Ying’s face suddenly became cold. Down.

“Quick! Stop them!” Hong Ying said.

With her utterance, the villagers immediately held weapons one by one and stopped in front of the Hummer.

Hundreds of villagers rushed out from all directions at once, and if they didn’t agree with each other, the hostile mode was turned on.

Shu Xu frowned, put down the car window, his eyes were heavy, and he looked at Hong Ying solemnly and said, “Sister Hong, what do you mean?”

“What do you mean? Hand over the people, otherwise don’t want to take a half step out of our village!” Hong Ying sneered, looking at Shu Xu and others, without the kindness and enthusiasm of half of the time.

Shu Xu and the others were almost confused by her abrupt expression, but fortunately everyone could understand what Hong Ying said.

Shu Xu said, “Who? Sister Hong, did you make a mistake? Thirty-nine when we came, and thirty-nine when we leave now.”

Although Shu Xu still called her Sister Hong, her voice also fell cold.

In Shu Xu’s cold voice, Hong Ying recovered a bit of her mind.

The team in front of them is not easy to provoke, but thinking of the person who ran away, Hong Ying bit her lip and said coldly, “I want to search for a car!”

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