God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 High cold feeder, hug 4

After sleeping until he woke up naturally, Qi Yu looked at the bright sky outside and went to the kitchen to make some food for himself and Ningmeng.

Qi Yu passed through Li Boran’s body, but Ningmeng appeared directly, not the cat raised by Li Boran’s family.

Her existence can be regarded as a bug (loophole) in this world.

There is no cat food at home, and Li Boran never cooks by himself. The refrigerator in the kitchen is empty, and the kitchen is completely clean, without any smell of fireworks.

Qi Yu changed clothes and went out holding Ningmeng.

He first took Ningmeng to the pet shop to select cat food and dried fish.

The teenager was wearing an ordinary white shirt and jeans, with a slender figure, exquisite features, a cold look, and a clean breath.

What is inconsistent with his cold and alien temperament is that he is actually holding an off-white Scottish fold cat in his arms.

Originally, his own outstanding appearance and temperament were enough to attract the eyes of passers-by. At this moment, he was walking on the street with a cat in his arms. This harmonious scene made some young girls almost uncontrollable wanting to scream loudly.

Qi Yu turned a blind eye to the gazes of passers-by. After buying cat food and dried fish, he carried things and carried Ningmeng to a Chinese restaurant.

Qi Yu asked for a separate box. After ordering the dishes, while waiting for the dishes, Qi Yu opened a package of dried fish that he had just bought, and several dried fish fell into his palm.

Although Ningmeng has no memory, she knows she is a person anyway.

Although she is now crossing into the body of a cat, she wants her to eat cat food and dried fish like a cat. Ning Meng said that her heart is rejected.

But her refusal heart is no match for her honest body.

Almost the dried fish was opened, and when she smelled the dried fish, Ningmeng felt that she couldn’t control it.

She flicked her tail, raised her head and yelled three times.

“Eat.” Qi Yu handed the dried fish in the palm of her hand to her, Ning Meng bowed her head instinctively, sticking out her pink and tender tongue, and rolled one of the dried fish into her mouth.

“Meow ”

The kitten gave a happy cry and couldn’t stop eating.

The kitten has a small body and a small stomach capacity. After Ningmeng eats a few slices, he feels a little full.

She stretched out her tongue and licked her own mouth. She squinted her eyes halfway, rubbed Qi Yu’s palm, and then lowered her head to lick her fur.

It wasn’t until a while later that Ningmeng reflected what she had done.

Her eyes widened and her body stiffened. Even if she instinctively wanted to continue licking the fur, she still twisted her head forcibly.

The door of the room was knocked twice from the outside, and then the waiter who served the dishes walked in and put the dishes ordered by Qi Yu on the table one by one.

Ningmeng put Qi Yu on the seat, and after he went to wash his hands, he began to eat.

After eating, Ningmeng lay on the soft seat without any problems. The cat’s instincts made her lick the fur. Ningmeng had to divert her attention and focus on Qi Yu.

Because it was eaten by himself, Qiyu only ordered three dishes.

The chefs of this restaurant have excellent craftsmanship. The three simple home-cooked dishes are fried so that they are delicious, delicious, and appealing.

Ningmeng said with some envy: “It’s great to be a human being. If the next task is to make me a human, it would be great.”

“Huh?” Qi Yu uttered a monophonic word.

“This way you can eat a lot of delicious things!” Ningmeng said ambitiously, and the round cat pupil stared at the three dishes on the table without blinking.

Qi Yu stretched out his hand and squeezed her without speaking.

Ningmeng lay on the sofa, thinking about her three souls and seven souls who still don’t know where she is still floating, her face is unlovable.

Until a string of loud bells broke the quiet atmosphere in the box.

Qi Yu took out his mobile phone from his arms, and Ningmeng stood up vigorously, leaned on his lap, leaning on his furry head, and saw the call reminder that it was a call from a person named Tian Le.

Tian Le, like Li Boran, is also a dude. He usually calls Li Boran out for a drink. He looks like a good brother.

At that time, he was bought by Li Haojie, drugged Li Boran’s glass, and finally provided false testimony in front of the police officer, saying that Li Boran was taking drugs and that he was the one who killed the girl.

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