God-level Stealing System

Chapter 534: Kill the Quasi-Emperor!

A true quasi-emperor's blow. I feel like my blood is boiling. I will definitely be able to take it!

Under the ray of light as the elder of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom's royal family died, Silent's body inevitably trembled. There was fear in it, but more of it was excitement.

In the north of Snow Wolf City, the palm of the Lord of Snow Wolf City was isolated by two bronze fragments, and he was not deeply impressed.

Now, it was the first time that he faced a quasi-emperor level power. He believed that if the Son of Sun God could do it, he would also be able to do it!

So what about the fifth level of the Law Realm? What about the quasi-emperor? I, Shen Sheng, will break the shackles of the life level today and compose the following high song again!

Under that ray of light, Shen Shen gathered all his strength in the roar, and the Dao Yuan gathered by three thousand kinds of Tao formed the first barrier, firmly blocking Shen Shen's body.

His physical strength condensed into a real dragon, which was the Sanshou obtained from the vacuum magic. Facing the pressure of the Quasi-Emperor, he boldly rushed towards the light.

The power of five thousand miles of perception surged out from the center of the eyebrows and turned into a virtual dragon, wrapping silence in it. The dragon's head stared at the beam of light falling from the sky.

At the moment when the thunder exploded, the light finally approached the silence. It first shattered the silence's Daoyuan barrier, then broke down the silence's true dragon fist light, and then shattered inch by inch in those majestic dragon eyes. The power of silent perception!

And this only consumes half of the beam, and there is still more tenacious power to crush Silence into dust!

I...is more than that!

Silently roaring, a quasi-emperor's death blow did not disappoint him, making him feel the life-and-death crisis he had not seen for a long time.

Daoyuan was destroyed, his physical strength was shattered, and his sensory power was empty, but he still had an unyielding Dao heart, a will that would never give up, and a body that would never be defeated!

Gushang! Under the increasingly condensed beam of light, Shen Mo pointed out a finger with difficulty. He once thought that the derived magical power of Seizing the Dao Sutra was just the power of true energy, and at most it added fluctuations in perception.

But after entering the realm of enlightenment, he suddenly understood and had a new understanding of many magical powers and martial arts. After breaking through the realm of laws, his Taoist heart became much stronger again, and he was more certain of his ideas.

The ancient art of mourning... is the use of Taoist heart!

A bloody thunder flower suddenly appeared in front of that finger. When it bloomed, it seemed as if countless creatures had come across an era. The unyielding voice of grief and anger affected the world and actually hindered the progress of the light beam.

Click, click, click...

The quasi-emperor's power was indeed limitless. It was not completely forced back by the Blood Thunder Flower, but was still pressing hard. Under that terrifying pressure, the Blood Thunder Flower continued to crack, and finally exploded.

The beam of light that was once again weak finally broke all obstacles and reached the silent body!

But his silent body is also a symbol of his unyieldingness!

First the silent index finger was broken, then the entire right fist, then the forearm, then the entire arm...

But just when the light shattered the right shoulder of Silence, and was about to pour into his head, the speed of the shattering of Silence's shoulder finally stopped!

It is a mysterious and mysterious aura. It has no entity, but it has real spirituality. It is wisdom that comes from scratch. It is the essence of the 150,000-year-old elixir mountain left by Fengyun Supreme!

Innate spirit!

After the final blow of the Heavenly Wolf Royal Family Patriarch broke through Su Shen's Tao Yuan, physical strength, sensory power, and even Taoist power, the innate spirit finally caught up.

Its power to crush everything was blocked by the rich vitality of the innate spirit and then pushed back inch by inch, completely forcing the remaining power of the beam out of Silence's body!

You are indeed a Dao Taoist who is rare to see in a million years. What if I keep you? Let me get rid of the greatest enemy for the Son of God today!

The middle-aged man whose body was filled with golden light moved. He was also a quasi-emperor. He previously disdained joining forces with the royal clan elder to suppress silence, but now he regretted it.

He didn't expect that this person who came from the outside and was ranked number one in the Hundred Countries would be so powerful at this level!

With the fifth level of Law Realm, he can withstand the Quasi-Emperor's attack without dying!

This made him murderous. The moment Shen Mo forced the last beam of light power out of his body, he finally took action. His big hands turned into wolf claws, and he actually wanted to tear Silence apart when it was at its weakest!

What a quasi-emperor! Sure enough, you who have already knelt down can't stand up no matter how powerful you are!

Shen Mo suddenly turned his head. Facing the middle-aged man's attack, he had no anger and his eyes remained calm, because this was what he expected.

Open Heaven Boxing Way! Shen Mo punched with his left hand. The light of the punch, which was originally ordinary, caused the aftermath of the previous collision between Shen Mo and the patriarch of the Tianlang Kingdom royal family. The remaining power of the calm origin of the robbery was attracted into the fist light!

Back when Kaitian Boxing was only a seventh-level magical power, if enough Wu Zhun power was mobilized, it could be comparable to an eighth-level magical power.

Now that he has broken through the eighth level, coupled with the remaining power after the death of a quasi-emperor, he has definitely reached the height of the ninth level of magical power!

Such a punch is powerful. If faced with the beam of light from the royal family elder again, Silence could break it with just this punch!

The middle-aged man obviously had no intention of being buried with Shen Shen. His claws did not reveal his quasi-emperor height. Therefore, at the moment of collision, he was crushed to ashes by Shen Shen's fist, and also led the rest of the power to kill together. its owner.


Such a huge change gave the middle-aged man no time to react. Silence's punch penetrated his head, leaving only his shocked eyes of disbelief!

How...is it possible? the middle-aged man screamed. He desperately mobilized his strength to repair his injuries, but Silence's punch was too powerful. The penetrating power tore his body and destroyed everything in his body. vitality.


A small white wolf emerged from the broken body and ran away into the distance. This was the soul of the middle-aged man. The destruction of his body at the quasi-emperor level did not mean real death.

But he was still frightened by the silence, and only the thought of escape remained in his mind.

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