God of Blackfield

Chapter 367: It Will Be a Good Lesson (2)

The funeral hall was now bursting with off-duty 606 members, counter-terrorism team agents, National Intelligence Service's front company staff, and overseas special forces soldiers. It was so crowded with soldiers who had heard about Kang Chul-Gyu and the DMZ team that there was barely any room to walk.

As the funeral home staff struggled to manage the crowd, Choi Jong-Il approached Kang Chan.

"We should use two more sections," he recommended.

"Go for it. Make sure there's enough food as well," Kang Chan ordered.

"Yes, sir."

Choi Jong-Il arranged to use the adjacent empty spaces, which provided a bit more room to sit. When the deceased’s uncle and aunt arrived from Jangseong with their children, the line of mourners stretched even longer. While Seok Kang-Ho quietly greeted the soldiers, the deceased’s uncle and aunt were simply grateful, not saying much else.

Kang Chan was about to get up when he caught Kang Chul-Gyu’s gaze, who seemed to have something to say. There was no need to draw attention. Hence, Kang Chan gestured to the door with a nod and stood up.

"I'm going to have a smoke," Kang Chan said, preventing the soldiers from following him.

Where the hell is that guy, though?

Glancing over, Kang Chan found Gérard talking with the interpreter, surrounded by soldiers listening intently. He decided to leave them be for now.

Upon climbing the stairs and stepping out to the entrance of the funeral hall, the darkness and the city lights seemingly rushed at him. He made sure to avoid disturbing the soldiers who were smoking. Not long after, Kang Chul-Gyu approached him.

He pointed to a coffee shop across the road. "Think we can get some coffee over there?"

There was no need for further discussion. Kang Chan took the lead, and Kang Chul-Gyu walked beside him.

Kang Chul-Gyu was wearing the clothes that Kang Chan had bought for him at the department store last time. It was alright, though, since it still fit the occasion.

"What do you want to drink?" Kang Chan asked.

"Maybe a coffee?"

"Sit down. I'll order."

Kang Chan ordered two warm coffees and brought them to the terrace where Kang Chul-Gyu was sitting. The night air was still chilly.

"When are we heading out?" Kang Chul-Gyu asked as Kang Chan sat down.

He’s got something to say.

Kang Chan took a sip of his coffee and put it down. He then looked at Kang Chul-Gyu.

"Dong-Sik looks like he needs some more time. If it’s alright, we’d like to leave first and give him time to sort things out."

"What’s going on?" Kang Chan asked.

With a slightly awkward expression, Kang Chul-Gyu answered, "I want to give my team a chance to seek forgiveness from their families before it’s too late. I told them they could go home if they wanted, but Dong-Sik..."

Kang Chul-Gyu briefly mentioned that Yang So-Mi, Dong-Sik's daughter, was struggling. Honestly, Kang Chan found it funny. These people could take down a UIS executive with a single glance, yet they needed time to deal with a son-in-law. Kang Chan was subtly worried that the son-in-law would end up hanging from a Chinese restaurant sign somewhere in Seoul.

"Are you sure nothing will go wrong?"

"They won't make a scene," Kang Chul-Gyu assured.

He clearly didn't mean that they wouldn't hit him—just that they wouldn't cause any problems.

Well, that’s not a big deal.

"Alright, then. I have a meeting at the embassy tomorrow morning. We need to discuss how other intelligence agencies are evaluating this operation and what our next steps should be. It would be best to leave after the funeral and then stay for about three days."

Kang Chul-Gyu nodded, agreeing to stay at the hotel for three more days with no incidents.

Why is he always so composed when we're alone?

"I'm going to head back first," said Kang Chul-Gyu, ending the conversation somewhat awkwardly.

What a stubborn old man!

He wanted to spend more time with Kang Chan but did not want to show that he felt awkward about it. However, his expression had already revealed everything.

Kang Chul-Gyu exited the coffee shop and crossed the street.


If it weren't for the awkwardness, they might have gotten even closer. As Kang Chan pursed his lips, Choi Jong-Il and Woo Hee-Seung entered the coffee shop.

"Sit down. Got a cigarette?" Kang Chan asked.

While Woo Hee-Seung went to order, Choi Jong-Il handed over a cigarette and a lighter.



Exhaling the smoke, his frustration eased a bit.

"Manager Kim left a while ago. He saw you two and asked me to convey his apologies for not being able to say goodbye."

Kang Chan nodded. By tomorrow morning, Lanok would arrive in Seoul.

"Let's head back to the office after coffee."

"Yes, sir."

"Call Gérard to the side before we leave," Kang Chan ordered.

Kang Chan flicked the ash from his cigarette while listening to Choi Jong-Il's response.


For once, he had truly slept soundly and deeply. He thought about going home to Hannam-dong but disliked the emptiness, so Kang Chan fell asleep on the office sofa.


Every part of him hurt. Even just sitting or standing up made his entire body ache and throb.


His wounds had to be stretched regularly. If he left the stitches to pull, every move he’d make would become unbearable. Stepping out of the conference room, he watched the morning light outside the window.

Gérard, lying on a cot, raised his head. Choi Jong-Il, Woo Hee-Seung, and Lee Doo-Hee almost simultaneously got up. It was the usual morning scene. Apart from the lingering pain and wounds, they felt as if they had just woken up from a long dream.

Kang Chan walked to the table against the wall and drank some water. Mornings like this made him crave coffee, especially sweet, instant ones.


"I'll handle it," Choi Jong-Il offered.

"No need. Want some?"

While Kang Chan was making coffee with Choi Jong-Il, the interpreter approached with a weary face.

"You didn't go home?" Kang Chan asked.

"I thought things might get busy, so I headed straight here."

It seemed he had come by another car.

Didn't this guy say he had a daughter? Come to think of it, I still don't know her name.

After breakfast, Kang Chan quickly washed up and left the office. Covering the deep wound on his face with a bandage made him look much better.

Eventually, he went on his way to meet Lanok. Looking out the car window, he couldn't help but smile. It felt good that Lanok wasn’t in Loriam anymore and that Kang Chan could meet him any time they were both available. It was as if this was some kind of reward for completing the mission and returning alive.

Eventually, the familiar embassy building came into view. As they entered the parking lot, they found Raphael waiting to greet him.

"Welcome, Monsieur Kang."

Raphael certainly looked more relaxed now.

"Where’s the ambassador?"

"He’s waiting for you in his office. Please follow me."

Raphael treated Kang Chan with even more respect than before. Kang Chan walked through the familiar entrance and up the stairs. Afterward, he made his way down the carpeted hallway and, finally, entered the office.

"Monsieur Kang!" Lanok exclaimed. He approached Kang Chan with a bright smile and wide-open arms.

"Mr. Ambassador."

Kang Chan was genuinely glad to see him.

"Monsieur Kang,” Pierre, who was standing nearby, greeted.

"Please, have a seat."

Lanok led Kang Chan to the table.

"Unfortunately, I have an appointment, so I must leave. Please enjoy your time with the ambassador, Monsieur Kang."

After excusing himself, Pierre left immediately. There was nothing they could do about his busy schedule.

Once the two had sat down, Lanok poured them some tea.


"How are you?"

"I'm fine."

Lanok nodded and lifted his teacup. Pushing aside the pleasantries, he got straight to business.

"Now, we’re truly at war.”

He explained in detail how they eliminated key Rothschild family figures, froze their Swiss accounts, and withdrew their investments.

"Roman is in the United States right now, and Josh is detained somewhere in the UK. We will decide on their fate soon."

Kang Chan understood that a lot had happened behind the scenes. With Lanok now back in position, he seemed to have taken the responsibility of handling them.

"There won't be any immediate changes, though. Knowing your abilities and character, they certainly won't act rashly. For now, we should monitor the situation and respond accordingly."

"So we have some time for now?"

"Yes. In the meantime, we need to work on connecting the Eurasian Rail and constructing the next-generation energy facilities. Think of it as a well-deserved break."

"Where will you be, Mr. Ambassador?"

"Where else but by your side, Monsieur Kang?"

Kang Chan laughed. He felt like they had just parted ways yesterday and were meeting again today.

"Since we've cut off a part of their body, the Star of David will undoubtedly plan a major counterattack. Something bigger than nuclear missiles and more frightening than the gold currency standard. We need to prepare as much as we can while we wait for it."

Since Lanok was an expert in this area, Kang Chan asked all the questions he had. Their conversation continued until noon and carried on over lunch. As they finished their meal, a familiar figure walked into the dining room.


"Monsieur Kang!"

This is what life is about! Meeting and spending time with people you care about.

"Am I interrupting?" Anne asked.

"Not at all," Kang Chan answered.

Lanok, looking unusually relaxed, gestured for her to join them.

"Have you had lunch?"

"I ate out."

After some brief introductions, Anne brought up an unexpected topic.

"The DGSE asked us to recommend a new Director-General."

"Hmm, that's a tough issue. We need someone we can trust completely..."

This was a difficult decision to make.

As Kang Chan took a sip of his coffee, Lanok called him. "Mr. Kang Chan."

"Mr. Ambassador."

Hearing the title "Ambassador" brought a smile to Lanok's face.

"How about sending Gérard to the DGSE?"

"What do you mean?"

Kang Chan didn’t know what to say. After all, he didn’t expect to hear such a suggestion.

"Gérard is highly trusted among the Foreign Legion, especially the special forces. He is incredibly loyal to you and has a favorable view of Korea. His activities over the past year could pose a problem, though..."

So he has been thinking about this.

The more he listened, the more Kang Chan realized that Lanok had already planned to send Gérard to the DGSE. Kang Chan had momentarily forgotten, but this was the kind of man Lanok was. Gérard joining the DGSE would ensure that Kang Chan could never turn against France—a calculated move by Lanok.

"That concern can be managed by the trust you place in him, Mr. Kang Chan."

"What kind of role will Gérard have?"

"I plan to appoint him as the Inspector Director-General of the DGSE with the same level of authority as the Deputy Director-General."

Kang Chan tilted his head in confusion as Lanok's gaze suddenly turned cold.

"The current DGSE needs thorough reorganization. I will grant Gérard the authority to remove any suspicious deputies below the rank of Deputy Director-General."

Kang Chan exhaled quietly. Such a task would require Gérard to risk his life.

"Will Gérard accept this proposal?"

"It depends on how you persuade him, Mr. Kang Chan," Lanok answered.

"I'm worried there isn’t anyone in the DGSE who will follow Gérard."

"He has achieved great success in a short time by winning over the special forces members of the Foreign Legion. If he can do that, he can certainly remove the dubious deputies within the intelligence agency and build a new team that supports him."

"You’ve had Gérard in mind from the beginning, haven’t you, Mr. Ambassador?"

"All that’s left is your approval, Monsieur Kang."

Why is everything moving so fast?

Kang Chan was once again reminded of how powerful Lanok was.

"Do I have the authority to make such a decision?"

"Everyone in the intelligence bureau knows Gérard is your man. I’m taking this opportunity to hand over the DGSE to you and to ask you to protect France's future."

Lanok looked straight at Kang Chan, his face void of any smile, expression, or emotion.

"I expect you to use Gérard to take control of the DGSE. Once he has properly established himself, I intend to appoint him as its Director-General. I hope you look after him and nurture any new talents with him."

Lanok's voice, though soft, carried a strong resolve. Another deep sigh escaped Kang Chan. This was a request, a wish, and an expectation he couldn't refuse.

"Understood. I'll discuss this with Gérard as soon as I return."

"I look forward to a favorable outcome."

Doesn't this feel like some kind of trick? It's as if Lanok and the DGSE were put into a bowl and spun around, and then I was asked to pick one.

As if reading Kang Chan's mind, Lanok suddenly changed the topic.

"Monsieur Kang, do you have an idea of the scale of funds flowing into Korea?"


"I'm talking about the Rothschild funds that we’ve seized in Switzerland and other countries. A portion of that amount will be transferred to Korea."

"That’s not really my area of expertise," Kang Chan answered.

Lanok nodded as if he had expected that response.

"The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is not a government institution; it consists of twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks and four thousand eight hundred affiliate banks."

The sudden shift to economics made Kang Chan pay close attention.

"Since most of those banks are in the hands of the Rothschilds, the US is seizing this opportunity to reclaim the Federal Reserve Bank."

Seeing Kang Chan's expression, Lanok quickly continued, "The funds from the Swiss banks and foreign intelligence bureaus amount to roughly two trillion dollars."

Kang Chan couldn't help but laugh.

Shouldn't something like this feel more impactful? Isn’t that enough to buy everyone in Korea pork cutlets?

"Negotiate with the Korean government,” Lanok said.

Kang Chan had trouble grasping everything that the man was saying.

"If they find out about the influx of that money, it will cause immense social chaos. Local governments, administrative departments, the National Assembly, the judiciary, and even civic groups will scramble to benefit from it."

"How are France and other countries managing this?"

"The DGSE has taken control of it. It’s turned into some kind of national slush fund."

What? Are they suggesting we hide the money?

Seemingly reading Kang Chan’s mind again, Lanok nodded.

"The Star of David might be waiting for such a scenario so they could trigger massive inflation. They have the power to make the dollar more worthless than toilet paper."

All this is giving me is a vague sense of dread. Honestly, I can imagine a few hundred special forces soldiers charging in with bombs right this instant. On the contrary, talk of money and inflation feels like a distant concern.

Thanks to his economics education in Niaplu, Kang Chan could at least somewhat understand all this.

Did Lanok ensure I get that training because he has foreseen this situation?

Kang Chan couldn't help but laugh again.

"I am no match for you, Mr. Ambassador."

Lanok gave him a mysterious smile. "If the heads of European intelligence bureaus heard you, they'd probably reevaluate me."

The conversation ended there.

Kang Chan stood up and exchanged farewells with Lanok and Anne.

"I’ll be taking my leave, Mr. Ambassador. I'll contact you after discussing things with Gérard," he said.

Lanok only nodded. After Kang Chan left the dining room, Lanok sat back down and spoke to Anne.

"Never forget Kang Chan's eyes when he heard about the two trillion dollars earlier. He wasn't shaken at all. People who don't covet what's not theirs are truly formidable. On the other hand, he hesitated when I suggested sending Gérard to the DGSE."

Lanok looked at the door through which Kang Chan had exited, then gazed back at Anne.

"He calculated whether Gérard would be in danger and if he could help in the worst-case scenario. Meeting Kang Chan was a huge opportunity for France. Fortunately, we’ve endlessly prepared for the future."

"I agree,” Anne responded, which Lanok seemed satisfied with.

"Everything seems to be falling into place now."

"Is it really okay to eliminate the DGSE's executives, though?" Anne asked.

"In the world of intelligence, being 'tainted with a different color' means not just being useless but being harmful. Once tainted, they can never return,” Lanok replied with a firm expression. "Remember, any DGSE member who carries some other purpose aside from the glory of France must be removed, no matter who they are. They will always be a threat."

"I see.”

"Watching Gérard will be a valuable learning experience. His judgment, actions, and decisiveness—if his loyalty to Kang Chan can be directed toward France, there will be nothing more I could wish for."

"Yes, sir,” Anne responded respectfully.

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