God of Blackfield

Chapter 41: Taegeukgis On the Arm (2)

A heavy silence permeated the room as Seok Kang-ho applied gauze and bandages to the injury at the side of his neck.

Age was scary. Kang Chul-Gyu looked like he couldn’t understand, yet he still quietly stood by Kang Chan’s side and watched on.

In the silence, the third blood pack was filled up.

The soldier hesitated, knowing it would be too much to draw more blood. Hence, Seok Kang-Ho stepped in.

“Split that up and give it to the men equally,” he said firmly, then turned to Kang Chan. “That’s enough, Cap. We still have to fight, don’t we?”

Kang Chan gritted his teeth and nodded. His body was begging him to stop, and as Seok Kang-Ho said, they still had a battle ahead.

“Did you give me a blood transfusion too?” Kang Chul-Gyu asked.

Seok Kang-Ho nodded in Kang Chan’s stead.

“Is that how I’m alive?”

“We can talk about the rest later,” Kang Chan replied this time.

Kang Chul-Gyu glared at Kang Chan, his cheek twitching, before turning his gaze beyond the rooftop wall. He looked like he could single-handedly kill a hundred people if he was thrown in battle right now.

Amid the darkness, winds, and enemies, wounded soldiers were given blood. Meanwhile, Kwak Cheol-Ho and the other soldiers checked their weapons.

Kang Chul-Gyu looked around. “There should be about three hundred of them left.”

“It’ll be hard to win if we fight in this state. The enemy must have realized that too, which is why they are taking this time to reorganize their lines.”

Like a lioness who had lost her cub, Kang Chul-Gyu’s eyes were filled with venom.

“I’ll go. I just need two to help.”

Kang Chan stood up.


He then headed to the stairs. Kang Chul-Gyu followed him.

Tat tat. Tat tat.

He walked down the dark staircase, through the dimly lit hallway of the second floor, and into a room.

“Leaving now might make you feel at ease, but it’s not a good idea.”

“I know whoever goes out there likely won’t return, but we can certainly fight more effectively than if we stayed here.”

“Can Seok Kang-Ho and I follow you, then?”

Kang Chul-Gyu furiously glared at Kang Chan.

“If you sacrificed yourself, then fighting in this battle would be pointless.”

“It’s the same for me. Do you think I’d be able to go to sleep peacefully knowing I sent Seok Kang-Ho or any other soldier to their death? It’s a hundred times better to hold out as best as we can together, so just drop it.”

Kang Chan turned to leave.

“Assistant Director Kang!” Kang Chul-Gyu desperately shouted, stopping him in his tracks.

Perhaps it was because of the urgency and desperation of the moment, but Kang Chul-Gyu’s agony was transmitted to Kang Chan, revealing to him that Kang Chul-Gyu wanted to protect him even if it meant sacrificing himself.

Kang Chan slowly turned around and looked straight at Kang Chul-Gyu. This had to be the kind of person he used to be. If it wasn’t for the trauma and the painful hallucinations, this would’ve been how he treated Kang Chan.


Kang Chul-Gyu’s pupils shook.

“Put yourself in my shoes. Can you send your men to their deaths so you can live? Can you order me and two other men to head out there because you’re an important figure?”

Speechless, Kang Chul-Gyu could only swallow dryly.

“Right now, I need a commander like you more than anything. Just help me on the first floor like you did earlier. Okay?”

Were his words sad? Kang Chul-Gyu looked like he was crying.

You’re pretending to be emotional at that age, old man?

Kang Chan smirked. The sight made Kang Chul-Gyu force himself to smile back.

“What are you gonna do?”

“It’s a request from my son… I can’t possibly refuse.”

“Thanks. Give me some time to speak to you formally.”

This was the first time that Kang Chan had seen such a gentle and kind smile on Kang Chul-Gyu’s face.

As Kang Chan began to head back up the rooftop, the smell of cigarettes wafted over to him.

“I’ll be on the first floor.”

Perhaps that was why Kang Chul-Gyu moved downstairs.

Tat tat. Tat tat.

Kang Chul-Gyu was walking away from Kang Chan on the stairs, yet strangely, it felt like their hearts were moving closer.

He expected the moment to be awkward and unfamiliar. However, it felt refreshing.

They could not guarantee their victory if the enemy rushed in again. That could have been his last chance to call him father.

Kang Chan exhaled quietly.

When he reached the rooftop, he found Seok Kang-Ho stubbing out his cigarette on the ground.

“We smoked a cigarette together.”

“Good. Give me one too.”


Seok Kang-Ho pulled a cigarette out, gave it to Kang Chan, and then lit it for him.


Kang Chan blew out a puff of smoke and flopped down next to Seok Kang-Ho. He then leaned against the wall. Three snipers stood guard while the men inside sat in similar positions to Kang Chan.

He turned around and made eye contact with Kwak Cheol-Ho. It was strange, but at moments like this, the men couldn’t help but chuckle.


Cha Dong-Gyun laughed first, followed by Kwak Cheol-Ho and then Seok Kang-Ho. Although this happened frequently in Africa too, it was hard to explain why they were laughing.


Kang Chan exhaled the smoke from his cigarette and stubbed it out on the ground.

“We’ve got movement!” Lee Doo-Hee firmly reported.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

The men immediately stuck to the rooftop and took aim.

Thirty meters away, in the darkness, the enemies were raising their shields as if they were about to march.


Kang Chan quickly pressed the Push-to-Talk button on his radio.

“Our enemies are about to come charging in again. There are only three hundred of them now.”

Seok Kang-Ho, Kwak Cheol-Ho, and the others glanced at Kang Chan.

“Just like in our operations before this, we’re all going to survive this battle. We’ll be leaving our juniors to seniors who’ll have the legendary experience of defeating five hundred men with a mere thirty.”

Kwak Cheol-Ho and the men gritted their teeth as their eyes glinted to keep their emotions in check.

“Today, we are going to make history as the South Korean special forces team. Be relentless. Fearless. Be the ridiculously lucky soldiers who all got out of this alive.”

Soon after he was done, eerie shouts pierced through the darkness and threatened the building.

Hooah! Hooah! Hooah!

Click! Click! Click! Click!

Another battle was upon them.

The enemies behind the shield wall pointed their rifles forward.

Kang Chan gave Seok Kang-Ho a look.


“Hurry on down, Cap.”

“I’ll leave this place to you.”


Fine! Let’s do this, motherfuckers!

Kang Chan turned to go downstairs when he suddenly heard a crackle from the radio.


It was followed by a long moment of static.

“Captain,” the voice over the radio called for Kang Chan. “Please confirm your location before we begin bombing the area. If there are friendly forces in the field, have them all withdraw into the building.”

Was that Park Seung-Yong? Major Park Seung-Young of the South Korean Fighter Wing?

Kang Chan dazedly looked at Seok Kang-Ho and Kwak Cheol-Ho, both of whom had similar expressions.


“I repeat. A bombing is imminent. All friendly forces, withdraw to the building ASAP.”

Kang Chan laughed incredulously and pressed the radio button.


‘I’m at the scene. All allies are in the building.”


“Roger, Captain. We’ll take the fight from here.”

The enemies marched toward the building, their boots pounding on the ground.

We’ll do our best to block them for now…

Kang Chan headed toward the stairs when a sharp sound interrupted him.

Swiiiish! Swiish! Swiiiiish!


“Target identified. Commencing bombing,” Park Seung-Yong remarked.


Vasili narrowed his eyes at Yang Bum.

“I didn’t know there was a snake next to me.”

“I merely sent two aerial refueling planes.”

“Why aren’t you telling me about the satellite imagery analysis and the phone call with the South Korean president?”

“I thought it was an opportunity you gave me.”


Vasili gave Yang Bum a mock-disapproving gaze, then smirked.

“So you are a director of an intelligence bureau, after all.”

“I’ve watched and learned.”

“I see. Why don’t we have a drink of that Korean alcohol called soju, then?”


Vasili held up his index and middle fingers to summon someone, then had him prepare the soju.

“The president of South Korea is incredible too. I can’t believe he sent fighter jets to Cuban soil even though it’s right under American’s nose,” Vasili said.

“He probably has a good grasp of the US situation and is taking advantage of it and the US president’s statements.”

“Even so, it wouldn’t be easy to order a bombing raid. This will make South Korea’s position in the international community more powerful.”

A bottle of soju, two glasses, and Russian fries were set on the table.

“The US getting punched in the nose…”

Glug, glug.

After filling his glass with alcohol, Vasili looked back at Yang Bum, disbelief evident on his face.

“I’m sure Cuba was more afraid of China’s words than the United States’. China did purchase all of Cuba’s resources and kept its economy alive.”

“This will sour our relationship with Israel, though.”

Vasili nodded and raised his glass. Yang Bum raised his in response.

“Even so, it was a good move.”

“Mr. Kang Chan saved my life once. This is my way of repaying that debt,” Yang Bum said.

“And you just happened to gain solid relations with Korea as a bonus?”

“All thanks to the determination of the South Korean president.”

Both men drained their glasses.


“The bomb raid has begun, sir,” Go Gun-Woo declared.

“Any casualties from our men?” Moon Jae-Hyun asked.

“The assistant director has turned off his phone, so we’ll have to wait until the fighting is over before we can get a clear picture of the situation.”

With a heavy expression, Moon Jae-Hyun ordered, “Please request a call with the President of the United States.”

“Yes, sir.”

As Go Gun-Woo stood up, Moon Jae-Hyun turned his attention to the back garden. China offered its satellite imagery and aerial refueling planes first. When had South Korea’s status risen so high?

Uzman had called and offered to send Arab troops, and Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Chapi Presley had called and pleaded with him to intervene.

It was unimaginable.

However, Moon Jae-Hyun couldn’t smile. The image of the soldiers who were fighting alone in some faraway place kept digging into his heart.

South Korea did not just easily earn its status as the center of the world today. It only became possible with the sacrifices of its soldiers and agents in invisible places and the blood they had shed.

“Thank you, and I’m sorry,” Moon Jae-Hyun said toward the sky. “I will never let your blood and sacrifices be in vain.”

Moon Jae-Hyun pursed his lips. The warriors who had died while fighting for their country were watching. He couldn’t show his weak side to them.


“Sherman! That old man is ruining everything!” the president of the United States fumed like never before. “Chinese aerial refueling planes and Korean fighter planes have entered Cuban territory! We can’t keep our mouths shut! Think of something!”

The cabinet members looked at each other, unable to speak.

“The reinforcements from France’s Foreign Legion are coming soon as well! If we can’t send troops by then, I’ll just have paid lip service to the South Korean president!” the president spat out in frustration.

“Abandon Sherman,” the NSA director urged with a determined look. “We can give his location to Mr. Kang.”

“You want us to be criticized for selling out our director of intelligence?”

“We can just tell him Sherman is with Ziegfeld and dispatch our agents there as well. When the Russian and Chinese carriers hit Bermuda, we’ll be able to take credit for taking out Ziegfeld along with the South Koreans.”

The President of the United States clenched his jaws and glared at the NSA director.

“The Russians are already destroying Iran's next-generation energy facilities. If we try to stop them, the entire Arab world will turn against us.”

"The Arabs are supporting an attack on Iran's facilities?!”

“Sherman got us in a tight spot, so we don’t have much to work with. If we just let this happen, we’ll be further and further away from the country that has the next-generation energy facilities in its hands.”

The other cabinet members’ silence served as evidence that they agreed with the NSA director.

“Even if we remove our troops from South Korea, if China and Russia cooperate, South Korea won’t care,” the NSA director stated under the US president’s heavy gaze. “Above all, as long as Mr. Kang is alive, South Korea will remain different from the Korea it once was. We need to have a more proactive, friendly policy toward them moving forward.”


“It’s in the interest of the United States. If we let Sherman get away with this, we’ll lose any chance we might have of fixing our relations.”

The president of the United States let out another groaning sigh.


Just then, the intercom rang.


“What is it?”

- The president of South Korea would like to speak with you. He requested to hear back from you within thirty minutes.


The US president released the button and looked up from the intercom.

“Where is Sherman right now?”

- Over Bermuda.

“And Ziegfeld?”

- Expected to make contact with Sherman.

“Does anyone have any objections?”

None of the cabinet members spoke.

“Then who will relay Sherman’s location to South Korea?”

“It would be best if the DIA relays it to their National Intelligence Service, sir.”

All the gazes turned to the DIA director, who had been silent.

“I will do as you command, sir,” the DIA director replied immediately.

“Very well! We’ll proceed as planned,” the US president commanded, then pressed the intercom button.

- Awaiting orders, Mr. President.

“Put me through.”

-Yes, sir.

The US president put his clenched hands on his desk and looked sharply at his cabinet members. He felt like South Korea was pushing him around, but he had no choice now.

“Is there any way we can bring Kang Chan over?” he asked.

The dark looks on the cabinet members’ faces made the answer all too clear.


“Will you thank Mr. Yang Bum for me for his hard work?”

- He’s listening right now, so why don’t you tell him yourself?

“Mr. Yang Bum, that was a brilliant plan,” Lanok immediately said.

- It’s all thanks to the European Intelligence Committee for helping me regain control of the Chinese intelligence bureau. I had to repay Mr. Kang Chan, too.”

Lanok smiled. “I see.”

- It’s disgraceful for me to stay in bed while the main character is being so proactive. I plan to return to Russia tomorrow.

“Then I’ll have to get moving too.”

Vasili laughed briefly and then hung up. When the call dropped, Lanok dialed another number.

- Louis speaking.

“Eliminate Romain.”

- One moment, sir.


- Hey! Put the High Commissioner on the line—

Bang! Bang! Bang! Crash! Thud!

- Your order has been fulfilled.


Lanok ended the call and glanced across the bed with a satisfied look.

“Shall I prepare some tea?”

“That would be great.”

“Yes, sir.”

Raphael turned and moved to the table with the pot and cups.

“Raphael,” Lanok called.

“Sir,” Raphael replied as he turned around.

“Do you think Monsieur Kang will nurture French talents as he promised?”

It was a tough question. Hence, Raphael simply answered in his usual manner.

“I only follow your orders, sir.”

“So you know why I got rid of Romain.”

Seeing Raphael bow his head, Lanok turned his attention to the window.

“To think that Monsieur Kang has grown to the point of creating a new hierarchy…”

The corners of his lips curved into an odd smile.



Park Seung-Yong narrowed his eyes and looked at the ground.

‘Thirty people were holding off against all those enemies?’

Seeing the lonely building and the enemies surrounding it, Park Seung-Yong’s heart burned.

“Our allies have been fighting for the Taegeukgi and South Korea nonstop. From now on, this fight is ours. Squadron, begin the attack.”

Park Seung-Yong pushed the side stick forward and immediately pressed the missile button.

Peeeeeew! Peeeeeew!

He watched as the enemies’ rifles glowed, their muzzles pointed up in the air. However, a pillar of flame soon rose high and wide amid their ranks.

Booooom! Booooom!

The exhilarating sight caused all hell to break loose below.

Park Seung-Yong gritted his teeth, a random thought occurring to him.

I can’t believe I’m fighting on Cuban soil against Peruvian special forces! On a fighter jet with the Taegeukgi, no less!

South Korea had become such a powerful and strong country.

Swiiiiish! Swiiiiiiish!

Hissss! Du du du du du du du! Hisssss!

Park Seung-Yong’s heart burned even hotter as he watched Lee Ki-Do and his squadron unleash a barrage of missiles and bullets.

‘Remember this! Engrave the mettle, determination, and courage of our captain in your hearts!’

Swiiiiish! Swiiish! Swiiiish!

The enemy numbers dwindled as more flames lit up the dark sky and ground.

Park Seung-Yong was grateful to Kang Chan and the soldiers for protecting South Korea and the Taegeukgi in such a lonely place.

China had provided them with target information and aerial refueling planes. There was also an emergency airport to return to after the bombing was over.

Park Seung-Yong couldn’t be any happier. South Korea could finally show its strength in this way.

Swiiiiish! Swiiiiish!

“Jet One! Are you sleepy?” Lee Ki-Do radioed in.

Oh, right! I was distracted by the view. How dare he ask me if I’m sleepy!

Lee Ki-Do continued, “I think we can withdraw now, sir.”

Park Seung-Yon grinned.

Swiiiish! Swiiiiish!

The squadron members flew up behind him and awaited orders. In response, he pressed a button on his radio.


“Bombing successful. Permission to return.”


“Thank you. Permission granted.”


“Roger that, Captain. Please continue protecting South Korea.”

Their mission was now over.

Swiiiish! Swiiiiish!

Still, leading his squadron, Park Seung-Yong circled the sky above the building. He wanted to answer the determination of the soldiers below in this way and let them know that many people in South Korea were watching and cheering them on.

After giving a quick salute to the building, he pressed the button again.

“Squadron, let’s head home.”


The South Korean fighter jets sliced across the dark Cuban sky.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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