God of Cooking

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

<Things That Have Changed (6)>


If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

“Greed. Greed you say.”

Hong Mangil repeated what Jo Minjoon said multiple times. Jo Minjoon said in a calm voice.

“It seems like you became greedy as a man and not as a chef. So, you were unsatisfied by your results.”

“You are correct.”

“How about now? Have you considered whether you are being greedy as a man or as a chef?”

“I am too old.”

Hong Mangil paused for a moment. As Jo Minjoon’s expression became puzzled Hong Mangil spoke again.

“Maybe a philosopher might know. There is not much time left for me to think about it. The best that I could do is to spend as much time as possible perfecting these recipes. Then to combine them. And make the most balanced combination.”

“It is really hard to believe that you put much thought into the balance.”

“That’s why I like people who study abroad. Because they don’t hold back their criticism.”

Hong Mangil smiled, then continued.

“But you are correct. It was a table that didn’t have much balance. But that was my limit.”


“I walked a path where I didn’t care much about balance for dozens of years. It is not something that could change overnight.”

Jo Minjoon understood what Hong Mangil was saying. However, he didn’t want to believe it. It was so sad that someone who could make such a beautiful and perfect dish couldn’t do the basics such as creating balance between the dishes. He knows how to create delicious dishes, but he lost the way to eat them deliciously.

“I think it will be difficult to help you achieve your dream.”

“What might be that reason?”

“There are many problems. I am in a rush, and I am not as skilled as you think I am. But most importantly, you can’t perfect the Korean cuisine.”

Hong Mangil hardened his face at Jo Minjoon’s last comment. Cannot perfect the Korean cuisine. It was something he couldn’t swallow easily. The remainder of his life rested on that statement. Whether it was Jo Minjoon or someone else, it was something that shouldn’t have been said. He asked with a heavy voice.

“What are the reasons that I cannot perfect it?”

“Because food is relative to the person.”

“I know that. Whether it is relative or not, the fundamentals are deeply rooted in the traditional methods.”

“You understood what I am trying to say. I am not saying that your methods are meaningless. I am also not here to say that you do not have the skill. You are one of the best chefs in Korean cuisine and I have tasted your high-quality dishes.”

Although Jo Minjoon tried to sugarcoat it, but Hong Mangil didn’t fall for it. If he couldn’t take criticism, then he would be at the same place for eternity. But that feeling didn’t make anything better. He asked in a hoarse voice.

“Then what is the problem.”

“Cooking has no end. It is the same as music. It follows a trend, it’s like how you get tired of listening to the same music every day. So, you cannot perfect it. You don’t have to accept this as the truth. Think of it as something that a young 24 year old chef is saying.”

“I am not saying that I want to end the modification of Korean cuisine, I just want to create an approved solution…”

Hong Mangil trailed off as he immersed himself deeply in thought. As he was about to say something, he didn’t. He wasn’t stupid to not realize the difference between the approved solution and perfection. He put his hands on his eyes and massaged it.

“Ha, yes. I heard it many times. But I finally understood what you are trying to say.”

He wasn’t wrong. It was something that Lee Jungsoo said to him repeatedly. But back then it didn’t stick to him. It was because you become numb to the people near you.

“I knew the reality of the situation before. No, it is no use bringing up the past. Even if I realized it, I couldn’t let go of my greed. I wanted to be at the center of this country’s cooking circle. I wanted to be the pillar and the root!”

His last few words were coarse and painful almost as if he was growling. Jo Minjoon looked at Hong Mangil without saying a word. Although he didn’t know the former for a long time, just by looking, he knew that Hong Mangil’s greed and desire wasn’t normal.

Jo Minjoon could relate to that grand desire. It was something many men dreamed of. He didn’t want to be remembered as just a chef. He wanted to etch his name in the history book, he wanted to walk the road that not many could follow. Who wouldn’t have a desire this big?

“Was I wrong?”

Jo Minjoon didn’t reply right away. And Hong Mangil understood that silence and waited. When Hong Mangil’s eyes loosened and looked tired Jo Minjoon opened his mouth.

“You are like my teacher. Chef Rachel Rose.”

“Am I?”

“My teacher also had a grand desire like yours. She wasn’t satisfied by the title best in the United States.”

“If she wasn’t satisfied by that title, then did she look to become the best in the world?”

“To be honest, it is more than that. To be the best chef of mankind.”

Hong Mangil looked at Jo Minjoon with a puzzled expression. Although he thought she was like him, her ambition made his dream look minuscule. ‘That’s too excessive.’ He laughed as he thought about that obscene ambition. Others might think he was just as ambitious as she was.

“I like teachers like that. Ones whose dreams are on another level. I think it is amazing to think like that. However…”

Jo Minjoon’s words slurred.

“She has her moments. Sometimes she looks like Mt. Tai, other times she looks like a sandcastle ready to crumble at any moment. I think it is because of her ambitious dream.”

“I know that feeling. My greed drives me, but also it shakes my foundation.”

“I don’t think my naive way of thinking can influence you anymore”

“Your naive way of thinking?”

Hong Mangil laughed. He just remembered Jo Minjoon was only 24 years old. A person does not become older with age, but the words that Jo Minjoon used were not those of a young inexperienced man. Then he pondered. He listened to Jo Minjoon not because he was a genius or popular, but because he was right.

“I am jealous of chef Rachel since she has you as her disciple.”

“But don’t you also have wonderful disciples?”

Hong Mangil paused for a moment, then he smiled.

“Yes, I do.”

“Anyway, those are my thoughts. Your ambition is too big, and I am too inexperienced to move you any further.”

“Is that so.”

“But as a customer… I can share with you my thoughts on it.”

Hong Mangil looked at Jo Minjoon who was smiling brightly.

“Of course, I must return to the US soon, but feel free to reach out to me whenever you create a balanced table. I will always be open to feedback. This is my promise to you.”

“…Is this for real?”

“I don’t make empty promises.”

“Well then…”

“Oh, but not now.”

Jo Minjoon looked at his phone. It was well past 10 PM.

“It’s time for me to go home.”


“You made quite a connection in Korea.”

Kaya spoke from the sofa when he returned home. Jo Minjoon smiled as he nodded.

“I hope this turns into a good and lasting relationship.”

“Unless they are retarded, no one has a bad relationship with you.”

“Yes. I guess I have been lucky.”

Jo Minjoon looked at his laptop as Kaya asked.

“Are you putting up another recipe?”

“No, just checking the comments about us.”

“What sort of comment?”

“The episode that was aired. I am just feeling out the reaction.”

“Oh yeah. Now that I think about it, I haven’t had time catching up with it since we came to Korea.”

Kaya put her head next to Jo Minjoon and started reading some of the comments. There were bound to be some negative comments along with the good ones. However, it seems like there were fewer negative comments than normal. Kaya said in a curious voice.

“It seems like there are fewer negative comments after we made it public that we are dating.”

“It’s because I have a good public image. And it seems to have cleaned some of your image.”

“You make it sound like I have a bad public image.”

Jo Minjoon remained silent. Kaya glared at him. Suddenly Jo Minjoon’s expression changed as he read the new comment that popped up. And Kaya teased his reaction.

“Why are you acting like that? That should be my part.”

“No, that’s not the problem… it’s because of the weird comment.”

“What sort of comment?”

“Look at this.”

Kaya looked where Jo Minjoon was pointing and started reading the comment.

“‘There has been a fire in Venice Beach and Rose Island caught on fire. The Firefighters are on the way.’…What? Is this for real?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t gotten any news yet. It must be fake news, right?”

“Why would it catch on fire? It doesn’t make sense.”

“There have been some drug addicts that come and go at night … but a fire…”

It was awkward for Jo Minjoon to look so flustered. Kaya couldn’t say anything as she perched her head on his shoulder. Jo Minjoon nervously looked at his phone. He wanted to call, but he was hesitant. But whether by fortune or misfortune, he didn’t need to.

A video was uploaded. When the dawn broke and the smoke and ashes settled down, a sight of a burning building could be seen.

It was Rose Island.

If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

<Things That Have Changed (6)> End.

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