God of Cooking

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

<The Start of a Change (2)>


If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

The first place the Jo Minjoon went after he arrived in the US was Rose Island. Before he could even park at Rose Island’s parking lot, he regretted his decision.

“…It really burned all the way here.”

His voice toward the burnt Rose Island sounded desperate. Anderson could be seen mumbling angrily.

“Whoever did this, if I find you, I won’t leave you alone.”

Jo Minjoon couldn’t say anything. He lost his voice just by looking at what remained of the restaurant. It pained him to see the ashes and burn marks across the white walls. It was as if the ashes were suffocating him. Looking at Anderson he asked.

“Can I go in?”

“We removed all the dangerous debris. So, don’t worry.”

Jo Minjoon slowly moved his feet after hearing the reply. Although it looked like most of the debris were removed, there were some remaining. Also…

“These also… burned.”

All the plants on the hall were burnt. The baby statue next to the fountain was intact, but the upper knuckle of the index finger had a large crack as like a scar. Jo Minjoon paused for a moment. He couldn’t believe it. It hurt him as much as it would have had his house burned down.


He screamed into the sky. Since the windows that enclosed the dome were removed, the ray of sunlight that was more beautiful than ever. That was when Jo Minjoon felt that beauty can be cruel.

It was as if heaven was saying that nothing had happened. Maybe that was the way it was comforting him. Maybe it was to tell him to move on. But the thing that they needed was not a sign but some sort of comfort. They needed someone who would cry with you rather than someone who would tell them to smile.

Jo Minjoon lowered his head and the ray of sunlight stung his neck. Anderson turned around and sat at the dry fountain, watching the shadow that the sunlight created.

“It’s at times like this that I realize the world we live is not a dream but a reality. No matter how hard we work, everything can collapse in an instant.”

“… Yeah. This is bullshit.”

Jo Minjoon agreed in a low voice. He entered the kitchen. He saw the burnt dishes and the stainless-steel appliances. Anderson spoke as he sighed.

“You took the rose knife to Korea right.”

“Yeah. It was fortunate. It would not have survived if I left it here. You?”

“I always take it home, so I am good. But everyone who leaves their stuff here…”


Jo Minjoon made a long sigh. Rachel could have gifted them new knives, but there is a huge meaning behind the first.

“Teacher wants everyone to gather tonight. It looks like she will tell us the way forward.”

“You said that you haven’t seen her recently.”

“I can’t reach her by phone or text. But I don’t want to visit her. Other head chefs from different branches came to meet her, but only a handful were able to meet her.”

“Her heart is tender and it has gone on for a few days. This must have been a great shock to her.”

Anderson didn’t say anything back. The world would have dismissed the claim that Rachel had a tender heart, but in their eyes she was different. She wasn’t as strong as she was thought to be. She wasn’t a superhuman who didn’t know fear.

“Teacher is …”

Jo Minjoon tried to say something, but he just smiled instead. It was a sad smile. Anderson didn’t ask any more questions. He got up from the fountain that was still dry.

“Should we go?”

Rather than answering, Jo Minjoon looked back up toward the ceiling. He looked at the empty glass dome. Although the sky was clear without a cloud in sight, he felt as if the sky was filled with a rain cloud.



“No, let’s go.”

He wanted to say I wish it rained.

But it did not rain.


“Hey, you are back.”

“Chef Minjoon!”

At Rachel’s house. When Jo Minjoon and Anderson entered the drawing room, the atmosphere in the room wasn’t as dark as they thought it would be. Although it was not bright, they didn’t look like they were in despair but just tired.

“It was lonely without you chef.”

“Why are you lonely, I am not even your boy?friend.”

“You think that Chef Kaya is the only person who gets lonely without you? You live a lonely life.”

“Alright. I am sorry.”

Jo Minjoon smiled as he took his seat. When Jo Minjoon looked around the room, Maya sat next to him like an excited dog. But Rachel was nowhere to be seen. Annie said calmly as if she understood his reaction.

“If you are looking for chef Rachel, she is getting prepared.”

“Oh, Annie. Long time no see.”

“Yes, it has been a long time. How was your vacation?”

“I can’t say that my vacation was relaxing. But it was a good vacation. Well until I heard the news.”

“Well, everyone seems to be on the same boat.”

Annie shrugged her shoulder. Jo Minjoon sat into the chair as if he was tired. He looked towards Justin and greeted him.

“Hey, long time Justin. Why are you standing up?”

Justin didn’t answer. He was just staring into his shoe as if he was immersed in a deep thought. Seeing that something was wrong, Jo Minjoon got up and stood in front of Justin. Seeing another shoe approach him, Justin raised his head.

“Oh, chef…”

“What’s up? Why are you looking like that?”

“It’s just… yeah. It’s complicated.”

Justin had a hard time formulating complete sentences, so he kept it short. Jo Minjoon patted his shoulder that was on the wall.

“Don’t be upset. Not for yourself but for Rachel. It would only make it harder for her if we cry. So please.”


Justin made an awkward smile. It was a difficult smile. He didn’t know what sort of hardship was hidden behind that smile. When he was about to ask, people sitting across the table became noisy. He turned his head. Rachel was coming in.

‘… It looks like she had a hard time.’

Although she had a smile on her face, her eyes weren’t as bright as they used to be. Rachel slowly spoke.

“It has been a long time everyone. I am sorry I haven’t contacted you for a few days. I will not try to hide it. My heart was troubled.”

There was no need for further words, it was a perfect reason. Jo Minjoon eased a bit after hearing that reason. Although things were looking difficult, it seems like she has recovered a bit. Rachel said in an invigorated voice.

“But don’t worry. I didn’t appear before you just to nag, but because of another reason. It’s to tell you the plan moving forward.”

Everyone’s ear raised. Servers like Annie listen more keenly. It was because their fate to stay or to find a new workplace depended on this decision.

“Once someone cherishes something so much, they don’t know how to move forward. Maybe that was how it was for me and this original restaurant. It was like my birdcage. But now that birdcage has been broken.”

Rachel looked at them calmly. Her gaze fell on Jo Minjoon for a long time before moving. No one stopped her from continuing. They were either curious or under pressure from her gaze.

“It will take three months to revive the Venice/Santa Monica location. And during that time, the kitchen staff will be with me.”

“What are your plans for us?”

Javier asked impatiently. Rachel replied with a smile.”

“Leveling up.”


When Rachel’s speech ended, Jo Minjoon sat at the table with a blank look on his face. He expected her to say something to calm everyone down, but one the contrary Rachel brought forth a storm.

‘…this is the teacher that I know.’

She thought that mourning was a waste of time. She didn’t have a slightest hesitation on her face. And this was what Jo Minjoon liked about her. In fact, it was awesome. However…

“I won’t be able to see you for a while.”

He got out of his trance when Annie spoke to him. He looked at her with a blank look and spoke in a surprised tone.

“…Oh, yeah. That’s what it seems like.”

“I thought we were going to be furloughed, but to send us to another restaurant. Chef Rachel has deep connections… but it’s a bit of a shame.”

Annie playfully smiled. Jo Minjoon smiled back. The kitchen staff was going to spend time with Rachel. Only the kitchen staff. But not the hall staff. They were either given holiday or sent to other restaurants to work. Although it didn’t seem like a big deal, it was. She was able to properly take care of her staff member on such a short notice.

“It looks like someone else might be lonelier than me. Chef Kaya will be lonely not being able to see her boyfriend.”

“…I don’t know. I don’t want to think about it.”

Jo Minjoon made a long sigh.

“Be strong.”

Annie smiled and patted on his back before leaving. When he looked around, he saw Justin still looking grim. He wanted to leave him alone but thought otherwise. As a senior he couldn’t leave him alone. He was someone who also experienced a rough apprenticeship. He knew how important it was for someone to talk to them when things looked dire.



“What happened. You can’t be this down just because of the fire. Is there something that I should know about?”

“No. It’s just that… you should know about it … but it is really hard.”

Justin looked at him with a pained expression. Jo Minjoon spoke calmly.

“Don’t worry. I am ready to accept anything that you say. So, what is it?”

Justin still didn’t say anything no matter what Jo Minjoon did. So, he could only wait until Justin spoke. But his patience prevailed. Soon, Justin quietly spoke.

“Chef… if…”

“Go on, it’s fine.”

“If the fire…. Was because of me…”

Jo Minjoon’s expression changed. Justin couldn’t look into Jo Minjoon’s face as he finished the sentence.

“What… should I do?”

If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

<The Start of a Change (2)> End.

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