God of Defiance

Chapter 2 Balao

"Third Prince!"

Bai Lao was startled, and stretched out his hand to support the crumbling Chu Tian.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." A trace of sadness flashed in Chu Tian's eyes, and he waved his hand to reject Bai Lao's kindness. At the same time, his eyes scanned the ground, "Bai Lao, arrange some people to clean the ground!"

"All right."

Bai Lao sighed, shook his head, and immediately began to arrange people to quickly clean up the dirt on the ground.

Chu Tian walked alone to the foot of a nearby willow tree, sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

"Three days later, Xishui, Chu Xi, got engaged. Has it really come to this point..."

Chu Tian murmured softly, scenes from the past flashing through his mind.

Su Xishui was born in the Su family, a wealthy family second only to the Chu family in Qianyang County. Her father was Su Shilun, the current head of the Su family.

Not only does he have a distinguished status, but at a young age, he is as graceful as a hibiscus. His talent in cultivation is not weak at all, and he has many suitors among the disciples of Qianyang County's aristocratic families.

Before, when Chu Tian's amazing talent was still there, the two of them got along almost day and night, practicing together, and were regarded by the entire Hou family as a golden boy and a beautiful girl, a perfect match.

Unfortunately, as Chutian fell into decline step by step, the contact between the two became less and less, and it has been more than half a year since they last met.

Chu Tian didn't know whether the other party actively chose to stay away from him, or was forced to stay away from him due to family pressure.

No matter what the situation was, it was no longer possible between him and Su Xishui.

Thinking of this, there was a faint pain in his heart.

Chu Tian knew that Chu Xi had secretly loved Su Xishui for a long time, and it was not surprising that the two were now engaged.

And the reason why this engagement was called Chu Tian was probably to show Chu Xi a kind of demonstration, even humiliation.

After a while, Chu Tianchang exhaled, opened his eyes, and glanced down at his chest, which was stained with a large amount of blood red.

After defeating Chu Li with just one punch, his cultivation level dropped from the third level of the body refining realm to the second level of the body refining realm, which did not exceed his expectations.

Because this situation has happened once before.

That was more than a year ago, when he had a fight with a disciple from an aristocratic family in the city. Although he successfully defeated the opponent, his cultivation level also dropped from the sixth level of the Body Refining Realm to the fifth level of the Body Refining Realm afterwards.

After that, he became much more cautious and never struck anyone easily again.

Today, due to a moment of anger, he fought with Chu Li, and as a result, his cultivation level fell from the third level of the body training realm to the second level of the body training realm. I am afraid that in half a year at most, his cultivation level will completely disappear and he will become a mortal. .

"It's impossible that there's nothing we can do about it. As long as we find the reason for the continuous decline in cultivation, we will definitely be able to find a corresponding solution!"

Chu Tian clenched his fists, his eyes full of determination.

Reason told him that a person's cultivation cannot decline for no reason. There must be a reason. As long as the reason is found, there must be a solution.

Half a year!

He still has half a year to solve his own problems, otherwise once he becomes a mortal, he may never be able to practice again.

Half an hour later, Bai Lao and others had cleaned up the scene. Chu Tian got on the carriage again and led the convoy to leave the Hou Mansion.

Late at night, it was silent.

A black mansion in the central area of ​​Qianyanghou Mansion is brightly lit.

"What! You were punched away by that good-for-nothing Chu Tian, ​​and your silver bow was robbed of you!"

A short-haired young man with a handsome face and a strong body stood up and stared at Chu Li with dissatisfaction.

Chu Li's face was pale, his head drooped, and his hands hanging by his sides, like a child who had made a mistake.

The short-haired young man in front of him is his brother, Chu Xi, the eldest son of the Hou family, the future Qianyang Hou!

"That shouldn't be the case. The dose of poison was enough at the beginning. How come this guy, the third brother, was able to fight across levels and defeat the second brother with one punch..."

After the attack, Chu Xi turned his head and looked out the window, frowning and murmuring in a low voice.

"Is the dose of poison enough?"

When Chu Li heard Chu Xi's murmur, his face suddenly changed, his hair stood on end and he trembled.

He came closer and stared at Chu Xi: "Brother, could it be that Chu Tian's continuous decline in cultivation is really caused by you secretly poisoning him?"

In the Hou Mansion, there have long been rumors in private that Chu Tian was secretly poisoned, and the person who poisoned him was probably Chu Xi, or even Mrs. Hou, who had always been hostile to Chu Tian.

However, this rumor lacked conclusive evidence, and gradually no one believed it.

"Hmph! Of course it wasn't me, there was someone else who poisoned me." Chu Xi smiled coldly, and then looked at Chu Li with a warning look, "Remember to keep the poisoning a secret and never leak it!"


Chu Li hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, smiling and nodding.

In his opinion, even if his eldest brother did not do the poisoning himself, it was definitely related, and even his mother might be involved.

The eldest brother is indeed the eldest brother, and his methods are ruthless!

After knowing that Chu Tian had been deeply poisoned and unable to escape, the suffocation accumulated in Chu Li's chest finally dissipated because of what happened in the evening.

"Chutian, in three days, I want you to watch me get engaged to the woman you love. It must feel very good."

Not long after, Chu Xi's mouth showed a hint of coldness.

At the same time, in a dilapidated house on the edge of the Marquis Mansion.

The candlelight flickers, the light and darkness are uncertain.

Chu Tian sat cross-legged on the wooden bed, with his eyes closed tightly, his hands making secret gestures, and secretly trying to operate his main skill "Tongyuan Martial Arts".

Unfortunately, after running it several times in a row, several key positions in Chutian's body were firmly blocked, and the spiritual energy could not pass through at all.

After a moment, Chu Tian gritted his teeth, a trace of ruthlessness appeared on his face, took a deep breath, and used all his strength to promote the movement of the technique.

After just one breath.


Chu Tian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale and ugly, and his spirit instantly became depressed.

"Ahem... Boy, let me remind you, your attempt is no different from seeking death!"

Suddenly, an unfamiliar old voice sounded in the room.

"Who! Who is talking!"

Ignoring his own injuries, Chu Tian suddenly stood up, with a vigilant look on his face, and quickly turned his head, scanning his surroundings with sharp eyes.

However, apart from him, there was no other person in the room!

"Boy, stop looking, I'm right in front of you."

Just when Chu Tian rubbed his eyebrows, thinking that he was overtired and hallucinating, that old voice sounded again.

Chu Tian immediately looked at the broken knife that was wrapped in layers beside the bed.

In the next breath, he picked up the broken knife and quickly untied the layers of linen wrapped around it, revealing the true appearance of the broken knife.

This is a gray-black broken knife. The only remaining part is less than one-third of the whole blade. There are faint dark lines on the surface of the blade, which looks inconspicuous at all.

This knife was bought by Chu Tian from a stall a few years ago. Apart from cutting iron like clay and being sharp enough, there is nothing special about it.


The moment the broken knife revealed its true appearance, the shadow of an old man in black robes jumped out. The old man's gray hair was as silky as silk, hanging loosely, and wrinkles were faintly revealed on his blurred face.


Chu Tian was startled, dropped the broken knife, and took a few steps back.

"Item Spirit!"

After a while, two words popped out of Chu Tian's mouth, and immediately an ecstatic expression appeared on Chu Tian's face.

Weapon Spirits are something in legend. Only very high-level weapons can give birth to Weapon Spirits.

Chu Tian never expected that the broken knife he picked up at random would actually have a weapon spirit hidden inside. From this, it can be seen that the complete broken knife must be an earth-shattering weapon!


The old man Xuying raised his hand, snapped his fingers, and said with a smile: "Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward."

"Senior, how should I call you?"

Due to the great joys and sorrows he experienced in these years, Chu Tian's mind has matured a lot, and he quickly regained his composure and bowed his hand to the old man Xuying.

The old man Xuying stroked his beard and said calmly: "You can call me Balao."

"Junior Chu Tian, ​​I have met Mr. Balo!" Chu Tian hurriedly saluted to him, and immediately remembered the other person's reminder just now, " Mr. Bale just said that my forcibly operating the technique is no different from seeking death. What on earth is going on?"

"Haha, boy, you are really stupid. You have been deeply poisoned. Forcibly operating the technique will only speed up the spread of the poison, causing your cultivation to be lost rapidly. You will become a mortal within a month, and you will not even live to be twenty years old. !”

A sneer appeared on Ba Lao's face.

"What, poisoned!"

Chu Tian was instantly struck by lightning.

It was not that he had never thought that he might be poisoned, but after visiting so many famous doctors, no one found out that he was poisoned. Why did the old man in front of him dare to conclude that he was deeply poisoned?

Thinking of this, Chu Tian raised his own question.

"Haha, those quack doctors don't know anything. You are poisoned by a vicious spiritual poison, which cannot be detected by ordinary methods!"

Ba Lao said with disdain.

Immediately, his deep gaze swept across Chu Tian's body and sighed: "Tsk, tsk, at least nine key positions in your body are occupied by the spirit poison. It seems that the person who poisoned you hates you to the bone..."

"Nine places!"

Chu Tian couldn't help but shiver all over.

No wonder his cultivation has been regressing over the years. No matter how hard he practiced, he couldn't stop it. All the cultivation he had lost was swallowed up by the Gu of Spiritual Essence in his body.

As for who secretly carried out such a murderous act, the answer is not difficult to guess.

Among the people in the Hou family who hated him the most, besides the wife of the Hou family, there were also his sons Chu Xi and Chu Li.

It's just that Chu Tian has always been cautious, and he couldn't figure out how the other party poisoned him silently.

"Please also ask Mr. Ba to save me!"

Chu Tian was half-kneeling on the ground, with a sincere look on his face.

Since Ba Lao could tell at a glance that he had been poisoned by the spirit essence, there must be a solution. It would not be too much for him to give such a big gift to the other party.

"It's not impossible for me to save you, but I have one condition. Only if you agree and make an oath to heaven will I save you!"

Ba Lao said seriously.

"Senior, please speak!"

Chu Tian spoke quickly, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw. Even if the other party asked him to reach for the stars and the moon, he had to bite the bullet and agree.

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