God of Vampires

Chapter 39: Delicious

Min Joo moved into the camp at night and catches a guard off guard, holding it in the neck high with his strength and bringing it closer to take a bite.

After draining the guard dry he ripped his head off so he won't turn then turned around and looked at one of the tree behind him, smiling Min Joo extended his hearing and heard little cries of a young man from behind the tree, but when the young man who was hiding decided to take a peak yet again he found Min Joo gone but when he rested and thought he is safe.

Min Joo appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye and started draining the life out of the young man right away, when he was done he ripped his head off and held the young man's head and the blood started dripping from the head's neck.


When there was no more blood coming out, Min Joo licked his lips with his tongue and said a pleasing voice. "That was exquisite"

He then went into one of the tents and found a young woman dressed like a noble, she wasn't asleep and when she saw Min Joo she was about to scream but Min Joo knocked her unconscious.

Min Joo left the camp site along with the women in his shoulders and flew out towards the landing site, where the working vampires looked at him and when they saw the women they drooled when the scent of her blood reached them.

He went to where Neapol was and pulled him, "Neapol come bring a cup with you"

Neapol brought a cup and saw Min Joo opening the veins of the young women and letting the blood fill the cup, when Neapol took a sip at first he went crazy and drank the whole cup that it dirtied his uniform.

The women woke up and saw her blood used as juice and screamed, but Min Joo didn't pay mind to her screams and gave the young women to Neapol and told him "she's yours, have at it"

When that was said, Neapol dropped the cup and dive into the young women's neck till her head was dropped like a ball on the grass, the other vampires nearby took the opportunity and took the head drinking what blood was left inside, and the most common word that came out their mouth when they had a taste is 'Delicious'.

"As some of you have had a taste of it already, the taste of human blood in this planet is a bit abnormal, i have already drank 3 humans full and i myself can't begin to describe what i felt after that...almost like 'satisfied" Min Joo said to everyone in the landing site then continued with a commend, "i want you to bring research subjects and also..food and figure out what's so different about them"

Everyone heard that and started saying loudly "Hail the blood nation"

"Hail the blood nation"...

Min Joo went inside of the ships and went back to tyrant and upon arrival he went into a secret lab where he found only Lia inside working on some things on the holographic screens, her current work is what she talked to Min Joo about.

"When did you come back?"

「few hours ago, anyway i have cracked the formula」

"Really? Is it ready then?" Min Joo jumped up upon hearing that she cracked the formula;

「Yes, the magic here is different than the normal one you use, it has traces of both anti-dark matter and dark matter in it, but from what i learned now, the magic keeps them stable and allows them to live in harmony and is stronger than any energy you have come across」

"Will it hurt?"

「Yes for someone who has a flesh made body, but you no because your physical form is pure energy, the only thing it will do is make that pure energy stronger」

"But i'm already strong.."

「well yes, but still limited even if you have omnipotent energy, you can't create a whole planet or a dimension in minutes or even years for that matter」

"Ah your right, the blood realm i was only able to create it by consuming another world through an altar i made way back then"

「are you ready? If you are enter the chamber」

Then a white chamber beside Min Joo opened, he removed his clothes and went inside, but before it closed off Min Joo stopped it and asked "how long will it take?"

「That i do not know, possibly a few hundred years, but do not worry time is all we have」

"Ah.." the chamber closed off and released a red gas that developed Min Joo whole, and at the hologram it showed his body but it didn't have organs or bones like what you would expect, it was instead full pure cosmic energy and other things was displayed behind Min Joo is a cloud of black and red energy being transferred to him.

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