God Prohibitions

Chapter 113 - Dawn

Feel the flow of blood flying in the body. All rushed toward the neck, and the sound of the witch swallowing blood in his ears, Robben was so scared that he would be treated as food by others!

  ”Go to death!” Robben shouted!

   This time, the strong fear thanked Robben’s potential, and he almost used all the remaining mental power of his body at once, no matter what the difference between him and the element, as long as the elements that can be gathered are all pulled over.

   Robben didn’t care about any magic tricks, after all the elements gathered frantically, he pushed it all forward!

  ”Boom!” There was a loud noise!

   A small elemental storm started with Robben and rolled out like a mad dragon going out to sea, mixed with countless crushing and tearing sounds!

   Various elements collide with each other, and the complementary elements merge into one, and the momentum is even greater! The elements of mutual restraint fight each other, and each releases fierce elemental powers. For a time, lightning and thunder, fires are everywhere, and it is not clear which element is dominant, which element is being suppressed, and the incomparably gorgeous and dazzling storm is directly Knocked down the elemental crystal blocking the front, and then shattered it. As a result, the power of the elemental crystal suddenly detonated in the storm, adding to the power of this strange storm.

It wasn’t until the last storm finally hit the far mountain wall that after a wave of shaking off countless stones, there was a loud bang, as if unwilling to slowly dissipate, rumbling. In the voice of, the magic crystals around began to hum, as if responding to this chaotic storm, an extremely large pit was exposed on the unlucky mountain wall, and the electric fire of various magic elements remained. The ice cubes and scratches were vividly visible, and the entire valley was changed a little by Robben’s shock and anger.

The roar hurriedly went away, Robben stood on the spot and breathed heavily. The feeling of dizziness made Robben a little confused, not only because he was injured but also almost exhausted his energy. , The witch bit her neck, and only for a moment, Robben felt that he had lost a lot of blood.

   touched the place where the witch had just been bitten, and finally touched the blood in his hand, “Damn, difficult ghost!” Robben cursed fiercely.

After the storm, the ground in front of Robben was in an arc-shaped angle, and the ground was scraped off a thick layer.The witch on his body had disappeared.It is estimated that he was severely injured by this violent attack. The storm was engulfed in it, and there was basically no possibility of survival.

   carefully released the spirit thread and probed around carefully, but in the end there was no scent of a witch. On the contrary, there were a lot of small pieces of suspected flesh in the surroundings, and it is estimated that the witch was blown into powder.

   After confirming that the witch is dead, Robben’s tense nerves finally relaxed, his body softened and he lay directly on the ground.

  God, if you want me to die directly, please hurry up, don’t torture like this every time, can you? Robben was fortunate to have saved his life once again, and moved his **** in the air, nnd, I am in this deep valley, and I can’t even kill you if you want to strike a thunder!

After lying down for a while, feeling a little bit of strength on his body, Robben sat up and untied the clothes on his chest.The necklace that old man Huma gave to him had broken into pieces, and many pieces were still stuck in it. Fortunately, there was only a skin wound on his chest. Robben grinned and took off all the pieces from his body one by one while inhaling the cold air.

   Looking at the fragments of the necklace in one place, Robben couldn’t help being infinitely grateful to Huma. This necklace helped him through several difficulties, and this time it was even more dangerous. It’s also thanks to Huma who was a great magician when he made this necklace. Although I don’t know how many stars it is, it must be at least as good as this witch. Otherwise, Huma’s current level of magic…It is estimated that the witch is just now. Use this necklace of magic to collapse.

After checking his body, there are countless traumas. Basically, they are wounds left by the demon soul. In the case of internal injuries, Robben feels that some bones may be cracked, but the problem should not be big. The internal organs have suffered a lot of shocks. Relying on his relatively strong body to stiffen up!

   It’s just that Robben is a little worried about the wound on his neck. Although the wound that the witch bites is very small, even if it is left alone, it will stop bleeding quickly, but…I will not become a vampire!

  Think about it, forget it, worry is useless, great, I just need to be the most powerful vampire, and no one says that vampires don’t allow them to improve their strength or become gods.

   Robben stood up and looked at the only living person besides himself… Natalie.

Although Natalie didn’t suffer any injuries, the injuries on her body were on the bones. It was impossible to get much better in such a short time, and she also suffered a powerful mental attack from the witch. Now she looks more ugly than Robben. many.

  ”How! We survived again!” Robben leaned on a crystal next to Natalie, his tone full of joy.

  ”How about pulling a magic warrior?” Natalie’s mouth was bleeding, and her words were a little silly.

  ”If you want to see it, you can go around and collect some slightly larger pieces to see if you can put them together again!” Robben leaned on the crystal very comfortably. Smiled very cheerfully.

   Although the impression of this woman is still bad, but watching Natalie’s mouth keep the blood staying, her chin seems to tremble slightly from the pain, presumably the tongue bite not lightly.

Reminiscent of the moment when the witch seems to have suddenly weakened her control, it happened that the necklace burst at that time, which gave herself a glimmer of life, and there was no one nearby. It was Natalie who forcibly bit her tongue. Encourage the spirit to interfere with the witch.

   To survive this time, Natalie has half the credit. Robben’s tone of speech also became a little more kind.

  ”Dead?” Natalie’s mouth was uncomfortable, and her words became more concise.

  ”You can’t die anymore!”

   Robben took out food and water, “Eat first, let’s rest for a while, and then find a way to go!”

   Although Natalie said that what the devil said in the battle they worshipped cannot be repented, but now that witch has almost been blown into sand, naturally there is no way to ask.

Robben shook his head and looked at the blood on his whole body. On the hand holding the food, there are still pieces of meat and internal organs from the witch, although he used to be a surgeon who operated on others (Super doctor recommends reading this book) ], but the traces after the killing are indeed disgusting.

   squinted, Natalie had turned her back slightly, and was taking out her food to eat slowly, without looking at herself at all.

   stood up. Robben slowly walked to the lake and looked at the reflection in the lake with a wry smile.It seems that Natalie was really frightened by her previous actions. She now looks like a living ghost. Can also bear to stay and eat by their side.

Robben is now almost covered with blood on his face and blood on his neck.Almost half of the blood from the huge wound on the witch’s body dripped down Robben’s arm to his body, and the last one had no head. The brainless shock wave even shattered the witch’s weakened body. Now in addition to the fragments of flesh and blood on his arms, there are also suspicious things hanging on Robben’s head.

   Robben took off all his blood-stained clothes and threw them on the shore, and washed his hair and face in the clear lake. The clear lake water was immediately dyed red with a strong blood color. Robben is now taking care of the pollution of the environment. He has too many wounds on his body and he does not dare to jump directly into the bath, but it is no problem to wash the exposed skin. Robben finally stretched his head into the lake for a while, and finally washed away the things that were possible on his head.

   took out a set of clean clothes from the space ring and put them on. This was the same set of clothes that I bought temporarily for disguise after the wizard’s guild was blown up. Although ordinary, it was comfortable to wear.

   Shaking the drops of water on his head, Robben was about to turn around and leave, but his raised feet suddenly stopped. A faint blue light caught Robben’s eyes.

   has been stained with blood in the red lake water, a faint blue light is being transmitted from the water, the blue light gathers but does not disperse, reflecting a strange pattern on the water surface.

Robben’s eyes suddenly widened, the blood-red color still spreading in the water, and another burst of light came out from the lake that the blood had just diffused into, but this time it was a blue light, and again, a strange pattern was reflected on the lake surface. on.


   Robben yelled in ecstasy!

  How does the pattern formed by the rays of light on the lake look like Robben like a magic circle? I don’t know a fake mage, but Natalie is a real four-star mage!

  ”Natalie! Come on!”

   Robben urged in a hurry. This deep valley, which I don’t know how deep, is actually a huge circle. This Robben has been determined. The only special terrain is this wide round valley with a small lake and countless huge magic crystals.

   Robben felt that if there were any secret ways or passages to get out, then the possibility that this method existed in this special valley greatly increased. After the witch appeared here, Robben was firmer in this idea.

  ”What’s the matter?” Natalie finally hurried over with a cane, her face full of panic!

  ”What is this!? What is this!?” Robben asked quickly, pointing to a light pattern closest to the shore of the lake.

  ”Ah!” Natalie exclaimed as she looked at the gleaming pattern on the lake!

  ”It’s a magic circle!” Natalie’s face was full of surprises, and she hurriedly walked to the lake, enduring the pain in her body and carefully watched the lines on the blue magic circle on the ground.

  ”What is this, does it have anything to do with our escape!?” Robben saw that Natalie looked for a long time but didn’t say anything, but his face was solemn, and his brows became more frowning.

  ”I… don’t know this magic circle!” Natalie shook her head and said surely.


   Robben almost jumped from the ground!

  ”Aren’t you a four-star mage? How could you not recognize this magic circle!?” The hope that I had just gained was wiped out by Natalie in an instant. Robben couldn’t help being a little mad. As for the relationship between the four-star wizard and this magic circle, Robben naturally did not consider.

   Natalie raised her brows, and she was about to do: If I am a four-star mage, do I have to recognize all the magic circles in the world, if you can defeat me, don’t you recognize it!

   Just as she was about to speak, there was a piercing pain in her tongue, Natalie suddenly woke up, and the person in front of her really couldn’t help it if she didn’t reason with her.

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Natalie expressed another opinion of her own, “This… seems to be a rune, not a complete circle. Maybe, all runes are revealed, I might I will remember!” Natalie’s eyes stared at the blood on the lake and a magic symbol lit up again. Although her mouth was painful, she slowly said this sentence clearly.

  ”Everything!?” Robben was taken aback, staring blankly at the open lake in front of him. Who knows how many runes there are in such a large lake, and how can this **** rune light up?

Anxiously, Robben couldn’t help turning around on the shore. Seeing the magic runes shining in the blood-colored lake water, there must be an article. Something seems to be faintly flashing in front of him, but he can’t catch the point~www. mtlnovel.com~ Natalie and Robben stood on the shore of the lake in a daze, looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Obviously, both of them are thinking about how to find all the magic runes, but it’s a pity , Neither of them seem to have a clue.

   The blood color in the lake water has begun to fade slowly, spreading towards the lake, Robben stared at the blood color that was continuously spreading, helpless.

   Suddenly, Robben opened his eyes wide, md, he was so stupid, the answer was right in front of him, but he didn’t see it!

is blood! The blood of that witch!

When I went down to the lake for the first time to look for clues, I still had some bruises that fell from the cliff that did not heal. I had soaked in the lake for so long, even because I was touching the bottom in the deep lake. I scratched my finger when I was on the stone, and the blood stained a large area of ​​the lake, but there was no movement in the lake.

   I only came here today to wash my whole body with blood stains, and as a result, the lake water lit up! This 80% or more possibility is due to the blood of the witch!

  The blood of the witch! Witch’s blood!

Robben was taken aback. When he stared at him and tried to find a way, the blood in the lake had begun to become very thin. Outside, there was no more movement in the lake.

   Robben looked at his white hands in amazement, and then touched his whole body-the same clean!

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