God Prohibitions

Chapter 115 - escape

There was a muffled sound. The water splashed Lao Gao, and a huge crystal cup Robben was placed on the rock at the bottom of the lake.

  The bright, dazzling magical rune light shines from the base of the crystal, and is reflected on the various planes of the crystal. The light that floats on the pure-color crystal also begins to become stronger.

  ”This time…should be okay!?”

   Robben leaned on a crystal, breathing heavily, looking at Natalie, who was facing the matching situation of various crystals and runes in this huge magic circle.

The fluctuations on each rune are different.According to Natalie, this giant magic circle needs almost all elemental forces to work together to start operation, and each rune with different attributes is magical. Everything about the formation must be supplemented by the magic power of the corresponding attribute.

   So Robben spared no effort to chop up the crystals in the crystal clusters on the shore.

On the vast lake, every magic rune was pressed by Robben with a huge crystal of corresponding color. From the mid-air, every rune on this magic circle has been replaced by another huge crystal, the light of the magic circle It began to grow stronger, and the turbulent magical power fluctuations began to vibrate violently with the humming in the valley.

  ”It’s almost there, as long as we can find the coordinates to go out, I think we can go out with half the confidence!” Natalie looked at the huge shocking array in front of her, looking very excited.

Natalie did not expect that she could actually have the opportunity to operate such a giant magic circle that almost exists in the legend.Each piece of magic crystal here is purely from the upper limit of the magic power contained, absolutely must exceed the magic value of an eight-star magic guide itself. . Looking at the hundreds of huge crystals standing in the lake, Natalie was confident.

  ”Hmm! Let’s start now, this place is so weird, maybe something strange will come out again!” Robben urged.

   Natalie stood on a fiery red crystal in the middle of the lake. In the crystal, a red rune was shining.

   The top of the crystal has been flattened by Robben, and now Robben and Natalie are both standing on the crystal.

   took a light breath, and Natalie started to recite the spell from the memory.

   The faint female voice was almost inaudible in the huge buzzing sound of the magic circle, but Natalie only read a few syllables, and the entire huge circle began to undergo drastic changes [天珠变].

   Every piece of crystal standing on the surface of the lake began to shine with violent light, and the billowing stream visible to the naked eye was drawn out of the crystal and poured into the underwater rock continuously.

   The complex patterns of this huge array shook with a sudden violent sound, and it actually floated out of the water!

   Countless fine and shining patterns passed through Robben’s body like a laser scan and rose into the air. Robben opened his mouth wide and was stunned when he looked at this huge miraculous array in mid-air!

   Under the dazzling brilliance, it seems that the sun is pressing on top of the head, the entire valley of the dazzling light on the circle is completely visible, the water on the lake begins to tremble, and all the magic elements in the air begin to surge almost crazy. m mesh m.

   Under the light, Natalie’s clothes were blown up by the hunter, her hands and her chest formed a strange seal, and the voice of the spell in her mouth was beginning to become short and difficult.

Natalie did not expect that with these extremely large magical crystals as the input of magic power, it is also so difficult to run this magic circle.The absolutely terrifying magical power fluctuations from this extremely huge magic circle almost directly shocked. He died, now relying entirely on the support of countless crystals, he barely controlled the operation of this huge magic circle.

   Robben watched Natalie’s whole body already began to tremble. His face was also pale without a trace of blood.

  ”It’s really not good, give up this time, we will come again when we are ready!”

Robben was worried that if something happened to Natalie, he wouldn’t be able to play with this huge and terrifying magic circle, just released a trace of mental power to perceive the fluctuations of this magic circle, and the result was an extremely violent elemental flow. Directly smashed his extended spiritual thread!

  ”No way!”

   Natalie finally stopped chanting spells, spit out two words in pain on her face!

“I can’t control this power, and the runes under the water will be destroyed by powerful magic! But…the distance is not enough, I can only vaguely see the moon! The farthest teleportation point I see is still Between the mountain walls!” Natalie gritted her teeth, looking up at the sky as if she could see through the distant void.

The unique nature of the teleportation circle has sent Natalie’s mental power far away, who is relocating the teleportation coordinates.Of course, in addition to consuming huge magic power, the mental power consumption of the caster is also huge, almost Although the infinite magic power played a huge supporting role, Natalie still underestimated the depth here! Just like Natalie who opened one eye in the distant sky, she just seemed to see a fuzzy moon, the ground is still far away…

  ”Did you pass through the mist above!” Robben was full of excitement!

  ”I’m not sure, it seems to be on the verge!” Natalie could hardly open her mouth, and her eyes began to shake violently.

“let’s go!”

   Robben clasped Natalie’s shoulder with one hand, and the frantic elements around him fluctuated violently. Luo himself is colorfully dazzling like a little sun!

   Rather than waiting to die, it is better to fight!

   If this magic circle can’t be activated for the second time, then I don’t know when I will have a chance to go out!

   Natalie also knew that maybe after losing this opportunity, there would be no hope anymore. If such a powerful teleportation array still cannot let herself escape, it would be almost impossible to go out again. m mesh m.

   felt a hand pressing on her shoulder, and the very strange magic fluctuations were beginning to vibrate on her body along that hand. Natalie knew that Robben was blessing her with magic.


   Natalie gritted her teeth fiercely, flipped her hands, a new magic mark was formed on her chest, and a string of hurried spells came out from Natalie’s mouth.


   In the huge space, all the voices disappeared, leaving only the voice of Natalie chanting the spell, which became more and more difficult.

  The wind stopped flowing, and the turbulent magic element quieted down strangely.

In the colorful brilliance of Luo itself, the cyan light thorns faintly appeared. In a short time, Natalie’s body was also normal.

  ”What’s going on!” Robben shouted in surprise!

   Natalie didn’t relax at all because of the short silence, she held her staff tightly with one hand, her face was full of tension!

  ”Starting to send!”

   It’s hard to describe what it feels like!

   The huge array in the sky that was exactly the same as the bottom of the lake cast a huge beam of light on the ground, and an unmatched suction force began to form in the beam of light.

Robben didn’t know where he was going to be sucked, he just watched in horror as Natalie’s body was infinitely stretched, and now it has become a gleaming monster, and he clasped her hand on her shoulder, and it has changed. It was as thick as chopsticks, and the pressure in the air squeezed and tore Robben’s body severely.

   Robben felt that he was being stretched, torn apart, and twisted into a ball!

  Darkness has fallen!


   In a hall paved with dark brown rocks, two clusters of flames are beating violently in the mouths of two demon statues, even so. The flame can only illuminate a small side of the wide hall, and in the distance, the hall is dim.

Under the firelight, two people are sitting on two large chairs across a table made of black jade. The chairs are covered with furs of unknown animals. The long fur stretches to the ground, a huge one. The beast’s head was placed in front, and its sharp fangs shone cold under the firelight.

The man on the chair on the left is holding a hip flask in his hand with a smile, sniffing on the spout, and pouring a glass into the glass on the table with a face full of intoxication. The wine is bright yellow and poured into the glass. A faintly burning transparent flame.

  ”Sauron! Would you like a drink!”

This man looks very young, only in his twenties, dressed in black soft armor, very lazily piled in the fur on the chair, a little pale but very handsome face with a somewhat decadent smell, Although he was asking his companions around him, he had already delivered the wine in the glass to his mouth.

The person in the chair on the right wears the same soft armor as the young man, but his stature is surprisingly burly. The young man can curl up on the wide chair, while the “Sauron” in the young man’s mouth can only be so. Sitting in it honestly.

   Sauron didn’t say a word, he seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed.

   seems to be used to the silence of the other party. The young man didn’t care, just poured himself another glass of wine.

  ”It’s so boring!”

   Gently shook his hand with a bright yellow wine with a faint flame, the young man shook his head, the curled black growth gleaming under the firelight, between two long horns extending in the horizontal direction!


   Suddenly, Sauron in the chair on the right opened his eyes.

“Say okay first, I only have one wine glass!” Now my companion opened his eyes, and the young man shook the wine glass in his hand.”If you drink with my flask, I will definitely not let you go !”

  ”Someone started the teleportation array!”

   Sauron’s burly body suddenly stood up. The bald head stopped right next to a cluster of burning flames, shiningly reflecting the light, and on the forehead, two curved corners almost reached the ceiling of the hall.

   The young man screamed!

   Sauron’s huge body suddenly stood up, the table next to him was smashed, and the jug on the table fell down immediately, and a line of wine spilled down the spout of the jug!

  ”Sauron! Do you know how hard it took me to get this bottle of “Ice Flame”?” The young man looked at the wine that had been spilled on the ground with great distress.

  ”Oh, my God! You brainless Dragon Eater!”

The young man lifted up the hip flask on the table with lightning speed, but this hip flask was the size of a palm. After pouring two glasses of wine, only half was left. After spilling it like this, there is only one bottom left. Up.

   Looking at the liquor still burning with light blue flames on the table and on the floor, the young man’s face was bitter!

  ”Sauron! You…!”

Before the young man spoke, Sauron’s fingers thicker than carrots pointed to the front of his nose, “Damn Carlisle! You useless drunkard! Go to your ice flames, go to your dragon eaters! Devil How come your lord sent you to do this errand with me!”

   Sauron’s angry roar began to echo in the hall!

  ”I’m telling you that the teleportation array is activated! Do you understand?”

   The burly Sauron was two feet tall and three thick with Carlisle, and his huge palms grabbed Carlisle’s skirt and directly lifted him in front of him.

   In the huge roar, Carlisle felt countless saliva spray on his face.

  ”Don’t get excited, man! I’m listening!” Carlisle quickly wiped the drool from his face.

“Isn’t the teleportation array activated? What’s the big deal, maybe your cute misses you crazy, so I don’t care about your order to come back to you for comfort!” Carlisle didn’t care, that’s it Sauronti spoke very leisurely in the air.

“There is another, man! Don’t you think your way of petting your favorite witch is a bit special!?” Carlisle’s face was very helpless, “How can you send your favorite witch to that place! If it were me, I would maimed my most hated witch and threw her there, and never let her come back!”

“Her strength is the strongest and she can just go out. I will do my best for what the Lord Demon King ordered!” Sauron grunted and threw Carlisle on the ground directly~www.mtlnovel.com~ as long as one is alive You have to be so serious if you want to be so serious. The two of us are already very boring here. You actually sent your own people to a more boring place! “Carlisle rolled over on the ground, with no intention of getting up.

“I knew you thought so long ago. I have another witch with the same strength as Mengmeng here. I’ll just exchange it with you!” Carlisle said with a bit of drunkenness on his face,” Mengmeng is really beautiful Where’s the witch!”

  ”It’s just!” Carlisle showed a bit of helplessness on his face again,”You are really not good at naming your own witch!”

In spite of the anger on Sauron’s face, Carlisle rubbed a few times on the ground as if he had no bones, and almost crawled back into the chair.”I can see her again soon, here My life is so boring, we are really a chore!”

   Carlisle picked up the jug and greedily poured the last few drops into his mouth.

  ”She is dead!”

   Half of Sauron’s face was hidden in the darkness, and his cold voice seemed extremely harsh!

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