God Prohibitions

Chapter 123 - Song of the Soul

Pin Fei was gone. [.]

After    Fu Liang, the camp began to get busy.

   The people in the corps all got up early and started to pack up. The unimportant clutter was thrown away and the extra tent was also put away. Robben saw this when he walked out of the tent. Obviously Wright had decided to return.

Sasa followed Robben closely. Sasa woke up in the middle of the night and found that she was lying in the tent and ran out crying. When Robben’s tent was revealed, Robben was sleeping inside. Believed the fact that Robben was still alive.

   Now Robben took a step, Sasha followed one step as if for fear that Robben would suddenly disappear again.

  Okay, silly girl, I’m not so good. You look at you and Su is smiling.” Liben turned his head and pointed at Su who was behind Sassa with a smile.

   Su Zheng looked at Robben with a strange expression from time to time.

   This month, I was so worried that you would still laugh if you died.” Fraser Yiri grabbed Robben’s arm and looked at Robben’s smiling face aggrievedly.

   Looking around, everyone was busy. It seemed that the three idlers on his side, Robben, simply reached out and gently hugged Sasa’s petite body. It won’t be anymore, okay. “

Robben was in a trance, and Shasa’s face couldn’t help but coincide with his girlfriend’s face, and he couldn’t tell which one was the confusion on the eve. Yiri was entangled in Robben. However, even so, Robben held Shasa in his arms. The girl’s tenderness towards herself in her arms really moved Robben.


   was gently embraced by Robben, feeling the warm embrace. The worries and fears of this day turned into nothing, and Shasa blushed and finally reached out and gently hugged the man in front of him.

  Don’t disturb others”

   Although the voice can be lowered, but the voice is too close to Robben and Faye, it’s better to hear

  Sasha quickly let go of her hand and hid behind Robben with a shy face. Alan stood there not far in front of the two people and pulled Xio’s arm angrily.

   It seemed that Xio was about to come over to say hello but was stopped by Alan whispered.

   Early” Robben greeted Hugh and Allen with a face as usual.

   Behind is Fei Luo, we haven’t seen it yet” Xio gently broke free of Allen’s hand and walked over.

who are you. “Shasha slept before Hugh and Allen arrived. It’s only now the first time I saw two people.

  Xiu took the trouble to introduce himself, and the relationship between Yu and Robben was very friendly.

   Robben, you have the blessings of the gods. “Sasa was also surprised when he heard what Hugh said.

  We’ll talk about this later.” Robben lowered his voice and quickly stopped Sasha’s words. After Hill found Xiuma and gave himself this gift as a teacher, it’s hard to tell outsiders. http://www..

You are Sasha. I heard Senior Theo said that you can kill Tawen this time, and most of it is your credit.” Allen said, but there was such a surprise in his heart. I didn’t expect that Sasha was actually a child who seemed to be so innocent. girl.

   It’s just luck”

  Sasha thought of the only neat room in the Forbidden Soul Tower, unavoidably feeling this sad.

   Let’s go. They guys say all these boring things. Let’s go over there and talk for ourselves.” Alan walked over with a smile on his face and took Shasa’s hand. Finally, Shaya was unwillingly pulled away.

   Alan asked me to thank you for that sword, she liked it very much”

   Don’t be so polite. Yesterday Alan thanked him, but I got a lot of benefits in the process of enchanting.” Robben had a smug smile on his face.

Oh. “Roben’s mysterious smile made Xio very surprised, not knowing what you saw.”

  Hehe, kidding, but if I have time, I would consider becoming a priest

  ” Robben could not help but change his words while regretting in his heart.

   Xiu didn’t care much about enchanting. You need to use a few very special magics in the light system to control the power of the elements. This kind of magic is never spread, even a mage can’t learn it once.

That’s my contribution. When you accept the award, I think I must ask you if you want to become a clergyman. As long as you show a little will, it will be fine.” Hugh patted Robben’s shoulder affectionately. I am very happy that Robben wants to be a pastor.

As guests of the mercenary group, Robben and Hugh did not join the members of the group. The two people know that even if they help, most of them are not busy without perennial cooperation. It is difficult to integrate into the orderly work of this group of mercenaries. .

   Robben and Hugh were talking about a trivial matter. Robben heard from Hugh that his experience in the mainland in the past few years was very novel, and Robben’s modern views also surprised Hugh. The two talked very pleasantly.

  Compared with this, the progress of Sasha and Allen was much faster. Two women shouted and whispered. Soon, it was like the heads of close friends of the boudoir huddled together and laughed from time to time.

   The things in the camp are getting smaller and smaller. The carriages have been loaded with stuff, but the rest of the vehicles are empty. After all, the number of people is only a small part of the former.


   Busy in an orderly manner, the very anxious voice of a mother in Luzhong rang in the camp.

   Wright, who was setting up a tent, heard the sound and rushed over, and the other members almost put down their work together and gathered towards the large tent used as a medical room.

   Obviously, this is the first time I have had such a thing from time to time.

  Henry, he’s not working, everyone”

   Yi Niang’s eyes were red and she sighed and rolled up the tent door that had been tightly covered.

   In the tent is a skinny mercenary whose straight arms are gone, his body is covered with blood-stained gauze, his eyes are deep in a dead gray face.

  Henry” Wright walked into the tent and knelt down beside the mercenary and took his outstretched hand.

  Wright buried me, my brothers and the old head,” Henry’s voice was already very weak.

  Henry, you are good, we are proud of you”

  Wright looked at Henry’s young and haggard face and felt extremely sad. After returning to the camp, almost all the wounded who were seriously injured were dead. Now only Henry is left, but he cannot escape the clutches of death.

   I can’t fight with you anymore, but it’s worth slaughtering a giant dragon.” Henry’s face showed a radiance, and the frame instantly stopped moving.

  Good brother, Wright set his grip on Henry’s hand tightly and the sound was choked.

   All the members bowed their heads.

  Wright Henry is the last one.” Yi Niang broke the suppressed silence.

   Everyone, stop, go tomorrow, and bury Henry for the last time.” Wright put Henry’s hand back to his chest and stood up silently.

   You just bury your companion’s body here casually. “

   Alan’s surprised voice in the silence seemed so harsh.

  All the eyes of all people gathered in an instant, Zhi Lun, who was standing in Otto…four, including his mother’s face, was full of this anger.

   Facing the eyes of the crowd, Alan was awe-inspiring.

We never abandon our companions, even if our companions have become corpses, we will fight for our lives and take his body back to the cemetery for a good burial. We will never throw the companions who have lost their lives in the wilderness. This is right. The contempt of life is the contempt of the companion who exchanges life for your right to live [immortality]” At the end Allen turned his voice with anger and bright eyes and stared back at everyone without showing weakness.

  Wright walked out slowly and stood beside Allen.

   Robben had no idea that Allen would react like this. For a while, the two sides who had been polite had this kind of tension. Robben glanced at Xio who was standing aside but didn’t see any surprise on Xio’s face. It seemed that everything had been expected.

   Miss Knight, I don’t mind your accusations against us. After all, your words are not malicious and I am also moved by your loyalty to your companions but”

   Wright was not angry, but he seemed to be so excited, he turned his body and pointed at the person behind Wright and said that we are mercenaries and we are not orthodox knights.”

  We don’t have what you call a cemetery. Most of us don’t have a fixed home. Even the corps’ station may change frequently in a short time. “

From the day we became mercenaries, we were ready to die in the mission. My father had told me that he said that if he dies one day, he will be buried where he died.” Wright thought of his father’s face Shang was slightly sad.

   We mercenaries do not need others to commemorate or tombstones. We wander around. Any place can be our home. Any place can also be our resting place. Our mercenaries have always existed like this, you understand. Miss Cavalier. “

  Wright said nothing in a hurry, but left Allen speechless.

  Allen, this is the tradition of mercenaries, you should apologize.” Hugh finally whispered next to him.

   I’m sorry. There is indeed a difference between Allen’s embarrassing position and angle of speaking from the person in front of him.

   Nothing. In the eyes of the orthodox knights, our actions really make them feel disgusted to hear your apology. I am very touched.” Wright smiled tolerantly.

   Alan and Hugh seemed shocked when Henry was buried because the tomb in front of them seemed to bury hundreds of people.

  Father, brothers, rest in peace. We are leaving. Take the head of the evil dragon and go back. The mercenary group will definitely show up. Don’t worry, you won’t become lonely ghosts.  ”

   Wright’s soft voice echoed quietly in the air. Natalie and Wright’s injuries on her body as they stood together have been treated by Yimian meticulously, and her face looks much better.

   In the sound of soft footsteps, Allen stepped forward again.

   Sorry, I know I shouldn’t bother now, but I think I can do something for you.”

   Allen didn’t wear that armor but a white robe that was not very different from Hugh, and looked very solemn and holy.

   I want to pray for this dead warrior”

   When Alan stood quietly in front of the huge grave, he sang a long melody gently with his hands on his chest, and everyone couldn’t help but be slightly surprised.

The faint milky white brilliance slowly flashed from her body as Allen sang. A long platinum tip and a slight milky white halo slowly spread into the air as Allen’s body gently swayed. Everyone seemed to hear the melodious and holy chorus in the air.

   Alan, who has taken off his uniform, is now like a holy goddess

As Allen’s melodious chanting, the huge attack on the grave began to slowly rise up a stream of milky white rays of light slowly rising around Allen’s side, and finally gradually rising to the sky and turning into a stream of light. In the distance.

This is the only buffing magic that Allen can use or is it a long time ago when I taught her when she was young, she was always sad for the dead person, and I taught her this soul-relief song. “Now, she has used more than I’m fine. In fact, she is very kind and became a knight to protect others.

  Xue stood silently behind the crowd with Robben, looking at the face of Alan at the front with tenderness.

   Do you like her very much? “Roben looked at Allen and couldn’t help but feel full of affection for this fierce female knight.

  Of course she is everything to me. We grew up together and no one can replace her in my heart,” Xio answered without hesitation.

  Allen is so beautiful”

   Shasa, leaning on Luo himself, looked at Allen, who was shining with holiness, with envy.

Alan, but when I said I really envy SaSa, your pure beauty.” Hugh praised Sa Sa without any secret. It’s just a pity that when she took up the sword and became a knight, she started to fight against something and even started killing. Change.” Speaking of this, Xiu had this regret on his face.

   Actually, I also envy Sasha to have Robben by your side. You should be much happier than Ellen.” Hugh shook his head as if she felt that she was talking too much, not talking intently, and started listening to Ellen singing.

   Sasha was silent after hearing what Hugh said.

If I see Master Robben in the future, I still don’t know what to say and Robben also has his own things to do. Robben has his own home in the Vail League. I have never asked Robben if he has a wife and I don’t know if Robben has a wife. How long can I stay with myself after I come back~www.mtlnovel.com~ I think of all this and the feeling that my heart is empty in the month when Robben disappeared, Sasha has this sad, Robben has never really had anything to himself Express and don’t what you said is not obvious enough.

  May the souls of the warriors rest in peace”

   The last ray of white light left Ellen’s side and disappeared into the sky. Allen ended his prayer with these words.

  Thank you”

  Wright was the first to speak behind Alan. I have heard that there is a magical magic to soothe the soul in the gods. I think we are one of the few mercenaries who can get this kind of treatment. Thank you very much.”

  Maybe some of you in the Shenting court were biased by your mercenaries, but most of us have respect for you.” Allen heard Wright’s words with some dissatisfaction with Shenting.

   Wright smiled and didn’t want to argue about the knights of the gods. But the relationship between the gods of the gods and the mercenaries is not to be mentioned. In Wright’s view, the mages who can face the mercenaries like Hugh are simply rare.

   Thank you in any case. I think the souls of my father and my brothers will rest in peace. “Although it is still the same name, Wright is a lot more beautiful this time.

Let’s go”

   Wright looked at the place where his father and hundreds of brothers were buried last, stroking Natalie before turning and leaving.

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