God Prohibitions

Chapter 1547 - Foggy

Crick was very surprised. Robben’s magic enchantment was notoriously hard, but this time he bumped into it without any hindrance, or… this enchantment actually has no defensive effect at all.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

After breaking in, Creek regretted it. Now these people are very resistant to the Protoss. If they mess around, they will definitely mess things up. I remembered that I came here because of the battle between heaven and man in my heart. I couldn’t help but be more careful. stand up.

However, the cautious mood soon became suspicious. The big tent was right in front of his eyes, but now there was a melodious and pleasant singing voice, which was actually the strange and beautiful singing of Alia.

Moreover, loud noises came from the tent… didn’t that guy want to rest quietly?

Cautiously approached the door of the big tent, glanced inside, and Crick suddenly exploded his lungs.

The tent has undergone a magical expansion of space and is very wide. Even if Ruda sits there, it does not appear to be crowded at all. Everyone gathered together and raised a pile of bonfires. By the side of the bonfire, there was a piece of meat pouring from grease, and Alia was full of face. Dancing with a smile.

The people who looked sad just now are sitting there happily, watching Aliya’s dance and chatting while eating.

The damn, a thousand-knife, Robben who was half-conscious just now was sitting among everyone with a smile, hugging left and right, opening his mouth and eating the barbecue that Salsa had brought over.

“You lied to me!” Crick yelled, tore off the curtain of the big tent, and burst in angrily.

The voices in the tent stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at Crick with a look of surprise.

Seeing that these people actually looked like ‘what happened’, Crick became even more angry and rushed forward, grabbing Robben by the collar and about to lift him up.

But Crick’s hand suddenly froze. Although his heart was extremely angry, Crick still felt keen. The moment he grasped the collar, the other party’s small body swayed unnaturally, just like…a puppet.

“You…” Looking at Robben, Creek was stunned.

Of course, Crick stopped for another reason: after all, a cold dagger stopped there next to her throat.

“Little girl, don’t come to die.” Ruda’s big hand fell from the sky, and his thick fingers poked Crick on the shoulder, “Let him go.”

Crick’s face was full of cold sweat. This **** big man couldn’t judge the situation at all. He was slapped on the shoulder a few times, and he almost made his neck directly hit the chilly dagger.

Gently and slowly let go of Robben’s collar, Robben’s body fell back again, leaning softly against Sasha, and Crick suddenly found that the dagger in front of his throat was missing.

Seeing everyone looking at him with weird eyes, Crick felt a tightness on his face and focused his gaze on Luo himself. Crick calmed down and asked loudly: “What’s the matter?”

Robben woke up, now he looked completely awake.

“Oh… almost dying again.” Robben sighed, “I have something to say… I always use my hands, sit… I just wanted to find you, but I didn’t expect you to come by myself.”

Crick was also not welcome, and directly kicked the chubby Maomao on the side, and Maomao protested dissatisfied, but his chubby body had been rolled out, and Crick sat directly on the place where Mao Mao was lying on his stomach.

Robben sat up a little harder, sighed and said, “I said you guys…I didn’t notice such a big man when he broke in, he was too relaxed.”

“Got it!” Sasha pouted, took a piece of barbecue and plugged Robben’s mouth, “Isn’t everyone paying attention to you fool.”

Robben chuckled, “Okay…I made everyone worried, I…punished three dollars! Salsa will give me the meat!”

Crick took a large skewer of barbecue directly from the campfire and handed it to Robben, “Enough of this? If enough… I want to hear your explanation right away!”

What an anxious woman… Robben sighed helplessly.

“This is not ready yet!” Sasha glared at Crick immediately, took the barbecue and reinserted it by the bonfire.

Looking at the creek with a clouded face, Robben thought for a while, “Okay, then I will explain a little bit, these things…I haven’t told everyone, but it’s not that I want to hide it, it’s just myself. I haven’t fully understood it yet, and now I can tell you a little bit, but… I hope you will keep the Protoss secret for the time being.”

Everyone gathered at once, and Crick watched everyone gather around him, and for a moment he didn’t know whether he should sit here, and he seemed at a loss.

Robben smiled, “Crick, you heard me too, right?”


“You are no longer a protoss, but a human creek, now… you are one of us.”

Crick couldn’t help but open his mouth, “I…I haven’t said yet, I just…”

“Quiet!” Natalie glared at Crick dissatisfiedly, and Crick couldn’t help but shut her mouth.

After pondering for a while, Robben said: “I want to… have another barbecue! Ah… Don’t be so fierce, I’m just kidding.”

“I am now, you guys have seen it, it’s like this.” Robben shook his body, his arms hanging weakly beside him, swinging like noodles.

“I had some accidents in the Demon Realm earlier, and my power was almost consumed. Later, although I recovered some, I returned with a hundred thousand soldiers from the Pioneer Camp and a large group of giant dragons. There was not much left. Finally, I used the power of the God of War. It was during the great transfer of magic that I realized that the situation had changed a little.”

“What change!?” Crick asked the first.

“It’s really amazing, I can’t say for sure now, I can only say that I am weak now, but… I may be able to use some magic or other power soon.”

“Others?” Crick found himself increasingly unable to understand Robben’s words.

Robben chuckled and smiled, “I am not very clear. This change is very rapid, as if I was still fainting, but now I am fully awake. I believe there will be results soon. Don’t worry about me now. …I feel pretty good now.”

“That’s it?” Crick felt the urge to hit someone again.

“What I want to talk about is the situation in God’s Domain.”

Crick’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Robben considered, “I explained it to you before, but I didn’t know some things myself, so I didn’t explain it vaguely, but it’s different now. I seem to have figured out something…”

“Say it!” Crick said anxiously.

“First of all, the **** king is dead.” Robben sighed regretfully.

Crick felt a thunderbolt hit his head severely, and he was completely stunned.

Fanny was a little worried and touched Robben lightly, “Idiot…you speak slowly!”

Robben looked at the petrochemical creek and smiled bitterly, “This… it’s better not to pave the way, there is nothing worth exaggerating…”

Crick suddenly felt like a female leopard pounced on Robben’s shoulders and asked with a cold voice, “What did you just say!?”

This time, even Sasha ignored Robben, just fiddled with the barbecue at hand, “Idiot…Idiot…”

“Hey… I mean, the King of God… Actually, he has already left us.”

Crick trembled all over, shaking and falling back to his previous position, his eyes a little dull, “God King…dead?”

“I’m sorry to tell you such a thing, but this is a fact. This is one of the reasons why I have never wanted to tell the gods about the situation in the gods. The news of the death of the gods…I think I can make the gods’ army collapse.”

“This… how is this possible!?”

“This is no longer possible, but a fact…”

“The king… How did the king die? Where is the **** of light?” Crick quickly calmed down after a brief shock.

“The God of Guangming is already weak. I sent him to a safe place to rest. He will appear after a few years. As for the death of the God King, this is what I intend to explain. I think I have discovered some secrets. “

Everyone pricked their ears this time.

“Speaking of which, the **** king was eroded by the blood curse, lost his mind, and made many crazy actions, which finally led to an abnormal change in the gods. He died and the **** of light was also greatly implicated, but… I always feel that the process of the **** king being invaded by the blood curse is a bit strange, a bit too simple, and with such a powerful **** king, will he really be controlled by the blood curse without noticing it?”

Maes guessed and said: “I don’t understand this very well, but it should be the trick of the Black Emperor, and it seems that this can only be explained.”

Robben turned his head and asked Luoxi, “Luoxi, do you think the **** king can’t realize his own problems? Then his mind gradually becomes confused, he begins to become irritable, and he starts to make beast fighters, even black armored fighters. , And then run away to death by himself?”

Luo Xi was very sleepy, “I’m just a little warrior… I don’t know Lord God King, but Lord God King is so powerful, maybe… I can’t guess.”

“Crick, how about you?” Robben suddenly turned his head.


“We are the only one of us who have had a lot of contact with the King of Gods. Even if you can’t really understand, you can definitely give an objective evaluation. Look… Shivala is the user of the blood curse, and her power is extremely powerful. , This is the benefit brought by the blood curse. Of course, this power will push people into the abyss. You have seen Shivala using his power with your own eyes. Do you think…Will the **** king die like this?”

“This…” Crick frowned and thought, staring at Shivala’s body uncontrollably.

For a long time, Crick still shook his head, “I don’t know how powerful this blood curse is, but if you take her as a reference, even if this blood curse is ten times more powerful, it shouldn’t be troubled by God King. The talent is right, not to mention…”

“What’s more, there is a God of Light, right?”

Crick nodded, “The God of Light is almost omnipotent, this blood curse…”

“Crick, put your hand on my shoulder.” Robben said suddenly.

Crick froze for a moment, but reached out his hand as he did, “Is that so?”

Robben’s expression became serious, “You don’t know what the blood curse is, so it’s somewhat difficult to judge. Now I can give you a little reference, Shivala…you put your hand on my shoulder.”

Shivala has been eating, and after hearing this, she came forward and put her hand on Robben’s shoulder while saying, “You don’t want my blood curse power? You might die if you look like this. of.”

“Relax, but…be lighter.”

Shivala shrugged, “Well, if you die, I will find a good piece of land to treat you… Well, I’m just talking about and you won’t really kill him.” Shivala suddenly found countless words The hateful eyes fell on him.

The breath of blood floated on Shivala’s hand, as if blood mist was rolling, gently infiltrating Robben’s body.

On the other side of Robben’s shoulder, a faint golden mist floated up, which looked exactly like Shivala’s blood mist.

The creek face that was in contact with the golden mist changed, and his whole body became tense. It seemed that he had been attacked by some powerful force, and his body instantly rose up with a black breath and began to resist.

Robben was calm, and after a while he said to Shivala, “It should be possible.”

Shivala looked at Robben very unexpectedly, “Not only is alive, but also unharmed, you are really a monster!”

Robben had to smile wryly.

Crick’s hand slowly left Robben’s shoulders, and he sat back in his original position with a cold sweat, and said with a slight breath: “This… is this a blood curse?”

“Of course there is a difference from the real blood curse, but the difference is not very much. The impact on the life jīng **** and the body is probably like this. Shivala probably used a bit of strength just now. Based on this, you can Do you have an evaluation?”

Crick quickly wiped the cold sweat on his head, after thinking about it, he shook his head, “This level, it shouldn’t be… the **** king is completely different from us!”

“It’s completely correct. It’s the same as the concept that the Black Emperor and the Demon Kings are completely different. Although I was surprised before, but I didn’t have much doubt. The Black Emperor is indeed tricky, and the methods are vicious. It felt strange, but after this time… I suddenly had some questions.”

“This time… what this time?” Crick was puzzled.

“I mean, after I used something that the God of Light gave me at the time, I fainted and woke up again. During this time, I realized something.”

After thinking about it carefully, Robben still said: “I think…this is indeed a yīn plot, but it is not of the demons, but of the gods.”

Everyone’s eyes widened.

“Roben, what are you talking about?” Sasha scratched her face in confusion, “Is it the yīn plot of the demons or the yīn plot of the gods?”

Robben smiled bitterly, “Now…I am not so sure about myself, but I am sure of one thing, that is the condition of the Protoss…In fact, it will not be as difficult and unbearable as we expected.”

Creek’s eyes slowly lit up, “Roben, why do you say that.”

“The **** king may be dead, but the **** of light is still there, and… this old immortal should still jump out at that time!”

Crick paled a few times, “The God of Light…”

Robben quickly said: “I now suspect that the blood curse will erode the King of Gods. Besides, the blood curse on Shivala is a typical blood curse power in God’s Domain, and her consciousness has been awakened. The power is stronger, and I can clearly feel the law of operation of this power now, but… this does not seem to be so powerful that it is equal to the power of the curse, or slightly stronger, the **** king… Was it really killed by this power?”

Everyone couldn’t help but stare at each other.

“Roben, but you said that to us before!” Natalie hummed.

“Indeed, but at that time…I haven’t discovered that there is something strange in the blessings that the God of Light gave me.”


“Yes, it’s weird! The old man was very sad and helpless. He blessed me, hoping that I could use this power similar to the **** king to guide the gods as much as possible. Of course, I am a human being and cannot bear all of it. Strength, this is only a part, but this part is also very powerful. I have always been summarizing and digesting, but this time after I fainted over exhaustedly, I discovered something very amazing.

With that, Robben’s eyes flashed, and a flickering virtual image appeared in the air in front of Luo himself.

Crick was taken aback, “God’s crown!?”

“Oh… it really is this thing!” Robben curled his lips. “In the inheritance of the **** king, many the use of the gods will have this crown-shaped light. Although this is completely unnecessary, it must be the old man to highlight the gods. From the position of the king.”

Robben’s eyes flashed, and the crown in the air revolved a few times. With a “clam”, it turned into a real object and fell on the table, which made everyone’s eyes widened.

“It’s just a means of condensing the elements to materialize. This is not a problem for the king.” Robben’s expression became a little more annoyed. “But for convenience, every time the crown is condensed, there will be a jīng **** mark to coordinate. The collection of magical elements, that is to say… this crown has a jīng **** emblem, every time it has it, just like a signature~www.mtlnovel.com~ Guess… Is there a jīng **** emblem on this crown now?”

Everyone’s faces immediately became weird.

Crick looked at the crown and said softly: “If the crown is condensed by the inheritance of the **** king, then there should be the jīng **** emblem of the current **** king, but since the **** king is already…”

“The dying guy will soon disappear, and soon… it’s a guy who has been lost for a long time, but I must regret to tell you that this part of the **** of light is not complete, it seems to have been selected by the heart. In the middle, what is left… is the jīng **** emblem of an unknown guy.”

Following Robben’s words, a ray of light rose from the crown, and several symbols appeared in the light.

“Crick, you opened your mouth so wide, do you want to tell me that these ancient protoss characters are the names of the gods?”

Crick struggled… nodded.

Everyone was in an uproar. RS! .

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