God Prohibitions

Chapter 1550 - Surrender

When Robben appeared in the big tent of the tooth, Mondo and Conil were also there. The three seemed to be discussing something. Conil’s expression was very sullen, and it seemed that even staying here was a little reluctant.

“Roben!? You are awake!” Seeing Robben coming in, Ya was overjoyed.

“Ah… I slept for a while, what happened?” Robben looked at Conil. Conil’s expression was ugly, but he insisted on staying here. It seemed that there was a necessary reason. .

“The attack of the demons was repelled by us again. We are now discussing the countermeasures in the future.” Ya paused, “We have an idea, we are discussing the feasibility, we have already asked someone to invite Creek, you can come. that is really good.”

Robben became curious, “What is the countermeasure?”

“All the demon’s tricks this time are strange tricks. I don’t know what will happen next. We can’t care about it anyway, but guarding the door of the space like this…I don’t think there may be any need for it.”

“Oh?” Robben was surprised, “Ya, are you withdrawing!?”

“Yes, I want to withdraw!”

Conil snorted honestly, obviously opposing this opinion.

“Why?” Robben was extremely strange, “We have blocked the demon’s offensive here for so long. Even if the demon still failed to reach the ground even with so many tricks at any cost, we also paid the price of blood. Now… why give up?”

Ya said softly: “Indeed, we have been guarding here to resist the invasion of the demons, but… if we have another attack like that, I don’t know if we will be spared, this time if it wasn’t because you used the strange With the tricks, we have long been dead and wounded, and it is difficult for these millions of troops to gather together to move. In that case…the number of casualties will be extremely staggering.”

“Well…it’s not unreasonable to say that.” Robben nodded slightly, “But… after we retreated, the demons were on the ground, wouldn’t it be more troublesome for us?”

“No… we can’t go far, but just leave the space gate’s attack range.” The tooth’s eyes lit up. “We have been under attack all the time, from the space gate that the monsters started to emerge from the last hell. With the emergence of the fire, the demons have been using the space gate as an exit to attack us aggressively. We can only defend passively, which is very unfavorable. But if we can withdraw a proper distance, all the attacks of the demons will be complete. If it fails, they can only descend on the demons.”

Luo Ben knows, “You mean waiting for those Demon Warriors before they settle down, when they don’t have a firm foothold…”

“Yes! This kind of battle is beneficial to us. In terms of group operations, we have a stronger advantage. We have a more orderly and complete battle formation. It is difficult to resist us without a stronghold.”

“Well… this idea seems to be a good idea. Avoiding the enemy’s sharp points and finding their shortcomings to attack is indeed in line with the art of war, but… Conil doesn’t seem to like this plan much.”

“I won’t leave!” Conil expressed his thoughts very directly, “We can drain every drop of blood here. But… we can’t abandon the land that our soldiers defend with their lives!”

The tooth’s face tightened and did not speak.

“Then…what about the others?” Robben asked again.

Obviously, there is only Mundo who hasn’t commented yet.

The **** of Mundo appeared very cautious, “This matter…must be carefully considered. Even if Ya’s plan is completely beneficial to the situation of the war, but he flinches, and after many casualties, this must be a morale. Blow.”

Ya said softly, “This is also a question we are considering. We don’t know what the results of this plan can get, but… the blow to morale is sure.”

“Oh… Then how can we decide?”

“If Crick agrees…”

Before Ya’s words were finished, Conil already said sharply: “She is no longer qualified to participate in our decision-making. It is the greatest tolerance for her to still be responsible for coordinating the mobilization and operation of ground forces.”

“Who said that this is the greatest tolerance for me?” Crick’s voice floated from outside the tent, and the curtain of the door was picked up, and the golden eyes of the golden hair appeared at the door of the big tent.

Conil couldn’t help but sneered: “Even if you pretend to be true to life, you can’t change the facts!”

Crick didn’t turn back angrily. “My disguise is not for a dangerous guy like you, but for our loyal and brave fighters. I want them to know that their **** of war is still by their side. They fight side by side, and I will become the sword and shield in their hands. I know my identity very well, but for the victory of this war, it’s okay if I have to do more exaggerated disguise. The people who can disrupt the situation are completely different.”

Walking gently, Crick didn’t even bother to watch Conil’s approach to Fang, “What happened? Your messenger made the soldiers go to me out of breath.”

Ya looked at Crick in a bit of surprise. In just a short time, Crick seemed to have undergone a great change. He was still firm and indifferent, but there seemed to be a smile on the corners of his mouth, which seemed a little softer. Even self-confidence.

“Crick, we have something to discuss with you, I have a lie!”

Conil couldn’t help but said loudly: “Ya! If you think that such a human being can discuss our war situation with us as equals, then I don’t think I need to stay here at all!”

“Huh?” Creek immediately turned around and shouted, “Conil! What are you stupid talking about? I am not qualified to discuss the battle here? So what are you?”

“You are just a human! You are not the **** of war of my race at all!”

Crick smiled, “So what? Is it possible to say that anyone who is commanding the Protoss army to fight can be anybody, as long as he puts the word “God of War” on his head? How ridiculous!”

Crick stared at Conil and said in a cold voice: “You idiot made it clear to me, I don’t want to say it again! Now our situation is very bad, the demons are calculating us secretly, and we are in a passive situation. , And I only have four Gods of War left, so before you speak, it’s best to use your brain to think. If you mess up the battle, let us fall into a more chaotic situation, I will treat you as an enemy Up.”

Cornelton was angry, “A human dare to talk to me like this! Do you really think you are qualified to stand here?”

Crick said loudly: “Of course! I am standing here not because of the name of my God of War, but because of the belief that I represent! The power I control has been accumulated over thousands of years! The soldiers saw me The figure will fight bravely, and you will not fear death when you hear my cry! The reason why I stand here is because I have a good side for this war, not because… you can see that it doesn’t make much sense. The title of God of War!”

Conil was about to yell, and Crick had pointed at him and shouted: “Of all the troops, your troops are the slowest, the weakest, and the morale is the lowest! It makes people feel uncomfortable from top to bottom. We all do. After giving everything for this war, what are you doing? Besides putting your **** so-called faith on your lips here! What have you done? With this time, you might as well go back and rectify your army, your Couldn’t the eyes see your soldiers’ morale because you are an uncomfortable God of War?”


“I’m telling the truth. I am responsible for the overall deployment of the entire army. I know best which side of the soldiers moves quickly and which side is slow. Conil…you are such a stupid guy. You…are God of War. Shame!”

“Enough, Crick…Stop talking.” Ya sighed slightly, and finally shook his head. “Conil, if Ya is telling the truth, you have no reason to be angry anymore. We are now discussing countermeasures. It will be a pity if you still come to us with the distinction of identity.”

Conil resisted his anger and hummed: “I don’t approve of this retreat! I won’t let my soldiers bleed in vain!”

Ya nodded. “Okay… Just say your thoughts calmly.”

He explained his strategy to Crick, and Ya looked at Crick, waiting for Crick’s answer.

Crick thought about it for a while, “I think this plan is feasible, it may not be beneficial to us, but if the demon still has the ability to launch such an attack, we are unable to resist, for this we must take action. It’s very reasonable to avoid Feng Rui for the time being and attack its weaknesses.”

“Oh… your statements are really similar.” Mundo raised his eyebrows, his tone still relaxed.

“Mondo, your decision, now we don’t have so much time to think carefully.”

“Hmm…” Mundo groaned for a while, “My thoughts are actually similar to yours. It is indeed more dangerous for us to stay here. The demons are watching us and attacking at will. This space gate will last for a long time. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I think it’s reasonable to avoid the enemy’s attack for a while, but our morale will be hit, and once the demons descend on the ground, we don’t know what will happen. Now for…I think if we can Solve one of the problems, then this plan is feasible.”

“One of the two questions…” Fang bowed his head in thought, “Our morale, and the movement of the Demon Race? We backed up because we couldn’t figure out the movement of the Demon Race. This is obviously not feasible, then Only morale is left, but…”

Conil said in a deep voice, “I can’t tell my soldiers that we left our position to win!”

Ya fell silent. Obviously, he could not think of a good way to solve this problem. The Protoss in this war is a persistent battle. The Protoss has always been here since the beginning of the war. They are tenacious to seal the Demons on the other side of the space gate, although the casualties are very high. Great, but the soldiers are very excited about the result of this battle. Every time the demons are successfully repelled, they will cheer loudly. Every time they will silently pray for the dead comrades. If you suddenly say you want to retreat, you must leave those soldiers defended with their lives. Position, this… hard to tell the past.

“Roben, what do you think?” Ya asked.

“I… can I express my opinion?” Robben looked at Conil, and Conil snorted directly.

“I would like to hear your views.”

Robben thought for a while and said: “I agree with this idea, but what Mundo said is also a considerable situation. We must try to minimize the negative impact on us, otherwise there is no room for retreat, and…Conil won’t leave this way. .”

Tooth frowned deeply, “Morale, military spirit…”

With a long sigh, Ya looked out of the tent, appearing to be worried, “At this time…If the Lord God is here, it will be fine.”

Cornelton narrowed his eyes, “I think… now we can let our allies explain in detail what the situation in God’s Domain is like! Maybe… if we all discuss it together, we will get something different. result!”

“I don’t think it is necessary!” Crick interrupted Conil directly, “Since the Lord God has the consideration of the Lord God, we should do our own thing and wait for the Lord God to appear, instead of making trouble. “

“I suspect that this guy has concealed a lot of truth, and these truths directly affected the direction of decision-making in this war!” Conil did not hide his doubts about Robben at all.

Crick looked at Robben silently.

Robben scratched his chin. “It seems that I am now under serious suspicion. Otherwise, I think that I may not be believed no matter what I say. Then I will find a suitable witness to prove it for me. . It just so happens that we also need a decision.”

“Witness?” Conil sneered. “Could anyone else prove your innocence? Wouldn’t you let your women prove your innocence? This is ridiculous.”

“Let’s go out in such a small place… It’s very disrespectful to him.” Robben ignored Conil and went out first.

All of them looked puzzled, but Robben was sure. I had to follow them all.

After going out of the big tent, Ya saw Robben stopped in the open space in front. Looking around. It seems to be choosing a place.

“Roben, what are you going to do?”

After Robben chose the place, his eyes began to look back and forth on the faces of the four Gods of War, “I now need a candidate to prove that I have not lied, and I have to choose one from the four of you.”

“We?” The four were surprised.

“Who wants to help?” Robben asked with a smile.

“We… Prove you?” Conil disdain. “Is there something wrong with your brain?”

“Conil, if you doubt me, you might as well stand up, and I will naturally let you prove me.” Robben said with certainty.

“Joke! Why should I listen to you? You have not said what to do, do you want me to follow your command?”

Robben shrugged, “Forget it, your personality and spleen are not suitable for this thing, then…Mondo?”

Mundo stared, “Boy, what are you going to do?”

Robben shook his head, “Too old, not good…”

“What!?” Mundo suddenly blew his beard and stared.

“The words of Ya…” Robben still shook his head, “Your special features are too prominent, Crick, your words…”

“I…” Crick’s face was slightly unnatural.

“I think she has no qualifications to prove anything, she can’t explain her own thing!” Conil immediately said again.

Robben laughed, “It’s okay! Actually, it’s best for me to do this myself, but you probably won’t believe it, so I’d better look for a creek who is close to my physique. You might be suspicious now. What, but it won’t happen soon, Crick! Come here, please!”

Crick just walked up and asked stiffly and a little nervously: “What do you…what do you want to do?”

Crick asked this sentence very seriously, because when Robben explained to himself at the time, he only said the result, without mentioning the process.

“Take this!” Robben put a small jewel in Crick’s hand.

“this is?”

“It was given to me by the King of Gods.” Robben said casually, but he immediately turned everyone’s eyes on the gem.

Luo went to the distance, “This is what the **** king gave me just in case, I think it is just right to use him at this time, and use this… to contact the **** king.”

“What?” Several people were taken aback.

“This thing is very convenient to use, and it doesn’t need to consume too much power, because… the **** king himself will support the whole process.” Robben gently drew a magical circle in midair, his fingers slightly, The gem in Rick’s hand suddenly burst into dazzling light.

Several people were taken aback. Crick’s body floated up in the light of five rays of light, and his figure began to change in a faint sense.

The light of five sè envelops Crick, and Crick’s body slowly rotates in the light. After a short while, the light gradually dissipates, and Crick appears in front of several people with a brand new appearance.

Ya took a breath of air, and appeared from the scattered light, it was actually the king of God! Mundo and Conil were also dumbfounded, and were stunned for a while.

“Crick…you, how do you…”

“Isn’t there any trouble?” Crick, who has become a **** king, looked around, “Why call me?”

These two words surprised the three gods on the opposite side even more~www.mtlnovel.com~ This voice and tone… is clearly the king of gods!

Robben said with a smile, “I’m sorry, but now there are some things you need to prove.”

The King of God frowned, “Roben, I will give you the contact stone, which is to be used as a last resort. I shouldn’t be in front of you now.”

“Sorry, but…”

“Wait!” Conil’s words came in suddenly, “You… are you really… Lord God King?”

“Hmm…” The King of God turned around, frowning at Conil, “Roben, what is going on?”

“Well… you see, it’s a credit crisis.”

“Um…that’s it…” The king seemed to understand something, “Conil, is it all because of you? You really disappoint me!”

The God King opened his five fingers and pointed at Conil, “Suspect is your strength, but it is also your defect. This… is a small punishment!”. )

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