God Prohibitions

Chapter 1554 - New Era

“This is… you designed it yourself?” Robben looked at the car, his surprise was beyond words.

“Yes, it took me more than ten years, collected countless materials, and enlisted countless talents, to have this thing.” The second prince looked into the distance and said bluntly.

“Ten years!?” Robben’s eyes narrowed. The young emperor is not yet thirty years old. He was just a hairy boy ten years ago!

“I don’t believe it?” The second prince shook his head. “I don’t believe it myself when I see this thing and think back to my previous life, but…this is the fact! It’s my life!”

“Did you… foresee today so early?” Robben couldn’t believe that an ordinary human, a human without any strong aptitude, would foresee the future.

The second prince looked at Robben with a bit more lonely on his face, “No, I can’t foresee the future. I am just like you, just want to live. When I realized that my relatives wanted to kill me, I was terrified. Unable to extricate myself, after shutting myself in the room for three days and three nights, I decided to do something. Everything started from that time. I realized that my enemy was unprecedentedly powerful. These… were originally used when preparing for the war to seize power. It’s a pity… After I worked hard for a while, I found that everything was not that difficult. What happened after that…you will know.”

“So… you now take this thing out and prepare it as a bargaining chip for humans?”

“This is indeed a bargaining chip for mankind, and I want to tell you!” The second prince’s eyes flashed almost crazy. “This is just a small part. This chariot is just a piece of mine! These war tools are completed. After that, I was kept in the snow and waited to deal with the emergency, but the invasion of the Protoss turned everything into a shadow. I know… these things are simply not enough to resist the Protoss, so after that, I have been looking for a powerful destructive force that can be batched. It’s a war tool, but it’s a pity… that requires a huge amount of resources, and the Caton Empire simply cannot do it.”

“That’s why… is there the current alliance?”

The smile on the face of the second prince gradually faded, “Roben, do you hate me? From beginning to end… I can say that I am using you. I know very well that relying on my own strength can never achieve my goal and unify the whole The human continent, that is not a dream that mankind can realize!”

Robben was silent for a while, “Then, what do you want to do?”

“Don’t answer me?” The second prince smiled again, “Roben, after all…You are really a complete idiot. You must be thinking about it until now. If my reasons are valid enough, you won’t Hate me, because it’s good for the whole mankind to do this, right?”

Robben frowned and did not answer.

“You are so lucky to be able to go to this day, and you are still different from me…”

“You haven’t answered me yet.”

“I…I’m still talking about my previous wish, don’t you believe it?”

“You can say it again.”

Looking up at the sky, the second prince was a little lost, “I… want a world where I can sleep peacefully, and I don’t have to fear the darkness like I am now… fear the tomorrow when I don’t know what will happen.”

“That’s it?” Robben tilted his head.

The second prince laughed, “In people’s hearts, the deepest wishes are buried, and sometimes the wishes that are willing to give their lives in exchange for them are often… ridiculous?”

Robben walked to the car, took a close look at its luǒlù structure, and said for a long time: “This thing…I can help you change it.”

The second prince was a little lost, and he was taken aback, “You said…what?”

“Although I am not good at this, I also participated in the physical machinery team when I was in college, and screamed for the national competition. Although I didn’t even get my name, if they knew that I was here to use those crappy knowledge to save the world. , Will be dumbfounded.”

“University…Mechanical Group…Roben, what are you talking about?”

“Ah… nothing? It’s just that I want to say that you are… actually very stupid and awkward. Of course, according to your level, this is already very good. I… I should be a little bit higher than your level, so Don’t worry, I won’t break this.”

“Boom!” When Robben pulled a handle, there was a sound from the car, and two fragmentary parts suddenly burst out!

“Roben!” The second prince screamed fiercely.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry…” Robben waved his hand again and again, “I understand the principle. The weapon used for shèxìng attacks, this cannonball-like thing, uses the most basic fire magic mark, as well as some rare ores and demons. Jing, um…there is also a compartment where isolation and delay are mixed, which is really good, rest assured…I really won’t break it…”


Robben fiddled with this thing for a while…

When this thing was only half the size, and the rest of the parts were scattered on the ground and became fragmented, Robben had to stop his hands, “Well…I think I need a new sample!”

“Roben!!” The second prince grabbed Robben’s collar, “You bastard! Do you know how much energy and money such a thing costs me!?”

Robben scratched his cheek. “This…I haven’t done this for a long time. It’s just a little handy. You… don’t you plan to show me your secret base?”

The second prince looked at Robben like a cannibal, “You, the plague god, should be as far away as possible from here!!”

“Ah… it’s really unreasonable.” Robben gently pressed the second prince’s arm, “I’m so kind…”

With a fierce flower in front of him, the second prince was taken aback. He was on the roof just now, and he was in the room in a blink of an eye, and…this is his secret arsenal.

“Oh… it’s spectacular.”

The second prince realized that Robben in his hand had disappeared for some time, but his voice came from behind him.

Turning his head violently, the second prince found that Robben was stopping and watching in front of a huge rack.

“The space here is much larger than the outside. I didn’t expect that space magic is used here. If you don’t explore it carefully, you can’t feel it. Moreover, it’s remote and there is no fun place. You are ready to be here. A new park was built, but construction was delayed. It turned out that you moved your factory to this safe place. Even the jīng spirits and witches who like to move around would not be interested in this place. You are really smart.”

Robben only looked at the huge rack in front of him, turned and left, “Go, my inventor, show me what you are most proud of, even if you keep hiding from me the compensation.”

This is a very huge space. Measured from the outside, it is only three meters high at best, but when entering it, it is tens of meters from the ground to the tall dome. The huge war machinery is not crowded here.

In the middle of this huge space is a long corridor. On both sides are separated large and small spaces. The entire space is divided into four floors. In these compartments of different sizes, countless people are making large Some of the small and large equipment are only the size of a palm, and some are as high as a dozen meters or even tens of meters, requiring a dozen or even dozens of people to work together.

Robben walked slowly on the spiral staircase in the corridor, looking at the busy people in the huge spaces on the left and right, he couldn’t help but be surprised, “I didn’t expect you to build such a place, I was really surprised.”

The second prince was a little depressed and walked with Robben, “I call this hive. This is also the biggest secret. The people here have never left since they started working. Everything here is closed, food and water are self-sufficient. Without sunshine, I don’t know the years, every day is spent like this, every day is so hard to work, since the establishment of the first hive…many people have died.”

“Where did they… all come from?” Robben stopped.

“Wanderers, condemned prisoners, truly powerful craftsmen, civilians…There are all kinds of people, men and women, old and young, there are thousands of people here, and this is only part of it. My initial hive is still working, and there are more people there. , You must want to ask me whether it is cruel to treat them this way, should I feel guilty, right?”


“Each of them knows what they are doing. Before coming here, I will tell them what they are going to do and why they do these things. Each of them has no relatives and few friends. This is the number one. One condition, and the second one is very harsh. I need them… to give me everything, even my life!”

“Do they really know what they are doing?”

“Maybe it’s not really clear, but… they know why they do it, and I tell them that these are for humans.”

“For humanity?” Robben frowned slightly, “Just like this, they will dedicate their life to you? You really didn’t use any other means!?”

“This does not require any means. They have almost no relatives and friends, and they only want to realize their own wishes. I told them that this is for the future of the empire. For the future of mankind, many people will not believe that they do not have Get the chance to enter here, but there will still be a few fools who believe in me.”

“A few… fools?”

“Yes.” The second prince stepped forward first. “It shouldn’t be a smart guy who can work tirelessly for such a ridiculous goal. Everyone here is a complete idiot. Of course, you and me. Same thing.”

Robben wanted to speak, but he couldn’t help being stunned.

“Go, don’t you want to see everything here?” The second prince smiled and walked away.

Robben felt a little complicated, and silently followed.

As he walked, the second prince said: “I have consulted countless craftsmen with reference to most war tools in the history of human warfare, and finally designed these devices by myself. Of course, not all I designed here, most of them were made by later people. Things, they are stronger than me.”

“There are countless magic items in this world where magic is prevalent, but those are expensive and troublesome to make and cannot be used in batches in wars. I set out to make weapons that can be made with a large amount of materials that can be obtained. Just like our ancestors invented bows and arrows, invented long swords and armors, I want to reopen a route of war and rewrite the status difference between our humans and the gods and demons.”

As he walked and watched, Robben was very surprised. There were endless machines of various sizes in this place, and the level of detail was absolutely beyond the current level of machines in the world.

“But such an attempt requires huge funds and a long time. When I realized that I needed to fight against enemies like gods and demons, I didn’t even know if I would have a successful day, but the gods showed mercy to me. The wish of a little human, so you appeared in front of me. After a series of things happened, my heart was full of hope, or I could be crazy at times, I stubbornly believed that I could do this, and that guy with a stupid look… must Can help me get things I can’t get in my life!”

“These words sound really unpleasant.”

The second prince smiled faintly, “I don’t want to apologize, it’s meaningless, and there is no turning back. I only have this way. If I stop… I will die. Everything about me will be meaningless, Luo Ben…Do you think these things have value in their existence?”

Robben was silent for a while and nodded slightly, “Although I’m not sure, but…I have to say that you are a genius. You have caught the intersection of everything. What makes humans better than the gods and demons is our wisdom and Creativity, then there is… the vast land and almost unlimited resources of the human continent. If this is not feasible, maybe… there will be no more possibility.”

“Really… I’m really happy if you can say that.” The second prince turned around. “The power of the gods and demons deeply shocked me. Their strong bodies, their incomparable fighting spirit and magic , We don’t have any possibility of surpassing them, which even made me desperate for a while, but fortunately…I have not fallen yet.”

Robben looked at this huge honeycomb, with emotion in his heart.

Human power is actually inherited from the teachings of the Protoss, whether it is fighting spirit or magic… has always been complacent in this seemingly gifted confinement, but will never escape this cage.

Perhaps the young emperor in front of him didn’t know this, but he was keenly smelling something. He knew clearly that by relying solely on cohesion and quantity, mankind would never be able to escape the current destiny. He created a brand new power. And it only applies to humans on the human continent. Neither the Protoss nor the Demons possess such skilled craftsmen and huge natural resources. This is a war machine that only humans can make.

If it can be applied on a large scale, then this is undoubtedly a weapon.

This guy… saw something he couldn’t see… really a monster.

Robben mō mō cheeks, “Since you showed me the thing on the roof, is it close to actual combat compared to similar objects?”

“A lot of things have been fixed long ago, but only a little material is missing. The allies have already shipped the only thing missing. In a short time, these things can be put into war in large quantities.”

“Is there still a little time?” Robben picked up an unknown gadget from the shelf beside him. “Very well, I have a few days. I originally wanted to let the jīng spirits and the witches first Learn about the situation in the God Realm, but if this is the case, do the things here first. This time… it seems we have to make a blockbuster!”

The second prince slowly gave a big smile, “I knew…you are still reliable.”

“I don’t want a man to say that to me, it’s disgusting…”

“Hahaha… You are essentially a wolf, and you are the kind of teeth that have never been lù.”

“Whatever… I don’t care about that.” Robben looked at the small equipment in his hand and said softly, “I have seen with my own eyes how people use the power to destroy that world in a world without magic, if If you insist, we may also gain that power.”

For several days, Robben and the second prince were discussing how to strengthen the existing machinery, and how to use all the resources currently available to strengthen these devices.

The almost crazy ideas in the second prince’s mind often surprised Robben, and the second prince was surprised that this friend who seemed to have no talent in production would often say the most important things, but he couldn’t understand something. The principle is more freely applicable.

According to the position given by the second prince, Robben took his handwritten letter and tokens to the desert some distance from Caton, and found the first hive, which was a huge underground factory. After the investigation, Robben was determined to be the messenger of the second prince. After learning about this place, Robben was even more surprised. The level of machinery in this place is close to the level of science, and the various instruments commonly used on the mainland are not a world at all. s things.

Enclosed in this huge underground space, unremitting efforts, never communicate with the outside world, more than ten years in exchange for such a huge achievement!

Robben was shocked, shocked by the crazy ideas of the second prince, by the skillful craftsmanship of human beings, and even more shocked by the perseverance of these people. It was just a reason, no proof, and no huge price, just for a belief. , Created such a miracle in this closed world.

This may indeed be a great creation, but… Robben is also slightly worried that this may also be the bane of mankind.

But no matter what, this is the hope of mankind now. If the value of mankind is recognized, mankind also has the ability to protect itself, then…everything becomes easier. Mankind faces the biggest problems of the gods and demons. If the weaknesses are compensated proudly, then this will no longer be a short-term peace established by one or two people, but an entire age of humanity.

“This is… you designed it yourself?” Robben looked at the car, his surprise was beyond words.

“Yes, it took me more than ten years, collected countless materials, and enlisted countless talents, to have this thing.” The second prince looked into the distance and said bluntly.

“Ten years!?” Robben’s eyes narrowed. The young emperor is not yet thirty years old. He was just a hairy boy ten years ago!

“I don’t believe it?” The second prince shook his head. “I don’t believe it myself when I see this thing and think back to my previous life, but…this is the fact! It’s my life!”

“Did you… foresee today so early?” Robben couldn’t believe that an ordinary human, a human without any strong aptitude, would foresee the future.

The second prince looked at Robben with a bit more lonely on his face, “No, I can’t foresee the future. I am just like you, just want to live. When I realized that my relatives wanted to kill me, I was terrified. Unable to extricate myself, after shutting myself in the room for three days and three nights, I decided to do something. Everything started from that time. I realized that my enemy was unprecedentedly powerful. These… were originally used when preparing for the war to seize power. It’s a pity… After I worked hard for a while, I found that everything was not that difficult. What happened after that…you will know.”

“So… you now take this thing out and prepare it as a bargaining chip for humans?”

“This is indeed a bargaining chip for mankind, and I want to tell you!” The second prince’s eyes flashed almost crazy. “This is just a small part. This chariot is just a piece of mine! These war tools are completed. After that, I was kept in the snow and waited to deal with the emergency, but the invasion of the Protoss turned everything into a shadow. I know… these things are simply not enough to resist the Protoss, so after that, I have been looking for a powerful destructive force that can be batched. It’s a war tool, but it’s a pity… that requires a huge amount of resources, and the Caton Empire simply cannot do it.”

“That’s why… is there the current alliance?”

The smile on the face of the second prince gradually faded, “Roben, do you hate me? From beginning to end… I can say that I am using you. I know very well that relying on my own strength can never achieve my goal and unify the whole The human continent, that is not a dream that mankind can realize!”

Robben was silent for a while, “Then, what do you want to do?”

“Don’t answer me?” The second prince smiled again, “Roben, after all…You are really a complete idiot. You must be thinking about it until now. If my reasons are valid enough, you won’t Hate me, because it’s good for the whole mankind to do this, right?”

Robben frowned and did not answer.

“You are so lucky to be able to go to this day, and you are still different from me…”

“You haven’t answered me yet.”

“I…I’m still talking about my previous wish, don’t you believe it?”

“You can say it again.”

Looking up at the sky, the second prince was a little lost, “I… want a world where I can sleep peacefully, and I don’t have to fear the darkness like I am now… fear the tomorrow when I don’t know what will happen.”

“That’s it?” Robben tilted his head.

The second prince laughed, “In people’s hearts, the deepest wishes are buried, and sometimes the wishes that are willing to give their lives in exchange for them are often… ridiculous?”

Robben walked to the car, took a close look at its luǒlù structure, and said for a long time: “This thing…I can help you change it.”

The second prince was a little lost, and he was taken aback, “You said…what?”

“Although I am not good at this, I also participated in the physical machinery team when I was in college, and screamed for the national competition. Although I didn’t even get my name, if they knew that I was here to use those crappy knowledge to save the world. , Will be dumbfounded.”

“University…Mechanical Group…Roben, what are you talking about?”

“Ah… nothing? It’s just that I want to say that you are… actually very stupid and awkward. Of course, according to your level, this is already very good. I… I should be a little bit higher than your level, so Don’t worry, I won’t break this.”

“Boom!” When Robben pulled a handle, there was a sound from the car, and two fragmentary parts suddenly burst out!

“Roben!” The second prince screamed fiercely.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry…” Robben waved his hand again and again, “I understand the principle. The weapon used for shèxìng attacks, this cannonball-like thing, uses the most basic fire magic mark, as well as some rare ores and demons. Jing, um…there is also a compartment where isolation and delay are mixed, which is really good, rest assured…I really won’t break it…”


Robben fiddled with this thing for a while…

When this thing was only half the size, and the rest of the parts were scattered on the ground and became fragmented, Robben had to stop his hands, “Well…I think I need a new sample!”

“Roben!!” The second prince grabbed Robben’s collar, “You bastard! Do you know how much energy and money such a thing costs me!?”

Robben scratched his cheek. “This…I haven’t done this for a long time. It’s just a little handy. You… don’t you plan to show me your secret base?”

The second prince looked at Robben like a cannibal, “You, the plague god, should be as far away as possible from here!!”

“Ah… it’s really unreasonable.” Robben gently pressed the second prince’s arm, “I’m so kind…”

With a fierce flower in front of him, the second prince was taken aback. He was on the roof just now, and he was in the room in a blink of an eye, and…this is his secret arsenal.

“Oh… it’s spectacular.”

The second prince realized that Robben in his hand had disappeared for some time, but his voice came from behind him.

Turning his head violently, the second prince found that Robben was stopping and watching in front of a huge rack.

“The space here is much larger than the outside. I didn’t expect that space magic is used here. If you don’t explore it carefully, you can’t feel it. Moreover, it’s remote and there is no fun place. You are ready to be here. A new park was built, but construction was delayed. It turned out that you moved your factory to this safe place. Even the jīng spirits and witches who like to move around would not be interested in this place. You are really smart.”

Robben only looked at the huge rack in front of him, turned and left, “Go, my inventor, show me what you are most proud of, even if you keep hiding from me the compensation.”

This is a very huge space. Measured from the outside, it is only three meters high at best, but when entering it, it is tens of meters from the ground to the tall dome. The huge war machinery is not crowded here.

In the middle of this huge space is a long corridor. On both sides are separated large and small spaces. The entire space is divided into four floors. In these compartments of different sizes, countless people are making large Some of the small and large equipment are only the size of a palm, and some are as high as a dozen meters or even tens of meters, requiring a dozen or even dozens of people to work together.

Robben walked slowly on the spiral staircase in the corridor, looking at the busy people in the huge spaces on the left and right, he couldn’t help but be surprised, “I didn’t expect you to build such a place, I was really surprised.”

The second prince was a little depressed and walked with Robben, “I call this hive. This is also the biggest secret. The people here have never left since they started working. Everything here is closed, food and water are self-sufficient. Without sunshine, I don’t know the years, every day is spent like this, every day is so hard to work, since the establishment of the first hive…many people have died.”

“Where did they… all come from?” Robben stopped.

“Wanderers, condemned prisoners, truly powerful craftsmen, civilians…There are all kinds of people, men and women, old and young, there are thousands of people here, and this is only part of it. My initial hive is still working, and there are more people there. , You must want to ask me whether it is cruel to treat them this way, should I feel guilty, right?”


“Each of them knows what they are doing. Before coming here, I will tell them what they are going to do and why they do these things. Each of them has no relatives and few friends. This is the number one. One condition, and the second one is very harsh. I need them… to give me everything, even my life!”

“Do they really know what they are doing?”

“Maybe it’s not really clear, but… they know why they do it, and I tell them that these are for humans.”

“For humanity?” Robben frowned slightly, “Just like this, they will dedicate their life to you? You really didn’t use any other means!?”

“This does not require any means. They have almost no relatives and friends, and they only want to realize their own wishes. I told them that this is for the future of the empire. For the future of mankind, many people will not believe that they do not have Get the chance to enter here, but there will still be a few fools who believe in me.”

“A few… fools?”

“Yes.” The second prince stepped forward first. “It shouldn’t be a smart guy who can work tirelessly for such a ridiculous goal. Everyone here is a complete idiot. Of course, you and me. Same thing.”

Robben wanted to speak, but he couldn’t help being stunned.

“Go, don’t you want to see everything here?” The second prince smiled and walked away.

Robben felt a little complicated, and silently followed.

As he walked, the second prince said: “I have consulted countless craftsmen with reference to most war tools in the history of human warfare, and finally designed these devices by myself. Of course, not all I designed here, most of them were made by later people. Things, they are stronger than me.”

“There are countless magic items in this world where magic is prevalent, but those are expensive and troublesome to make and cannot be used in batches in wars. I set out to make weapons that can be made with a large amount of materials that can be obtained. Just like our ancestors invented bows and arrows, invented long swords and armors, I want to reopen a route of war and rewrite the status difference between our humans and the gods and demons.”

As he walked and watched, Robben was very surprised. There were endless machines of various sizes in this place, and the level of detail was absolutely beyond the current level of machines in the world.

“But such an attempt requires huge funds and a long time. When I realized that I needed to fight against enemies like gods and demons, I didn’t even know if I would have a successful day, but the gods showed mercy to me. The wish of a little human, so you appeared in front of me. After a series of things happened, my heart was full of hope, or I could be crazy at times, I stubbornly believed that I could do this, and that guy with a stupid look… must Can help me get things I can’t get in my life!”

“These words sound really unpleasant.”

The second prince smiled faintly, “I don’t want to apologize, it’s meaningless, and there is no turning back. I only have this way. If I stop… I will die. Everything about me will be meaningless, Luo Ben…Do you think these things have value in their existence?”

Robben was silent for a while and nodded slightly, “Although I’m not sure, but…I have to say that you are a genius. You have caught the intersection of everything. What makes humans better than the gods and demons is our wisdom and Creativity, then there is… the vast land and almost unlimited resources of the human continent. If this is not feasible, maybe… there will be no more possibility.”

“Really… I’m really happy if you can say that.” The second prince turned around. “The power of the gods and demons deeply shocked me. Their strong bodies, their incomparable fighting spirit and magic , We don’t have any possibility of surpassing them, which even made me desperate for a while, but fortunately…I have not fallen yet.”

Robben looked at this huge honeycomb, with emotion in his heart.

Human power is actually inherited from the teachings of the Protoss, whether it is fighting spirit or magic… has always been complacent in this seemingly gifted confinement, but will never escape this cage.

Perhaps the young emperor in front of him didn’t know this, but he was keenly smelling something. He knew clearly that by relying solely on cohesion and quantity, mankind would never be able to escape the current destiny. He created a brand new power. And it only applies to humans on the human continent. Neither the Protoss nor the Demons possess such skilled craftsmen and huge natural resources. This is a war machine that only humans can make.

If it can be applied on a large scale, then this is undoubtedly a weapon.

This guy… saw something he couldn’t see… really a monster.

Robben mō mō cheeks, “Since you showed me the thing on the roof, is it close to actual combat compared to similar objects?”

“A lot of things have been fixed long ago, but only a little material is missing. The allies have already shipped the only thing missing. In a short time, these things can be put into war in large quantities.”

“Is there still a little time?” Robben picked up an unknown gadget from the shelf beside him. “Very well, I have a few days. I originally wanted to let the jīng spirits and the witches first Learn about the situation in the God Realm, but if this is the case, do the things here first. This time… it seems we have to make a blockbuster!”

The second prince slowly gave a big smile, “I knew…you are still reliable.”

“I don’t want a man to say that to me, it’s disgusting…”

“Hahaha… You are essentially a wolf, and you are the kind of teeth that have never been lù.”

“Whatever… I don’t care about that.” Robben looked at the small equipment in his hand and said softly, “I have seen with my own eyes how people use the power to destroy that world in a world without magic, if If you insist, we may also gain that power.”

For several days, Robben and the second prince were discussing how to strengthen the existing machinery, and how to use all the resources currently available to strengthen these devices.

The almost crazy ideas in the second prince’s mind often surprised Robben, and the second prince was surprised that this friend who seemed to have no talent in production would often say the most important things, but he couldn’t understand something. The principle is more freely applicable.

According to the location given by the second prince~www.mtlnovel.com~, Robben took his handwritten letter and tokens to the desert some distance from Caton, and found the first hive, which was a huge underground factory. Robben was determined to be the messenger of the second prince only after being subjected to a very strict investigation. After learning about this place, Robben was even more surprised. The mechanical level of this place is close to the level of science, and the level of machinery used in the mainland now This kind of equipment is not a world thing at all.

Enclosed in this huge underground space, unremitting efforts, never communicate with the outside world, more than ten years in exchange for such a huge achievement!

Robben was shocked, shocked by the crazy ideas of the second prince, by the skillful craftsmanship of human beings, and even more shocked by the perseverance of these people. It was just a reason, no proof, and no huge price, just for a belief. , Created such a miracle in this closed world.

This may indeed be a great creation, but… Robben is also slightly worried that this may also be the bane of mankind.

But no matter what, this is the hope of mankind now. If the value of mankind is recognized, mankind also has the ability to protect itself, then…everything becomes easier. Mankind faces the biggest problems of the gods and demons. If the weaknesses are compensated proudly, then this will no longer be a short-term peace established by one or two people, but an entire age of humanity. RS! .

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