God Prohibitions

Chapter 1557 - Theocracy

Crick inserted the fried egg on the plate and said with a snort: “As far as human beings are concerned, this thing will definitely cause chaos in the future. レm♠思♥路♣客レ”

Robben smiled, “No, there will be checks and balances in everything. Humans did not use magic and vindictiveness at first, but they continued to fight each other. With the powerful power of magic and vindictiveness, the human continent is still beautiful and still Rich, this thing will inevitably be used on the battlefield in the future, but… mankind will find a balance, will continue, and thus obtain a better living environment.”

“In other words, you were premeditated.”


“It’s a shame to trust you so much.”

“Yes, but she has understood what we mean, or… this kind of thing doesn’t matter to her at all. The relationship between us has nothing to do with the relationship between the Protoss and humans.”

“Shameless statement…” Crick ate his own omelette fiercely. “Humans are terrible. I regret standing in this camp a little bit.”

“It’s not too late to regret now.” Robben pointed out his fingers, and a little golden star beats at his fingertips. “If you want, I can now re-transform your curse power into sacred fighting spirit. You are still the same as before. God of War Creek! No one can prove that you are human!”

Crick looked at the golden light on Robben’s fingertips, and snorted, “I’m not a woman who turns back, since I made a choice, even if I regret it, I will go on. I just need the power of curse to stop letting me go. I went mad and died, that’s enough, and the rest…that’s my own business and no one needs to intervene.”

Robben was surprised.

“Hmph! If you don’t even have this awareness, how can you survive in this world!” Crick was quite disdainful of Robben’s surprised gaze.

“Ah, no… I mean, you actually… said you are a woman?” Robben was even more surprised.

Crick directly smashed the plate in his hand at Robben, “Am I a man? You idiot!!”

Robben caught the plate and said with a smile: “I just didn’t see you expressing this meaning very much. It’s just a little surprised. You don’t have to… I mean. As a woman… you are also very charming.”

Crick held the other plate with his hand and immediately stopped, the whole face of Bai Shengsheng instantly turned red, and then he slammed the plate at Robben even more annoyed.

Until there was nothing at hand, Crick glared at Robben unwillingly, looked at the sky and said, “There is no movement from the demon clan these days, do you really have no news?”

“No, but I am not in a hurry. Anyway, no matter what Hei Di is planning, it will be a duel between him and the Divine King in the end. I even thought about a full retreat now, but… this is unexplainable, so I didn’t go to discuss with Ya. “

“The King of God… is really alive?” Crick seemed to be suspicious, “If he lives… then now he is sending countless protoss warriors to **** for nothing. How will he face his people in the future.”

“This only needs a small excuse. Don’t you remember that you said that there are things to be done, and can’t those protoss warriors listen to these nonsense with such a pious expression when they appear now? This is the advantage of authority.”

Crick was a little annoyed, “It’s a mess. If the **** king comes to trouble me in the future, don’t blame me for betraying you immediately.”

Robben smiled softly. “It’s okay, let him find me, anyway, we are right about this matter, but actually…”

“What’s the actual thing?” Crick leaned on the chair, and was used to putting his legs on the table.

“The reason why I haven’t gone back to have dinner with my family is actually that there is something to discuss with you.”

Crick frowned suddenly, “Why do I feel that this would not be a good thing?”

“Well…From your standpoint, this is indeed not a good thing. But as far as the Protoss is concerned, it is a great thing.”

“Don’t use these nonsense to prevaricate me! What’s the matter, just say it.”

Robben immediately approached Crick and muttered a few words in a low voice.

Crick’s face changed suddenly, staring at Robben and exclaimed: “If you want to die…Don’t pull me!!”

“This is about the fate of the Protoss.” Robben became serious.

“Fart!” Crick cursed without hesitation, “This is just your bad idea! And I am a human! Why am I responsible for the fate of the Protoss?”

Robben blinked, “Crick. Help…I also realized the problem when I returned to the human continent this time, so I had to do this. The next move of the demons is not clear. We must plan early.”

“So drag me down?” Crick said bitterly.

“I just think you will agree. Because… you already know your position.”

Crick’s eyes tightened a few times, “My position… Robben, you are doing a very dangerous thing. If you cross the line, it will cause unimaginable disaster.”

“I just want to end this war more safely and faster. For this, I…we must all take risks.”

Crick stared at Robben, “You…really want to do this?”

“Yes, that’s why I came to ask for your consent. Only you can help me.”

“You may be wiped out in the next instant. These methods don’t need to think about it or know that it is your attention.”

“I know, I am also prepared.”

Crick raised his eyebrows slowly and frowned again. After a long time, Crick laughed, “Human… is this such a strange and crazy thing? I became a human… Does it mean I fell into **** and will become abnormal from then on.”

Robben also smiled, “Perhaps… But if we go through hell, it must be a beautiful land where there is a peaceful life waiting for us.”

“Huh!” Crick tilted his head. “Well, since you are the first to be unlucky even if there is a problem, if I refuse, I will appear timid, when will I start?”

“Now.” Robben smiled softly.

Crick was taken aback, “Now? What are you kidding, now…”

“Huh…” A strong wind blew, Crick was stunned and looked up. The space door in the sky that had been silent for many days finally moved again, and the billowing black smoke came from the space door again. Well out of it.

“Damn… Did you feel it a long time ago?” Crick looked at Robben in amazement.

“It feels a little bit, but I’m not sure, so… I ate dinner early.” Robben smiled brightly. “Let’s go, my Lord of War! It’s time for us to perform.”

There was a new movement at the space gate, and the entire Protoss position reacted quickly. The soldiers who had been on standby quickly assembled. The sound of war drums and horns rang throughout the Protoss barracks. For a while, a large number of warriors lined up, watching nervously and excitedly. The huge space door diagonally above.

Thick smoke poured out from the space door. It fell to the ground again like a waterfall. Without the obstruction of the Protoss warriors, the Demon soldiers descended to the ground without any hindrance. In the black smoke, countless Demon warriors rushed out from it.

With his whole body draped and riding a horse, Mondo said with eyebrows, “Strange. They didn’t gather in the same place, but they rushed over!”

The demon soldiers did not quickly establish a stronghold in place, but directly killed in the direction of the protoss camp. There was no formation or any kind of arms cooperation. Countless demon fighters were mixed together and rushed madly.

“Strange. It’s no different from sending to death…” Crick also shook his head, “Does the Demon Race still think that their soldiers have not died enough?”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” Suddenly there were three explosions in the sky, the huge space door shook violently, black smoke spit out, like a torrent, shè to the ground, and suddenly the smoke was hit. Unidentified Demon Warriors rushed out like an explosion, and the number instantly increased several times.

The four Gods of War showed their surprise, Ya looked at the huge space door slowly shaking in disbelief: “The space door is compressing and regurgitating! How is this possible?”

Mundo looked at it and suddenly became densely packed. The almost indistinguishable Mozu warrior said in a deep voice: “There has been no movement these days, just to accumulate strength for compression and regurgitation? Do you want to decide the outcome at once?”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” There were three more explosions from the space gate, and the black smoke almost in a straight line shè to the ground. The demon warriors like the sea came out of the black smoke and charged towards the Protoss position overwhelmingly , Running on the ground, flying in the sky. At a glance, it is almost obscured by the sky.

Robben touched his chin and asked doubtfully: “As far as I know, the space regurgitation is the rapid expansion and contraction of the space door before the final destruction. Although it can consume a lot of space and living things, it will collapse afterwards. The demon… “

Crick nodded, staring at the face of the demon warrior who rushed towards him quietly, “Yes, this kind of invasion of the demon race, the warriors that can descend at a time are limited, otherwise the space gate will not be able to bear it, but if the space gate is carried out With compression and anti-vomiting, there will be no such limitation, but the space door will also collapse. Now this situation will not happen at all.”

“Boom boom boom!” There was a series of explosions from the space gate, and black smoke was vented frantically. “The Demon Warriors jumped out of the black smoke like raindrops. The number is unbelievable.”

Ya Shen said: “The number of enemies is wrong. From the perspective of race and weaponry, many of them were originally ordinary residents. Be careful to defeat them! Keep an eye on the changes of the enemy. Now the real enemy has not yet appeared.”

Mundo slowly closed his helmet, “That Black Emperor is really crazy, he is ruthlessly consuming the lives of his own people, I really don’t know what he is planning.”

“Anyway… kill them first!” Conil put on his helmet and drew his long sword.

“Out of the battle!” Ya raised his sword, and the loud horn of the Protoss suddenly resounded through the sky.

The protoss army of Jin Sè slowly advanced, and on the opposite side was an endless black ocean. The fighters of the two sides immediately collided with each other, and the sky-shaking roar even overwhelmed the sound of horns and war drums.

The density of the demon army is much higher than that of the protoss army. The soldiers of the demon race continuously emerge from the black smoke, densely packed like rain, one by one, some soldiers are even knocked down, and they are instantly trampled by the soldiers who appeared behind. Muddy, although the Protoss had set up the battle line early and had a degree of offensive and defensive, but facing the complete tactics of the Demon Race, it was a bit unable to open the situation for a while, and fell into a bitter battle.

Although the Protoss army was fully deployed into an arc-shaped battle formation to fight, the continuous emergence of demons quickly circled the sides of the Protoss and began to attack frantically, which made the Protoss feel more strenuous, although there was only one demonic warrior in the battle. One after another fell, and the casualties of the Protoss warriors were far less than the demons, but this crazy offensive was slowly eroding the advantages of the Protoss.

“This amount…” The teeth in the legion, who commanded their own troops, gradually began to feel their scalp numb, the space gates in the sky were squeezing crazily, and a large number of demon warriors poured out frantically, not so much the demon warriors. Premeditatedly, he went around the two wings of the Protoss to attack, it is better to say that there is no place to stand in other places. Those fighters were squeezed to the two wings to fight.

With just one meal, the number of Demon warriors rushing out of the space gate has far exceeded the total number of the Protoss army, and it is still pouring out continuously. Almost all the troops of the God Realm are assembled. Here, but until now, I haven’t seen the regular troops of the Demon Clan, the truly powerful combat troops in the Demon King’s Guard Army have not yet appeared, and even the demon kings have not seen one.

Such crazy attacks consume the power of the Protoss warriors. And this kind of consumption still doesn’t know when it will end. If the main force of the Demon Race suddenly appears when they are weak, the situation will be extremely unfavorable.

Ya couldn’t help but his eyes were a little red, and most of the Demon Soldiers who looked like the sea in front of him were not Demon Warriors at all, but just ordinary Demon Race. The Black Emperor actually drove them to the battlefield. And such a huge number! This is crazy!

But the demons are naturally sturdy, ordinary demons are half a soldier when they take up weapons, this cannot be denied, the same demons are rapidly consuming the power of the gods, and Ya’s heart begins to sink slowly. If you don’t want to break this situation, you may be defeated this time!

Just when the tooth is anxious. A golden brilliance rises from the central area of ​​the millions of protoss army, the light is shining, and it can be seen clearly from a long distance.

Ya’s heart suddenly moved, and he looked in that direction in amazement, “Crick? No… Lord God King?”

The brilliance of the golden sè sprinkled from the dim sky. On the vast battlefield, the sky full of golden sè’s brilliance looked particularly dazzling, and Crick was worried about kneeling on the ground. Closed eyes seemed to be praying silently, above her head, a huge golden light and shadow stood in the air, the **** king’s tall body was shining with gold, and the serious and water chestnut face was full of anger.

“My people! The light is with you!” The deep and solemn voice of the **** king resounded through the battlefield, and a bright light burst out from the **** king’s body, sweeping far to the horizon. The entire battlefield suddenly lit up, and all the Protoss warriors lit up with a faint strange light.

“Theocratic blessing!” Ya stared at the brilliance on his body in shock, “It’s really the Lord God!”

The roar that broke through the sky came out from the throats of the protoss warriors, and the form that had just been suppressed was instantly reversed. All the warriors of the Protoss are like supernatural power, and they start to fight back frantically.

The appearance of the King of Gods turned the situation back in an instant. The warriors of the Protoss were vigorously rejuvenated. Under the brilliance of the blessings of the divine power, the soldiers of the Demon Race were obviously hit by severe blows. The soldiers became hesitant to retreat, and the raging beast-like offensive suddenly stopped, and was instantly countered by the Protoss.

The demon warriors are still pouring out of the black smoke, but they no longer have the previously crazy suppression advantage, and even begin to be torn and surrounded by the Protoss army in some places.

The fighting situation on both sides quickly turned into a stalemate from one side. The morale of the Protoss warriors was unprecedentedly high, while the Demons relied on a steady stream of troops to sustain their lives, and it turned into a war of attrition for a time.

There was a golden light shining in the sky, but this time the light was shining above Fang’s army, and it burst into a specific shape rapidly.

Ya was taken aback, “Lingqi!?”

Looking in the direction of the **** king in amazement, Ya couldn’t believe her eyes, the **** king…the **** king actually began to direct the battle himself! This kind of thing has never happened before.

But astonished and surprised, Ya couldn’t disobey the order, and quickly followed the instructions of the **** king, contracted the formation and stopped attacking.

Only after giving the order, another shining light lit up, this time over the army of Mundo.

“How could…” Ya muttered to himself.

A series of different forms of golden sè flags lighted up over the protoss army, and the entire huge army began to completely change the initial battle formation, re-layout, and re-formed the front line. Everything was orderly and safe. The Mozu changed its formation while fighting, but there was no error.

Looking at the increasingly weird formation of his own army ~www.mtlnovel.com~ There is an increasingly strange feeling in Ya’s heart.

A sword killed a Demon soldier who had struck from the air, and his teeth flew into the air with his eyebrows congealed. The sword cleared the way all the way. I don’t know how many Demon soldiers had been killed, and the teeth rose into the air.

After taking a deep breath, slowly… Ya looked towards the ground, and then he froze instantly!

The huge protoss army formed a weird formation on the ground. This was a formation he had never seen before. It was complicated and wonderful. In countless years of battle, I didn’t even know that the battle formation of the protoss had such a form.

Among the millions of army, the light and shadow of the king of gods are dazzling, and the golden flags bloom in the sky. The entire army of gods is running orderly like a huge machine, quickly destroying the army of demons, Ya is surprised to find, At the forefront of this formation, where the fighting is the most intense, are the Pioneer Battalion and the 100,000 Protoss fighters who have just returned from the human continent. The Magician Corps of the consortium and the Human Corps are in one place and are under the protection of these two vanguard groups. In the next crazy attack on the demons, the dragons are also active here. This battle formation uses this point as a breakthrough point, and is tearing the dense offensive of the demons through huge holes…

“God King…sir?” The corner of Ya’s eyes trembled.

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