God Prohibitions

Chapter 1564 - Passing away

A red fire rose from the ground, scorching the sky, and the wind tore the trees and mountains, shattering everything to pieces, the earth cracked, and the river flowed back. All Luo could see was the scene of the end.

The violent powers of the Light God and Demon God violently collided in the sky, and the whole world was groaning and trembling.

Gradually, Robben began to feel that his consciousness became blurred, and the first symptoms of burning soul began to appear. Robben understood that his time was running out. No matter who it was, it would be impossible to stimulate power at the cost of soul for long. The soul is always fragile.

“Can’t… can’t help me, what do you mean?” Robben began to gasp, “In the beginning…you snatched the door of truth from the devil? Didn’t it…”

The holy spirit beast stepped on its front hoof, “I did take away the fragments of the gate of truth of the demon god, but I cannot intervene in the war of the gods. This is racial confrontation and part of the life cycle. I cannot intervene in such things, but I can Take your family away, as for you… your life has come to an end, and I cannot save your existence in this world.”

“You…you can’t intervene in such a thing…you can’t intervene.” Robben couldn’t believe it. “You said to me as long as you could…”

“Yes, but I can’t do this.” The Holy Beast replied without hesitation, “You can say other wishes, just like I just said.”

“Other…” Robben looked at the scene of the world cracking apart, “Other wishes…what’s the point?”

“Everything is up to you. Don’t waste your last wish. There is not much of your life left.”

“My life…” Robben’s heart slowly began to sink. Although his life is fading rapidly, it does not mean that his life is really running out and he will die soon. This way of stimulating power is very powerful. Dangerous. It also hurts my soul tremendously, but I can barely save my life. I still have this method, but…”

“I beg you… to help me once for this world. If you don’t intervene, the God Realm may collapse and countless lives will disappear. Is this what you want to see?”

The Holy Beast looked at the sky, “It doesn’t matter whether I like it or not. Life grows and withers. This is the law of this world. The day of birth will inevitably lead to destruction. Such a cycle is life. Human beings… You can’t understand this. Mystery, I can only tell you simply. I can’t interfere in this matter, it’s the law of nature. It’s useless to beg me. Now the confrontation between the God of Light and the Demon is part of the life cycle, and so are you, your plea Also, it seems to me that there is no difference, everything is in a cycle of birth and destruction.”

“The survival of life… is not important to you at all, is it?”

“Because I can see the essence of life, and see the other side of life. Human beings, for you, your life is about to run out, when your life is exhausted. My promise to you will no longer be valid.”

Robben stared at the Beast of the Holy Spirit, eager to think of something to persuade this transcending existence to help him, but his eyes did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and there was no expression on the face of the stag, and he could not know what to do. How can I move him.

“Human…If you insist on this wish, I have to leave here.” The Holy Spirit Beast took a few steps, and there was a faint flash of light under its four hooves.

“Wait…” Robben stopped him.

Staring at the holy spirit beast, Luo Ben’s heart was in a state of confusion. After he came into this world, everything was spinning rapidly in his mind. Is this really the last moment?

“One thing, I hope you can help me realize it.”

“Talk about it.” Holy Beast, please step on its front hoof, and countless flowers and plants grow rapidly under its feet, withering…

Turning around slowly, Robben looked at the Black Emperor: “This guy…I hope you can quiet him down temporarily. You should break this space-time realm easily.”

“Of course, but is this really your wish? It is also meaningless to your previous wish.”

Robben slowly smiled, “No… this means more to me, more important than anything to me.”

“Okay.” The Holy Beast shook his huge antlers, “Although I feel a little regretful, the life from the strange world is about to disappear before my eyes. This was once a miracle my partner liked, but the cycle of life is endless, you Will return to this world in another way. At that time, we will see you again.”

Robben was startled slightly, “Will I… stay in this world?”

“Your soul will no longer exist, and you will not be able to return to your world. You will exist in this world in another form that you still cannot understand until the cycle of life begins again.”

“My soul…” Robben exhaled slowly, “In this way, I really want to die in a foreign land…”

“Human, goodbye!” The Holy Spirit finally stepped on its front hoof and turned and left.

As if it had never existed before, the Holy Spirit Beast disappeared into the air.

Robben’s light wall that blocked the Black Emperor burst into pieces in an instant. The Black Emperor looked at Robben’s side, the astonishment on his face did not diminish, “Just… just now, that was…”

Robben took a breath, ignored the Black Emperor, turned and walked towards the edge of the village.

“What do you want to do? What did you say to that thing?” Hei Di asked loudly.

Robben no longer looked up at the sky, but at the chaotic earth, “It’s nothing, I just asked him to do one thing for me. It’s a shame… I didn’t expect it to be like this in the end, the gods and demons are like this. Ruthless, human beings… are so fragile.”

As he said, the five-color light on Luo himself appeared more intense, which made the Black Emperor’s eyes shrink sharply, “Aren’t you going to give up? Keep burning your soul like this, you will only die faster.”

“Of course I understand, but other than that… I have no choice. In this world, I have things that I must protect, and I still have things I have not done. I must arrange everything properly, otherwise …I will never leave this world.

“But…you can’t do anything anymore.”

Robben smiled softly, turned his head, looked at the Black Emperor and said, “I hated you so much. You completely disrupted my life. You forced me to make many choices that I didn’t want, but I also had to Admit it. I can meet so many people who walk with me, and it’s mostly your credit. Since you didn’t have any likes or dislikes in your heart, I don’t want to hate you anymore. If you can survive, lead the demons well. They are indeed a very good group of guys… Maybe without the guidance of the Demon God, you will get along well with humans.”

Hei Di’s face became gloomy, and the magic circle under his feet began to slowly expand, “No matter what you want to do… it’s impossible to succeed.”

“Perhaps…but. I can’t stop doing it for this…” Robben turned his head back and sighed, “Perhaps…this is the farewell.”

Gently stepping his feet, Robben floated out of the village and flew out slowly.

“What are you…” Hei Di asked again. Suddenly, his face changed greatly, and he bowed his head in amazement. I found that the magic circle under my feet actually began to dim.

Countless flowers and plants grew crazily from the feet of Hei Di. Climbing the feet of Hei Di, quickly climbed upward.

“What is this?” The black emperor’s whole body was full of black light, and he was about to smash the flowers and plants that entangled him. Suddenly, his heart was empty, and the lifting force quickly weakened.

“This…this is?” The black emperor’s pale face bulged with blue veins, but found that he could not gather his strength. Those flowers and vines climbed up at a rapid speed, the thick grass and trees under their feet had covered the magic circle, and the light of the magic circle quickly dimmed.

Robben slowly floated out of the village and showed a faint smile, “The efficiency of the Holy Spirit Beast is really low enough…It will be effective at this time.”

Between a few breaths. Layers of flowers and trees wrapped the Black Emperor tightly, turning him into a real grass man in place, and the magic circle at the feet of the Black Emperor had dimmed to the point where opportunities could not be seen.

Due to the Black Emperor’s accident, the space-time realm quickly appeared violent fluctuations, as if the heat was billowing, the space around the village was trembling in the small and violent spatial fluctuations, and the violent power from the outside began to quickly approach the village. Obviously the space-time realm This is shrinking rapidly.

When the space domain completely disappeared, the dazzling golden light swept across it like a heavy black aura. The small village suddenly collapsed and was about to be completely torn apart in an instant.

In the midst of violent power, Robben sighed gently, closing his eyes, palms on his chest, and a series of weird tones came out of Robben’s mouth, at the last weird syllable. After that, the five-color light on Luo himself rose up into the sky, turning into two wings of light, flying straight into the clouds behind him.

“The world… stand still!”

In an instant, the violent wind solidified in the air, the fiery red flames seemed to be clearly distinguishable as countless birds, the flowing flying sand seemed to accumulate dust on the ground no longer moving, the dazzling golden light was like a photo of lightning, and the black air surrounding it Also stopped expansion.

The shell of that small village shattered, and countless rubbles scattered and shot, as if stagnating in glue and dust…

In the still world, Robben became the only living thing that moved.

“Bang!” Robben’s shoulder burst, blood spurted out, and the blood sprinkled in the air, which soon solidified there, becoming the background of the world.

“Sure enough, it’s too reluctant, even if the soul can still burn for a while, but the body can’t hold it.” Robben looked at the bleeding shoulder and smiled wryly.

Robben knows very well that in this case, using the ancient gods of the tea bowl again is a dead end. Her power is a great divine power that transcends several levels in this world. It is definitely not something that should appear frequently in this world. This is the first time. I lost most of my life using myself, and I used it again soon after, and it was still when my life was about to burn out.

Choosing this path… there is no possibility of surviving again.

Thinking of this, Luo Ben’s heart suddenly calmed down. These days, he was really tired. If he could fall asleep at ease, maybe it would be a good choice.

“Bang!” Blood burst out on Robben’s other shoulder.

Covering the wound lightly, Robben smiled. Before everything is over, he still has some things to do, which is why he chose this ending.

Slowly, Robben dragged his colorful wings to the ground. In the chaotic storm, ground fire and flying sand covered almost everything on the earth, and the faint light was faintly visible in the chaos.

The protoss army is struggling on the extremely chaotic ground. Countless warriors have been torn apart, and the strong armor and shields cannot bring them the slightest protection.

The fortunate soldiers formed a solid defensive formation, relying on their companions to support the violent attacks from the outside, and the entire Protoss army was in chaos.

The blood condensed in the air, and the face of the fallen Protoss warrior was still alive with surprise. Or looking helplessly at the close companions, the struggling, roaring, or even crying Protoss warriors frozen in the still time, facing this apocalyptic scene, everyone has Different degrees of fear and despair.

Floating over the heads of countless protoss warriors, looking at these struggling warriors, watching the magicians of the Magician Corps frantically spurring the colorful magic circle, Robben felt calm in his heart, and all this would eventually end. Everything will start again…

In the center of the Protoss army, Robben saw Ruda with a solemn expression and a large sword.

Ruda whirled around with the white aura visible to the naked eye, this aura wrapped the surrounding area of ​​nearly 100 meters, and his family was here. Queen Biris and Sharok have once again launched the defensive magic circle, and everyone is cautiously hiding in the double defense. There was a certain expectation on his face. There is hope…

I am sorry……

Robben gently came to Sasa who looked up at the sky and looked forward to something. She was still beautiful, as if she had not changed at all from the female robber in the canyon back then, with a bit of innocence and a bit of reluctant distress.

Mace held the baby in his arms. He was gently stroking the baby’s cheek, his face full of serenity and tranquility, Robben reluctantly sniffed the unique fragrance of Metz, and gently squeezed the baby’s cheek…

Fanny had a lot of fear on her face. Praying silently…

Robben kissed her on the cheek, and looked at her abdomen apologetically. This stubborn but weak girl might have made a stubborn mistake when she chose herself.

The silver eyes of Queen Biris flickered, and her silver hair fluttered and fluttered, even in this chaotic environment still flashing with dazzling light.

Gently embrace this woman who has gone with him the most days, Robben is a little sad, not knowing that she can go on strong, her life is very unfortunate, has not ushered in real happiness, but has to experience another tragedy. “Bier, be stronger…”

Luoxi’s eyes were weak, with shock and a certain inexplicable hope on her face. This brave but often timid Protoss girl may not be able to accept the truth from the God of Light, perhaps… she still hopes to believe it. Lover can bring her miracles.

Nia and her real sister shook hands, looking at the sky with sad eyes, with a bit of misery on their faces that people dared not see.

“Niya, I’m so sorry, but in the end I still failed to bring you the happiness you wanted. You are so sad, perhaps because you have a premonition… From now on, please live with Nalan, and the human world will accept you. of.”

Looking at another Niya who was exactly the same, Robben scratched his head and kissed her cheek, “What good is it to like me as a fool, you see… I just left, find a good man, this is me I have my last advice.”

Su is still so beautiful and extraordinary, and the dark elf’s outstanding temperament makes her so dazzling forever. She seems to be a little confused now holding the extinguishing bow, perhaps she can’t guess what will happen.

“Sorry, the dark elves will rely on you for the days to come.” Robben hugged Su gently, then smiled and looked at Salsa next to him, “I really didn’t move my hands, don’t think about hitting me again… …”

When he came to Lilith, Robben sighed softly, “Perhaps you should go back to the Fairy Forest. Eluru must miss you very much, and the Queen is the same.”

Seeing Hugh holding Natalie in his arms, Robben smiled with relief, “If there is anything worthy of comfort, it is you. I think if I can meet Alan, I can It was easy to tell her that her prince is very happy now, and she never needs to worry about it anymore…”

Gently squeezing Natalie’s nose, Robben smiled and said, “Girl rascal, we may not be able to see each other anymore. I see that the matter of your body is really going to be an eternal secret now.”

Carefully holding Aliya’s little hand, Robben said softly: “I can’t see you getting married. This is a huge regret. I don’t know what kind of man is worthy of you, and I don’t know if you want one. Home, but the old duke must hope that you can have a happy family. I sincerely wish you… I hope you never have to dance and sing on the battlefield again~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is the last thing I can do for you thing.”

Standing in front of Sharok, who was full of eyes and pale, Robben scratched his head, stepped forward and hugged her gently, after thinking about it, and gently kissing her lips, “Sister, if there is another life, you Be my wife again, I’ve watched you drool for a long, long time…Before that, you should find a man to spend your whole life, and then come to me again.”

“Nalan, I ask you one last thing.” Robben came to the pale Nalan’s eyes, “Tell your troubled sister, master, I can’t bear her very much, Nya will ask her to take care of her from now on.”

Picking up Maomao on the ground, Robben tugged at his mouth, “I don’t have to worry about explaining to your mother anymore. I will eat less in the future. It is a shame that the magic dragon grows like you.”

Looking at the big Mao who was standing there much taller than Ruda, Luo Ben was about to say something when suddenly a voice came from behind.

“If you waste time like this, your life will burn out quickly.”

Robben was taken aback, turned his head abruptly, his eyes enlarged extremely, “You…you, how could it be you?” (to be continued…)

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