God Prohibitions

Chapter 19 - On departure (1)

After a long conversation with the old man Xiuma, Robben stayed up all night with excitement. Until dawn, Robben, exhausted by great joy and compassion, finally closed his eyes tiredly.

   Robben had a sweet dream, his hometown is still beautiful, his parents are as tough as ever, his girlfriend is smiling like a flower…

   It was already noon when Robben woke up.

   Touching the tear marks on his face, Robben couldn’t help but laugh at himself. It was only two months before he turned into a softie. He has come over all difficulties in the past, and this time he is afraid of him being a bird!

   stood up and exhaled. Robben opened the door and walked out of the house.

   Three people outside the house, Hill, Hierro and Xiuma.

   Xiuma closed her eyes to rest, and Hill and Hiero sat not far away, whispering something. What surprised Robben was that the green spirit, who had never brought the young dragon out of the house, was now standing next to the broken stone, and the two young dragons were curiously looking for hope.

   The two women over there bit their ears for a long time, and finally Hill stood up and came to Xiuma.

“Xuma, can’t you let the green spirit not do this, they can’t even fly!” Hill gently shook the old man’s sleeve, and Robben noticed that the old man didn’t know where to get it today. He put a neat robe over him.

   “Hill, this is not something we should take care of, it’s family affair.”

   “That can’t be saved, Xiuma~~” Hill made a long tone, and looked like a baby.

   Which one is this singing again!

Robben really has no way of commenting on this’Mrs. Hill’. This woman will feel like the sea for you, hate you for a while, smile like a begonia in full bloom, and cry like a pear blossom with rain in the blink of an eye. It’s really like Monkey King, seventy-two changes are different, in Robben’s own words: this is really a complete woman.

   Seeing Robben finally walked out, the old man couldn’t help but smile, “How about it, after a night, have you changed your mind?”

   “No!” Robben said two words slowly but firmly.

   “I’m on this road! No matter what the price, I must succeed!”

   “Young people are obsessed with something, it’s not a bad thing, but everything can’t be extreme, you have to think about it before making a decision, your road is very long!”

   “Xuma, how do you talk like an old man, you are only a few years older than him, and Hierro and I are not used to it now!” Robben saw Hill shaking the old man’s sleeve again.

   Seeing Robbenzheng looking at him with a wry expression on his face, the old man made a big red face, pulled his sleeves back in the face of Hill’s discomfort, and coughed vigorously.

   “If you have anything I can help you in the future, you can come back and find me. I will stay here for a long time. Don’t tell others where I am. This may cause trouble.”

   “Xuma, don’t worry, neither Hierro nor I will leave you, and will definitely not tell others that you are here.” Hill leaned close to the old man, with a look of tenderness.

   Robben watched the old man stiffly move slowly with Hill’s small movements, always keeping a fixed distance from Hill.

   This old man, I really don’t know the blessing in the blessing!

   Robben looked up at the sky, and touched the magic code written by the old man in his arms.

   “Before I leave, I still want to ask a few questions.”

   “Go ahead, I will tell you what I know.” In the end, Hill gave up and posted to the old man, which made the old man speak a lot more naturally.

   “How long will it take for me to reverse time and space like you said? Will I be old and dead, so I can only be a little bit stronger than you are now.” Robben expressed his concerns.

   “I can almost bet that you are the second person to practice magic like this in the entire continent, and the first, hehe…it’s me.”

   Robben understands that this is actually embarrassing to say that he doesn’t know. Robben didn’t expect to reach the sky in one step, but the old man’s words became a little heavy.

   “However, it is not surprising that you have a hundred or eighty years.” The old man smiled.

“I can better communicate and communicate with the world with my own strength, and I can better communicate and communicate with the world. I have been here for all these years. I am very familiar with and understand all the plants and trees here. I can even have simple conversations with them. Your green liquid is actually extracted from the life essence of the green vines on the mountain wall. It is extremely precious. For this reason, the vitality of these vines has been damaged and cannot be extracted a second time, and it is elsewhere. , I don’t have the ability to let the unfamiliar Fujiko separate out his life essence. These fresh and powerful life essences are integrated into your body. If you live for a hundred years, it shouldn’t be a problem. This also drags you down. I am afraid that the element fusion ability will not have this effect after changing to someone else.”

   One hundred years? Knowing that he could actually live for a hundred years, Robben didn’t feel the slightest excitement in his heart.

   “Can you make people young and beautiful!” Women really love beauty, especially in front of their lovers. Even Hierro behind heard the sound, and Hill was even more hopeful!

   “Anything else to ask!? The old man closed his eyes immediately.

   Robben’s eyebrows have become deeper.

   “Xuma!” This is the first time Robben officially called the old man’s name.

   “You tell me, really, there is such a thing as space-time transformation!” Robben’s voice trembled slightly.

The old man looked at Robben, who looked like he was waiting for the judge’s verdict, and smiled softly, “Roben, this, I can swear by all my knowledge of magic, it exists! The **** of time is also a real god. !” The old man’s voice was calm.

Robben felt a moment of collapse like a 10,000-meter long run, and at the same time, he was extremely happy. If the old man had a trace of hesitation or uncertainty just now, Robben didn’t know if he could still make up his mind to take this route, which seemed to have no end at all. road.

   “Okay, there is nothing more to ask, I’m leaving!”

   A wave of pride arises in Robben’s heart. When he becomes a god, it is the time to return home!

   Robben is not too verbose, turn around and leave!

   Just then, a horrified hiss sounded by the rock.

  Roben couldn’t help being surprised. For more than a month, Robben had been familiar with this voice. It was the voice of two young dragons.

   When Robben turned his head, he couldn’t help being stunned by the scene before him.

The green spirit, who has always been extremely protective of the dragon, was holding the dragon in his mouth. The dragon was struggling in the green spirit’s mouth, and even the scales and the teeth in the green spirit’s mouth made a sound of rubbing. lament.

   “What are you doing?” Robben yelled!

   If you want to say that Robben has the deepest feelings for who on this big broken stone, it may not be the turn of the old man Xiuma, these two little dragons are probably going to be ranked first. When looking for ice lotus, Robben would spend a while with the two dragons almost every day. The two dragons obviously liked Robben a lot more than Xiuma.

   The green spirit ignored the struggling dragon in his mouth. With a flick of his slender neck and his mouth, the little dragon hissed with grief and was thrown away from the broken stone.


Robben’s heart trembled fiercely, and he rushed out of the cliff at the fastest speed. The blue and red rays of light suddenly lit up, but Robben stopped—the green spirit quickly took the second dragon. He grabbed it and shook his head without hesitation. Another little dragon was thrown out of the broken rock.

   Luoben’s heart was immediately cold, and the long wind roared high in the sky. The first dragon, the size of only two palms, would lose sight of its shadow in the blink of an eye, and this one had also been thrown out.

   is thrown in two opposite directions!

   I couldn’t save both of them anyway. After hesitating, the voice of the second dragon gradually disappeared. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

   Luo Ben hearted, stamped his feet, and flew in the direction of the second dragon. Fortunately, it was not too far. The small dragon was caught by Robben when he hit the mountain wall.

   With a muffled sound, Robben fell back to the cliff, and the little dragon in his arms was still whispering.

   “You!” Robben stretched out a finger to the Green Spirit, his fingers trembling constantly.

   “Why, you are not happy?” And the green spirit looked at the direction of the disappearance of the first dragon as if he hadn’t seen Robben at all.

   “You can talk!?” Although Robben knew that the green spirit could understand the words of the old man Xiuma, he didn’t know that the green spirit could speak by itself. To this, Hill and Yello also remained silent.

   “Tiger poisons don’t eat! You are crazy!?” The little dragon still trembling in his arms made Robben burn with anger. The surprise at Green Ling’s words was instantly suppressed.

   “Roben, this is not something we should take care of, this is the business of the fantasy dragon clan”

   “I saw it, I’ll take care of it!” Robben interrupted the old man’s words mercilessly. The old man couldn’t help but be astonished. This kid seemed to have never been so strong.

   “This is the way for our magic dragon to survive. For hundreds of millions of years, other species have been extinct, and this is how we survived!”

   “Fart!” Robben’s eyes were red.

   “You survive because you have abnormal bodies and magic. No wonder I haven’t seen any magic dragons at all in the entire continent. It turns out that I was thrown to death when I was young.”

   “You’d better put down my child quickly, I don’t want to kill Xioma’s friend, you better be interesting, human!”

   Luling’s dreamlike eyes began to exude intriguing colors.

   “There is still a face saying that it is his own child, today, this matter, I will take care of it!”


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