God Prohibitions

Chapter 2 - Night flight

Robben is still numb as usual, sitting in the tower with empty eyes every day, sitting for a day.

   also often forget to observe the navigation mark and delay the flight of the airship. In response, all the crew asked Metz to replace him, and Philip solemnly mentioned this to Metz as the deputy captain. However, Metz’s answer did not leave the slightest leeway: “He did a good job. I have never seen a better candidate than him.”

   Regarding Metz’s practice of writing the word’protection’ on his face, the crew remained silent, and Philip received a serious warning from Metz!

   “Don’t move Robben!”

Our Lord Philip has only a wry smile. Metz’s words on this ship are the teachings of God. There was once a crew member who didn’t know what was good or bad. One day, he finally ran to have a good chat with Robben. The next day, the crew member received a three-month salary and was thrown into the airship directly by Metz. As for how the crew member returned to his hometown of three countries, it was not what Metz should consider.

Robben was ignorant of all of this. Even when the crew asked him to “chat”, he did not show any extra feelings. Robben felt more comfortable with the alienation and isolation of the crew. Now, he only Want to stay alone quietly.

   Robben’s spirit is not very good today. Although he is not in good spirit every day, today it is because he was dragged out in the bed in the middle of the night.

   Robben had a big question mark in his head. When he was dragged to the deck, he saw everyone running out of the dormitory, and hurriedly ran to his position.

   want to set sail? This thought flashed in Robben’s head, and he looked at the dark night sky outside. The moon had only a small crescent hanging in the sky. Robben denied this idea again.

It is very dangerous for airships to fly at night. Robben is very clear about this. When setting up the airship’s navigation mark, for the sake of the future once and for all, the navigation mark is basically on the straight line connecting the two places, so that the route can be shortened as much as possible. It means that there are many beacons to be erected on cliffs, jungle waterfalls and other inaccessible terrain. In these uninhabited areas, warcraft are often infested. The process of erecting beacons is also the process of checking whether the route is safe. When the navigation mark did not encounter a beast that could pose a great threat to the airship, then this route was established.

But all of this is based on the airship flying during the day. At night, the huge magic circle and magic crystals at the bottom of the airship emit light that is definitely more conspicuous than the moon and stars in the sky. Flying at night is simply It is to say to all the monsters that can attack the airship: I am here, I am here!

   But now everything happening on the deck is showing: the ship is about to set sail!

Robben was wondering. There was a crisp and rapid footsteps on the stairs behind him. When Robben turned his head, Metz’s figure had already appeared in the tower. Before Robben could ask, Metz had already stepped forward and grabbed him. Ben’s arm: “Idiot! What do you want to do here at night? Can you see anything else besides the moon and the navigation mark!” Robben was dumbfounded. Mace had already dragged Robben down the stairs. Robben let May be Sla took himself to the deck and just wanted to ask him what he should do, but Metz suddenly stopped. Robben quickly stopped before hitting Metz.

   “Captain Metz, when can we set sail? We are in a hurry!”

Robben saw a middle-aged man in an ordinary gray coat standing in front of them, and looked at Metz with a smile. Although he looked polite, Robben could feel that the middle-aged man’s eyes couldn’t hide a trace. Arrogance.

   “Mr. Sete! My crew is making every effort to prepare. We can set sail right away. I promise you and your master will be in the Carton Empire before the sun rises tomorrow.”

Regarding Mace’s hard words, the middle-aged man did not have the slightest displeasure on his face: “If you can let us arrive early, we will be grateful, and we will give you a generous extra reward!” The middle-aged man owes slightly He leaned forward, smiled lightly at Robben and Mays, turned and left.

Robben noticed that there were seven or eight people standing on the other half of the deck. The person in the middle who seemed to be the leader was covered in a black cloak, with his face in his hood. At this distance, Robben was only It can be inferred from the figure that this is a man.

The gray-robed middle-aged man came to the black-robed man and bent slightly and said something in a low voice, with a respectful manner. When the middle-aged man finished speaking, the black-robed man nodded and took the lead towards the cabin. Walked over.

   “The arrogant guy” Maes hummed coldly.

   It seems that the sailing in the middle of the night is because of them! “What have they shipped? Must set sail now?” Robben looked back and asked Metz on the side. However, he found that Metz suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him, and his beautiful eyes were full of surprises. Only then did Robben realize that this is the first time he took the initiative to speak to this beautiful girl after he came into this world.

   “They are out of luck, they just want to reach the Caton Empire before tomorrow.” The cold frost on Metz’s face just disappeared for an instant.

   “But it’s late at night, is it too dangerous to set sail at night?”

   “They are paying a big price, Robben!” Metz was serious.

“It’s ten times more than usual, which is equivalent to our income for more than a month, one-tenth of a year, and we only need one night. Moreover, to go to the Caton Empire is mainly to go over the Pasir Snow Mountain and Snow Mountain. In a harsh environment, there will be no large flying beasts, and we rise to the extreme altitude, I am 80% sure that we will not be in danger.”

   Robben saw Metz’s believable expression, and said “Don’t take risks” and swallowed it back: What this woman thinks is hard to change. Metz looked at Robben’s expression and guessed seven or eight points. “I have explained to all the crew that they are willing to take a risk. In fact, the most important thing is that the route has been very calm. That’s why I can convince them, and I won’t risk their lives casually.” Robben planned to completely rot in his stomach what he had just said.

“Now you don’t need to look for the navigation mark anymore. Anyone can see it at night. You can just go back to the sleeping cabin and stay honestly. Well, but be ready to fight and escape at any time.” Metz thought for a while, finally Added another sentence.

   “Uh” Robben nodded mechanically, turned around and wanted to go back, suddenly felt his arm tighten, but he was caught by Metz again.

Maes saw Robben still looking dying, and his tone was a little helpless: “You should go to me. I don’t worry about you alone. If there is anything, I’m afraid I won’t have time to find you.” .”

   Luo Ben’s heart warmed, and immediately felt sad, thinking that the original Robben should be very happy.

   “You go to the captain’s room and wait for me first, and I will check the conditions of the other crew members, and I will be back soon.” After speaking, Metz hurriedly left.

   Robben came to the door of the captain’s room alone. The door was not locked. Robben opened the door and walked in. This captain’s room is naturally Metz’s private space. Although Mace has a soft spot for Robben, this is the first time Robben has entered Mace’s room. Robben felt that by looking at a girl’s room, he could directly understand many things that the girl usually does not reveal in front of others.

   In Robben’s impression, Metz is a woman with pride and courage hidden beneath her delicate and beautiful appearance. The picture that Robben imagined before he came in was a simple, clean, elegant and generous room, maybe even a small room with a mirror, but what he sees now makes Robben very surprised. Metz’s bed is very, very big. It occupies almost half the size of this room. There are some puppets thrown around on the bed, and there is a big pillow. Metz hugs this to sleep every day? Robben couldn’t help but a vivid picture appeared in his mind, and then he quickly shook his head and threw the evil image out of his mind.

   Robben found many interesting gadgets in Metz’s room, some beautiful necklaces and small stones that only young girls in various countries buy. There are also all kinds of small mirrors, and so on some odds and ends. Robben couldn’t help but feel a little curious when he saw these things. Which aspect of this woman is closer to her own character?

   I have to say that human curiosity is innate, especially when this curiosity turns into an evil thirst for knowledge, then nothing can stop this person from understanding what he wants to understand.

   Even a person like Robben with all thoughts is probably unable to escape this vortex. Robben is not at all ashamed of being carpet-like searching for a girl’s room…

Robben stared at the carpet, the lovely patterns on the quilt on the wall, and the fine patterns on the big pillows began to daze again. Robben had carefully searched the entire room, but he could not find any orders. People are excited or some prohibited items. This thoughtful woman, long ago planned to arrange me here! Robben shook his head, feeling disappointed.

   Robben casually looked at the small souvenirs that Metz bought back in various countries. “Well! It seems to have been too long.” Robben frowned. This time is long enough to run the airship, but Metz has not returned yet.

   Slowly, a trace of bad premonition slowly clung to Robben’s heart.

   Suddenly, a loud “bang” slammed into Robben’s ears, and Robben felt the airship sway heavily.

problem occurs!

   Robben grabbed the door of the room and was about to pull the doorknob, but the door was pushed open heavily. Standing outside the door was Metz, who hadn’t returned for a long time. When Robben saw Metz, he heard a “cock” in his heart.

   Robben has never seen Metz’s face so pale. Although he seems to be trying his best to remain calm, there is an unconcealable panic in his beautiful eyes.

Robben hadn’t opened his mouth yet, Mace had already grabbed Robben’s hand, “Go!” He had pulled Robben up and ran to the deck, Robben staggered behind Metz, “What’s wrong? What’s going on? Something?”

   Metz did not stop for a moment, and spit out two words dryly: “Warcraft!”

   When Robben heard the word “Warcraft”, his heart suddenly became cold. In the dark night, on an airship that can’t reach the sky or the ground, encountering a Warcraft is definitely a disaster. Can make Metz so panic, it must not have encountered those ordinary monsters.

“I don’t know where this **** thing came from. I’m sure it wasn’t near here. It… it’s too big!” There was a trace of horror in Metz’s voice, “If such a big monster It’s impossible to move around the route without being discovered, damn! Damn! What the **** is this for!?”

It was the first time that Robben saw Metz be so gaffe. Metz cursed the **** beast hysterically while pulling Robben quickly to the deck, “The airship may not last long, so I have to jump off the airship to escape. Now, do you bring the Wind Spirit scroll?” Robben nodded quickly. The Wind Spirit scroll that Metz said is a low-level magic scroll. The magician seals the magic on a special material magic scroll through a special method. When you open this scroll, the magic sealed in this scroll will automatically take effect. The function of the wind spirit scroll is to apply a wind spirit to the nearest person, which can make people float in the air for a short period of time, and then the magic will slowly fail, and people will slowly fall to the ground. This scroll is a must for the airship personnel who sail all the year round. As long as it was on the airship, Lazard would take it with him regardless of whether he was eating or drinking. This scroll has saved countless lives.

Robben noticed that Metz turned his head and took a look at himself when he was talking about the scroll. The other hand was on the shoulder bag around his waist. There was a question in his eyes. When he saw Robben pull out his scroll, Then he withdrew his hand from his shoulder bag and walked with his head stuffed.

   Robben’s heart trembled: Is she going to give me her scroll?

Robben clearly knows that although everyone has this kind of scroll, this does not mean that this kind of scroll is very cheap, and the things that touch magical items are extremely expensive. The manned scroll is based on the high compensation and life of the airship crew. For the sake of only one of his own, Metz has only one wind spirit scroll.

  Roben felt the warmth from Metz’s hand. It seems that as long as he doesn’t die, he can’t forget this woman who has moved him so much!

   Mace pushed open the deck hatch, and a gust of wind poured in, almost knocking down Robben who had just climbed onto the deck.

   Almost all the crew members are standing on the deck, everyone is far away from the ship’s side, their faces are pale, holding the Wind Spirit scroll tightly in their hands, and looking at the dark night sky with fear.

Mace casually grabbed a crew member who was running in a panic: “Go! Go to the kitchen and release Fili, and he will be tied to the wine barrel.” The crew member seemed to have been frightened and looked at Mace in a daze. He opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything. “Trash!” Metz slapped the crew member severely, raised her volume and shouted: “I said-go to the kitchen-let Fili out!” Metz’s expression was a bit scary. In the end, Metz usually got the upper hand, and the crew finally closed his mouth wide, and in response, he ran to the direction of the kitchen.

Maes looked at the night sky expressionlessly and said, “If Philip is killed, I won’t agree to this voyage. I took some drugs and stunned him. I tied him in the kitchen. He should wake up now. . “Robben is not surprised that Metz can do such a thing. This woman sometimes has no scruples about doing things.

Robben noticed that tonight’s “culprits” were standing there at the door of the cabin. The man in the black robe in the middle was ordering something to the middle-aged man. Finally, the middle-aged man waved to the people behind him. , The few people behind untied the long cloth bag that had been carrying them on their backs, but they were all long swords. These people guarded the black-robed men with their swords, but did not make the slightest movement to the monsters outside the airship.

At this time, Robben turned his head to pay attention to the monsters outside the airship. With the faint moonlight, Luo Ben could see a dim shadow cruising outside the airship like a ghost. Robben saw a huge gap on one edge of the airship. , I think about the connection between the loud noise just now and this gap. The airflow around the airship is abnormally turbulent. The huge wings can be heard flapping the air and whirring, and there are bursts of low and thunderous roars in the air. Shock.

   Robben watched carefully for a few minutes, and finally understood why Metz was so desperate. When the beast approached the airship occasionally, with the light of the magic circle under the airship, Robben could roughly estimate how big the beast was.

  The most aggressive flying monsters encountered by airships are generally only two to three adults in size, and some small monsters will not attack the airship. It is not difficult to deal with emergencies with special mechanical crossbows and poison arrows on the airship to resist warcraft. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

The    airship is equipped with a special kind of poison. This poison is very toxic to most of the beasts, but it has no effect on people. The average beasts simply cannot withstand the venom-soaked crossbow arrows.

   However, now that this monster is, Robben can be sure that it is a monster the size of several adult elephants, and the impact power alone is enough to crash the airship.

   This monster seemed to have concerns about an airship that was several times larger than himself, and was not eager to attack, but Robben knew that this was only temporary, and the huge gap in the ship’s side was a temptation before attacking.

The airship was dropping continuously, Robben was shivering in the icy wind, the roar of the monsters outside the airship became more and more rapid, and the contact with the airship became more and more frequent. There is a gap.

   Metz sat leaning against a huge wooden barrel on the deck and looked up at the endless night sky above. The wind blew up her long hair, looking a little weak. Philip was struggling to come here from the direction of the kitchen. Judging from the walking posture, the medicine under Mace was full. The crew members who couldn’t bear the fear and torment just now screamed and tore open the scrolls and rushed out of the airship madly. The huge black shadow outside the airship swayed a few times quickly, and the crew members who cried strangely disappeared in an instant. After the movement, there was a vague sound of cracking skin and bones in the night sky.

   The airship fell into silence. All the crew members squeezed in the middle of the deck to hold their breath, not daring to make a sound. However, the distorted faces and fearful eyes showed that these people were on the verge of collapse. But the group of people at the door of the cabin still stood there without any movement.

   Robben suddenly flashed a strange thought: This time it should be dead!


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