God Prohibitions

Chapter 45 - Luke\\\'s legacy

The cold tower was plunged into incomparable darkness.

After Alice and Tawen disappeared, Robben had a strange feeling. The whole underground tower fell into a very strange dead silence, which was different from the cold silence in the prison, but a feeling of death, as if The entire tower is completely dead.

Looking at the incomparably dark stairs in front of him, Robben stopped, with a “buzz”, a strange white light lit up on his arm, under the light, was the incredible face of Sasha, which Robben could only see The light between the square inches frowned.

Standing in place for a long time, his frowning eyebrows stretched out slightly, Robben slowly found a trace of mental energy wrapped around his hand, carefully feeling the fluctuations of the rich light element in his hand, his mind moved, his hand The light on the sky suddenly rose.

   “Ah!” Sa Sa exclaimed! After letting go of Robben’s hand, he stared at Robben’s hand closely because of curiosity, and even touched it lightly with his hand. As a result, the white light pierced his eyes.

Robben squinted his eyes and looked at the arm that was already shining brightly. He shook his hand slightly. A round white ball of light came out of his hand and slowly floated into the air, emitting a soft white light, shining brightly on all sides. .

   Robben smiled, this lighting ball, but his own original.

It may be that things must be reversed. Robben found that when he gathered a large number of light elements and compressed it on his arm, it was not as strong as the light when he gathered a few elements. He gently mobilized the elements on his hand and adjusted the external concentration. This sphere of light was born. He gently held the sphere of light in the air with mental force, and Robben began to observe the surroundings.

The puppets of different shapes are lying in this tower, and even some heads and limbs have been disconnected from the body, like huge tattered dolls thrown on the ground, it looks somewhat weird .

   Feeling Sasha move in his arms, Robben lowered his head and saw that Sasha was putting down her hand rubbing her eyes.

   “Let me down, Robben!” Sasha looked at Robben’s gaze and whispered.

   “Can you go?” Robben now feels that Sasha is lying limply in his arms, as if he has no strength.

   “Hmm! It can!”

   Robben seemed to have a little redness on his face when he saw Sasha, and he didn’t think too much about it. The situation was special and he could only treat him specially. If Robben was killed, he would not dare to touch the chick.

Gently put Salsa on the ground. The girl’s feet touched the ground and her body couldn’t help shaking for a while. Robben hurriedly supported the girl’s shoulders, “Forget it, you just got injured. You will wait until outside for a good treatment. Right!”

   “No!” Sasha said firmly, holding the dark ring tightly in her hand.

   Seeing that Sasha’s expression was firm, Robben did not insist either, but stood still behind Sasha to prevent her from falling. Then he threw a few **** of light in the air, and the whole story of the tower was illuminated by the soft light.

Sasha put on the black lacquer ring, slowly came to the “corpse” of a puppet, looking at this hideous face, and didn’t know what kind of material it was made of the puppet, her delicate face showed With a trace of sorrow, a burst of light flashed, and the puppet on the ground was put into the ring in Sasha’s hand.

Watching the girl put away the puppets on the ground one by one, the pace gradually slowed down, and the chest gradually began to rise and fall. Robben gently pressed Sasha’s shoulder, “I’m coming, after all, I killed him. I will help him finish.”

   Feeling the girl’s body trembles slightly, she is whispering her nose and leaning against Luo herself. Sasha still cried, “Roben! They are so pitiful!”

   patted Sasha’s back comfortingly. Robben took the ring and supported the girl’s weak body. Robben put everything that could be held on the ground into the ring, and then he opened the door to the upper level.

As Luke said, the ring in his hand is different from the ring that the old man Xiuma gave to him. Although it is a space ring for holding things, if the ring of Xiuma is For a small matchbox, Luke’s ring is a huge villa. Robben threw dozens of puppets in the entire one-story tower into the ring, but only took up less than one thousandth of the ring’s space.

Pushing open the door, Robben first threw a few **** of light into the dark space. This is already the fourth floor. Walking up all the way, the first three floors have nothing but puppets. Up.

When Robben was brought in by the Alice ribbon, there was only a faint light around him. In addition, Robben was nervous, and he really did not pay attention to the situation of each tower. Now that the flux of light everywhere, Robben can see clearly when he walks. The scene in each tower.

Pushing another door open, Robben couldn’t help raising his head. In this whole-story circular tower, two huge arc-shaped bookshelves occupies most of the space. The bookshelf on Robben’s left is five or six meters long. , But there are only two rows of books in the middle and the height of the person. The covers of the books are of the same style, and the material is not visible in the dark. Under the two rows of books, the bookshelves are facing both sides It splits to reveal a hidden compartment, and the bookshelf on the right is the same height as the bookshelf on the left, but it is full of books, but the styles of the books are various, large and small, and the color is extremely Of miscellaneous.

Walking to the bookshelf on the left, he picked up a book named “Dark Origins”, frowned, Robben threw the book into the ring, and picked up another one, “Dark Magic Chronicles” , Threw in the ring again, and Robben flipped through it. It seems that these are some books about dark magic. From the perspective of the unified style, most of them may have been sorted by Luke himself. The row of books was thrown into the ring and looked at the hidden grid on the bookshelf. Robben reached in, touched it carefully, and finally took out a very heavy book from it.

There was no name on the writing, Robben couldn’t help turning a page. Rows of neat handwriting appeared in front of Robben. In the upper left corner of the page, there was a date and date stamp. By the right date, it was already Twenty years ago, Robben squeezed his hands directly into the heavy pages and opened the second half of the book. It was indeed blank before Robben’s eyes. Following the blank pages, he turned forward, only turning a few. Handwriting began to appear on the page again. The date on the last page was this year. Looking at the various magic circles and puppets depicted in the book, Robben guessed that this is probably Luke’s own research notes. Up.

   Twenty years! Robben couldn’t help feeling a little in his heart.

   turned around and came to the other side of the bookshelf. Robben, who had no intention of turning the book, waved his hand and put the entire bookshelf into the ring.

   turned around and put the bookshelf with the hidden grid into the ring. After looking at this floor, there was nothing left to pick up. Robben supported Salsa and walked up.

   It’s almost anything to take, as long as it can be moved, not directly connected to the ground or the wall, everything is stuffed into the ring by Robben.

   pushed another door open, Robben couldn’t help but open his mouth wide in surprise.

   Robben’s pulsating white **** of light gleamed with soft white light in the tower, but the jewel of the sun and moon in the room almost dazzled Robben’s eyes.

A large amount of gold sand was piled up on this layer of ground casually, Robben picked up something under his feet, but it was a gold bar, weighing a few kilograms, and the gold shone with a pure color and dazzling luster. There seems to be no impurities at all. On the shelf by the wall, there are many small boxes stacked, one of which looks a bit tattered, and even the lid doesn’t know where it’s been. The creamy white beads the size of a ping-pong ball are stuffed in the box. There are still quite a few scattered on the side of the box. Under the soft light, every bead exudes a charming luster. Although I have not seen it before, this one should be a pearl. Robben walked twice in the tower, one box Box of gold coins, piles of emerald agate, shining large diamonds, and some metals and materials that Robben could not name, these things were scattered throughout the entire tower, and Robben’s mouth looked dry. .

  A Necromancer is so rich!

   If all the things in this tower are moved back to the original central area of ​​the world, can you become a billionaire or a billionaire?

   “Take them all!” Sasha said softly.

   “Hmm!” Robben replied happily, and as he walked, he put everything he could into the ring, “Sasha, this time you don’t seem to have to rob.”

Robben made a joke, but he didn’t hear the answer. He turned her head strangely. Sasha looked a little weak and leaned on Luo herself. She still looked sad, and the endless wealth in front of her didn’t make this girl more. Have a look.

   “Sa Sa?” Robben called again.

   “Hmm! Hurry up and finish it, let’s go up there!” Sa Shaji said flatly.

Robben couldn’t help sighing. He knew that Sasha felt sad about Luke and Alice, and Robben was also unhappy in his heart, but although Luke was to resurrect his lover, he became a dead soul in the name of love. Mage, but his hands were stained with blood from too many people. It may have killed tens of thousands of living people on the mainland just for Alice, and Robben, the countless puppets in the tower, saw them again. I don’t know how many people Luke killed and how many souls he refines before he finally completed it. It’s not an exaggeration to say Luke is an out-and-out demon. If everything is calculated from the beginning, no one can say It’s unclear who was right and who was wrong. Now Luke died silently, and he died contentedly. This might be the best result.

   gently wiped the tears on Sasha’s face, not realizing that this action was too intimate, and softly comforted, Robben turned and continued to put things into the ring one by one. But she didn’t see the slightest strange expression in Sasha’s eyes.

   I don’t know how many floors are up, Robben and Sasha came to a strange room.

Robben looked around. This might be a laboratory-like place for Luke as a mage. On one side of the room, magic circles of various sizes and shapes are depicted on the ground. There are various materials piled in the magic circle. Some metals that Robben saw on the floor where he saved his belongings are also in it. Even in a huge magic circle, one is also a human skeleton. The puppet lay flat there, with some unknown powder and finely crushed pieces scattered beside it.

   In a corner, Robben found a small bed, so he randomly set up two wooden boards among a bunch of messy items, and covered it with a thin quilt.

Robben knows that the magician does not need to sleep. He wants to come to this place for Luke to meditate. The necromancer of the famous mainland used to guard these puppets and magic materials in his own laboratory for a long time. Long night.

“Mao!” Robben exclaimed and saw a small cage on the huge platform in the middle of the room. The young magic dragon was lying motionless in the cage. Robben helped Sasha to walk to it. On the edge of the table, I saw that the cage was placed in the center of a golden red magic circle. Through the gap of the cage, Maomao didn’t know what was painted with some strange patterns.

Robben looked distressed, and he stretched out his left hand without hesitation. In the blink of an eye, his arm turned black as ink. He grabbed the top of the cage and pulled hard. Robben grabbed a hole in the top cover of the cage and scattered his hand. With the black light on, Robben carefully hugged Maomao in his arms. Feeling Maomao’s heartbeat and breathing, Robben’s heart finally fell back into his belly.

It wasn’t until she saw Maomao that Sasha’s absent-minded eyes changed a little, “Just give it to me, you go and pack things first, Maomao just fainted.” After receiving Maomao and checking it carefully, Sasha raised her head. Said to Robben who was looking at him nervously.

“Yeah! Lean on here now, wait for me!” The room is too big, and the mess is piled up like a warehouse. Robben’s whole body is shining with a faint bluish-white light, and a gust of wind rolls from side to side of the room, blinking. Put everything into the ring…

Robben stood in the empty room and couldn’t help being a little surprised. This floor seemed a little strange. He walked up all the way up, or there were only puppets, or only gold and silver treasures, or a house full of books, or just piles of life. There is even a layer of frozen corpses piled up in a tower, but there will always be something.

It’s just this floor, but there is nothing. In the empty space, there is only a door on one wall. Along the way, except for the door between each floor, I have never seen a door again. , Even if there are places such as hidden grids or secret roads, the entrances are also wide open, and there has never been a place hidden or closed.

   Robben scratched his head. Does this mean Luke doesn’t want to let himself in?

   looked at Sa Sa suspiciously. Sa Sa held Maomao in her arms. She seemed to have thought of this too, and she seemed to hesitate.

“Let’s take a look, after all, we have to take away all his things. If the door cannot be opened, then we won’t go in, okay?” Robben seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be asking Salsa’s opinion.

   After thinking for a while, Sasha finally gave a low hmm and agreed.


   The door of the room was pushed gently by Robben and opened slowly inward.

Suddenly, Sasha raised her hand and covered her mouth tightly, tears welled out of her eyes uncontrollably, Robben looked at everything in front of him, and remembered the simplistic and extremely simple one he just saw. Little bed, I didn’t know what it was like for a while.

   The only space that extends outside the tower is a very delicately furnished room, with a soft bed, a hanging curtain, a small dressing table, and a beautiful plaid carpet…

   This is a woman’s room, everything in the room is clean and spotless, and a bright bead is emitting light on the top of the room.

“Let’s go!” Robben took over Sasha’s shoulders and closed the door gently. His eyes were a little red. There is no need to take anything by himself here. Maybe this is the last thing Luke is a normal person. A little memory.

   almost dragged Sasa away from the tower and pushed open the door leading to the upper floor. A dark corridor appeared in front of her. In the distance of the corridor, there seemed to be a slight light.

   The wind blew on Robben’s face again, and the hot sun shone on the ground, as if it was about to scorch the ground.

   Looking at the blue sky, Robben couldn’t help feeling a reincarnation. He looked back at the dark hole behind him, his heart inevitably excited, and he was almost buried in the ground.

   “Roben! Look!”

Following Sasha’s gaze, Robben was startled. Alice was sitting on the bare red plain not far from him, holding the dead Luke in her arms. The black robe on Luke had been Throwing it aside, he was wearing a white mage robe. Robben knew that the white mage robe was a symbol of the light system mage.

   “Roben, they are dead!” Sasha screamed, grabbing Robben’s clothes tightly, and looking at Robben in disbelief.

   Under the sun, Robben’s left arm was approaching Luke and Alice step by step as if being swallowed by the shadow.

   Carefully asked Sasha to avoid his left hand, Robben smiled softly, “Sasha, I want to bury them, will you wait for me for a while?”

   Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, I have forgotten to type these words in many chapters…


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