God Prohibitions

Chapter 53 - blackmail

“Roben! I don’t like this outfit! Yours is so ugly!” Sasha grinned and turned around two times in dissatisfaction, seeming to ask Robben to see how ugly his clothes were.

   After a while, Robben Sasa walked out of the clothing store again. The two of them wore a set of clothes that were closest to ordinary people on the street, the kind that would never be found after being thrown into the crowd. It’s just that Sasha’s face is too beautiful, and Robben can’t help it. If she wears a scarf, it will be even more abrupt on the street.

   “Sa Sa, we are running for our lives now, so be patient, let’s talk about it elsewhere!”

   “Escape!?” Sasha was puzzled, “Just for the two mages and the house?”

   “I… isn’t that enough! That’s human life, a lot of human lives!” Robben became mad.

   “Those soldiers will catch us!?” Sasha suddenly opened her eyes.

   “Yeah! Didn’t you see so many soldiers in the street just now, if we hadn’t run fast, now we have reached the cell!”

   “Let’s run, then!” Robben was speechless to see Sasha clenching her small fist tightly, but his face was full of excitement.

   This chick’s nerves are really big, and the sky collapses when covered…

   “Go! Go back to the restaurant first, let’s leave after dark.”

   Robben raised his head and looked at the sun. Now he can only hope that night will come soon, and then take advantage of the night to fly out of the city in his arms.

   Back in the guest room of the restaurant, Robben called the Tsing Yi man, ordered a table of food and delivered it to the room.

   Eat your fill first, maybe the guards will chase here!

   “Brother, wait a minute!” Seeing that the man was about to exit the room, Robben called to stop the man.

   “Small dare not! I dare not! The little nickname Carlo! Just tell you what you want.” This guy named Carlo always has a professional standard smile on his face.

   “Just now, when I came back, I saw a lot of soldiers on the street. There seemed to be some movement on the west side of the city just now, did something happen?” Robben asked lightly, eating the dishes on the table.

“Oh, don’t worry. This kind of thing happens almost every month. Those rioters still don’t give up until now. Haha, there is a large army stationed in the city, and the rioters will soon be caught, and the city will be sealed for a few days. After that, everything is back to the same as before. You won’t be hurt at all.” The man still looked at Robben with a smile on his face.

“But I’m going to leave here today in a hurry. I can’t wait to close the city and lift the ban!” Robben stood up pretending to be surprised, “Is there any other way to get out of the city quickly!” Robben figured out his hand. A golden coin.

   There was unabashed greed in Carlo’s eyes.

“It may not be possible to get out of the city in advance. Except for some mercenaries who are the defensive force of this city, you can also get in and out. Foreigners like you will definitely not get the permission to go out. But don’t worry. Langfang City has entered a defensive state. Nothing can go in and out freely from the sky or the earth. You will soon catch the gangsters, and then you can leave the city.” The dude looked at Robben’s face change, his greedy eyes became more and more greedy. Coming more and more prosperous.

   “Heaven and earth?” Robben said quietly.

A big smile appeared on Carlo’s face, “The depth of the moat outside the city is said to be capable of drowning even an ancient giant. Of course, the specific depth is not small to know, but the depth of the moat on the wall The large crossbow arrows hidden in the secret post are well-known. Even in the evening, the huge luminous crystal on the top of the city can brighten the sky, and no one can escape. So, you can live here with peace of mind! “

   After listening to Carlo’s words, Robben’s face became extremely ugly.

   Carlo came up and said in a low voice, “Actually, you don’t have to worry about it.”

   Luo Ben was shocked, and Carlo took the gold coin in his hand initiatively. Now the man’s face has gone from the previous flattery, only naked greed!

   “As long as I speak to you, you will still be hard to find!”

  Carlo’s light words exploded like a bomb in Robben’s mind.

   “Sa Sa! Close the door!” Robben shouted.

   With a “click”, Sasha shook her figure and closed the door tightly.

   “You…how did you know?” Robben’s nervous face turned blue. It’s only been more than an hour since I’ve been engaged in posting. I haven’t even had a drink when I came back. This guy said a few words, and he was actually seen through!

   Facing the terrifying face of Robben, Carlo did not panic at all, and even owed himself apologetically. You see, “have you already admitted it now?” Carlo’s eyes were full of sly.

   Robben suffocated fiercely, his eyes almost bursting into flames!

   “What do you want!” Robben gritted his teeth.

   “You don’t need to be so nervous, I just want to make a deal, and I have a small family to support, so I’m just asking for money!” Carlo said with a calm face and smiled.

   “By you!?” Robben’s anger surged. This guy who had always treated himself respectfully wanted to blackmail himself, “I will kill you now!”

   “You won’t kill me!” Carlo smiled, “Although he is a little bit humble, but now he is the person who can help you the most.” Carlo said confidently.

“I’ve just inquired about the news. There was an unprecedented explosion in the west of the city. The entire wizard guild has been blown to ruins. Two wizards and many pedestrians on the road were seriously injured, but so far there has not been I heard the news of who died…” Carlos paused and looked into Robben’s eyes without evasiveness, “If you kill the little one, then it is really killing you now. I am afraid I will not show up for a while. , The shopkeeper would think that I had a desertion, you see…”

   Luo was trembling, “How do I know you won’t betray us?”

“Those officials are all vampires. Even if I donate you, I only have a dozen gold coins. Why bother to tear the skin. You bring the ring of space and want to be a noble mage. Kill Xiao It’s like crushing an ant to death, but the little one just wants to make a deal, but he will never hurt a noble mage!” Carlo talked freely, and he actually said the fallacy! Robben looked at this Carlo and felt sick.

“Although there are many people in this Langya restaurant, but because of this, not many people actually pay attention to a stranger. After coming here, they have always been small and waited for the two. My little one is the most credible. You only need to pay a small price for your little loyalty. Please be assured that I will be useful to you in this matter.” Carlo said. Realizing his own importance, he waited confidently for Robben’s reply.

   “How much do you want!” Robben squeezed these words out between his teeth! The words are already obvious, if you don’t give money, then you will shoot two!

Carlo smiled happily, “Not much, it’s just a small amount of money for a lavish person like you, after all, small ones have to consider their own life, a thousand gold coins!” Carlos stretched out a red face. Took a finger.

   With a sound of “wow,” Robben’s ring flashed, and there were a lot of gold coins on the ground.

   Looking at the golden light that filled the room, the expression on Carlo’s face was dying of happiness.

After wiping his saliva, Carlo bent down and turned into the humble appearance before, “Master Magic is really generous. At night, the younger one will bring the bag to get the money. Excuse me! Excuse me! “As he said, he retreated to the door.

   “You are not afraid that I am a spy assassin from another country. If this city is destroyed, it will be of no benefit to you!” Robben felt angry and said unwillingly!

“You are laughing. Since the construction of the wolfya restaurant, no one who breaks the grotesque has moved in like you. You still have a girl by your side. When you came back, I was full of panic. Seeing that you accidentally caused trouble, it will definitely not be a spy assassin. If you ask for money, give you more insurance and fair trade. Don’t be surprised. If you are a little one, please let me know. Command.” Carlo bent over and slowly exited the door.

   What a fair deal! A thousand gold coins are enough to make a poor family of four have nothing to worry about for a lifetime, but he was slaughtered by this smiling face!

   It’s not that Robben is distressed about money. A thousand gold coins are really nothing now, but he was robbed by others… This feeling is so uncomfortable!

   “Roben! Or I will kill him, I promise no one will know!” Seeing her buddy walked out the door, Sasha jumped over excitedly.

   “Forget it!” Robben waved his hand, “It’s okay for such a person, he will not betray us if he gives him money, wait a few days, if it doesn’t work, we just rush out!”

In the next few days, Robben and Sasha stayed in the room and did not go out. They were still calling the food into the room for dinner. Every time they heard the sound of soldiers running outside, Robben felt a panic. I once secretly saw that Carlo and the soldiers who came to interrogate and said something, after which the soldiers left.

The most dramatic one was when a captain led a team to conduct a door-to-door search. When he entered Robben’s room, his face suddenly became earthy, and he walked out like a ghost. The leader was The captain at the gate of the city that day.

   Robben couldn’t help scratching his head, and the look in Sasha’s eyes began to look strange. Was his one thousand gold coins a waste of money? If you put Sasa at the gate of the city, maybe the gate of the city would open wide. Robben didn’t know why this idea suddenly popped up.

  Sasha is boring because she is bored in the room every day. She spends most of her time with Robben. While teasing Maomao, she talks to Robben about topics that Robben does not seem to be nourished at all.

   Three days later, the blocked city gate opened again!

“Congratulations! The city gate has been opened, and you can leave at any time! This time the matter has been suppressed. There are more garrison soldiers in the city, and many rioters have become slaves, just the security captain. It seems that a newcomer has been changed, hehe, it is really the shortest-lived position in Langya City.” Carlo said with a natural face as if he had never blackmailed Robben’s money.

   These days, it was Carlo who kept passing news of the city to Robben.

In Robben’s mind, a rock finally fell to the ground. These Tianli Langfang City was noisy. From time to time, there were groups of soldiers running through the street, and groups of people **** with ropes passed by from time to time. According to Carlos, those were as thin as wood. The person from was a rioter who had just been caught, and has now become a slave. As for how so many people were caught in a short period of time, Carlo just chuckled and stopped talking.

   “Let’s go!” Robben stood up and walked out the door impatiently.

   “Two! I have a little suggestion”

   “Huh?” Robben walked to the door and turned his head again, “What advice?”

“I don’t think the two dress up and act like adventurers or mercenaries. I don’t know why you came to Spangled City. Of course, I shouldn’t know about this, but I suggest that if you often walk around, The identity of a mercenary is a good choice!”

Robben frowned and fell silent. It seems that he and Sa Sa are both underprivileged now. Needless to say, Sa Sa can’t even tell where she used to live, and she is secretive about her master. If two people have the identity of a mercenary, it is indeed convenient to go wherever they go. If it weren’t for Sasha, he wouldn’t even be able to enter the Spangled City Gate if he wanted to come.

   “Thank you!” After holding back for a long time, Robben said these two words even though he was reluctant, and threw a gold coin in his hand.

  Carlo took the gold coin with an open eyebrow, “The two are going well, I hope to come often in the future, and the younger one must wait for the driver!”

His own crisis has been resolved. Robben can’t help but feel amused now listening to Carlo’s shameless words, “Carlo, aren’t you afraid of death? If I was excited or someone debunked your lie, then you might have been a man. After landing, in your eyes, gold coins are more important than life?”

  Unexpectedly, Carlo, who has always been cheeky, couldn’t help but froze upon hearing this sentence, “Yes, sometimes, gold coins are indeed more important than life!”

   Robben smiled, “Then you say I will kill you now!?”

“Your matter has been solved, and the little one has done a great job after all. If a noble magician just paid a gold coin and got such a result, wouldn’t it be an insult to the noble magician? In the name, the little money that you look down on is a great treasure for the little ones. I think you will not care about this little thing and a little person who just runs for life. You are so. High above, and the small one is just an ant. Killing the small one will only tarnish your noble hand. You can treat the small one as a fart and just let it go!” Carlo bent over, with a flattering face Smile.

   Is it that magicians are always taken advantage of, and they have to spend hundreds of times to buy things to lose face?

   “Okay! You deserve the thousand gold coins!” Robben was amused, and his anger at being blackmailed disappeared.

   Robben shook his head secretly, this time he was all fooled by someone…

   Pulling Salsa, hurried to the counter to check out, Robben hurried out of the wolfya restaurant.

“Roben! Where are you going? The airship is to the west! Are you afraid that you will meet those two mages again? If you meet them again, you will have to…Woo” Robben had to cover it again Sasa’s mouth was closed.

   “Miss, let’s not mention this!” Robben was sweating coldly. The limelight has just passed, and there are soldiers patrolling the streets…

   “Where are we going now!” Shasha opened Robben’s arm and looked around at the shops on both sides of the street.

   “Sasha, haven’t you been a mercenary?”

   “Mercenary? The master said, the mercenary is the locust of the mainland! They have eaten everything wherever they go.” Sasha was serious again.

   “Locust?” Robben curled his lips, “Let’s go, it looks like there will be two more locusts today!”

   ask for votes for collection!


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