God Prohibitions

Chapter 60 - Dinner

In the evening, Sanniang came upstairs and took Robben and Sasha to the lobby on the first floor.

   There are five large and somewhat exaggerated tables in the huge hall on the first floor. The tables are filled with all kinds of food. Among them, countless large candles are burning brightly, lighting up all the tables.

   Now someone sitting at the table is chatting quietly while drinking wine.

   “You sit there, the leader will come in a while!” Sanniang pointed to the largest table in the middle.

   Robben and Salsa sat down, looking at the table full of rich food with different expressions, Robben was surprised, and Salsa was extremely excited.

   pushed away the several plates in front of him, Sasha cleared a place and put Maomao on the table.

   Luo’s face did not change, and he gently stepped on Sasha’s foot underneath, “Get the fur off!”

   “Why!” Sasha puzzled, “Maomao seems to have not eaten enough just now!”

   Robben felt a large group of crows quack flying over his head, and a mercenary on the opposite side was now holding a bite of food in his mouth, staring dumbfounded at Mao Mao, swaying and rushing towards a dinner plate.

   quickly pulled Maomao into his arms, “Ha ha ha” Robben smiled meaninglessly at the surroundings.

   “Now it’s different from our usual. If you put Maomao on the table to eat, it will make the owner think you don’t respect them!” Robben quickly whispered.

  Maomao is biting Robben’s finger desperately.

   “Oh!” Sasha tilted her head, as if she was a little clear, “Then we will go back to the room and find something to eat for Maomao!”

   Robben was relieved to see that Sasha was not entangled with Maomao’s food, but he picked up the tableware happily. If this chick eats… Robben smiled sorryly around him in advance.

   Gradually, there were more people in the hall, and the empty seats on the five tables gradually filled up, and the voices began to noisy.

I don’t know why, although the surrounding area is bright, the warm yellow light from the candles also makes people feel comfortable. People around are also eating meat and drinking, talking loudly about something, look around, a piece of A lively dinner scene, but in Robben’s heart, a feeling of loneliness grew naturally, as if on the edge of the hall, in the darkness that this warm candlelight could not illuminate, there should have been What, this little light, and the people in it, seem to be wrapped in the boundless darkness outside…

   “This brother, we meet again!” Robben was puzzled by the strange feeling in his heart, a clear voice sounded in his ear, and a figure sat next to him!

   “You!?” Robben was surprised to see the young man who was trying to invite himself on the street during the day, sitting next to him.

   Luo Ben has a feeling of falling into a trap, is Sanniang a support! Thinking of Sanniang’s sincere smile, Robben couldn’t believe it.

   “Hehe, I really didn’t expect it. I would like to please, but you finally came to my group by yourself!” The man laughed after he finished speaking.

“Sanniang has already told me about your situation. Please believe it. I definitely didn’t send Sanniang to deliberately deceive you. This is absolutely a coincidence!” The handsome young man said naturally, without evasive. His skeptical look at Shang Robben.

   This is true. The whole thing, only Sanniang was accidental, and the rest was deliberately arranged by this young man.

   I have to say that this long-faced young man is easy to believe when he speaks, at least Robben already believes a little bit now.

   “I’m just here to treat Sasa, and we will leave as soon as the injury is cured. We still have very important things to do. If not today…” Robben said, his eyes widened suddenly.

   On the opposite side of the table, the big man with a beard made his **** down, picked up a leg of lamb and started chewing!

Luo Ben secretly scolded himself for being stupid. This young man appeared in Sanniang’s mercenary group, and Sanniang’s husband was a big man with whiskers. This young man and this big man were obviously in the same group. Sanniang was a coincidence. Is this big man again? It’s a coincidence! ?

   Robben’s face suddenly sank…

   In his previous life and this life, Robben was too stubborn and offended many people for this. These people crowded out and even calculated themselves, but the next time he encounters the same thing, Robben still chooses the old way. Robben feels that in life, certain things must be persisted. This is the proof of your survival as a person. In this age when kindness has become stupid and integrity has become an alien, Robben seems a bit naive and immature.

   However, this does not mean that Robben has no brains, you are indifferent, and you laugh, and I can ignore it, but what Robben hates most is those who are not enough and have to calculate themselves. It can be said that Robben now hates all conspiracies against himself. Had it not been for Robben to be discouraged at the time, and Huma’s timely explanation, Robben would be going to fight Huma on the broken stone!

It’s easy to say if it’s just a cure. Robben looked up and looked around the hall. It’s twice as big as it is, but it’s just a little bit cooler. The explosion in the Wizard’s Guild It flashed through Robben’s mind.

   No longer caring about this young man, Robben turned his head silently, didn’t touch the food on the table at all, just watched Salsa keep eating without talking.

   “My third uncle is a good gamble. I didn’t feel lucky these past two days. I had a big quarrel with the people in the group in the morning. Don’t mind what happened during the day. In fact, my third uncle is very good-minded!” The man laughed!

   Seeing that Robben did not speak or eat at all, this young man knew that Robben must be suspicious.

   “My name is Wright Baran, this is my sister, Natalie!” He pointed to the red-haired girl beside Robben.

   Robben turned his head slightly and saw that the red-haired girl was staring at him with a frosty face.

   Without taking a second look, Robben turned his head and teased the fluff in his arms while watching Sasha eating quickly.

   The red-haired girl named Natalie has her eyebrows erect!

   “Why don’t you even understand politeness! My brother is talking to you!” The crisp voice appeared very loud in the hall, and everyone stopped talking and looked over in confusion.

   “Little girl!” Wright’s face condensed, and he pressed the girl who was about to stand down.

   “What does he think he is! Show us face like this!” Natalie was reluctant.

   Robben cast a glance at this Natalie, her figure is enchanting, her face is seductive, and the candlelight flickers even more charming, but… Robben’s heart is contemptuous, but it is a big-hearted vase, and she doesn’t know how to watch and watch. The young man named Wright wanted to win him over. The anxiety on his face now does not look like a disguise. It is not good for them to act like this with his sister, and the girl is still looking at herself with an angry face, and she is still With contempt, as if it is a shameful thing to appear here.

This young man speaks steadily and does not lose proportions, and he has a sense of affinity. Although Robben feels that he is mostly calculated, he still has a high evaluation of this young man in his heart, and this red-haired Natalie… I don’t know if they were really born to the same parents! Robben thought very maliciously.

“Okay, guys say things, let’s not go together with women!” Sanniang on the side saw that the atmosphere was a little stiff, and came over and pulled Natalie to another table. Before leaving, the red-haired girl was still there. Robben glared fiercely. Robben directly rolled his eyes.

   “Okay, everyone, let’s eat!” Wright waved his hand, and everyone thought this thing was boring. After a while, the hall became noisy again. It’s just that Robben found that many people are secretly looking at him, of course, more are looking at Sasha and pointing.

“Don’t mind, I’m just such a younger sister. I have petted her at home since I was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am a princess. I am so proud and indulgent. I am here to apologize!” Wright picked up a bowl of wine and drank it. Exhausted.

   To be honest, Robben doesn’t feel much, such an idiot Robben is too lazy to care.

   “Roben, seeing that you are only about 20 years old this year, I will ask you to call your name directly!”

“Roben, you don’t have to wonder why they are watching you secretly!” Wright smiled casually, “As soon as you enter the door, our people have recognized you. Today, you are a blockbuster in the Mercenary Guild! I guess! Now the whole Langfang City is rumored that you killed Tawen!”

  Wright said with excitement, and his voice couldn’t help being louder. Robben discovered that almost everyone now looks over either occasionally or directly.

   Luke this guy… so famous! Thinking of everything he saw in the Soul Forbidden Tower at the end, Robben was a little sad for the Necromancer.

“Roben, I know that you have doubts about me now, but unfortunately I can’t relieve you of this doubt, but I can guarantee that we won’t hurt you two. We need your help now, and we need you to be able to kill. The help of Tavin’s powerful strength!?”

   “I’m just here to heal Sasa!” Robben Howe shook his head and refused!

“It won’t be too late for you to refuse until I’m finished!” Wright was not angry at Robben’s remarks, but instead smiled confidently. “You will be interested after listening. This task must be powerful. Only with strength as a backing is qualified to participate. I believe that a strong man has dreamed of having such an opportunity all his life!”

   Robben raised his eyebrows, he looked at the shining Wright in front of him in surprise, confident and calm! These are the two things that Robben can feel most clearly! No blind fanaticism, no arrogance!

   Wright is staring at him closely, his eyes seem to say that a strong man should promise me the same!

   Robben smiled, this Wright is very interesting!

   “What task!?” People are so sincerely persuading themselves, so let’s behave a little bit more, Robben took the initiative to ask.

  Wright’s expression relaxed, his eyes filled with joy.

   “This task is very difficult! We once assembled the power of the whole group, but failed. We are ready to fight all the power this time and do it again!”

   Robben blinked, feeling a bit wrong. Although Wright said this very firmly, he was obviously worried, and he seemed to be a little nervous looking at himself!

   “What is the mission?” Robben hurriedly asked.

  Wright picked up a bowl of wine, took a sip, a smile appeared on his mouth.

   “Slay the dragon!” Wright spit out two words softly.

   “Slay the dragon?” Robben repeated!

   “Hmm!” Wright put down the wine, “Kill that dragon, and the task is complete!” Wright, who had been acting very calmly, couldn’t help showing a bit of enthusiasm now!

   Robben blinked vigorously, and took a good look at Wright in front of him. Now that the truth of Robben reached out and touched this person’s head, did you have a fever and your brain was burned out!

  Slay the dragon? Are you playing games? When Robben was a crew member, in the boring life on the airship, the crew members probably only had so few conversations. Women ranked first, and dragons would not be ranked second. Dealing with all kinds of strange-shaped passengers and cargoes and monsters all day long, the crew always talked about the existence of dragons at the top of the monsters. Of course, no one wants to see a dragon with their own eyes, because that means you are about to become a piece of meat stuck between your teeth!

   “What dragon?” Robben pointed to the Maomao in his hand, “It’s very different?” In fact, Robben was just making the best plan. Since it’s worth slaughtering, he probably won’t be a good character.

   “This is a dragon!?” Wright asked in surprise when he noticed the hairs in Robben’s hands!

   “Forget it, let’s talk about yours first!” It is estimated that Maomao is still struggling hard in Robben’s hands. It is hard to believe that this is a very rare dragon.

   “It’s a fire dragon, grown up! Very powerful!”

   After waiting for a long time, Wright didn’t say a word, “Nothing?” Robben looked at Wright in astonishment!

   “Nothing!” Wright replied straightforwardly!

   “How did you come back alive last time!” Robben suspected that this Wright was a deserter himself! It’s not just such a pitiful piece of information to meet the dragon. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   “Last time, I didn’t go!”

Robben scratched his head. It seems that he still hasn’t exercised enough. This ability to recognize people hasn’t been trained at home. What kind of self-confidence and calmness is this a good young man. In the question and answer just now, Robben felt that the answer to himself was Same as Salsa!

   You want me to realize the dream of a man, or you want to drag me to death!

Dragons are not a thing of human slaughter at all. When you have a dragon slaying warrior, you will prove that humans can defeat giant dragons, but ants are divided into different types and sizes. You think everyone is a dragon slaying that cannot be produced in a thousand years. warrior!

  Dragons are no different from humans when they look at ants. Robben still remembers the incomparably contemptuous eyes and tone of the green spirit on the broken stone.

   “Well, we young people deserve this kind of blood, Robben, I wish you every success!”

   “Sasha, let’s go after eating, there are important things to do, let’s not bother!”

Wright looked at Robben with a serious face, “Roben, it doesn’t matter if you don’t agree. You are still a distinguished guest that Sanniang invited back. It will take a while before we leave. During this time, we will let Sanniang.” Treat this girl well, if you leave now, Sanniang will scold me!”

   “Don’t mention this anymore!?” Robben instantly changed his face and looked back at Wright and asked.

   “I won’t mention it, I must!” Wright hurriedly packed the tickets.

   “Sasha, eat slowly, we have time!” Robben said happily as he watched the higher and higher plates in front of Salsa.

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