God Prohibitions

Chapter 97 - adhere to

The night was like washing, on the rugged mountain road, two figures were walking in tandem, the figure in front was carefully searching for something, and the taller figure behind silently followed behind the one in front.

“Master, take a break, you haven’t closed your eyes for several days.” Su, who had been silently following Sasha, finally couldn’t help but talk, since Robben was tumbling down the cliff by a dragon that day. It’s been five days now, and Sasa has been searching for five days endlessly along the edge of the cliff. During these five days, Sasa’s sleep time will not add up to more than half a day. It seems to be lost every day. Looking at the edge of the cliff like a soul, if it weren’t for the steep wall, there was no way to step down, it is estimated that the girl had already rushed down the cliff in front of her desperately.

  Sasha didn’t seem to hear Su’s words, and still walked forward silently, continuing to search forward carefully.

Now Sa Sa really hopes that Luo Instinct can pop out in front of her alive, but Sa Sa herself also knows how slim this hope is. Sa Sa has always wanted to find a **** with a certain slope, where she can get down to the bottom of the mountain. I went to find Robben in the cliff, but the falling cliff seemed to be flat and steep like a knife slashing his father, and there was nowhere to be found.

   Watching Sasha walk stubbornly forward again, Su sighed and had to keep following.

Now the search range has been greatly increased. Dense vegetation has begun to appear around, and the surface is no longer as naked red as near the dragon cave. The dark brown soil is covered by thick vegetation, accompanied by the surrounding tall and short. All kinds of trees in China are full of vitality.

Amidst the shaking of the vegetation, Wright’s figure appeared in front of him. It can be seen that Wright’s life is not going well these days. His handsome face is covered with beard stubble, two black eye rims hung on his face, and Wright has already I haven’t slept for several nights, and this tough and bold young man looks abnormally haggard.

  Unexpectedly, it was almost a miraculous victory in the end. The father was revengeful. As a result, the younger sister now doesn’t know his life or death, and Wright’s heart seems to be a mess.

Sasha and Wright both glanced at each other, did not speak to each other, staggered, and searched in the direction where each other came. Both of them were afraid that they would miss even a trace. On every edge of the cliff, both of them would Search it alternately, and then search elsewhere.

The situation of the mercenary group is also not optimistic. Wright’s last concentrated blow, the only remaining people in the group released the power of the whole body, and a dozen people died on the spot. , Now the whole group is slightly injured, or there are only a dozen people who are active, and they have to deal with the body of the giant dragon. Everyone is dragging their tired bodies to take care of the wounded. Fortunately, Some non-combatants were left in the camp under the mountain. Their care greatly increased the chances of survival for those members who were still alive. Besides, Sanniang was also there.

Wright refused everyone’s help. In this war, there were very few members left in the regiment. Everyone had a companion died, and everyone had a close friend who died. Wright asked everyone to stay as far as possible to take care of the wounded. Wright didn’t want to I saw that the brother who was lucky enough to survive died because of lack of treatment and care. Natalie is her own sister, but compared to everyone, she is only one person… Wright’s heart sinks day by day.

   has already turned over another mountain bag, behind Sasha and Su, Wright’s figure has slowly disappeared.

   “Master, let’s take a break, eat something, and go!” Su frowned. Robben didn’t know his life or death. Whether he could be found is even more unknown, but the girl may soon fall ill.

“No! Robben is waiting for me to save him. The last time he rescued me in Luke’s underground tower, this time, I must save him back, definitely!” The girl bit the last two heavily. The word is just a faint cry in the tone.

“Su, we can’t stop.” Sasha wiped her eyes, her voice became firmer again, “Roben can fly, and there is a lot of food in the ring. He must be waiting for us to save him now. We must hurry up. Row!”

Su Moran looked at the narrow cliff around him. The narrow cliff was dark and I couldn’t see anything, and I didn’t know how deep it was. Maybe it is more appropriate to call this cliff a crack in the ground now. Five days of searching After that, Su and Sasha have almost walked along this cliff to the mountain range where the dragon is located. The cliff has only narrowed a little, and it is still dark and invisible. The huge boulder dropped can only be heard in the mountain. The echo of the collision on the wall gradually disappeared, but the sound of the stone falling to the ground was not heard.

   If it can fly, it will fly out in five days. If it can’t, no amount of food will be a dead end.

  Su shook his head~www.mtlnovel.com~ This Robben’s hope of surviving cannot be said without, but it is small and pitiful.

   The sky has gradually turned white, and the night has passed…

  Sa Sa finally stopped-there was no gain.

“Master, if you want to save him, you have to have energy first. Let’s go back and have a rest before looking for it!” Su doesn’t know where a human being has such a powerful force that he can search for mental stress without eating, drinking or sleeping. For so many days, the physique of the elves is much stronger than that of the human beings, and as a warrior, although he only follows Sasha every day, he also feels that he cannot bear it.

  The wind peculiar to the mountains and wilds smelled of moist soil, gently blowing on the girl’s long hair that hadn’t been combed for a few days, “Su, he won’t die, right!?”

   This sentence, Su felt that it was an inquiry, rather than a disguised beg.

   The honest dark elf chose silence.

  Su saw Sasha’s shoulders trembling lightly, her hands clenched tightly. “He won’t die, he must be waiting for me to save him now!” The girl opened her bloodshot eyes and looked firmly at the cliff that looked like the mouth of an ancient giant beast.

   “Make a fire, get something to eat, let’s go forward again, come back at noon and search again!”

  Su looked at the girl in front of her with some pity, who was trying her best to keep her tears away. Su felt that Sasha must also know that everything she did might not make any sense at all, but she didn’t want to admit it…

   Faintly, there seemed to be a black and ink color passing in front of him, Su subconsciously glanced back, all his arrows were as usual, sharp, slender…silver white.

   “Yes, my master!”


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