God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 23 Watch or don’t

Tommy descended the stairs to the cellar followed by Rizi and Chelna.

As he did his sharp hearing picked up on the sounds of mad laughter and whimpering.

He picked up the pace and moved quickly towards the sound.

Strangely, even though he was moving at a fast pace he made no noise.

It was Rizi and Chelna that were making the noise as their feet landed on the stone steps.

It took Tommy a moment to round the corner where he found Puniz bending over the crumpled bodies of Tue and Jue.

He noticed that even though both of their dresses had been stripped of them, their underwear still remained intact, most importantly there…


((OH HELL YEAH, this world has thongs there is a god.))

Gathering his focus again Tommy saw that there was blood around Jue’s mouth.

As he saw that Tommy’s anger boiled slightly as this meant he had failed to do what he promised and Jue had been hurt.

He shot forward so fast that Chelna and Rizi, who had just rounded the corner and saw the state of the twins, lost sight of him.

Tommy appeared almost instantly behind Puniz where he grabbed his head before smashing it into the keg shelf Jue and Tue were leaning against.

The impact of Puniz's head colliding with the shelf was so strong that the shelf cracked and a keg that was hit burst open pouring ale down onto the twins and the floor while Puniz forehead burst open slightly and blood fell to the floor mixing with the ale.

As Puniz's body rebounded from the impact Tommy grabbed the scuff of his neck before swinging his body around slightly as he tripped him.

This caused him to turn ninety degrees before he impacted face first with the stone floor knocking him out.

“Rizi, Chelna, come get the girls.” 

Tommy ordered as he began to drag Puniz unconscious body towards a hatch that was in the ceiling.

This hatch was what they used to drop full keg barrels into the cellar.

Below the hatch was a wooden pallet that had empty kegs on it.

Next to the hatch was a kind of pulley system that was attached to the wooden pallet and obviously used to lift the pallet and empty kegs up and out of the cellar.

Rizi and Chelna rushed over to Jue and Tue before grabbing them and pulling them away from the blood and ale mixture on the floor.

After giving them a once over they both sighed in relief as they noticed that other than a few bruises and the blood around Jue’s mouth both girls were fine.

Tommy pulled a sharp silver knife out of his pocket (Item Box) and started to cut the ropes on the pulley before rearranging them.

“Are you both ok?” Chelna asked.

Both girls nodded before breaking into sobs and hugging Chelna and Rizi.

As this was happening hurried footsteps were heard as someone hurried round the corner.

The woman took one look at the situation before she screamed.

“TUE, JUE.” 

She dashed towards the twins and quickly began to check them over.

“We're fine mum.” Jue said weakly.

“Yeah, Tommy saved us from that bastard.”

“Tommy?” The woman asked.

Tue raised a shaky hand before pointing at Tommy.

The woman looked over at Tommy before saying.

“Thank you for saving my daughters sir.” 

Tommy continued to work with the ropes and didn’t turn around as he said.

“Don’t mention it, I only did it because your cooking is amazing and I don’t want the hassle of looking for another inn.”

Rizi giggled as she heard that, causing all the women to look at her strangely.

“He doesn't mean it, I can tell he is quite fond of Jue and Tue.” Rizi said.

((Oh ho, is there a chink in our armour that she could tell that?))

“I would advise you all to leave as you won't want to witness what happens next.” 

Tommy replied as he started to tie the ropes around Puniz’s wrists and ankles.

“Why, what are you planning to do to him?” Chelna asked with slight concern.

“Death is too lenient for what this man was about to do to those two, also there are all his previous crimes that he got away with because of the corruption in this city.”

Tommy answered before saying.

“Since this city does not want to dish out punishment to those who deserve it.”

“However the punishment I provide will be far worse.”

As he finished speaking he moved over to the winch and started to turn it.

Puniz was lifted up into the air and made to hang from the ropes that bound his wrists and ankles.

“Are you going to torture him?” Chelna asked.

“Yes.” Tommy replied darkly.

“Come let us leave.” Chelna said as she turned to leave.

“I’m staying.” Jue and Tue said almost instantly at the same time.

Everyone turned to look at them in surprise including Tommy.

“Don’t be foolish.” Chelna said before adding.

“He is about to torture a living human, once you see this you wont be able to unsee it.”

“I don’t care.” Jue replied as she balled her fists before saying.

“That man was about to rape both me and Tue, if it wasn’t for Tommy offering us his assistance and him coming to save us….” 

She didn’t finish but all the women understood what she meant.

Rape was a common thing in the world, and women who had received it had their lives changed for ever.

Not only did it scar them mentally and physically, It also made it almost impossible for them to find a husband since most men refused to marry a woman unless she was still pure.

“Are you sure?” Tommy asked before saying.

“Once you witness this you will no longer be as kind and innocent as you are now.”

“Witnessing this will change the way you see the world.”

The two nodded adamantly.


“Very well.” Tommy said before turning to the other three women and asking.

“What about you three?”

The three looked at each other before Rizi asked the women.

“Merno, are you sure about letting them stay?” 

Merno sighed before saying.

“Honestly no, however they are old enough to make their own decisions, if they wish to stay and watch I will respect it.”

“However as their mother I won't let them go through it alone so I will remain also.”

“Just give me a moment to close up since there is no one to watch the inn.”

After that she gave her two daughters a brief hug before heading back out of the cellar.

Tommy turned to look at Rizi and Chelna, his meaning clear.

The girls were quiet for a few minutes as the sound of Morno shouting at people to get out was heard down in the cellar.

“I’m afraid I will have to pass.” Rizi spoke before saying.

“Kele once warned me that if this sort of situation ever came up I should leave and avoid watching.”

Tommy nodded before saying.

“You should listen to her advice.”

“You're too kind Rizi.”

“Kindness is a good thing in proportions, but in a world like this where it's dog eat dog and every person for themselves.”

“Your kindness will one day get you killed.”

Rizi lowered her head slightly at this causing Tommy to sigh before he continued.

“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, if everyone was nice in the world there would be no wars and bloodshed.”

“What I am trying to say is that you should work on strengthening your resolve and be more selfish and judgemental.”

“Stop trying to help everyone and only focus on helping those who deserve it such as your friends and loved ones.”

“For everyone else keep them at arm's length.”

“If you were to watch this now your mind would most likely shatter.”

“You need to learn to harden your heart slowly before you can handle something like this.”

Rizi thought about his words for a moment before asking.

“Will you help me do this in the future?” 

Tommy thought for a moment before saying.

“Perhaps, we will discuss it another time.”

Tommy turned to Chelna and asked.

“And you?”

Chelna sighed before she shook her head.

Tommy looked at her before saying.

“If that is your choice I will respect it however, out of everyone here I advise you stay and watch the most..”

Chelna raised her eyebrows in surprise under her hood before she asked.


“Because leaders need to learn to close their hearts when judgements are to be made.”

“You mentioned before that you're a noble.”

“What will happen in the future when a man just like Puniz is brought before you for judgment after he has been found raping women.”

“Will you be able to harden your heart to give him satisfactory punishment for the victim and their family.”

“Or will you remain weak and succumb when he begs for mercy with lines like.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.”

“I won't do it again.”

“Most importantly, if you did succumb to those words and release him only for him to commit the crime again, could you live with yourself knowing that he was released on your orders and it is your fault more women are being raped by him?” 

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