God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 25 Puniz’s owner

*AUTHOR WARNING* There are scenes in this chapter that some readers may find disturbing.

After he finished explaining Tommy picked up the bowl before proceeding to the tap to refill it.

The women took a moment to register Tommys explanation as Puniz looked at Tommy with terror  in his eyes.

He had never felt such panic or terror in his life, not even his owner had caused him to feel such fear.

“I don’t even know how to respond to such a torture method.” Chelna said.

Tommy returned with the bowl of water before placing it down.

He then approached the winch and started to put Puniz back in position.

“Wait wait I’ll talk I’ll talk.” Puniz cried in panic.

“Better make it quick then as the next session is about to start.” Tommy replied calmly as he continued to turn the winch.

“The name of the noble I serve is Elurel Bhamon.”

“Princess Elurel!” Chelna said in shock.

“Princess?” Tommy asked, turning to her.

Chelna nodded before saying.

“She is the younger sister of the current King Rosk.”

“Well that explains how she was able to get him out of jail before his trial.” 

Tommy said as he continued to wind the winch.

“Wait, wait, stop, I already told you who I work for.” Puniz begged.

Tommy ignored the begging as he asked.

“How did she get you out of jail exactly?” 

“She bribed the city magistrate, it’s not the first time either.” Puniz replied.

“Oh we know she has got you out before.” Tommy replied.

“I don’t mean that, I mean it’s not the first time the city magistrate has taken bribes.”

“You mean he accepts bribes from people who want a sentencing to go a certain way?” Tommy asked.

“Yes yes, exactly.” Puniz replied quickly.

Puniz was now back in position so Tommy pushed the leg back into position holding his head in place.

“But I answered your questions please stop.” Puniz began to beg.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.”

“I won’t do it again.”

Tommy froze as he heard this before looking at Chelna.

Puniz visibly sighed seeing this thinking his begging worked.

Chelna understood the meaning of the look Tommy was giving her after their earlier conversation.

She sighed before nodding her understanding.

Tommy nodded back in approval before he picked up the cloth.

Seeing this, Puniz's eyes widened in horror before he begged.

“Please stop, please.”

“I will do anything.”

Tommy shoved the cloth into Puniz's mouth turning his begging into nothing more than strange moans.

As he picked up another cloth he seemed to consider before he turned to look at the women.

Noticing this they all gave him curious looks before hearing him ask.

“Do any of you want to try?”

The women’s eyes widened in surprise before Jue’s turned dark before she said.

“I will.”

(( Ohhhh I like this one a lot.))

As Jue rose to her feet the other woman looked at her in shock before Merno asked.

“Jue, are you sure dear?”

“I am, mother.” 

Jue said, turning to her mother.

Merno nodded before giving her daughter a quick hug.

After her mother let her go Jue slowly walked towards Tommy while glaring at Puniz with murderous eyes.

Tommy offered her the cloth which she took before dripping it over Puniz.

Puniz no longer looked at Jue with lust but with fear and dread.

Strangely as Jue saw the way Puniz was looking at her, she felt not only the same disgust as before but also pleasure.

As she turned to see Tommy looking at her she felt her body heat up for some reason.

Tommy picked up the bowl of water and passed it to her before instructing.

“Remember to prolong his suffering you need to pour slowly.”

“If you wish to kill him I won’t stop you.”

Jue looked at him in surprise before asking.

“I can kill him?”

As Puniz heard this his moans started to increase and became louder.

Snot and tears ran down his cheek.

Tommy nodded with a small smile before answering.

“If you so wish, it was you he has been targeting.”

“It was you he physically hit.”

“It was yours and Tue’s clothes he ripped off.”

“It was you and Tue he was about to rape.”

“If you wish to kill him and you can then I won’t stop you.”

“However if you can’t do it don’t worry, taking a life for the first time is not easy and it changes you.”

“If you can’t manage it I will do it for you.”

Jue looked at him with gratitude before she nodded.

Tommy gave a small encouraging smile before he stepped back.

Jue stepped forward while holding the bowl over Puniz and looked down at him.

She stared into his eyes and saw the fear making her begin to waver.

Those watching saw that she just stood there and didn’t move.

Tommy sighed and shook his head.

(Still too soon.)

((Shame I wanted to see what she would become and how taking a life would change her.))

As Tommy was about to step forward and retrieve the bowl someone beat him to it.

Tue appeared next to Jue and wrapped her hands around Jue’s helping her to hold the bowl.


((Oh yeah, are we going to get a two for one?))

“Tue?” Jue asked in surprise.

Tue smiled at her before saying.

“We will do it together.”

Jue stared at her in surprise before smiling at her and nodding.

Then a moment later they tipped the entire bowl of water onto the cloth.

Jue then ran to the tap and refilled the bowl before running back to Tue where they emptied it again.

Tue took it to refill this time before returning where they emptied it.

Merno watched her daughters with a proud smile as they supported each other.

She didn’t care that they were about to take a life since that’s the type of world this is.

She herself had killed more than once in the past.

Jue and Tue continued  on and on until Tommy and Chelna noticed that Puniz had stopped moving.

After allowing them to empty one more bowl of water Tommy said.


As they heard his voice they both turned to look at him with confusion.

Tommy smiled at them before saying.

“There is no need to continue, he is dead.”

They both turned to look at Puniz with surprise and saw that he had indeed died.

Seeing this they both showed identical smiles before hugging each other.

What perhaps only Tommy realized was how Jue and Tue’s first kill today would change them.

In the future they would both become feared and famous women.

They would become known as The Waterboard Twins.


Rizi sat in the bar with a mug of ale in front of her while occasionally looking at the door to the cellar nervously.

She was starting to have second doubts about her choice to leave.

After all, everyone else had remained.

Even Princess Chelna.

Tommy might not know who she was but Rizi did.

The citizens of Oakforest City and its soundings gave Princess Chelna the nickname;

The Golden Princess.

This was not only in reference to her long golden hair and her empire-wide famous beauty.

But also her heart warming smile that captured the hearts of the citizen’s.

On the surface she was the most popular member of the royal family.

She would often come down and visit the common folk and talk to them while also giving handouts to those that needed it.

However, what only a few people knew was that she hated the current situation of the Etria nation.

The entire nation was rife with corruption, not just the region her family governed.

She wanted more than anything to root out the corruption and eliminate it so that the common people could have better lives.

However she knew this was easier said than done and there was only one real way to do this.

Princess Chelna Rosk had to seize the imperial throne from the emperor.

If wind of this reached any loyal to the empire, Chelna and her allies would be executed immediately and without trial.

Achieving such a monumental feat was not something that could be accomplished in a day, in fact she had been working on it for many years with little success.

The first step in her plan was to eliminate the criminal organizations in Oakforest City and seize the throne from her own father.

Rizi only knew this much because of what Kele had told her.

She herself wanted the city to change and prosper and because of that she was willing to help.

When Tommy mentioned needing someone who could use lightning magic as well as how he needed to eliminate the criminal organizations.

Rizi thought this was the perfect way to help the princess achieve her goal.

Now however she was starting to second guess herself.

She never even considered the possibility that by inviting the princess here to meet with Tommy, she had led this princess into becoming an accomplice to torture.

She just had to hope and pray that this experience would not change the princess in a bad way. 

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