God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 31 Mother and Daughter discussion

Glador spun round before saying angrily, “Watch your tone Tinen you bitch, or should I cut out your tongue?”

Tinen scoffed before saying, “Go ahead and try, we both know you can’t defeat me, and besides if you did ever manage to do anything to me my older brother would bring the full might of the empire down on you.”

Glador ground his teeth in anger but didn’t do or say anything.

“Hmph coward,” Tinen scoffed again before asking. “So what the fuck do you want?”

Glador took a moment to calm himself before he did something he would regret before saying, “Elurel is dead.” 

Tinen showed mild surprise before asking. “And? If that’s all you wanted to tell me you could have just sent a messenger.”

“That’s my sister, you're speaking so casually about bitch.” Glador retorted angrily.

“Oh please,” Tinen replied while rolling her eyes. “It’s not like you even care about her as a person, you only care about how her actions reflect on you. Now if that’s all you had to say I’m leaving as the more time I spend in your company the worse I feel.”

After she finished speaking she turned on her heel and sashayed away while swaying her hips.

Glador watched her leave and couldn’t help the look of lust and desire as he admired her ass.

“I can feel your filthy eyes on me and unfortunately for you that’s the only part of you that will ever be on me again shrivel dick.” Tinen said before disappearing.

“Bitch.” Glador cursed. He would like nothing more than to pin that woman down and have his way with her, after all she was still the best sex he had ever had. 

Unfortunately he couldn’t, the consequences those actions would bring would be more than he and his kingdom could bear.


After Tinen left Glador’s room she walked along the castle corridors in thought.

(So that useless bitch is dead, all she ever did was spend money.)

(I wonder how it happened, Still this is good as it’s one less nuisance to deal with when the time comes.)

After a few moments of walking she arrived in front of a door which she knocked upon before waiting for a response from inside.

However even after several seconds she didn’t receive any response from inside.

Frowning slightly she proceeded to open the door and enter.

Tinen entered a simply yet fashionably decorated living room with expensive furniture and pictures.

Looking around she saw that no one was present however she picked up the sound of splashing water coming from behind a partially open door on one side of the room.

She smiled while walking over to the door and pushing it over.

As she looked inside she found a beautiful young woman with dark red hair that was similar to her own relaxing in a large bath tub.

“Rather late for a bath I’d it not Chelna?”

Chelna looked up in surprise, “Mother, why are you here?”

“I came to give you some good news, but now I’m curious as to why you're bathing so late.” Tinen said.

“I just returned and needed to clean my body. Chelna responded as she continued to clean her perfect body.

“Returned?” Tinen asked with a raised eyebrow. “That shrivel dick father of yours ordered every member of the family to remain on castle grounds after what happened at the adventurer’s guild.”

“Mother please,” Chelna sighed. “I don’t want to hear about that man’s dick.”

Tinen chuckled before saying, “I can’t blame you, I wish I could forget it. So why did you risk leaving the castle?”

“I was contacted by Rizi as she requested to meet.” Chelna replied.

“Rizi?” Tinen asked before remembering, “Oh from the adventurer’s guild, the one Kele trusts. I’m surprised she had time to contact you with everything they must be dealing with.” 

“I also found it strange and was about to refuse to meet her when she used the pass-phrase I had set up with Kele, she also tempted me by saying she knew someone who could help me with my personal project.” Chelna replied.

“Oh!” Tinen said with interest as she sat down on the edge of the bath, “Tell me more daughter.”

Chelna rolled her eyes before asking, “Can’t I at least finish washing myself first?” 

Tinen chuckled before she said teasingly, “Aww when did you become so shy about being naked in front of me? After all, we still bathe together regularly.”

“I’m not being shy.” Chelna replied as she shook her head before she continued cleaning herself, “So I went to meet Rizi and…”

As Tinen listened to her daughter's story about all that happened tonight from meeting Tommy at the Forest Rest, to the torturing of Puniz and finally the killing of Elurel and Yua Huang her face continually changed from interest, to surprise and finally shock.

After Chelna finished her story there was silence in the bathroom as Tinen thought on what she had heard and Chelna climbed out of the bath before she started to dry herself off.

“So this Tommy Smith is not only the one who killed ten people in the adventurer’s guild including the vice guild master, but also managed to kill that spendthrift Elurel and Yua Huang one of the criminal organizations leaders.” Tinen said. “You say he plans to kill the other four leaders also because of a task given to him by the blacksmith Erden just so he can use his forge for something?”

“That’s correct,” Chelna replied while drying her long hair, “Though he didn’t mention what he wants to use it for, I can hazard a guess.”

“Go on.” Tinen said with her interest in this Tommy Smith rising.

“My guess is he wants to use it to manufacture the ammo for his strange weapon,  the thing he called a bullet.” Chelna answered.

“That would make sense,” Tinen agreed. “If the bullet works like you saw and it only leaves a small bit of itself behind after it is used, then it is not like an arrow or a crossbow bolt that can be used repeatedly as long as it doesn't break. He needs to manufacture replacements or he will eventually run out of ammo.”

Chelna nodded in agreement as she began to put on a nighty before heading back into the living room before sitting on one of the large sofas as Tinen followed her.

“We could use this information to our advantage.” Tinen suggested.

“I know what your thinking mother,” Chena began. “Your thinking we make it difficult for him to manufacture these bullets before we approach him and offer him assistance in their manufacturing in exchange for him joining our faction.” 

“Correct my daughter,” Tinen said proudly. “Keep this up and you will make a worthy empress.” 

“Unfortunately that’s too risky,” Chelna replied with a sigh.

“Explain.” Tinen said with interest.

“He is too dangerous,” Chelna began. “He not only killed over half a dozen highly trained guards without getting a scratch, but he also killed two nobles, one of which is of royal blood with hardly any effort. What do you suppose a man who can kill so easily would do when he finds out we have been using him?” 

Tinen frowned before saying. “He will definitely try to kill us.”

“You're wrong mother.” Chelna replied, gaining a surprised look from Tinen before saying. “He won't TRY, he WILL kill us. He could kill us without us even knowing how we died as he shoots us from long range with that weapon of his, and that's the best way we can hope to be killed by him.”

“What do you mean?” Tinen asked with slight concern.

“You didn’t see him as he used that waterboarding technique to torture and interrogate that man named Punix,” Chelna said with a slight shiver. “There was no hesitation or remorse and I even got the impression he was slightly enjoying it. He also mentioned the fact he used that technique so that no or very little blood would be spilled leading me to think he had this whole thing up to and including killing Elurel planned from the start.”

“Are you suggesting he planned to kill the noble behind this Puniz from the beginning and he only bothered torturing him to get Elurel’s identity?” Tinen asked in surprise.

“Yes.” Chelna replied simply. “I also get the feeling the man is proficient in many other forms of both torture and elimination. This is why I say that it's too dangerous and that if we want to bring him to our faction we should use a different approach.”

“What would you suggest,” Tinen asked.

“Luckily before I returned here he mentioned that he needed my help with an experiment.” Chelna replied with a smirk.

“What kind of help and experiment?” Tinen asked with interest.

“He didn’t say anything other than he needs someone who can use lightning magic.” Chelna replied. “His original plan was to ask Kele, but after what happened at the adventurer’s guild and how she will be busy cleaning house at the guild now she will most likely be too busy to help him. Luckily Rizi thought of me.”

Tinen considered this for a moment before saying, “So you plan to bargain with him and offer your assistance with his experiment in exchange for him joining us?”

“Not exactly,” Chelna replied. “I plan to offer my assistance in exchange for his. He is the type of man that does not like to be ordered around. While he is open to accepting advice and input, he will never allow himself to be ordered around by anyone.”

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