God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 43 Monster Black Widow Posion

Mirvef flinched when he heard the anger in his fathers voice so he quickly began to explain about how he first confronted the guy who was sitting in his favorite seat at the club before going onto how he talked about the murder at the adventurer's guild with such detail and finally how he killed Tai Paom before threatening him about forcing Tirma Narkun to do anything she didn't wish.

"How is he aware of what happened at the adventurer's guild when those bastards won't even tell me what happened?" Glador asked.

"It seemed like he was about to say before he spotted Tai Paom." Mirvef replied.

"Even dead, that woman's a pain." Glador said in an annoyed tone.

"Why did he threaten you against doing anything to Tirma Narkun?" Tinen asked.

"Something to do with how she was the only one to show him any respect." Mirvef replied.

(Interesting, it seems my daughter was right.) Tinen thought to herself.

"Why is she here in Oakforest? I didn't hear anything about her father coming to see you?" Tinen asked, turning to Glador.

Glador shook his head before saying, "As far I'm aware he isn't here, this is also the first I'm hearing about his daughter being here.

Glador turned to Mirvef and asked, "what do you know?"

"Nothing." Mirvef replied simply. "I asked Tirma her reason for coming but she just said something about personal business before changing the subject."

(Interesting, perhaps I should invite her for tea, it's been a long time since I saw her after all.)

Thinking of this Tinen turned to leave as there was nothing else of interest to discover from this bastard son.

"Are you leaving step-mother?" Mirvef asked with a sad tone.

"Yes I'm afraid I have business to attend to, enjoy your time with your father." Tinen replied as she walked away while purposely making her ass sway more than normal to tease the two men.


"You mean to say you rescued this female elf from that slave market after killing Kir-kin Suthuld?" Merno asked after hearing Tommy's recount of what happened.

"That's right, she was sedated in some way and I'm unsure of when she will awaken, I figured it would be fine for her to stay here for a couple of days since the inn is closed anyway." Tommy answered.

"While I don't personally have an issue with that," Merno replied. "You must remember that the humans and the elves are not exactly on good terms with one another."

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked.

Merno looked at Tommy strangely before saying, "Why is your knowledge so messed up? You are knowledgeable about things I have never seen or heard of before such as your weapons, however you lack the common knowledge everyone knows such as the relationship between elves and humans."

"Let's just say I'm not from around here." Tommy replied indistinctly,

"That much is obvious, however you must be from very far away to lack such common knowledge." Merno replied.

Tommy just smiled in response.

"Very well we all have our secrets." Merno said before she began to explain. "I won't go into too much detail since I myself only know the basics but the relationship between most of the races is fractious at best. While there are races that are allied with each other such as the elves and the dryads or the dwarves and the gnomes. These alliances only exist because the races in question lived side by side for many hundreds or thousands of years and built a friendship."

"We humans on the other hand do not have any close allies we are friendly with, only acquaintances that are more along the lines of putting up with each other since our races live so close to each other. Also there is the fact that the richer and more powerful humans like to take other races as their slaves such as with this elf here."

"Are slaves of other races common then?" Tommy asked.

"Not here in Oakforest." Merno began to explain. "We get the occasional one or two cropping up that get purchased from slave traders that are traveling from the port city down near the ocean and the imperial capital, however most slave traders only sell off there human slaves here and save the non human ones for the imperial capital since they know they can get a much higher price for them there."

"I wonder why they would sell off an elf here then?" Tommy mussed.

"I'm not sure myself, the only thing I can think of is that she is in some way defective and they wanted to get rid of her quickly before people figured it out." Merno replied.

"Defective?" Tommy asked.

"She could be ill, or cursed or one of a number of things." Merno said.

"Wouldn't someone who sells slaves check to see if the goods are defective before buying them?" Tommy asked with a frown.

"You would think so." Merno replied.

Tommy looked at the elf but failed to see anything wrong with her so he decided to use his inspection skill to see if it would reveal anything.


[Fayeth Elvaris]

[Race: Elf]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 175]

[Condition: Poisoned/Unconscious (Focus for more info)]

[Mana Quality: Pinnacle]

[Occupation: Nothing right now since she is unconscious and dying]

(What! One hundred and seventy-five, Click for more info?)

((This thing is definitely upgrading and becoming more detailed overtime.)

Tommy nodded before focusing on the more info part where another screen popped up.

[Poison Info: Fayeth Elvaris is infected with the poison of a monster black widow, because of this she entered a self induced coma-like state to slow the poison with hopes that her family would find her and cure her before the spider venom kills her.]

"Monster black widow." Tommy murmured causing Merno to gasp in surprise.

Tommy turned to her before asking, "Do you know something?"

"Only what I have heard." Merno replied. "Apparently the monster black widow is a black widow spider that somehow managed to evolve into a monster. Its size increases exponentially from being able to fit in the palm of a hand to the size of a carriage. This naturally makes it far more deadly while it still retains its poison capabilities which are further enhanced."

"If she was bitten by a monster black widow then it makes sense why she is unconscious. I have heard tales of elves being able to enter slumber for many hundreds of years at a time when they got tired of the current world. As I'm sure you are aware, elves are immortal in that they won't die of old age or natural causes, because of this elves can live many hundreds or thousands of years and they are one of the oldest races."

"I have heard tale that when an elf is poisoned or gravely injured they will sometimes enter this slumber in hopes of their race finding and healing them, apparently their everything about there body slows down in this slumber, such as they heart rate, there growth or even the spread of any injury or poison."

"That could explain why she was sold here and not at the imperial capital then." Tommy mussed before continuing. "If I had to guess I would say the slave traders that sold her to Kir-kin Suthuld, found her in her slumber and captured her. However after not being able to wake her they probably made a guess similar to ours that she entered slumber because of some poison since there does not appear to be any physical injuries on her body. Because of this they decided to sell her here in Oakforest where elf slaves are rarely seen because they feared someone in the imperial capital would also figure out the reason as to why she would not wake up."

"Not having any way to identify what exactly was wrong with her and how to cure it, they figured it best to get as much money as possible before she passed away and became worthless. Also they could simply claim that they had sedated her because they had no magic slave collar and that Kir-kin Suthuld should wait until he received a slave collar order before he stopped sedating her in-case she awoke and escaped."

"Naturally they would be long gone by the time Kir-kin Suthuld figured out what really happened."

"That makes sense." Merno said with a nod before asking. "Still, how did you realize she was poisoned by the monster black widow?"

Tommy looked at Merno for a few minutes trying to decide what to tell her before he decided to test how trustworthy she truly was and if after saving Jue and Tue she was truly trustworthy enough to keep some of his secrets.

"So Rizi and her big mouth mentioned before that I don't appear to have any mana correct?"

Merno nodded in agreement as she waited for him to continue.

"While that is true and I can't use magic, I do have a certain…. Um skill that I can use to inspect a person or object."

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