God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 48 Look!

Tirma was so embarrassed and shocked she didn't know what to do, she just sat there with a bright red face and gaping mouth after hearing Tinen's scandalous declaration.

It took several minutes for Tirma to get over her shock before she sighed and said, "Mother was right when she warned me."

"Oh, what did she warn you about?" Tinen asked with a smile.

"She warned me against learning any of your bad habits." Tirma replied.

"Hahaha, but they're the best kind." Tinen said with a laugh. "But since we are on that topic, mind explaining why you are suddenly here in Oakforest City and without the normal escort that your father always insists on."

Tirma sighed again before saying with a worried expression, "Because of Crown Prince Ruco Etria."

"Hooo," Tinen replied with interest. "Let me guess, that idiot nephew of mine wants your hand in marriage."

"No, worse." Tirma said as anger showed on her face. "He wants me as his concubine."

"What!" Tinen replied with genuine surprise.

"He is so foolish to think that a Duke's daughter would be happy being a concubine?" 

"So it would seem." Tirma replied. "He and the Emperor started pressuring father regarding this a week ago, while father tried to dissuade the emperor from allowing such a thing, he inevitably failed."

"Because of this it was decided that I should leave the imperial capital because it was only a matter of time before the crown prince made a move to claim me, while father didn't like the idea of sending me, mother convinced him that Oakforest City would be the safest place because you are here and you can watch over me."

"I came with only two personal maids who are also acting as my bodyguards. I was planning to meet with you as soon as I arrived, however the city lockdown made me think it was best to wait since I thought you would be too busy dealing with whatever caused the lockdown."

"As I was proceeding to my accommodations Prince Mirvef happened to cross paths with me as he was heading out to that club with his friends. Recognizing me from when we have met in the past he decided to invite me along, my maids advised that it was a good idea since he would be able to pass on a message to you about me being in the city and wishing to meet."

"Even though he gave his word that he would inform you about my presence, he seemed more interested in spending all night trying to flirt with me and make passes, even though I clearly indicated that I have no interest in him."

"It appears he did keep his word however." 

"Only because the bastard was forced to by me." Tinen scoffed. "I and shrivel dick were informed that the bastard was present at Club Tai and witnessed how Tai Paom was murdered."

"Because of this I immediately summoned him to give us a full count of what happened and it was then he was forced to explain what happened, however his story does not match up with yours so he obviously lied in some parts."

"What sections don't match up?" Tirma asked.

"First he claimed that he was informed that you had arrived in the city by one of his friends." Tinen explained. "Then he claimed he only invited you out with the intention of building a relationship as shrivel dick had apparently suggested."

"Both parts are a lie." Tirma said with anger. "Though the part about building a relationship would explain the reason he was flirting and making so many passes at me."

"I wouldn't be surprised if shrivel dick had told the bastard to do that, although there is also the possibility he was just trying to get you into bed and claim your maidenhood." Tinen replied before adding, "Or both."

Tirma first flushed with embarrassment before that embarrassment turned to anger, "I would never offer that bastard my maidenhood, I would rather offer it to the murderer we met at the club."

"Oh look at you learning new words," Tinen spoke before asking. "Speaking of the murderer, what was your opinion of him?"

Tirma's angry look turned into a thoughtful one before she said, "honest, polite and interesting." 

"Oh?" Tinen said with growing interest. "Please elaborate.

"During the entire conversation either I or that bastard had with him I never got the impression that he was lying. As I'm sure you know, lying is second nature to nobles and because of this we gain a keen instinct for detecting lies." 

Tinen nodded in agreement, this was a skill all nobles had to learn if they were to survive the cut throat world that was nobility, she has trained herself to be very skilled in both telling lies and detecting them.

"As for politeness, he seems to tend to treat respect with respect and disrespect with disrespect bordering malice. Tirma explained. "While I was polite and respectful towards him, he was the same back to me, even going so far as to threaten Mirvef on my behalf, something I need to thank him for if we ever meet again in the future."

"As for interesting, well I don't really need to explain too much do I?"

"No you don't." Tinen smiled in response. "After all there aren't many commoners who would disrespect a noble, let alone a prince in public before killing someone in front of so many witnesses."

"Are you sure he is just a commoner?" Tirma asked.

"That is the running theory, none of the nobles recognized the individual when questioned and as you know almost all nobles know of each other in some way." Tinen answered. "Why do you think otherwise?" 

As Tirma was about to answer, the door to the room burst open, surprising the two women and making them look around and see Chelna standing in the doorway gasping for breath before she quickly closed the door.

"Now I know that's not how I taught you to enter someone else's chamber, daughter." Tinen admonished with a frown.

"Sorry mother but I bring important news, there's been another murder." Chelna replied quickly.

"What!" Tinen and Tirma said together.

"Sister Tirma, you're finally here, how are you?" Chelna said before going up to Tirma and hugging her.

"Chelna it's so good to see you, I missed you and our conversations." Tirma replied before they both sat down next to each other.

"As have I, but now you're here in Oakforest City we can catch up." Chelna replied before asking. "How long do you plan to stay in our city?"

"This is a lovely reunion and all," Tinen replied while rolling her eyes. "But do you think you could explain about the latest murder, it is the reason you barged in after all."

"Ah of course." I just heard from our saucers in the castle that Bror Whitflare has been killed." Chelna replied.

"How?" Tinen asked with raised eyebrows and a small grin. "Also murdered or killed, there is a difference."

"The going assumption is murdered because five other corpses were also found at Whiteflare's Medicinal Goods, all with stab wounds in their skulls." Chelna began. "While Bror Whitflare's corpse was found almost burnt beyond recognition after dying in the fire that destroyed all there cannabis trees'"

"Cannabis trees?" Tirma asked in surprise.

"It's not surprising you haven't heard, Even though it's a well known secret among the nobles of Oakforest City, they don't want nobles outside the city to learn as it will damage their reputation." Tinen replied before explaining the founding of the Rosk kingdom and the criminal organizations.

"So your saying that the Tia Paom I witnessed being murdered was actually the leader of a criminal organization that ran all the prostitution in the city?" Tirma asked.

"That's correct." Tinen answered.

"Do you suspect that the person who murdered Tia Paom also killed these other criminal leaders?" Tirma asked.

Tinen and Chelna shared a Quick Look before Tinen said.

"At the current moment that seems to be impossible, because of the time at which each was murdered and the distance between them. It seems impossible for one man to do it all." Tinen answered.

"It's more likely some organization like Black Noir." Chelna added

"Black Noir always leaves a card with the image of a black cat though." Tirma replied with a frown.

"I said like Black Noir, I didn't say it was their sister Tirma." Chelna replied with a giggle.

"So that means there is just this Bim Bokoz remaining of the criminal leaders correct?" Tirma asked.

"That's correct, though if things continue as they…"

As Tinen was talking she was suddenly interrupted by a loud booming sound that came from outside the castle before the ground shook alarming the three women.

After the shaking subsided all three rushed outside onto the large balcony before Chelna said in shock. "Look!"

Tinen and Tirma looked towards where Chelna was pointing and saw dust and smoke rising from the northern district of the city.

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