God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 55 Little Tirma, let me ask you something

"Master blacksmith Erden, what is this I hear about you knowing the identity of Yua Huang's murderer and how the same person has just killed six city guards?" Glador asked after forcing his face into a natural expression.

"Your majesty king Glador, I regret to inform you that a mad man with a new type of weapon is currently running around our city killing many people at random." Erdon stated in a said and concerned voice.

Chelna and Tinen rolled their eyes at this while thinking, (You're the one who sent him on that murder spree you lying bastard.)

"A new weapon? Please calm yourself master blacksmith Erden and tell me everything." Glador replied.

"I'm afraid I am concerned for my own safety, your majesty." Erden began. "You see, two days ago a young man came to see me about crafting a new type of ammo I had never seen before."

"As you know I do not accept requests from just anyone so I naturally refused him and told him to leave, however he didn't and placed one of these new ammo's on the counter in my forge to tempt me and I must admit I was intrigued."

"After taking a look at it I determined that it was similar to a crossbow bolt but far smaller and was something the young man called a bullet."

"Naturally after inspecting the bullet I still told the young man to leave before I returned to my work thinking nothing more of the matter."

"Then just yesterday I heard from my neighbor that Yua Huang had been murdered by something small piecing her head, while shocked at this awful news I didn't think to much about it until that same neighbor informed me that Tia Paom had also been killed by a young man that matched the description of the one who came to see me."

"After hearing this second piece of dreadful news I put two and two together and figured that the person doing the killings must have been the young man who came to see me wanting me to produce more of these bullets for him."

"After working this out I rushed to the nearest guard station and informed the local guard captain about everything I knew and how I was concerned that the young man may return again wanting me to make his bullets and this time even force me since he had already killed two people."

"The captain rallied his men and they set up an ambush outside my forge and only a short while ago the young man did indeed return whereby the captain and his men surrounded the young man."

"Unbelievably the young man pulled out what must have been his weapon because after six loud bangs came from the weapon the six archers stationed on the roofs surrounding him dropped to the floor dead."

"After witnessing the horror of him murdering our brave city guards I rushed here to the castle to inform you, your majesty."

As Erden finished his story Chelna and Tinen shared a look.

"That must have been dreadful for you master Erden, I thank you for coming to warn me of such matters so quickly." Glador said before turning to one of the guards and saying.

"Send two companies of city guards to master Erden's forge immediately and report back what you find."

"Sire." The guard saluted before leaving.

"Master Erden it would be best if you remained here in the castle until we find this murderer in case he comes after you." Glador said after turning back to Erden.

"Thank you your majesty, I must admit I fear for my life however I left everything behind and you know that a blacksmith's forge is their life."

"I understand completely, if you wish my men to collect anything of value from your forge, write it down and I will see that it is collected and delivered to you here." Glador replied.

"Your most generous, your majesty, thank you." Erden replied with a bow.

"Not at all, did you perchance get a good look at this new weapon master Erden?" Glador asked.

Erden shook his head with a sigh before saying," Unfortunately not, I was too far away, though I can tell you it is far smaller than a normal crossbow and even one-handed crossbows assassins sometimes use."

"And you say he managed to fire this weapon in rapid succession without needing to reload it?" Glador asked with a frown.

"Indeed majesty, it was quite surprising, he fired off all six shots in less than five seconds." Erden replied before adding. "In fact I believe I also heard him fire it again as I was fleeing."

"Your right that is surprising and very concerning, Ah but you must be tired from everything that happened and your sudden escape." Glador said before turning to the other guard.

"Show master Erden to a free room before you summon a maid to assist him in everything he desires." Glador instructed.

"Yes sire." The guard replied with a salute before turning to Erden and saying, "If you would follow me master Erden."

"Of course, thank you again your majesty." Erden replied with a bow before leaving the room.

After Erden left, Glador turned to his assistant and asked, "Have we received the autopsy report for Elurel and Yua Huang yet?"

"We have your majesty, I was on my way to inform you when Bokoz's relaxation ring collapsed." The assistant replied.

"Well?" Glador said impatiently.

"While the hole in both princess Elurel and Yua Huang's heads were in different locations, both holes have matching sizes. We also found strange metallic objects in both victims' heads that are copper in color, however the metal itself is not."

"So we can safely assume that this young man who killed Yua Huang also killed Elurel." Glador said with an angry look.

"It would seem so your majesty." The assistant replied.

"Get a detailed description of the person from master Erden before making up wanted posters to be put up all over the city with a ten thousand gold reward, also find out which captain master Erden went too and have someone question him and his men regarding this whole event as something doesn't feel right."

"Yes sire." The assistant said before turning to leave.

"Humph your not totally useless it seems shrivel dick." Tinen said before turning to leave with Chelna.

"Neither of them spoke before returning to the room where they left Tirma who quickly stood up upon seeing them enter and asked, "Is everything ok? What happened?"

Tinen sighed before sitting on the sofa and pouring herself and Chelna some tea before she explained everything they had just learnt.

"You're saying that the young man I met at Club Tai not only killed Tai Paom but King Glador's sister Princess Elurel and also six guards just now?" Tirma asked in shock,

"Correct." Tinen replied.

"Why would he do that?" Tirma asked out loud, causing Chelna and Tinen to once again look at each other.

"Little Tirma, let me ask you something." Tiene suddenly said.

"Of course aunt Tinen, feel free to ask me anything." Tirma replied with a smile.

"What are your feelings towards the emperor?"


Merno had just returned to the Forest Rest after asking her neighbor about elves and hypothetically what dosage should someone give them to cure a monster Black Widows poison when her daughters rushed up to her and gave her a hug.

"Mother, thank goodness you're safe, we were so worried." Jue said

"What's gotten into you two all of a sudden?" Merno asked with a chuckle.

"We got concerned when you didn't return straight away after that loud noise and the ground shaking." Tue answered.

"Silly girls, it takes more than the ground shaking to defeat your mother," Merno replied while stoking her daughters' heads.

"Besides I would have thought you would both be more concerned for a certain young man than your old mother." Merno teased making her two daughters blush.

"Mother please, you know it's not like that." Tue replied while Jue nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps not, but that's how you would both like it to be." Merno responded, making them lower their heads shyly as their blush deepened.

Merno giggled at her two daughters' cute responses, she had never seen them this way about a boy before and she enjoyed teasing them about it.

"Come now let us go administer the antidote to that female elf and see if it works." Merno said before leading her daughters towards the room they had placed the female elf.

The female elf was still fast asleep on the bed where they had left her and Jue and Tue couldn't help but admire her beauty even though they had first seen her this morning.

Merno grabbed the bottle of antivenom and the syringe from the bedside table before withdrawing the amount her neighbor had advised her just now.

After placing the antivenom back on the bedside table she found a suitable spot for the syringe to be inserted into the female elf's arm before carefully inserting the needle part into her arm and pushing the plunger to empty the antivenom into the elf.

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