God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 64 Black Noir’s trial

"In order for someone to join Black Noir they have to do one of two things." Third began. "They either need to steal something of sufficient value or kill a target of sufficient difficulty and standing or both."

"Is that what you were doing?" Tommy asked Liza.

"Not exactly," Liza replied. "I am already a member of Black Noir, what I was doing was trying to become one of the nine lives, the tests to become a member of the nine lives are the same as joining Black Noir however the difficulty increases exponentially."

"In order to join the nine lives you either have to wait until one dies or steps down, then Black Noir will open up a competition to all members and the winner will become the new ninth. Or you have to earn the right to challenge the current ninth." 

"Lucky for you a spot just opened up." Tommy replied with a chuckle.

"Indeed, however, I would still have to compete in the open competition. However, since I am already challenging the current ninth, things are different for me compared to the others."

"When someone challenges the current ninth, both are tasked to either steal something of significant value or kill a sufficiently difficult target with a great enough standing in society or both like before. The other members of the nine lives will then decide who is more suitable to be the ninth by vote."

"What if there is a draw?" Tommy asked.

"If it's a tie then the current ninth keeps their position while the challenger does not suffer the loss penalty and can re-challenge the current ninth in half the time, assuming they keep their right to challenge them."

"Penalty? Half the time?" Tommy replied.

"The challenger must pay a penalty for having the gall to challenge their superior but still lose." Third began to explain. "The challenger has to hand over ninety percent of any money they make during the challenge while also not being able to challenge the ninth again for five years."

"Ah I see." Tommy said before adding. "However since this guy is now dead, all you have to do is complete your task and you will automatically win, since none of the nine would be stupid enough to vote for a dead guy." 

"Correct." Liza confirmed with a nod, "if I can complete one or both of the tasks then I will become the new ninth while the current ninth will become the eighth." 

"So can any of the nine lives challenge any other or only the one directly above you in ranking?" Tommy asked.

"Only those directly above, so I can only challenge the second of the nine lives if I wish too." Third replied.

"What's to stop people from just continually challenging the ninth?" Tommy asked. "I mean there has to be loads of capable members who aren't in the nine lives right?"

"There are, however, only one is able to challenge the ninth." Third began to explain. "Black Noir runs off a points system, every-time you complete a mission, steal something of value that you sell to the guild, or kill a difficult enough target and bring back proof to the guild you will be awarded points depending on the difficulty and or value."

"Only the member who has the most points can challenge the ninth and if they fail then they have to spend five years defending their position as the member with the most points before they can challenge them again."

"Ok." Tommy nodded before saying to Third. "Please continue."

"As I was saying." Third began." There are two ways we can go about checking the other members of the nine lives."

"First is the slow way where you join Black Noir like anyone else and slowly work your way up until you're given an opportunity to meet each of them."

"Pass." Tommy said flatly, making the two women smile.

"The second way is to steal something of such value, or kill someone of such difficulty and standing, or even both that it draws the attention of the nine and gets you summoned to meet them."

"Something like this?" Tommy asked, raising the dagger in his hand.

Liza frowned when she saw this but didn't say anything for the moment.

"That would indeed be worthy considering it's something that only the emperor of the Etria continent's Imperial family is supposed to hold, or those who are operating in his name." Third replied. "However.."

"However, that item is needed by Liza here for her mission." Tommy finished before looking at Liza and saying. "You have a good senior here."

"I know." Liza replied shyly.

"So the question now is what are you going to offer me in return for this?" Tommy asked while waving the dagger.

"I thought..." Liza started before Tommy interrupted her.

"You thought the chance to join Black Noir was a good enough trade, and maybe it was before, however things have now changed haven't they senior?" Tommy finished before looking at Third.

Third sighed and nodded before saying, "He is correct Liza, seeing how he is assisting in identifying any other spies in Black Noir, specifically in the nine lives, he will need to be given the chance to join regardless. I will use my authority as one of the nine to grant him the test."

"I see." Liza replied before asking. "What do you suggest?"

"I'm not sure." Third replied in a thoughtful tone.

"I might have a suggestion." Tommy suddenly said, making the two women look at him.

"I assume I'm correct in thinking that a guild, as you're now calling yourselves, as large as you made it out to be earlier, has people placed in strategic locations all over not only this continent but others also?" 

"You are." Third replied with a frown before saying. "However, if what you want is to use our information network as your own, I will have to decline."

"While that's disappointing to hear, it's not entirely surprising and that's not really what I was getting at." Tommy replied. "What I want is easy access to materials or ingredients, specifically for blacksmithing and alchemy right now, however there might be others in the future."

"That's possible." Third said after thinking for a moment before adding. "As long as you're willing to pay the going rate on what you want to buy then it's doable, of course after joining Black Noir you will get a discount that only increases the higher you rank up."

"Will transport of the goods be difficult?" Tommy asked.

"Not really, Black Noir has many subsidiary companies under it that have no official ties to it, we use them to obtain and transport any goods our current members need, for the time being I will just make it out that I am working on a little side project, then after you become a member there will be no need to hide it." Third replied.

"Then we have a deal?" Tommy asked, offering his hand.

"We do." Third replied before giving him a handshake.

Third frowned for a second when she shook Tommy's hand before returning her face to its normal self.

"Everything ok?" Tommy asked curiously.

"Yes, just your hand is a lot rougher than I expected." Third replied.

Tommy shrugged before passing the dagger to Liza.

Liza took it with bright eyes while Tommy said, "I'm assuming I don't need to want you again about what happens to those who betray me right?" 

"Of course." Third answered with a calm smile however her instincts had suddenly kicked in again.

(That's twice now she has shown such a reaction when I threatened her.)

((Interesting, that would put her on a similar level to Kele who is supposed to be the strongest in Oakforest City and yet she is only third of the nine lives.))

"So any requests on who I kill or what I steal?" Tommy asked before adding. "Also how do I know if they have a price on their head?"

"For now just hang tight." Third replied. "I need to inform the other members of the nine lives about Eighth's death and having found a promising candidate I am giving the trial to. Also Liza needs to complete her challenge mission by handing over the dagger which she 'stole' to the client, after that she will become the new ninth."

"What will you tell them when they ask how he died?" Tommy asked while looking at Eighth. "I'm guessing it's not a good idea to let them know I killed him."

"No, that would be bad," Third asked. "Not only would they not allow the trial, but they would most likely put a price on your head."

"Wouldn't be the first time." Tommy replied with a shrug."

"I'm fairly sure you will have a bounty on your head soon enough in Oakforest City, though it may list you as unknown." Third replied. "In any case I will think up an excuse to explain how he died, though that hole in his head could cause an issue in the future once you and your methods become better known." 

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