God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 91 Chao

"NNOOOOOOOO." Glador screamed in rage.

"Make sure that bastard dies." Glador ordered before he used his own magic to dash off at inhuman speed.

Chontu watched his father leave before he turned his attention back to the room with his nonchalant expression having returned as he watched Tommy's figure being burnt alive among the rising flames.

((Fuck fuck fuck we need to get out of here.))

(How I'm trapped, can't move and am literally being clocked to death.)

((Don't we have something in our item box?))

(What do you mean like the vehicle's fire extinguisher? Do you think that would work on magical fire, also how the hell am I supposed to use it when I can't move?)


((We need to do something, the smoke is starting to invade our lungs we're about to die…again.))

(There is nothing I can do, I'm stuck like this as smoke fills my lungs, I will suffocate soon.)

"Cough Cough"

((Only plus side is that we will pass out before we actually suffocate.))

"Cough Cough Cough."

(Strange how this doesn't hurt, even though I'm being burned to death.)

((Maybe it's to do with how we can't use the rest of our body, do you think the magic circle also stops our bodily sensors below our neck?))

"Cough, Cough Cough Cough."

(That makes…. Makes…. Sh..)


"HAHAHAHAHA You really fucked that one up didn't you lad." A boisterous voice said, waking Tommy's conscious up.

"What?" Tommy asked in a confused and sleepy tone.

Tommy opened his eyes and looked around; however all he was able to register was that his body seemed to be floating in space, however this space was not black but filled with a chaotic mess of colors that changed randomly every second.

"Where the hell am I?" Tommy asked in the same confused and sleepy tone.

"In my space?" 

"MySpace? Like the old social network?" Tommy asked groggily.

"HAHAHAHAHA, You're a riot kid, this is why I like you, that and the chaos you will cause in the future."

"Huh?" Tommy replied, still confused. 

"Wow it seems the smoke inhalation was worse than I thought, maybe I should have switched you out sooner, meh whatever, you're still alive."

"Switched me out? Still alive?" Tommy asked as his head cleared up a bit.

"That's right kid, you still have work to do so I can't have you dying just yet." 

"Work to do?" Tommy asked.

"That's right, but for now let's get back to the first point and how you really fucked that up."

"Fucked what up?" Tommy asked.

"The fact that you almost died, Again. Why the fuck didn't you research magic as soon as you reached Oakforest City? I mean shit you're in a new world with magic, logically someone as experienced as you would think to research magic right?"

"But I can't use magic." Tommy replied groggily.

"Not for use, but for how to defend against it, you've watched enough films and anime back in your world to know that magic is varied in its uses and how its deployed, did it really not cross your mind that it could be used to set a trap?"

"It was so slow and easy to dodge, only lightning…." Tommy started but the voice interrupted him.

"Yeah yeah, only lightning could possibly pose a threat, but considering how rare it is you figured it wasn't really too much to worry about."

"Yet now you almost died because of magic, if you had done your research on it in the city library you would have known that magic traps exist and could have prepared for them." 

"How?" Tommy asked as he began to focus.

"How what?"

"How could I have prepared for them? The magic trap was undetectable to even Tinen and the three of them only detected it when it activated while I didn't detect anything." Tommy replied.


"If my guess is correct you need magic to detect magic right?" Tommy asked.

"..... errrr well yeah kinda." The voice replied sheepishly.

"Then how the hell am I supposed to detect magic when I don't have it?" Tommy asked defensively.

"... ok good point." The voice replied in defeat.

"So who the fuck are you anywa….. Wait are you that fucking god who brought me to this world?" Tommy asked as he realized something.

"Ding ding ding, give our contestant a prize, the name's Chao, I'm the god of Chaos."

"Chao? Seriously?" Tommy asked. "What's the god of healing called? Heal?"

"Wow, how did you know that?" Choa asked with surprise.

(Fuck seriously.)

"So how the fuck am I still alive?" Tommy asked to change the subject.

"You're not, you're dead." Chao replied.

"What?" Tommy asked in surprise.

"Kidding, kidding, well kinda." Choa began to explain. "From the point of view of that prince who was watching and all those who see your supposed burnt to a crisp body, you died in the fire from the magic circle. However, just as you passed out from the smoke inhalation and the flames blocked the prince's view of you for a moment, I switched your body out with another already dead one and now they think that's you."

"Don't they have any way of identifying that it's not me?" Tommy asked.

"How? There are no DNA or fingerprint records of this sort in this world, it goes by a person's magical signature in this world, a dead body will retain a small amount of its magic for a few days before it dissipates." Chao explained.

"Unfortunately for them yours was never recorded since you apparently don't have any magic, this news was known by that king and so I made sure to drain any magic out of the body I swapped in as your replacement."

"So everyone thinks I'm dead?" Tommy asked.

"Yup." Chao said proudly.

"I bet Merno and the twins will be sad when….. Shit Merno and the twins. That bastard king probably knows I was staying at the Forest Inn, I'm sure he would send people to deal with them as well as anyone else I had contact with." Tommy replied with concern.

"No need to worry about that." Choa replied cheerfully. "After Tinen escaped with her subordinate from the castle they fled to the adventurers guild and met up with Chelna and Tirma." 

"After explaining everything to Kele they quickly fled the city via long range teleportation magic, but not before collecting Merno, her daughters and that Elf Princess you rescued and taking them along." 

"That's a relief." Tommy said with a relieved sigh. "What about Nele? Glador said he would go question her."

"Oh don't worry about that." Choa replied with a smile. "As one of the few master Alchemist's in the world and one of only two in the Etria empire, Nele is perfectly safe, she just has to feign ignorance. Even though Glador won't believe her, there is nothing he can do because of her value to the empire, even Emperor Movim Etria wouldn't dare to upset Nele or risk the chance of her leaving the empire for another."

Tommy nodded in understanding before asking, "So why did you save me then?"

"Because you haven't caused enough chaos yet." Chao replied happily.

"What?" Tommy asked incredulously.

"Exactly as I said." Chao explained. "I'm the god of Chaos and creating chaos is kinda my thing yo."

"Yo?" Tommy replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Isn't saying 'yo' cool on earth?" Chao asked.

"Not for like forty years," Tommy replied.

"Oh! Well time works differently for a god yo." Chao replied before continuing.

"Anyway I'm all about making chaos and bringing a human from another planet along with his advanced weapons seemed like a good way to create chaos on Dealubies."

"Why does a world need a god of chaos?" Tommy asked curiously.

"They don't, but they also don't have a choice." Chao smiled. "I'm a primordial good, one of Dealubies first gods to ever exist and with age comes power."

"And because you're so old and powerful the other gods can't get rid or eliminate you." Tommy speculated.

"Bingo." Chao replied with a smug smile.

"So you plan to send me back to Dealubies to create and cause more chaos?" Tommy speculated.

"Eventually but first we need to do a few things." Choa replied.

"Such as?" Tommy asked.

"Such as fixing this whole not being able to detect magic traps thing." Choa replied. "I can't go around pulling the old switcheroo every-time you're about to die from a magic trap or people and gods are going to start getting suspicious."

"I thought you didn't fear the other gods." Tommy asked.

"I don't in a sense of them killing me, however what they can do is make things difficult for me which is something I would like to avoid." Chao replied.

"Can't you just reincarnate me into a body that can use magic then?" Tommy asked.

"Nice idea but nope, reincarnation requires approval from the gods of death and I'm not on good terms with them right now." Chao replied.

"I wonder why," Tommy replied sarcastically before asking. "Then how did I come back to life after being killed back on earth?" 

"That was Earth God's doing, that guy is the be all and end all God, the big G, the one and only, the…" Chao replied before Tommy stopped him.

"OK, ok I got it."

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