God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 94 At cost

"How have we never realized this before?" Choa asked in surprise.

"It's probably because you gods live so long." Tommy commented.

"Huh?" Chao and Lyria replied.

"I'm only speculating here based of what I learned from reading novels and manga or watching tv and films back on Earth," Tommy replied before continuing, "But the races that have longer lifespans tend to be the ones that find it hardest to change there was or look at things from a younger less long living race."

"Take humans on Earth for example, during our history technology advanced at a much more rapid pace at certain times because of certain events compared to others, can you guess what those certain events were?" 

"War." Chao and Lyria replied together.

"Correct, specifically during major wars such as the two world wars Earth saw, because of the need for new and more advanced weapons to defeat their enemy both sides invested heavily on research and development which led to rapid development of technology." Tommy replied.

"Now I'm using that as an example because the only humanoid species on Earth, at least as far as I'm aware, are humans, so I can't give an example of humans fighting another race."

"However, when was the last time the gods were challenged, I don't mean petty internal struggles, but a fight for the survival of your race?" 

Chao and Lyria looked at each other before Chao said, "Not since the last god wars, but that was long, long ago."

"I can't even comprehend what a war between gods would look like but that's not important, what is important is that nothing has happened that has forced you to adapt or change your ways, hence you leave things as they are, as the Earth saying goes, if it aint broke don't fix fit." Tommy said.

"So what you mean is that because nothing and nobody has made us aware of this or forced us to change our ways we never even considered there was a better way to do something, such as with our offerings." Lyria asked.

"Pretty much." Tommy confirmed.

"Hmm I will be sure to pass this information to the other gods, especially Aston who I'm sure will find the education suggestion you made very helpful." Lyria said with a smile. "Be sure to study the fundamentals of magic well child and thank you for the advice."

After Lyria finished speaking she vanished leaving Tommy and Chap alone.

"Well that went better than I hoped." Chao said with a smile.

"You knew something like that would happen?" Tommy asked.

"Not exactly," Chao replied before explaining. "I figured Lyria would appear once I brought you here since a God knows everything that happens within their own domain."

"Domain?" Tommy asked.

"It's our own personal space, think of it like a house." Chao explained. "That colorful location you were in before was part of the domain I created for myself, while this Athenaeum is part of the domain Lyria created."

"The god who created the domain is aware of everything that happens within it, even now she is aware that I am explaining this to you."

"I see." Tommy replied in understanding.

"Well Tommy I have other stuff to do so I will let you study, I will check up on you every now and then, cya." Chao said before disappearing.

"Hey wait…" Tommy tried to say but stopped as Chao vanished so he sighed and said in an annoyed voice, "Talk about an unreliable god, why did Earth's god ask him and not one of the other gods in this universe."

Tommy shook his head before he started to study the fundamentals of magic."


"What the fuck do you mean you can't find his magic bag?" Glador asked Chontu angrily.

"Exactly as I said father." Chontu replied. "Once the trap detected there was no one remaining alive within it shut down. I have been searching through that crispy corpse for over an hour but failed to find his magic bag anywhere."

"Shit." Glador cursed. First that bitch of a mother of yours manages to escape while taking her spy concubine with her, and now we failed to get hold of that little bastard's magic bag."

"It must be enchanted with some kind of invisibility spell of something and he no doubt threw it clear of him before he died hoping I would fail to get my prize."

"I want that entire room searched from top to bottom, do you understand? Tear the whole place apart if you have to just find me that bag."

"Yes father." Chontu said with a slight frown before leaving.

"Don't think just because you're dead you can hide your toys from me little bastard." Glador said angrily as he left the room.

A few minutes later he arrived before master Erden's room and knocked on the door.

"I told you I don't want it healing, now fuck off." Came Erden's annoyed voice through the door.

"It's me, master Erden, I bring good news. "Glador said, adopting a friendly tone.

"Ah my apologies sire, please enter." Erden's voice replied from beyond the door.

Glador entered the room and sat down beside the bed Erden was lying in with bandages covering the stumps of his arms while his hands were stored in a magical container nearby to keep them fresh.

"What good news do you have to tell me, your majesty?" Erden asked after Glador sat down.

"I came to inform you that the bastard who did this to you," Glador paused here to indicate Erden's missing hands before continuing, "Is dead, I killed him myself."

Erden showed a shocked look before sighing with relief and showing a happy smile.

"That's indeed good news sire, thank you for seeking and claiming justice on my behalf." Erden said as he bowed his head slightly in gratitude.

"No problem at all, it is a ruler's duty after all." Glador replied.

"Did you manage to obtain the little bastard's magic bag by any chance?" Erden asked hopefully.

"We are currently searching his body for it." Glador lied before continuing, "However speaking of his that, we need to have a discussion, master Erden."

"About?" Erden asked warily.

"Oh I think you know." Glador replied with a frown before asking, "Did you really think I wouldn't find out about the scheme you cooked up with that guard captain?"

"Sire I…" Erden started but Glador cut him off.

"Silence." Glador ordered. "Because of your foolish scheme we might have lost the chance to greatly increase the kingdom's military strength."

"Now I am forced to consider if you are the correct blacksmith to entrust the research and development of these new weapons to master Erden."

Erden frowned slightly before asking, "Who else is there to ask but me sire?"

"You're not the only master blacksmith in the kingdom, master Erden, while you may reside in my kingdom that's the only benefit you are currently offering to me, and after your recent scheme I am not so sure I want to give you access to these weapons." Glador replied.

Erden panicked slightly before lowering his head and saying, "Please forgive me sire, it was a mistake on my part."

"Yes it was." Glador agreed before continuing, "However forgiveness needs to be earned even by you, master Erden."

"How would you have me make up for this misdeed?" Erden asked in a slightly choked voice since he could see what was coming.

"First allow your hands to be fixed now that the little bastard is dead and can't carry out his threats against you anymore," Glador began. "After that you will research and develop these new weapons exclusively for me at cost price."

"At cost? But sire I…." Erden started to argue but was once again interrupted.

"At cost master Erden," GLador said in an authoritative tone. "You have no room to argue here, you either agree and have your forge and everything else that bastard stole from you returned while I construct you a new building, or you refuse and get nothing."

"Now choose."

Erden scowled slightly as this was a terrible deal for him, if he sold the weapons to Glador at cost how was he supposed to make a fortune from selling them?

While he could consider selling them behind Gladors back, he knew he would have to wait a few months to several years before Glador relaxed the guard that was obviously going to be left to keep watch on him.

In the end Erden knew the choice he had to make so he sighed and said, "I accept sire."

"A wise decision master Erden," Glador said with a friendly smile as if he hadn't just blackmailed the master blacksmith.

"You should continue to rest here until we locate the magic bag and I send someone over with you things, in the meantime I will send the healers so they can finally fix your hands.

After he finished speaking Glador turned and left, leaving Erden alone.

After Glador left Erden cursed before saying, "Fucking little shit, it's all his fault. I will be sure to spit on his corpse after my hands are healed."

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