Goddess of Ice: Going for One Piece


Anyway, it turns out that sailing a ship, at least while the weather doesn't change, wasn't too bad. Yuna only had to stare at the Eternal Pose and occasionally slightly adjust the Going Merry's course.

Some time passed, and Yuna was currently in Nami's room, pressing her hand on the place where Nami's heart was, slowly injecting her with some Natural Energy.

"How is she? Is she okay? No complications, right?" 

Luffy's voice was filled with worry, his concern for Nami's safety palpable. However, hearing Luffy's anxious words, Yuna frowned before shaking her head while continuing her makeshift treatment of Nami.

"Honestly, it's not looking too great. I think I can keep her going for a few more weeks, but there is a limit to what I can do. After all, I'm only treating the symptoms while improving Nami's resistance. I'm not actually healing her."

Luffy couldn't help but clench his fist after Yuna finished speaking. One of his friends was in danger, and there was nothing he could do about that. He hated that feeling.

Suddenly, the door opened, allowing Vivi to enter the room, carrying a towel drenched in cold water, which she gently placed on Nami's forehead.

"How is she?"

"I can suppress the fever to some degree, and I can, to some degree, strengthen her body to counter the illness-induced weakness, but there is a limit to that. At the end of the day, we'll need a doctor that can actually cure her. How much longer do we need until we need Arabasta, Vivi?"

Vivic clenched her fists and bit her lip the moment she heard Yuna's question. Although traveling on the Grand Line was more perilous, she could still guess how long it would take to reach Arabasta.

"We'll need at least a week, probably a little longer."

Hearing that estimation, Yuna frowned. Although she was confident she could keep Nami alive for that long, she had no doubt that the longer the treatment was delayed, the harder it would be to heal Nami fully. In conclusion, sailing toward Arabasta was not optimal. Unfortunately, aside from randomly sailing in one direction, there was nothing else they could do.

'Should I carry her on my back and run on my ice to Arabasta by myself? That would be much faster.'

[Can you even sustain such a long time?]

'Probably not. I would need to create a few small ice islands on the way for me to rest on.'

[That sounds like a terrible idea.]

'Yeah, I'll shelf that one for now and see how things go. In the end, Nami's illness might get better by itself, and who knows what else might possibly happen?'

While everyone was worried about Nami, Nami suddenly woke up and raised her upper body on the bed.

"Ah, Nami, you should rest!"

Although hearing the concern in Vivi's voice made a smile a little, Nami only shook her head.

"I'm fine. It's probably just a heat stroke."

She was just about to get off the bed when a single finger pressed down on her forehead, pushing her back on the bed.

"Nami... do you want to make me angry?"


A chill went through Nami's body as she heard Yuna speaking seriously, seemingly for the first time. Yuna and Nami's gazes met, and when Nami saw Yuna's deep purple eyes looking at her, she almost felt like Yuna was directly staring into her soul.

"It's good that you want to help Vivi's kingdom at the risk of your life, but there is no reason to act recklessly. Stay in bed, rest, and conserve your strength. There is no need to push yourself.

Saving Vivi's kingdom is important, yes. But so is your life. Do you think Vivi would be happy about saving her kingdom at the cost of your life, especially if your death could have been prevented?

Don't panic. Stay calm. The situation is far from being out of control. Just sleep for now and let the rest of the crew handle the situation."

Hearing Yuna's assuring words and seeing the confidence in her eyes, Nami couldn't help but relax and sigh deeply.

"Fine, I'll listen to you, Yuna."

"Hehe, good girl~"

Happily petting Nami's head quickly earned Yuna a glare from Nami, which she simply dismissed with an amused chuckle.

"Yuna is right. There is no need to push yourself so hard. I want to go to Arabasta as fast as possible, after all. The fastest way to get to Arabasta is obviously for the Merry's navigator to be in her best condition, so let's see if we can find a possible way to get you healed faster."

To Vivi's logic, Nami could only chuckle in amusement as her eyes slowly closed. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was genuinely tired, resulting in her falling asleep seconds later.

Seeing that, Yuna couldn't help but scoff.

"Acting like she is all fine, and the moment the tension vanishes from her body, she instantly falls asleep. What a silly little girl."

However, seconds later, Nami's nose seemed to twitch, followed by her abruptly opening her eyes.

"Something big is coming! Turn the rudder starboard right now!"

Initially, Yuna wanted to scold Nami for not resting, but seeing how serious she appeared to be, Yuna quickly did as Nami told her to, changing the course of the Going Merry.

Surprisingly, not even a minute later, at the place where they would have been if they had continued sailing straight, a massive hurricane appeared, causing Yuna's eyes to widen before a small smile appeared on her face.

'As expected of someone with weather affinity. What a terrific ability to predict the weather.

Seeing Yuna giving her a thumbs up, Nami smiled briefly before going back to sleep while the rest of the crew continued what they were doing.

The next day, heavy snow started falling, and while everyone was now wearing thick clothes, Yuna was still casually wearing a black tank top and a pair of blue hot pants, seemingly completely indifferent to the weather.

"Hey Zoro, you see any doctors out there?"

Hearing Luffy's question, Zoro, who was currently on the lookout in the crow's nest, rolled his eyes and ignored Luffy's question. After all, they were in the middle of the sea.

However, seconds later, Zoro had to make a double-take because he saw someone standing on the sea.

'What the hell is that?'

Hearing Zoro's exclamation, everyone followed his gaze, allowing them to see a man who appeared actually to be standing on the water.




Everyone stared at each other before the man finally decided to say something.

"It sure is cold out here, huh?"


"Y-Yeah, I guess."

"It sure is cold."




The awkward staring continued before suddenly, the man moved upward. Or rather, the thing he was standing on started emerging from under the sea, revealing a giant melon-looking submarine.

However, that wasn't the end of it, as the "melon" started peeling off its outer skin, revealing a massive pirate ship with a Jolly Roger wearing a crown as its symbol.

Seconds later, goons started flooding Merry's deck, covering every spot on the deck while pointing their guns at everyone present: Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, who didn't seem bothered by people pointing guns at them.

Meanwhile, Usopp, unaware of the situation, was tinkering with a few new gadgets while Yuna and Vivi were tending to Nami under the deck.

However, due to the commotion of the monstrous ship emerging from the sea, the Merry had to sail through some turbulences, irritating Yuna and causing her to look at what was going on upstairs.

Seeing dozens of randoms pointing guns at Luffy and the rest, Yuna instantly lost interest and locked her gaze on the giant ship instead.

'Hee~ Let's see what we got here~'


Meanwhile, loud and obnoxious laughter echoed over the Going Merry's deck before a fat, almost round man jumped down from the huge ship onto the Merry. He was currently chewing on a dagger like it was made out of bread. He had dark violet hair and a body that looked like it was formed into a huge iron ball, with even half his face covered in iron.

"My name is Wapol, Captain of the Bliking Pirates, and I have a question for you. We want to go to Drum Island. Do you have an Eternal Pose there?"

"Mhh? Drum Island? Never heard of that."

Hearing Wapol's question, Luffy quickly answered that he had never heard of Drum Island before, and after briefly glancing at Zoro and Sanji, who don't seem to have any idea either.

"I see; in that case, hand over all the treasures and your ship instead. Oh, wait a moment, I'm still a little hungry."

The moment Wapol stopped speaking, his mouth enlarged comically, but what followed wasn't funny at all, as he bit a huge chunk of Merry's railing off, instantly angering Luffy.



That was all one of the goons could get out before Sanji kicked him away, quickly followed by Zorro cutting up a few people as well, allowing Luffy to reach Wapol directly.



Luffy's hands stretched backward, but before he could attack Wapol, Wapol swallowed his whole body except for his outstretched arms.

"Munch Why is he so chewy?"

Unfortunately for Wapol, Luffy's body was made out of rubber, so he couldn't just eat him, and even more unfortunately for him, Luffy's hands were still stretching further back.

"... BAZOOOOKA!!!"

With explosive momentum, Luffy's fists snapped back and smashed into Wapol, who flew toward the sea, transforming him into a star.

"""""CAPTAIN WAPOL!!!"""""

Naturally, the rest of his crew immediately panicked when they saw that and started heading toward the direction Wapol had vanished in, in hopes of catching up to him before he could sink into the sea.

Luffy, on the other hand, could only laugh in annoyance when he saw the group of weirdos leave, while being even more annoyed when he saw a big chunk of wood missing from one part of Merry's railing.

Meanwhile, a few moments earlier, a shadow was shifting through the surprisingly bright corridors of Wapol's ship at high speed, stealthily opening every door it passed before glancing inside.

Obviously, that shadow was Yuna, and seconds passed before she briefly paused after glancing at another door. However, unlike the others, this one had four guards stationed in front of it.


Swiftly knocking out the guard, before they could make any noise, Yuna tried opening the door, which was unfortunately locked.

Unbothered by that, ice formed on top of her finger, which she swiftly jammed into the keyhole, where it formed into a proper key.

Opening the door was a satisfying click. Yuna entered, and when she saw what was behind the door, she couldn't help but smile. The room was rather big and to the brim, filled with all kinds of medical equipment, and most importantly, there were twenty people who clearly wore doctors' clothes.

'Nice, I've hit the jackpot.'

"Okay, everyone, let's stay nice and civil, and no one will be hurt."

As Yuna entered the room, she casually pointed two pistols at the present doctors, intimidating them. Although there were other methods of handling the following conversation, Yuna felt that using pistols would be the fastest method to intimidate the people in this room.

"I'll make it short: One of my crew mates is sick, and I need a doctor to heal her. Her symptoms are high fever, breathlessness, muscle pain, and overall weakness."

The twenty people in the room briefly glanced at each other before the one who seemed to have the most authority stepped forward.

"Making a diagnosis without seeing the patient is almost impossible, but that sounds like some kind of infection. Any more information? What was the last island she was on?"

Although Yuna was a little surprised at how easily the doctors handled a gun being pointed at them. Since they seemed eager to help, Yuna quickly crushed the guns with her grip strength, and it appeared they were no longer needed, so she resumed speaking.

"Little Garden, an island with a prehistoric setting. You know, dinosaurs and stuff. Oh, and two giants were present as well. But they have been there for over a hundred years, so I don't believe they are relevant."

Hearing Yuna's explanation, a grim expression appeared on the faces of a few of the present doctors. Clearly, dealing with a potential ancient infection was no easy matter. Before anyone could say anything else, Yuna resumed talking.

"Anyway, who is the most knowledgeable of you in that regard? I'll kidnap you for a while. No worries, after you have healed my comrade, I can bring you back here."

Hearing her words, the doctors gave each other wry smiles before everyone's gazes landed on a single individual, who shrugged his shoulders with a certain tiredness in his voice.

"In that case, you should definitely take me with you. Infectious diseases of all kinds are my specialty. As for bringing me back, I really hope you don't. All of us were brought onto this ship forcefully. In fact, I would hope that you could take all of us, but I'm not sure if that would be even remotely possible."

Yuna's eyes shone after realizing that all these people were here against their will. After all, the loyalty of someone you kidnapped is much lower than the one you freed. However, maneuvering twenty old men off this ship without any of them getting killed might be a little unreasonable for now, so she had another plan.

Rising her hand, a small ice ball appeared, quickly covered with all kinds of strange patterns. She stuffed the ball into the hands of a nearby doctor before she resumed talking.

"Don't ask me how I did that, but I'll be able to track that ice ball. Keep it hidden all the ti... Don't look at it like that; you are not allowed to tinker with it. Anyway, I'll come and rescue you when I get the opportunity, but before that, I have to hurry."

The doctor Yuna just chastised could only scratch his head sheepishly when Yuna warned him not to meddle with whatever was just given to him. He really wanted to know how this thing worked!

Ignoring him, Yuna's gaze landed on the doctor she planned to take with her as she continued speaking.

"Gather all the things you could potentially need and aren't too large for me to carry out here."

"Yes, right away!"

Seeing the middle-aged man scurry around the room, collecting all kinds of things, while the other doctors supported him, Yuna nodded in approval.

'That old man obviously isn't going to become part of our crew, but a temporary hire should do the job just fine.'

[All of them are quite eager.]

'Yeah, it's rare to find so many doctors in one place that are that eager to save a life, even at the potential risk of their own. Quite remarkable.'


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