Godless Birth

Chapter 146


“The Red Orb?”

Lim Wu glanced back at the name of the book in his hand.

It was a horseman.

“Do you need to master this horsepower to enter Mansorgo? ”

When Lim Woo asked, he said he was sorry and couldn’t help it.

“Yes. The only person who can enter Man-Masuro, the main sanctuary, is a trained horseman. ”

Lim Wu looks embarrassed, but he can’t help but look lost inside.

If you want to enter Man-Masuro, do you want me to learn horsepower?

It was a trick.

He was a disciple of Muslimism.

Although it is known to be used in a variety of ways, rumors have spread that it has learned only the art of sectarian shamanism.

Give yourself a horsepower?

The air hole and horsepower are essentially the energy of running from the ark.

What if the person in the microscope had mastered the horsepower?

Probably the roots were shaking, so it would fall into the coin mouth, and there would be no avoiding internal injuries even if I was lucky.

However, there were strange people everywhere, and there were those who shook the foundation.

“Once you learn this, will you be able to enter Mansoraw? ”

“Yes, I’ve heard that Lord Gaju is born with a genius for practicing shamanism. The time for horticultural craftsmanship is also short, so you can quickly achieve it if you are a Maid Lord. ”

“Are there no other restrictions? ”

“Man-Masuro has a genuine way of restricting entry on each floor. Higher levels are allowed for those who have mastered higher horsepower. ”

“What if?”

“The Honeycomb is the highest magician. You have access to everything except the one in Man-Masuro. ”

“A thousand words?”

“It is reserved only for Christian monks. ”

“Oh, the Honeycomb. You’ve done a great job preparing the horsemen. But can I have this precious horsepower? ”

The substitute of witchcraft barely endured the laughter, looking at Lim Wu as if he truly thanked him.

‘Let’s just do what we’re told. ’

However, I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw that I was thankful for nothing.

“It would be a waste for the Pope. Get used to it.”

Lim Wu looked at the book for a moment.

His appearance frowned slightly.

“I don’t think I need to learn the Honeycomb. ”

The substitute of witchcraft raised his voice in sudden words.

“What do you mean! Are you telling me you’re going to give up the Lord’s treatment now? ”

“Abandon. The senator never gives up on a patient. ”

“But why don’t you learn the Red Shin? ”

“I don’t think I’ll have any trouble getting into Mansorgo without learning the Red Bloods. ”

“What the hell are you talking about? We don’t have time to waste. The church’s unmanned guards will come back in a few moments. ”

“Do you know the Sulfur Horseman? ”

“You wouldn’t know? Aren’t you a Seaweed Elder’s Choreographer? ”

Lim Wu stretched out his palm toward the devil’s side and his palm was filled with a fiery red flame.

“Oh, how! ”

Jungwoo smiled.

I don’t know how.

It was all over the fifth floor of the storefront.

Perhaps he had mastered more horseplay than anyone else in the Church.

Of course, it’s a secret that no one knew about the horseman.

Oh, Je Gal Hyun knew.

I had a concomitant procedure in front of Jegal County.

But who is Jegal-hyun?

He is the prime minister of Hans Sega.

I wasn’t the one to tell anyone.

“Luckily, I’m in the middle of a master horsepower. May I come in now? ”

No way! ’

The substitute for witchcraft could not help but be appalled by unexpected circumstances.

I had to learn the knowledge of witchcraft to live in the perfect role of witchcraft.

That’s why I couldn’t accept this situation.

He who had mastered the art of sectarian shamanism all his life had fallen into the abyss of despair.

Even those who have only been trained in horsepower their whole lives have to endure some side effects to master horsepower, but they are also learning the Salt Elder’s horsepower.

Did Elder Salima betray you? That’s not what I heard. ’

No matter how much I thought about it, it didn’t make sense.

The Salt Elder hasn’t been reduced that much.

If he was smart enough to betray so precisely, he would have questioned the death of his son and the betrayal of the berserker, but he was obsessed with the master’s advice as if he didn’t even have a head.

But that dark red flame must have been the Sulfur Horseman.

What the hell is going on?

All over the place!

I heard that Elder Salt’s father was deprived of the King of the Sulfur after he was defeated in the Chariot War.

Hans Sega’s gaju is a Muslim disciple.

If he had looked at the storefront, he might have known the Horseman of Sulphur.

But knowing and learning are not the same thing.

It was a question that I could not answer as a substitute of witchcraft whether the person who had mastered the art of the sect was learning the art of arithmetic and staying sane.

Limited rains smiled lightly, looking at the substitute of witchcraft.

The moment the Horseman’s replacement, confined to the fact that there is a flying man above the runner, he was able to guess which trap the Horseman was digging and waiting for him.

I knew from the scans that there were Bridgers hiding all over the place.

Maybe he was trying to get to know the Red Pills and target them for internal injuries.

In the process, the surgeon would have wanted to make sure that his replacement was injured.

He was going to use it as an excuse to attack himself and the river.

But what am I supposed to do with this?

He doesn’t need to be internally wounded, and he doesn’t need to be familiar with the Red Shin.

He’s no longer just a pawn, he’s just a pawn.

It must be very confusing now that I’m not in a position to proactively do something.

We can’t take on an intact man with our power at this moment. Send him back to Mansorgo.

The surgeon’s successor opened his mouth after piercing his lips with an echo in his head.

“Come in.”

* * *

After a long time, I waved my hands, waving my nostrils at the unique smell.

As books approached floated into the air, they were lined up, and they repeatedly spread out and covered.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

In an instant, he passed through one layer and three layers.

Mansorgo was a big stand-up comparable to the storefront.

But when I entered the storeroom, I and I now had different dimensions.

The 290-level focus, quickreading, understanding, and study skills were fraudulent in themselves, and they were quickly absorbing or skillful in their minds.

I arrived on the fourth floor listening to the constant notification sound.

The four layers of Man-Masuro were mainly mainly composed of books on the methods of sabotage found while analyzing sectionists.

In fact, no one fights more sperm than I do on the current river.

It would have been a lot easier if you’d come and read these books.

I know you haven’t read it, but it shouldn’t be that hard.

I thought that I might be able to move others through the Retaliation Act to take advantage of the fishery.

It is good knowledge that Han Ci Sega’s UAVs will be useful in the future.

The fifth floor of Man-Masuro was occupied by the top few and the forbidden horsemen within the bridge.


If you don’t do it, you’ll want to learn more if you don’t want to learn more.

Forbidden horsemen are powerful but badly learned horsemen, but I was not a true martyr.

Maybe it was a place for me instead of Mansora for the martyrs.

Maybe not, but feelings are very personal.

When you reach the sixth floor like that.

“Found it.”

After entering the storeroom, I spit it out for the first time.

It was because I found out why I had to come here.


It’s because of dimensional movement.

I looked it up in the Mangrove, but there was no big income.

All I found there was a clue in Mansorgo.

I heard there’s a lot of disappointment in expectations.

Even Mansorgo didn’t have much of a way to move the dimensions.

But I could get a clue.

I heard that the blood bridge split from the bridge, and I found that the shaman of the past blood bridge was conscious of summoning something else in the world among the unofficial books of the blood church on the sixth floor.

Should I go to the blood cult?

No, it’s not.

Before that, there was a place to stop.

It’s just an instinct, but I felt strongly that I could find the answer there.

Well, we can’t do that right now, so we need to focus on the real world.

Maybe when we get out of here, the surgeon will be waiting.

If I had killed Thousand Horses while I was in Man-Masuro, I would have blamed it on me, and if I hadn’t killed Thousand Horses, I would have tried to kill me so I wouldn’t cure Thousand Horses.

I also agreed to have the horse killed.

Hyuk-neun was going to make him a priest of the Church.

Originally, I was going to spend about a week in Man-Masuro.

But that changed when I found out that the surgeon was using a stand-in.

Witchcraft is a very clever man.

If Thousand Horses die like this, the Bridge will fall into the hands of the devil.

Seems to have taken over most of the bridges already, so there’s probably a lot planned.

Marxism is a triumph of the Celestial Church.

When Thousand Horses die, my next target will be me and then the river.

Hyuk-neun was more important than becoming a thousand horses.

Did the surgeon expect me to walk out of here in one day?

I showed the Horseman of Sulphur to the head of the Witch.

The Sulfur Horseman can climb to the sixth floor of Man-Masuro.

The surgeon expected me to go up to the sixth floor after I entered Mansorgo, and it would take three or four days, even with the premise that I would roughly read it out.

But it only took me half a day to read all the books from the first floor to the sixth floor of Man-Masuro.

Could the surgeon have predicted something even I didn’t?

Maybe you’ll be surprised when I get out.

“Is this it?”

I stopped in front of the stairs leading to the seventh floor.

This is the entrance to the thousand-marsego that only the Pope who was told by the head of the Witch’s office can enter.

I heard that this place is only permitted to those who have mastered the work of the Celestial Master.

I haven’t mastered the Celestial Shrine.

Then should we give up and go back?

You’re welcome.

Nothing has ever stopped me.

I believe.

Scan skill at level 290.


Find it.

One by one. Guinea pig.

You don’t need to be nervous because you have a lot of time.

One jiji, one jiji.

And two o’clock.

I’ve finally found a break!

However, the gap was in a very ambiguous position that I could not walk to.

The gap was in the space beyond the door.

If I spend more time, I think I can find another life story, but it’s okay.

I’m not unmanned.


You jump across the room and move into the gap.

Soon after entering the spacious space that was only allowed to Thousand Horses, there was only one bookshelf and a desk.

On the bookshelf was the history of the Bridge and a blank book that was only permitted to the Bishop of the Bridge.


I flew into the air and looked back at the book in my hand.

“The Celestial Shrine.”

Why are you hesitating?

There was none.

I immediately opened the book and started reading.

Again, not once.

You must be quite the machinist.

Of course, if I had learned it at once, it would have been boring.

When I repeated it so many times.

I finally heard the notification.

[You have acquired an Active SS grade skill.]

[You have acquired an Active SS grade skill.]

[You have acquired an Active SS grade skill.]

[You have acquired an Active SS grade skill.]

[You have acquired an Active SS grade skill.]


I haven’t eaten for a while, but I’m full.

Perhaps he was satisfied with his empty stomach.

Now that I’ve got everything I need from Man-Masuro, it’s time to leave.

I made my way up the stairs and got comfortable with the door because I had mastered the Thousand Horsemen.

As I stepped on the sixth floor, I paused.

If there’s anything coming, it’s a recognition that there’s going to be.

Someone opens their inventory sincerely hoping to discover the performance I left behind and then takes out a gift into the air.

I was able to carefully predict that there would still be a strong trail of bees gathering here.

Now that I’ve left you a gift, shouldn’t you have paid a reasonable price for your knowledge?

No other intentions. There was.

In fact, the farther you go from home, the better.

Tricking and cheating (2)

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