Godless Birth

Chapter 49


“How are you? It’s been a long time.”

“As you can see, I’ve been well. ”

Hwang Bo-hwan rolled up his mouth in the cold Jegalyeon’s answer.

She still struggled with elegance.

He was in love with her at first sight.

That’s why I sent my concubine through the family.

However, I was quickly rejected as if I hadn’t even thought of it.

It was humiliating enough on its own, but I didn’t even hear the exact reason.

Rumor has it that my father burned the reply from the Zechariah family, because it was too insulting.

Since then.

His emotions are distorted.

I wanted to conquer her, and I wanted to see her struggling underneath me.

“Can I ask you a question? ”

“If you’re going to ask me, don’t ask me that question. ”

“Why did you reject the concubine? ”

“I wrote it down and sent it to you. ”

“I didn’t see it. So tell me. No, take it now. ”

“I don’t want to.”

Cold voices that did not contain immediate answers and emotions, as if they were not even worth thinking about, provoked Huangbae’s feelings.

“What the hell! What’s wrong with me? I’m going to be the heir to the Crown Prince’s estate! You’re a woman, and you’re nothing to me on my rent! ”

“It’s ugly. It’s too short and ignorant. ”

Jegalyeon was telling the reason for rejection with a voice that did not have a distinctive emotion, so she became a sharper master and broke her heart.

The language assault of Jegalyeon continued endlessly.

“No manners, no education. All I know how to do is drink in girls’ skirts. If it weren’t for the musk, would it still not be in Sogaju, despite being the only direct descendant? It seems to me that a soju can also be given to someone who is not you. ”

After hearing that Huangbae is ugly, Jiangwoo’s mind seems to have collapsed by half.

‘Bone shot. Tsk, tsk.’

For the first time, I liked the idea that inflexibility was so consistent.

Those who knew Kangho said that if the second family is ignorant in eighth generation, it is the family that is sad. However, it was only relative to other families, and the extent of their ignorance was not that severe. Just because the herbs of household weaponry were so simple and focused only on power, it seemed to be more so externally.

However, the current Crown Prince was the only son of the Lord, Huangbae Hwang Hwang Hwang Hwang Hwang Hwang Hwang Hwang, who brought the Crown Tax to the apex of ignorance.

In the academy, Huangbo Segar’s family member, who had initially considered it unlikely, gave all kinds of elixirs to save the natural muscle bone, but as it was so bad, he was slowing down and hearing that it was a waste of elixir in the family.

The problem was not only his head was bad, but his personality was also bad.

He was the number one evasion target for the girls and the biggest mule in the mountains.

He knew that even though he refused to confront the Chamberlain without even worrying about it.

Yongjin chon slightly pushes Hwang Bohwan back, half-hearted.

“Let’s just calm down. I guess you can’t even see me in the middle of a love fight. ”

Yongjin Cheon smiled at the mouth and greeted Jegalyeon.

“Please don’t say that again, even joking, because it’s offensive. ”

“By the way, since you’re busy, you didn’t show up for the Tong Dragon Banquet, why don’t you meet next week?” If you come to my sausage, I think everyone will be there in a long time. ”

“I’ve told you before, but I’ve only posted my name and I’m not interested in membership at the Dragon Ball. ”

Yongjin shrugged his shoulders, smiled and turned his gaze.

“Now I see you didn’t introduce me. It’s called the Plum Swordsman of Volcanoes. This is Huangbokhwan of Huangbo Sae family. ”

Yongjin had already heard about them through Hyukil Woo.

“An interesting combination of safari parish and councilman to the child of the Northpawn family. ’

Yongjin was drawn to all attention by a woman named Garden Young, the daughter of Gangseo dynasty. That’s why he also introduced Hwang Bohwan himself to lead the conversation while sneaking around.

“I don’t want to hear any introductions, so if you’re done talking, I’d like you to go back now. ”

When he heard the unexpected answer, Yongjin frowned for a moment, then straightened it out, and smiled again.

“I heard there was a misunderstanding between the revolutionary gossip and the Lord of Heaven. The Dead Sea is Dongdo, right? If you live in the river, this misunderstanding is extraordinary, but why don’t you make up your mind and apologize to each other? ”

“If there’s a misunderstanding, we have to solve it. Apologize to Hyuk like a man first. I’d better take it from him. ”

Lim Wu was absurd to see the actions of Yongjin and Hwang Bohwan. It was because they were behaving in a legal manner, ignoring other people’s opinions thoroughly.

“Are there any? Lord Cheon, yesterday’s rudeness is all my fault. I’m sorry, so please accept my apology. If Heavenly Mother accepts my apology, I will pay for all the drinks today in the meaning of forgiveness. ”

“Why don’t we stick together?” ”

Yongjin was nodding his head to the side of Garden Young, as if accepting the apology was a fact.

“That’s it.”

As he was making his move, he was barely annoyed when he heard his thoughts and answers again.

“Get lost. ”

Yongjin tried to rush over immediately, but he stopped Yang, who was a giant, looking at the priests who were about to blow themselves up.

“First, I think you spoke too harshly to the reconciler. Wouldn’t we be too embarrassed to come to arbitration when the heavenly host comes out like that? So why don’t you accept our apology at this point? Shouldn’t we be raising our enemies while we live in this rugged river? ”

“Apologies? Reconciliation? What the hell are you talking about? ”

Yongjin Chun, who froze his face as if he couldn’t speak, stared at Lim Wu.

“I didn’t know you were so unarmed. Looks like you’ve gained some fame. ”

“I didn’t feel the need to say anything nice to someone who came to the trouble. ”

“Are you saying we’re here to make trouble? ”

“Are we going to say hello in the first place? Or should I say hello? You’re the one who talked to me unilaterally, so why are you using the flock to say no? ”

I was sweating on the forehead of Jegalyeon.

I could just endure this moment, why I couldn’t endure the insult for a moment and caused a crisis, but I didn’t even understand it anymore.

Hyuk-il’s existence was a quarrel, and their actions were also a blatant quarrel.

I could feel the slightest hint that I could see it from a step away. He also set the family background when he first met the heavenly body. Jegalyeon was ashamed of the fact that it was not much different.

That’s why the celestial body doesn’t see the spermatozoa well.

I thought I could change my perception in the Muslim blind, but I was only showing bad things to poor judges if I showed them good things. I couldn’t deny it because I was also seeing it with him.


Jegalyeon sighed deeply, looking at her peer review indices.


The compassionate eyes you want to try.

It was too compared to the heavenly body.

The celestial body did not feel sorry for itself. I sent an irritating glance to become a liver. I was curious because I was not too interested in it, and I was not interested in men at all.

Every time I say something annoying to myself, I kick my tongue out saying something important is missing. Possibly pointing out that they are not flexible. But it didn’t happen overnight, so I tried, but I couldn’t do it now.

I didn’t know.

I don’t care because it’s the same front and back.

There will be no more celestial sentiment.

Even when Sadal wasn’t weird at the moment.

Jegalyeon sighed for relief as she looked at the coming man.

“How are you?”

“It’s been a long time. ”

I felt a little relieved if I had a Namgong Ho.

The Namgongho Jegalyeon saw was because the discipline itself, his character, was spotless and straight.

“I don’t think we’re in a position to greet the group, so I’ll take my group back.” ”

Je Galyeon nodded, knowing the situation properly, and seeing the whole Namgongho.

“I’d appreciate it. ”

“Back to your seat. ”

At Namgong-ho’s words, Yongjin choon trembled and made an impression.

“What are you talking about! It’s as if we’re wrong! ”

“Go away. It’s a good time to be alone. ”

[Name: Namgong Ho Nam

Race: Humans

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Affiliation: Southern Palace Sector

Grade: A

Talent: 9]

Looking at Hwang Bohwan and Yongjin Cheon, Lim Woo once again felt that it was a place to live here, Korea, or people.

Among those I have often seen in Korea, there were quite a few like them.

Classes that they think are special.

Usually they behaved as if they had never lived a social life, or if they had only grown up among people who said they were good at what they said.

But some of their group seems to know what to think.


When I looked at the information window, I remembered the Kang Ho Myeong-myung book that I received from the parable, I remembered that it was Sogaju of the Nam-gungseo family.

Unlike the others, he did not enter the family background and had a good view of the situation. I didn’t feel like I was being told that I was being included among the review indices for no reason.

“Back to your seat. ”


“They didn’t do anything wrong. Why does the gossip of Tai Cheong and the gospel of Cheon unravel the gospel of the Dragon and the gospel of Huang? Are you two members of the Innocence Convention? ”

“Subordinate! I just got drunk. ”

“Have you been taught anything by an open participant? Is it really necessary to drink alcohol like this? Well, I’ll settle for drinks today. ”

Yongjin was originally qualified by Nam Gong-ho.

Even though he was the youngest Plum swordsman, he was considering Namgong Lake above himself in Kangho.

I didn’t always like it.

But now he was dealing with himself as though he had been beaten.

Above all, the unbearable thing is that a woman who has been in her heart for a long time is watching this situation.

If we go back like this, he’ll admit he did something wrong.

‘We can’t go on like this. ’

I had to accept my apology and prove that I had a legitimate cause.

The appearance of the Namgong Lake was the most tense of them all.

Damn it!

The background of the volcanoes and the Huangbo Sega was supposed to shrink celestial bodies, but not at all.

‘I figured it out. ’

Hyuk-i-woo noticed that Nam-goong Lake had noticed his ruse.

When I got here, I had to see that being a member of the Volunteer Council had crossed the water. Then shouldn’t we take anything else?

‘It’s better this way. ’

Even if I made up enough, I didn’t think I would end up in the castle. Hwang Bohwan and Yongjin were angry enough now, so they would definitely intervene if the fight started.

Hyuk-i-woo’s eyes trembled, nodding his head toward Spot, and Spot was jumping downstairs, as if he had already been told.

“He doesn’t say I’m picking on him! I don’t care about the South Palace small talk, so don’t interfere anymore! I owe you an apology! ”

Yongjin no longer respected the South Arch, and the South Arch was narrowing its gaze.


Lu Shu spit out a word as if he were throwing something.

The end of the second episode of Suicide Provence (3)

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