God’s Empire

Chapter 31: : History of Phantom Continent

Bone flowers and lightning all the way, when Wang Lan and others were a little irritable because of the countless white skeletons in front of them, they came to the bottom of the city gate.

The skeletons surrounding the fortress in the war zone are at least hundreds of millions in size, but the threat is not as good as five million ordinary corpses...

It's purely to disgust people.

"I swear, I will never come here next time..."

Wang Lan complained inwardly, smiled at the guard who wanted to salute him, turned over and dismounted, and led the war horse into the fortress of the war zone under the awe-inspiring eyes of both sides.

Wang Lan, who entered the fortress of the war zone, was a little surprised. Looking at the lively and tidy city scene on both sides, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling.

Why doesn't it look like a large military camp as you imagined?

Instead, it looks like a prosperous town?

"But then again, this architectural model is really like that of Blue Star."

The main world view of Illusory Land is not like the medieval background that exists in the magical background, but it is extremely advanced. If it is not for the ability of professionals, it is estimated that this is a modern world with a magical skin.

Looking at the advanced and prosperous town in front of him, Wang Lan's thoughts sank into the Phantom Continent, the magnificent history of development...

According to the background information of the Phantom Continent given by the system, in fact, the Phantom Continent did have the medieval period that Wang Lan knew.

But that was already several epochs ago, when the Illusory Continent was only one-fifth the size of today, but it was far larger than Blue Star.

At that time, the culture, technology and cognition of the Phantom Continent were all in the medieval period.

The nobles are in power, the mages are extremely noble, the life of the commoners is extremely difficult, and the large number of slaves is even worse than death.

At that time, the Illusory Continent was ruled by demon beasts. Human beings already had countless other races, so they could only search for that piece of flat land in the boundless forest to build cities and even countries, and sometimes even countries were directly destroyed by demon beasts.

At that time, the only guarantee for mankind was the 'gods' enshrined by various Holy Sees.

This was the case until nearly 100,000 years later, when countless human heroes were born one after another as if they were following nature.

Under the leadership of a human hero whose strength was even a demigod, humans and the largest groups of monsters at that time launched several huge wars, and billions of monsters and humans fell into Eternal sleep.

During this period when the war was full of the ancient fantasy land, more human heroes and heroes of other races continued to appear, and finally drove the monster family to the depths of the boundless jungle.

The Era of Warcraft is over.

But without a consistent external enemy, the human heroes who were originally devoted to the race gradually became addicted to power, and they were no longer as pure and righteous as before.

They began to open the curtain of the short-lived glory of mankind for more power and wealth.

The civil war...begins.

In just ten years, the power of the human beings, which originally reached one of the top races in the ancient fantasy continent, has declined rapidly due to the continuous outbreak of civil wars.

Before the invasion of foreign races, human beings have already withdrawn from the top races.

The weak human beings simply do not have enough strength to continue occupying the territory laid down by their predecessors.

The top races other than elves naturally would not miss this opportunity, and began to gather a large number of troops on the border of human territory, preparing to invade human territory.

The suddenly repentant human beings found in despair that during the civil war in these years, human beings have already been severely damaged, and there are dozens of young and middle-aged people, and they have no strength to fight again.

Helpless human beings ceded large tracts of their original rich territory to elves, orcs and other races in exchange for a breath of breath.

In order to compete for large areas of human territory, the other top races broke out into conflicts and started to fight with each other.

Humans who are no longer qualified to participate in the war have migrated with their clans and began to cultivate and recuperate in a place under the resources.

And just when the top races were fighting, in the last era, that is, the beginning of the Warcraft Era, the giant dragon clan, which had already announced that it had left the Warcraft group, suddenly returned.

In the face of these powerful dragon clans, all the top races joined forces to resist, but everything was in vain.

Countless demigod giant dragons, the giant dragons at the peak of the current king level, killed nine heroes of all races in just one day.

On the contrary, human beings were not attacked because of their weak power and barren territory.

After five years of war, the dragons have won the victory.

The major races that have been severely damaged can only bow their heads and obey.

The Dragon Age has begun.

In this way, after another 100,000 years, the giant dragon family became stronger, but the other races except the elves only recovered the wounds of tens of thousands of years ago. The rule of the giant dragon family seems to be more stable.

But... human beings have already recovered from their wounds. As early as the beginning of the dragon era, human beings discovered a large secret space in that barren territory.

Under the reinforcement and expansion of countless demigods and even gods in the future, this secret realm space has become extremely huge, and humans have established a powerful unified empire in it.

Outside, there are only some humans left behind to confuse other races.

Humans already have the ability to challenge dragons.

But the third King of Heroes did not start a war, and just watched silently in the secret space, waiting for the day when they should come.

Hundreds of years passed in this way. I don't know when, the Thunder Titan appeared.

These ancient beings, who had ruled the Illusory Continent for several epochs before the Era of Warcraft, appeared one after another, but they did not compete for the dominance of the continent. Instead, they entered the boundless forest, the territory of the mysterious elves. are not appearing.

When the giant dragon thought that things had calmed down like this, he didn't know why.

Originally peaceful, natural, and beautiful, the elf walked out of the boundless forest and launched a war against the dragon clan.

In the past thousand years, the elves have the strength to compete with the giant dragon due to various reasons. The war broke out between the two clans, which almost destroyed 70% of the incomparable forest.

Just when all the races thought that the war would continue, the giant dragon clan took the initiative to retreat and returned to the endless ocean.

And just like that, the Era of Spirits has come.

This is also the shortest era.

Because, the goblin family, more than ten years after the elves established their rule, UU reading www. uukanshu.com suddenly burst out from the ground, and the powerful and cheap goblin mecha drove the elves back to the boundless forest with an absolute numerical advantage.

Time-consuming, one month.

The alchemy puppets, who are not afraid of loss, made the sparsely populated elves reluctantly give up their dominant position in the mainland and returned to their homeland. After all, they didn't want to start a war in the first place.

Such a dramatic scene surprised the rest of the races, but I have to admit that the Goblin Age has begun.

Time, continue to pass.

Thousands of years later, it seems that because the goblin family absolutely must believe in alchemy and spread the knowledge of alchemy to other races, the number of believers in gods has been greatly reduced.

God's punishment has come.

The angelic army that filled the sky ripped apart the alchemy mecha that the goblins were proud of in almost an instant. The goblins who were not powerful were not able to resist the attack of the angelic army.

In the end, the goblin was forced to surrender and returned to the dark underground.

However, because of the large-scale arrival of the gods this time, it caused the first return of magic power, and more pure and huge magic power came from the realm of the gods to the land of illusion.

Due to the return of magic power this time, the volume of the Phantom Continent has expanded by at least two times.

The gods did not directly rule the Phantom Continent. After the goblins were dealt with, they returned to the God Realm. They also maintained a laissez-faire attitude towards the return of magic power in the Phantom Continent. In their opinion, the ants would not threaten them one day.

Humans have also returned.

While countless races were still watching, humans, who were far stronger than the goblins at the time, returned again.

It is equivalent to 1% of the secret realm of the Illusory Continent.

The returning humans did not hesitate to show their terrifying strength to these countless races.

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