God’s Love Game [Unlimited]

Chapter 1 - ①


“Passenger No. 963 has successfully checked the ticket. Please enter the No. 1 carriage to find a seat and sit down.”

The announcement sounded, and the operatives in the No. 1 carriage held their breath and stared at the direction of the door, observing the newly entered operatives.

Every new tasker will receive such a baptism of glances after entering the carriage, because there are too many participants in this task, and there are many, many newcomers.

In the dungeon world, the words “many people” and “newcomers” often mean chaos. Even with some experienced missionaries, it is difficult to unify all the voices in such an environment.

Fortunately, the huge group of taskers was divided into different compartments, and this time the new taskers were ‘trained’ by the system in advance, so the scene was not particularly chaotic.

However, the experienced old people were not relieved by the reduced pressure, and they were still watching their companions, or… potential enemies, competitors.

Taskers who had successfully checked tickets before would usually enter the carriage within two minutes of the announcement, but this time they waited extraordinarily long for about five or six minutes.

And the previous taskers only reported the passenger serial number, but this No. 963 has even been revealed.

The taskers in the carriage were all energized and stared at the door with burning eyes, trying to find out the special reason for No. 963.

Under everyone’s attention, the tin door was pulled open from the outside, and a humanoid flight attendant wearing a mask and uniform came in from the outside, its green eyes quickly glanced at the car, and then He stood silently against the door.

Then, a cane that resembled a table leg came in from outside the car door. The cane tapped on the ground, and a tall, handsome young man slowly appeared with a black backpack and a stone yellow shirt. in view.

The young man is very beautiful, the short flaxen hair is soft and harmless, the chin is pointed, the eyebrows, the pink lips, all thin and slender, extremely beautiful, sharp and glamorous.

It is a pity that he has no pupils, and his eyes are like broken clouds, fluttering and flocculating in his eyes.

The incomplete beauty is like looking at flowers in the fog and looking at the moon in the water. The beauty is clear but out of reach.

The task person in the carriage was stunned for a moment after seeing him. The young man seemed to be unaware of everyone’s eyes. He tapped the crutches lightly and moved forward slowly but steadily.

The flight attendant with the mask said in a muffled voice, “Find an empty seat and sit down.”

Then he closed the door and went out.

Xiangnu smiled and nodded to ‘him’, groping forward.

The task workers in the carriage sat in their seats and looked at him silently, with scrutiny, amazement, and vigilance in their eyes, but no one came up to help Xiangnu and took him to the empty seat.

Xiangnu was not anxious, and walked forward slowly, his crutches knocking back and forth on both sides of the seat.

Suddenly, he stopped beside a man, and everyone followed his movements subconsciously. The man was wearing a white uniform similar to a military uniform. Fringed epaulettes.

He wears a military cap of the same style as the uniform. The long brim covers the upper half of his face, revealing only the lower half of his perfectly curved chin and beautiful lips.

With his fingers crossed in front of his belly, his posture is leisurely and calm. Just by looking at him, everyone can feel the difference in him and feel the inexplicable pressure.

Xiangnu had an eye problem, and he couldn’t see it, so everyone saw him slightly sideways, holding the crutches in his left hand, and he stretched his right hand to the seat on the right, that is, the man in military uniform.

The man in military uniform raised his hand and clasped Xiangnu’s wrist, the beautiful young man’s face showed a trace of confusion, and then he showed an apologetic smile, his voice was clear but soft: “So there is someone in this seat, sorry, I can’t see it. , I’m bothering you.”

The man in military uniform grabbed his wrist, pursed his lips a little, and became thinner and indifferent.

He relaxed his hand, pushed Xiangnu’s wrist away again, then stood up, and pushed Xiangnu to lean back on the seat behind him. With the loud sound of his military boots on the ground, he stepped out of his position, and then went back to the seat. The man in military uniform opened his mouth, his voice was cold, like a cup of porcelain colliding: “It’s empty inside, go in and sit.”

The beautiful young man was pushed by him and sat on the armrest on the left. His eyebrows were slightly frowned. Hearing this, he showed a dazed look. Then he pulled the corners of his lips into a smile and said happily, “Thank you.”

Then he grabbed the crutches and walked slowly to the window on the right, put the crutches against the seat, then took off his backpack and sat down. The man in military uniform glanced coldly at the people around him who were looking around. Xiangnu sat down beside him.

Xiangnu said softly: “Hello, my name is Xiangnu, can you tell me your name?”

The man in military uniform said succinctly: “Yu Su. The broadcast is not over yet, and someone was arrested for making noise and affecting the effect of the broadcast.”

Xiang Nu was slightly startled, and finally understood why the carriage was so quiet. He closed his mouth wisely, opened the zipper of his bag, took out a half-drinking bottle of mineral water, and sipped it against his pale pink lips.

After Xiangnu entered the carriage, the broadcast rang again: “All 321 passengers have boarded the train, and the ticket checking has stopped.”

Xiangnu was stunned, thinking about it in his heart. There are currently 321 passengers, but his number is 963. The reason for this is that the passenger numbers are arranged in the order of 1369, and all passenger numbers are all 3. multiples of .

There are a total of 6 compartments, and the compartment numbers are There is no relevant number of 3.

Is there anything special about the number 3?

“Next, start broadcasting the rules of the road.” The mechanical broadcast sounded.

“Hello, all passengers, welcome to take the G369 train. This train departs from Xinzhen Hospital and heads to the Old Capital Prison.”

“The train passes through six stations, and the train stops for 5 minutes at each station. Passengers can get off the train during the stop. If no passengers get off the train at the previous station, the train will depart after stopping for 5 minutes. If there is, the train will stop for 30 minutes.”

“After the train starts, all taskers can freely communicate in each compartment. Fifteen to ten minutes before the stop, please return to your own compartment and sit down. Ten minutes before the stop, a flight attendant will randomly select One carriage checks all passengers in the carriage, and if a passenger is detected to be in another carriage illegally, the flight attendant will impose mandatory imprisonment on the passenger.”

“The train will move in five minutes. I hope all passengers arrive at their destination safely. All crew members on this train wish you a pleasant journey.”

The broadcast started the countdown from 300, and all the missionaries on the train remained silent and did not dare to make a sound.

“…5, 4, 3, 2, 1!”

The sound of rumbling and rumbling was used as the background to match the countdown, and the train started.

The announcer sounded like a rusty mechanical voice: “The train starts, all passengers, please move freely.”

This sound was like cold water falling into a hot pot, and the atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became lively, and the missionaries who had been holding back for a long time whispered and wondered: “This mission is so strange, it only allows us to get on the bus, but there is no fixed one. Dungeon monster, what exactly is our goal?”

In addition to pure newcomers like Xiangnu, the passengers on this train have participated in at least three missions. No matter how they passed the customs, they were very experienced and could analyze a lot of things according to the existing situation.

After one person opened the topic, everyone gave their views and opinions.

“The existence of the tasker is to find the weaknesses of each copy ghost, hit them through the weakness, and then complete the purpose of sealing them, so our tasks often have a clear ghost as our enemy. But this task is not Just asking us to take a train to a certain location, the only monsters mentioned are the train attendants. But it is clear that the group of attendants is not our target, and they are not against the premise that we do not violate the rules they expressly require to obey. We can even be called friendly.”

The man who spoke paused, glanced in the direction of Xiangnu in a vague way, and said in a low voice, “For example, they are willing to lead a blind man.”

“You’ve gone off topic.” The beautiful voice sounded with a slightly magnetic and hoarse female voice, and Youyou said: “At present, the rules broadcast by the flight attendants mainly focus on three aspects.”

“One, number 3. Everyone must have discovered the problem of passenger serial numbers and carriage numbers, so I won’t say more. What I want to say is that I kept taking notes when the broadcast sounded. There were 53 people in the other carriages, but We have 56 people in car 1. We have three more people in our car than the other cars… that will be considered later.”

The woman said wait and think about this topic, but after she reminded, some inexperienced missionaries tightened their backs subconsciously and glanced at the crowd with fearful and vigilant eyes. Like a few ghosts.

In fact, that’s what they thought.

The woman sighed and continued: “Second, the site. All the rules it broadcasts revolve around stopping at the site. We can be sure that there must be danger at the site.”

“Three, the end of the train. The purpose of the train to send us to Jiudu Prison is unknown, but the ‘prison’ itself is a place with entry and exit. It is dangerous to get off the train at the station, but if we don’t get off the train halfway, we enter the prison all the way. After that, our mission has a 99 percent chance of failure.”

A male voice continued: “So, we must exclude the option of reaching the terminal and leave these two trains before entering the terminal. Put the main observation target on the station, and look for opportunities to escape from the station.”

Xiangnu is still a newcomer, and listens carefully to everyone’s conversations without expressing opinions.

Until the young man beside him whispered in a hoarse voice: “You first ruled out the option of reaching the prison… Have you ever thought that maybe this is the real mission?”

“The flight attendants focused the code on the station, which may have been a blurring of the focus, deliberately moving our target to another wrong option. Of course, I’m not entirely sure that getting to the prison safely is necessarily true. Mission. Getting to the prison itself is also very difficult, it is always a possibility, and we should not directly rule this possibility out.”

“An overly arbitrary idea is irresponsible for your life. I can even maliciously guess the purpose of some ‘old people’ making such a stupid decision and biasing everyone’s thinking.” The young man in military uniform said coldly.

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became strange, and Xiangnu looked at him in surprise. He didn’t expect that the fellow seated, who made him feel very cold and silent, said a lot when he began to analyze, and he was not stingy at all, but he The character is a little too sharp.

The man who proposed to exclude the option of ‘arriving at the prison’ silently accepted the gazes of his companions in the carriage, straightened his expression and walked towards Yu Su, and said apologetically, “Hello, my name is Chen Chengen. You said a lot. Makes sense, sorry, I was too arbitrary just now.”

Yu Su stretched out his hand and shook hands with him lightly. He couldn’t see what he was aiming at just now, but he was still very cold. He introduced himself: “Yu Su.”

Xiangnu blinked, his fine eyebrows trembled, his expression was serious and focused, he drank the water slowly, took a sip and put it down, stuck out his tongue and licked the corners of his lips, and whispered his opinion: “The prison is in There should be a long way to go at the end, whether we can enter the end or not, we can consider this issue in the next few stops, and the most important issue at present is to find out what the mystery is in the station.”

“The first site hasn’t arrived yet. We don’t know anything about them. The current discussions are all castles in the air, baseless and easy to collapse. So everyone and the lady just now…”

The lady replied lazily, “My name is Feng Hejia.”


A female voice with a clearer voice suddenly shrieked, followed by a male voice, full of comfort: “Lulu, don’t be afraid, this is another world, don’t be afraid.”

Fenghejia sat in the seat, Yunyou lit the cigarette in her hand, bit it in her mouth, and exhaled a long puff of smoke, she chuckled: “This lady is so excited, is it because your surname is Fenghe too?”

The girl was silent for a long time before she spoke, her voice full of fear and reluctance: “My name is…Fenghe Lulu.”

Fenghejia smiled lowly: “It seems that he is still a fellow.”

First of all, there is no surname Fenghe. Secondly, the surnames belong to the surnames. It is obvious that Feng Hejia and Feng He Lulu do not know each other. Everyone does not understand how Feng Hejia can judge from the surnames that the two are fellow villagers.

What is the special meaning of ‘Fenghe’? Why does Fenghe Lulu’s boyfriend keep comforting her not to be afraid after hearing this word?

After listening to the nonsensical answers of the two, most of them showed blank expressions, but there were also a few people with strange expressions, their pupils shrunk, and their eyes were full of fear.

It stands to reason that everyone should ask Feng He Jia and Feng He Lulu what special meanings their names have.

Strangely, several active taskers before, such as Yu Su, Chen Chengen, and Wang Nan, who spoke at the beginning, all kept silent.

Xiangnu thought about it and asked, “Is there a third person named Fenghe in our carriage?”

No one answered, the atmosphere became more and more silent, and the question passed in a confused way.

It was a little embarrassing that no one answered, but Xiangnu didn’t care, smiled to himself, and fell silent.

The broadcast suddenly sounded again, breaking the weird atmosphere, and the mechanical voice rigidly reported: “Hello, all passengers, the train will enter the station in fifteen minutes, passengers and friends, please hurry back to your car and sit in your seat. , after five minutes, the flight attendant will randomly select a carriage for ticket checking.”

“All passengers…”

The broadcast repeated these words three times before it stopped. Chen Chengen frowned and said, “It’s about to arrive at the station so soon. It’s not five minutes before the train starts, right?”

Fenghe Lulu said coldly: “It may be the reason for the first station. This arrangement makes it easier for us to quickly integrate into the dungeon and find clues. But it does not rule out the possibility that the station travel time is so fast. If this is the case, We don’t have much time left.”

Everyone was a little irritable and depressed by her words, and the missionaries went to their seats and sat down, but the slaves began to be restless and twisted in their positions.

A few seconds later, Xiang Nu tightened the bottle cap and stuffed the water into the bag, ‘gazing’ at Yu Su beside him with those hazy eyes like smoke, bowing his head lightly, his snow-white cheeks floated up. She asked in a low voice, “Mr. Yu Su, hello, I drank too much water and wanted to go to the bathroom. Could you please help me?”

After he finished speaking, he paused and said sadly: “This train should be similar to the train in the real world, with toilets? Sorry, I can’t see clearly…”

Xiangnu’s face is full of apology, but the main issue now is not whether there is a bathroom on the train, but the timing chosen by Xiangnu.

The warning announcement has sounded, everyone is sitting in the seat and dare not move, but he is fine, and now wants to go to the toilet.

Yu Su asked lightly, “Intentionally?”

The beautiful young man tilted his head and blinked his eyes. He was blank and well-behaved, beautiful and supple, and looked extremely innocent.

Yu Su suddenly fell silent and said nothing, grabbed his arm, helped him up and walked to the bathroom.

The moment they got up, everyone frowned and looked over, wanting to say something, but in the end they didn’t say anything, just watched the two leave their seats in silence.

Xiang Nu and Yu Su didn’t seem to notice this, their expressions didn’t change at all, they walked into the bathroom under everyone’s attention.

Yu Su closed the door, pressed his left hand on the doorknob, and glanced at Xiangnu from the corner of his eye.

As soon as he came in, Xiang Nu asked in a soft voice, “Where is the washbasin?”

Yu Su gave him a slight push, then swiped his fingers on his back to the left, Xiangnu moved to the left, groped to the pool, opened the thin stream of water, and rushed to the white and clean palm.

Yu Su looked on coldly for a few seconds and asked, “Are you going to wash your hands first, and then release them?”

Xiang Nu turned his head and winked playfully at him, so gorgeous that he couldn’t look directly at him.

Yu Su’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he heard him say: “I have kidney deficiency and frequent urination. I’m going to have to go to the bathroom in a while, and save it for the next time.”

Then what are you doing here?

Yu Su didn’t ask this question out. If he couldn’t see that this beautiful young man was deliberately playing tricks on him, Yu Su would be a fool.

After having this realization, Yu Su didn’t get very angry, just took off his hat in front of the bright porcelain wall, and his face was cold and solemn.

Xiang Nu turned off the water flow, then turned around and raised his wet hands towards Yu Su, his voice was soft and low, but soft and sweet: “Hands are wet.”

Yu Su’s eyebrows were stained with impatience, but after seeing Xiangnu’s bright and stunning face and ten slender fingers, he paused, and took out the white handkerchief in his breast pocket, carefully and carefully replacing it. He wiped his hands clean.

His expression was serious, and although his expression was indifferent, his movements were not rude.

Feeling the meticulousness and tenderness of the person opposite, Xiangnu’s lips are slightly raised on both sides, and his lips are very thin. Such a smile makes his beautiful face appear surprised but harmonious.

Then, Xiangnu’s feet touched Yu Su’s shoes lightly.

Yu Su didn’t respond. After drying his hands, he said lightly, “The time is almost up, let’s go out.”

Xiangnu nodded, and seeing that Yu Su didn’t open the door, he twisted the door handle by himself.

At the moment when the door was pulled open, Yu Su’s cold and mocking voice came from behind: “When you used your crutches to explore the road before, the crutches touched my shoes, I know very well that you know where I am sitting. , I also know that you are deliberately looking for reasons to approach me. So, you don’t have to imply me again.”

He also touched Xiangnu’s shoes with his foot, and the military boots made a heavy noise.

Xiangnu paused, Yu Su walked out from behind him, supported his arm and walked to the seat to sit down.

During this period, Feng Hejia changed positions and sat in the left aisle where the two of them were lined up. She was dazed and intoxicated when they came over.

After Yu Su and Xiangnu sat down, she breathed a sigh of relief and said lazily, “You two look so laid back, aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to catch up with time?”

Xiangnu turned his head to ‘look’ at her, his eyebrows were like a crescent moon, and he smiled: “People have three urgency, and there is no way to do it in an emergency.”

Yu Su put on his hat and closed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the broadcast sounded: “This time the carriage of the random inspection is…”

Xiangnu’s voice was soft, as low as dust, only Yu Su next to him could hear it, he said, “Car No. 7.”

“…Car No. 7.”

The voice of the broadcast and Xiangnu Qingling’s voice overlapped, Yu Su opened his eyes and looked at him.

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