
Vol.2 Ch.10 – Taming A Fox

Chapter 10: Taming A Fox

“So”, Yume finally said as the fog had lifted entirely, exposing the sky of a perfectly sunny day, “would you like to learn your next technique?”

Without the ominous fog and the feeling of something evil lurking this part of the forest was actually quite beautiful. The clearing had a ring of flowers in the center and not too far we heard the babbling brook from before, which meant we hadn't actually gone off the path despite our aimless running. It felt like the perfect place to train so I nodded and we both got up.

“Then tell me”, she said, “what would you like more? Qi Projection or Qi Healing?”

I startled. “You can heal people with it?”, I asked, incredulous.

“Well”, Yume hedged, “the basic Qi Healing only works on yourself. You need to combine it with Qi Projection to be able to heal others. It isn't even healing, per se. It's more like... amplifying your body's natural regeneration. It won't let you regrow a limb, but for healing flesh wounds it's great.”

I paused. “Could you have healed my legs with it?”, I asked.

“Only after we set them and you'd already drank that healing potion before I could offer.”

“Huh. Alright, in that case I would like to learn Qi Projection first”, I told her. “I do want to be able to heal but if I understood you correctly I need both techniques for that anyway, right?”

“Right”, she said. “Projection it is.”

And then she began to instruct me in the use of Qi Projection. She demonstrated the technique again a few times before she explained the theory behind it. It was far more complicated to do than Qi Burst. Where Qi Burst amplified a motion or attack Qi Projection amplified the act of attacking itself, a far more abstract skill that took the destructive property of the attack used and then projected it somewhere else, either to spread over a larger area than it should have or outward to where you couldn't reach.

At first I tried going into the same stance Yume was using but it only started clicking for me when I applied it to a stance I was actually familiar with – the scabbard tied onto my back and drawing for a diagonal slice downward. With that I was able to project a sword slash that hit several yards in front of me, though it took me longer to concentrate than the Qi Burst had taken at the start, almost seven seconds of standing still in deep concentration. I felt frustrated but Yume disagreed.

“For a beginner that's a decent time”, she'd said. “And anyway, it should have taken you much longer to figure out how to do it in the first place.”

Finally she taught me something else, something that wasn't quite a full technique but still useful. She told me that when I pulled Qi into my limbs, even without using a proper technique, it would make that limb stronger though the drain would mount up the more I kept the power there. She explained that this was great for overcoming gaps in physical strength and demonstrated it by using it to kick my ass at arm wrestling.

Once again we set out on our path and Yume let me keep practicing on whatever dangerous creatures we came across, gradually shortening the Stupor's duration. By afternoon I had managed to shave the time required down to four seconds.

Finally it started getting dark and we settled down for the night, making a simple dinner of the meats I'd collected that day once again. Yume seemed to like it and we had truly earned a good dinner after the excitement of the day. We'd reach the village Alisha, Selene and the Chosen One were hopefully still staying in by nightfall of the next day so there was a slight tension in the air as we ate.

“Do you want to claim me tonight?”, Yume asked out of the blue.

I startled a bit at her bluntness but then asked: “Is that what you want?”

She considered it for a while, then replied: “Yes. I want to know I'm yours before I meet up with my Master again. Or do you not want me anymore?”

I smiled wryly. “Of course I still want you.”

She sagged in relief. “Then you need to know two things first”, she began. “One. Kitsune are shape-shifters. We can turn into great beasts when we want to. If you can't handle that idea, then tell me now. I won't be offended.”

I considered. “Can you show me that form?”

She shook her head, then pointed at the collar and said nothing.

“Ah, the collar keeps you from transforming.”


“Alright, I don't have an issue with shape-shifters. I'm guessing you can turn into a fox?”

She nodded. “I hope you're right and that you'll still like me when you see me in that form. The second thing you need to know is what will happen if you try to tame me.”

I sat up a bit straighter at her serious tone.

“I want you, Felix. I hope you believe that. But this beast inside me, well, she's a bit of a bitch.”

I chuckled at the wordplay and she smiled back, showing me the joke had been intentional.

“You need to show her you can handle us”, she said insistently. “You need to push me down and have your way with me. I will fight you. I will resist you. I might even try to hurt you. But I don't want you to stop. I need this. Even if you feel bad for it, that is the only way to do it. Do you think you can do that?”

I thought about it and chose my words carefully before I replied: “Under normal circumstances the thought of forcing myself on a woman would make me sick but in this case I'll handle it. You have given me consent, you have asked me to take you, and I understand that you have these animal instincts you can't control. I got a good practical lesson in instincts a while ago” – I thought back to Alisha riding me while moon-drunk, nearly mindless with pure animal need – “so I have an idea of what you are dealing with. So know that I care about you and that's why I won't hesitate.”

Her smile was radiant before turning to one of mischief. “Then catch me if you can”, she said, then stood up and used a Qi Burst to kick herself off the ground and dash away from me.

She leaned against a tree, waiting for me to catch up. I'd seen her dash much farther when doing this so I could tell she was holding back and giving me a chance to overpower her, but at the same time she wasn't going to make this too easy for me. She couldn't. So I put down my plate, shrugged out of my traveling cloak and used the same technique to dash after her. I had planned to dash right into her and grab her around the waist but she twisted away at the last second and I caught a mischievous grin, her canines showing, before she slapped my ass and backed off three steps.

“Nuh-uh”, she teased.

I growled and took off after her, using a Qi Burst to dash into her and then I roughly pushed her back against a tree, holding her wrists. Or I thought I was until I kept going and smacked face first into that tree as the Yume I was holding vanished into thin air, just an illusion.

The real Yume was standing off to my left, making a sound that... have you ever heard a fox laugh? They can do that. They make this weird amused noise that sounds almost exactly like a small child laughing but just slightly off. If you can't see that it's a fox making the sound it's kind of sinister but if you can see the fox making the sound it just looks and sounds like it's laughing its ass off. Yume's laugh sounded exactly like a fox laugh, only slightly deeper since it came from a larger body. I didn't find it quite as funny as I was still reeling from smacking into that tree but I went after her in a sliding tackle, attempting to sweep her off her feet, but she cartwheeled over it and grinned down at me. I slowly got up and she just smiled at me, apparently overconfident, so from my crouch I used a Qi Burst and tackled her again and she couldn't dodge in time as I pushed her into the ground, my hands on her shoulders.

“There you little runt, I've got you now”, I said.

She smirked at me and I only barely managed to twist away as she tried to kick me in the balls. Dodging that gave her enough time and leverage to roll over onto her stomach and she started to crawl away. Instead I threw myself on top of her, my crotch pressing into her soft ass, both because it felt great and so she couldn't hit me there anymore. She groaned as she felt me getting hard against her but still she kept resisting.

She pushed Qi into her arms to push herself up and me off her but I noticed what she was doing and grabbed her forearms and crossed them behind her back before she finished drawing the power. She growled and suddenly a ball of light blue fire appeared in front of us and hurtled towards us.

Alright, 'hurtled' was too strong a word. It was far slower than I knew she could move it, but I still had to roll us out of the way. With one hand I was still holding her forearms in place and the other I had wrapped around her throat and I used that to roll us both sideways, out of the fireball's trajectory. Finally I pushed her down with my entire weight, her tails squished between our bodies, and grabbed both her wrists and pushed them into the ground next to her head as I loomed over her from behind her.

“There”, I said, huffing, my voice deeper and rougher than usual. “I beat your Qi, I beat your illusions, I beat your fire and I have you pinned. I won.”

Still she growled at me rather than going slack, so I held both of her wrists with one hand – her wrists were so thin this was no trouble at all – and pulled up her odd garment, exposing her bare ass. Then I loosened my pants and freed my cock, which had already gone rock hard from our struggle while pressed against her ass cheeks. I fumbled for a bit, trying to reach her pussy and finding her soaking wet. She was still struggling under me but she clearly wanted this and so I buried myself inside her in one hard stroke. She was unbelievably tight and only the fact that she was gushing even let me push inside her.

Her growl turned into a gasp and finally I placed my mouth on her throat. I knew that biting down on the other's throat was how wolves showed dominance and I hoped it would work for foxes as well. The angle was a bit awkward but I was so much bigger than her that I managed it. Instead of kissing or nibbling I bit down as hard as I dared. In my haste I had let go of her wrists and I felt her hands wrap on my forearms. I was expecting her to sink her nails into me as a final show of defiance but instead she held on to me and whispered breathlessly:

“Don't stop. Please don't stop. Keep biting while you fuck me, please, I need this.”

I pulled out, then pushed myself back inside her and she whimpered and went slack underneath me. I wanted to push her onto her back but I didn't dare let go yet, so I kept slowly forcing myself into her unbelievably tight hole while keeping my teeth firmly on her throat. There was not enough space for me to maneuver for anything resembling technique but now that she was no longer fighting me I slipped my hands into her garment to free those glorious breasts so that I could massage them to my heart's content. Her breasts were larger than Selene's, slightly more than a handful each, and they felt amazingly soft yet firm under my hands. Soon I graduated from just massaging them to pinching her nipples as I increased my pace down below.

I had thought I'd seen a look of abandon on her when she'd ridden me two nights ago but that was nothing compared to what she was giving me now. She was yipping like a fox in between very human coos and she was openly drooling, some of it hitting my forehead as I kept my teeth on her throat, licking her pulse. And finally, just when I thought I couldn't hold back any longer, she started to beg:

“Please Felix, fill me up, leave your mark on me, make me yours, please please please--- YES!” Her begging turned into a piercing shriek as I pumped her full of my hot seed with more intensity than I thought I'd ever felt before. It flooded inside her but soon enough she was filled up and her contractions squeezed it out of her as fast as I could fill her, so I forced myself deeper still and let out one final spurt to her shuddering delight.

It took me a good several minutes before I was able to get up and pull out of her and she was so tight she actually kept me from going limp all the way. When I got off her she turned around and wrapped her arms around me, making me pull her along as I sat up.

I just held her, not saying anything. I didn't know what I should have been saying, honestly.

Turned out I didn't need to say anything, because she finally spoke up.

“That was exactly what I needed...”

“I'm glad I didn't go overboard”, I told her.

“You didn't. You've tamed the beast inside me just like I hoped you would”, she said.

“You never really told me what that means”, I said.

She chuckled. “Don't worry, I'm not a mindless thrall or anything now. But having a partner who can make me submit means I can let go and relax when I need to. I can afford to show weakness now because I have you to be strong for me.”

“I'll try to live up to that”, I said. “But just so we're clear, you realize I have two other women, right?”

Her smile turned from relaxed to mischievous as she said: “I'm well aware. And I can't wait to have fun with all three of you. But for tonight at least, I get to have you all to myself.”

“You're not done yet?”, I asked, though honestly I was looking forward to another round as well.

“You've tamed me. Now you need to enjoy the fruits of your labor.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck again and I lifted her up, carrying her to my bedroll and laying her down upon it.

“Hmm”, she mused as she loosened her garment and tossed it to the side.

“Hmm what?”, I asked as I pulled my pants off.

“I was wondering. I can't really fit you in my mouth but I'm sure you'd fit between my breasts.”

I swallowed hard. “Are you sure?”, I asked.

“Yeah, let's try it.”

I nodded and straddled her stomach, placing my already hard dick in between her breasts. She let a thick line of saliva run down her mouth to get her breasts all slippery and said:

“I still can't believe that thing fit inside me. Are all Northerners this big?”

I chuckled. “I've heard it said that I'm well above average. Is it really that weird?”

“Weird? No. Exciting? Absolutely”, she said, then pressed her breasts together with my dick in between them.

Her breasts were slightly softer than Selene's and combined with her thick saliva it almost felt like pushing inside a pussy, though nowhere near as tight. But as if to make up for that she gave my tip a lick whenever I pushed close enough for her mouth to reach. Soon enough she gave me an impish smile before she wrapped her lips around my tip. She began sucking and swirling her tongue around the tip as she used her hands to rub her breasts along my dick, jerking me off with those obscenely soft pillows and I reached out and gently kneaded her cute soft ears. Judging from the moans and hums she let out they were just as sensitive as elf ears and the vibrations of the sounds she made felt heavenly on my dick.

Soon I felt myself getting close and I pulled away. She seemed upset by that until she noticed me scooting lower until I knelt between her legs.

“Is this position alright for you?”, I asked as I rubbed my dick along her slick labia, not yet pushing in, just teasing her.

“Why wouldn't it be?”, she asked, her voice somewhere between confusion and annoyance that I wasn't fucking her yet.

“You get so wet and your tails might get dirty”, I said. Her tails were on the ground, two of them rubbing my legs and the third pressed against my back, trying to push me closer to her.

“I can clean up later”, she all but growled. “Just fu—SHIT”, she yelled as I buried myself inside her in one rough stroke.

She was still so unbelievably tight and if it weren't for her overflowing juices I wouldn't even have been able to push inside her. Her skin was stretched so tight around me I thought I might leave bruises if I fucked her any harder but at that moment I didn't care. She told me to claim her and I was going to do just that. I leaned down, deliberately letting more of my weight rest on her than I usually dared with my lovers, and kissed her neck.

“Your pussy feels so fucking good”, I told her as I kept working my cock into her wet hole.

“You feel so good inside me”, she hissed. “Don't stop. Please don't stop.”

“Whose pussy is this?”, I asked as I went even harder. I was now giving it to her as hard as I could, the kind of rough that Alisha usually demanded from me.

“This pussy is yours”, she moaned as she sunk her nails into my back. If I hadn't been wearing the tunic she would have probably drawn blood she was holding me so tightly. “It's all yours, so don't stop, fuck me, fill me up.”

As she said it I felt all three of her tails pressing against my back, trying to urge me deeper inside her, and I obliged as I asked:

“Are you my little bitch in heat?” She was panting like a dog now and started letting out those fox yips again and I grabbed her by the throat, underneath her collar, and squeezed just a little. As she felt it she started panting even harder and impossibly, her pussy got even tighter before she told me:

“Yes, I'm your little bitch in heat.” Her voice was breathy and quaking. “Breed me, Felix, please. Fill your little bitch up.”

“You'll have to earn it”, I growled right into her ear and it twitched uncontrollably. “Come for me and I'll fill you up. Go on my little fox, come for me.”

At my words it was as though a dam had broken and she came with a shriek. My lap was suddenly soaked with her juices, her pussy tightened around me so hard it almost hurt, and the shriek she let out went on and on. As her pussy squeezed and milked me I stopped holding back and pumped everything I had into her. I filled her pussy entirely and kept coming, her convulsions squeezing my seed out of her as fast as I could pump it in.

When we were both spent I started patting her head and told her: “Good girl.”

In response she made a low buzzing noise of contentment and I felt her tails wagging in between my legs.


We cuddled for a while, her pressed into my side and her tails wagging lazily. We talked about everything and nothing as I kept gently petting her, but eventually we had to split up for our watch shifts. She offered to go first this time and I gratefully accepted and took a sleeping drop. She insisted I sleep with my head resting on her lap and I fell asleep with Yume's scent in my nose.

When I woke up from a wonderful dream Yume took a sleeping drop and curled up like a fox with her head resting against my thigh and I kept stroking her shoulder as she slept. Syr showed up and leaned against me and we started practicing some mental communication. It was slow going. I could do it but it was so much effort that I usually didn't bother, but in this case it was the only way we could speak without bothering the cute fox curled up against me.

You say some pretty embarrassing things during it, you know?, she said.

It's not embarrassing in the heat of the moment, I told her. And anyway, I know you share my senses so you were having just as much fun.

That much is certainly true, she said. Good gods but she gets wet.

I'm kind of worried about introducing her to Alisha, I said.

Why?, she asked. Because Yume tastes like ripe plums?

Exactly, I said. Once Alisha finds out we won't be able to get her out from between Yume's thighs.

She is slightly obsessed with fruit, isn't she?, Syr asked.

She truly was. I'd been living together with Alisha for over a month and one of the things that jumped out at me was her near obsession with sweet fruit. She always made sure to keep a full bowl of fruit in our room and had once gone through an entire basket of cherries in a day. I was glad that, unlike some of the stories I'd heard about elves, Alisha did actually eat meat but it was clear that she preferred fruit to anything else.

It is slightly messed up that I'm making you experience all this, isn't it?, I asked.

If I didn't like it I would tune it out, she said. It is kind of weird, I admit. Whenever you do that I have to remind myself that I don't share your... equipment, but that doesn't make it any less fun.

If I may ask, do you have any experience?, I asked.

She chuckled, the phantom sound startling me after the quiet of our mental communication. Technically everything she said to me was mental communication, but there was a distinct difference between her speaking in my mind and her sending me her thoughts. The mental communication was interspersed with impressions and feelings while her speaking was just... louder, somehow.

None, she said. I have no illusions that my body is still untouched, though.

I winced. Have you seen her doing...? I trailed off.

Thankfully not, she said. But I can't believe she hasn't done it, not with the way she acts.

We will get your body back, I promised her again.

Believe it or not but for now I'm actually happy being in your mind, she said. Even if I get my body back there will be so much to fix but here, with you, I can just enjoy your life.

I'm glad, I said. But that doesn't change anything about my plans.

Good, she said, then paused for a while before she asked: Are you worried about Alisha and Selene?

A little, but not really, I said. They're powerful and capable. The worst that could happen is that the Chosen One tries something and if he does they'll kick his balls up under his chin.

She snorted. And if he left them behind?, she asked.

Then good riddance, I said. We'll reach the two of them and I remove Yume's collar myself. And then we'll see how to deal with the Dark Lord on our own. Even if he is the immortal type Selene might have enough residual Chosen One powers left to end the guy. But we aren't that lucky.

True enough, she admitted.

And anyway, I want Yume to have her revenge, I said. Having him run off would make that much harder.

You know what I like the most about you?, Syr asked. You actually mean it when you say things like this. So many people would just say this to make people feel better but I know for a fact that you mean it.

What can I say?, I asked. I do care about all of you.


If you've never heard a fox laugh, have a listen:


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