
Vol.3 Ch.18 – Bodyguards With Benefits

Chapter 18: Bodyguards With Benefits

“Richard uses ruby weapons," Annabella said, almost in a whisper.

“You mean your brother, the man we just talked to?" Alisha asked. “But...”

“Yeah, seems like he really didn't like her answers," Selene said.

Annabella seemed to be in a mild state of shock but I didn't really look at her. Instead I tried to peer in the direction the blade had come from, hoping to get a glimpse of the attacker or, failing that, to stop a follow-up attack. But none came and the corridor was deserted.

Finally I turned back to the women. Alisha had wrapped Annabella up in a hug and was making soothing noises. It honestly surprised me that Annabella seemed so shocked by this. She seemed used enough to assassination attempts, but clearly it was different when she suspected one of her siblings was behind it.

“I don't think it was Prince Richard," I finally said and they looked up at me.

“Why not?" Selene asked. “The evidence speaks for itself.”

I shook my head. “Don't get me wrong," I said. “The guy was an ass, but the way I understood it he wants to keep Annabella safe and out of danger. It wouldn't make sense for him to try to kill her.”

“But..." Alisha began.

“Also," I said, cutting her off, “consider that he seemed surprised by the queen having sent Annabella into the dungeon. The person we're looking for is someone who knew we'd been sent into the dungeon because they rifled through the records.”

“He could have been faking his surprise," Selene countered.

“True," I said. “And I'm not saying it can't be him, I'm just saying it doesn't have to be.” I turned to look at Annabella. “Prince Richard isn't the only one of your siblings to use ruby weapons, is he?”

Annabella's eyes widened. “But Mariabella would never hurt me. She loves me.”

I gave her an even look, but what I said was: “You also have two more siblings whose colors you don't know.”

“But Wilhelm wouldn't hurt a fly and Alfred wasn't even here," she protested.

“He wasn't at the dinner," I corrected. “That doesn't necessarily mean he wasn't close enough to harm you.”


“Look, all I'm saying is that we can't focus on Prince Richard as a suspect," I said. “Right now, by my count, we have four suspects. I'm going to pocket the sword and then we'll present the evidence to the queen next time we speak to her.”

Annabella looked at me for a while and then nodded.

“She's going to need protection, though," Yume said. “I don't think it would be wise for her to be alone for tonight.” The look she gave me clearly added: “She's in shock and needs someone to lean on.”

“Good idea," I said. “How should we split up? We can't all stay with her.”

“You and Selene do it," Alisha said, a tad too quickly. “Yume and I will be up all night talking about the mana channeling technique.”

I saw the look Alisha was shooting Yume and only just resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Yeah, they would be up all night, alright. Maybe they would even do some talking about magical theory. But my little elf clearly had other plans as well. Yume must have noticed the look as well because a second later she grabbed Alisha by the hair and pulled her in until they were almost nose to nose.

“This time I'm not just going to let you do as you please," the fox girl told the elf. “You need to understand that not everyone is as insatiable as you and I'm going to instruct you thoroughly on that.” She tightened the hand in Alisha's hair into a fist, forcing her to lean back to take the pressure off her scalp. “Understood?”

I knew how much Alisha liked being treated that way so the flush on her cheek didn't shock me. It clearly seemed to shock Annabella, though.

“Yes, ma'am," Alisha whimpered and Yume dragged her off to our room.

Annabella watched the two of them leave for a few seconds longer before she asked me: “Is that alright with you? You know what they're going to do, right?”

Selene and I frowned at her. “Why wouldn't it be alright?" we both asked.

“Because they're doing it without you," Annabella explained as if to a particularly slow child.

“So what?" I asked. “We're all in a relationship, they're not just my lovers.”

“So what, everyone in your little group can just sleep with anyone else?" she asked.

“Obviously," Selene said. “The only real rule is that Felix is the only man in our relationship.”

“That seems like a very loose rule set," Annabella commented.

“It has to be," Selene said. “We never know when he brings another stray home.”

“That happened once," I protested. “Would you rather I hadn't helped Yume?”

“I wasn't complaining, you know?" Selene said. “I'm just saying we all agreed that we're not opposed to expanding our little group.”

By this point in the conversation Annabella's face had gotten bright red. I was starting to get worried that we might have freaked her out and she wouldn't want us as bodyguards but when she opened the door to her room she held it open to let us in.

Once we were inside she held her hand over the keyhole of her door and Qi began streaming out of her until she had created a layer of sapphire over the knob and keyhole.

“I'll get rid of that in the morning," she said by way of explanation as she walked towards the bed.

I followed her and looked around. Since it was her bedroom she obviously only had the one bed and I said: “I guess we keep watch in two shifts and whoever isn't on watch can sleep on the sofa over there.”

Annabella hesitated for a long moment, but then her face turned an intriguing shade of pink and she said: “You don't have to keep watch. Nobody can get through the door as it is.” She paused even longer and then added: “And you don't have to sleep on the sofa... if you don't want to.”

I wasn't sure I'd understood her intentions correctly so I hesitated. She must have misunderstood my hesitation because she said in a very small voice:

“But of course you wouldn't want that...”

Selene glared at me as if this was all my fault and I decided to take a chance. I reached out my hand and cupped Annabella's cheek to make her look at me.

“Are you sure you want us to share your bed?”

“I..." she paused again. “Never mind, it was stupid of me. Of course you wouldn't...”

I looked into her gorgeous green eyes that were beginning to water and stroked over her lips with my thumb.

“Annabella, if you don't want me to kiss you, you'll need to tell me now.”

As she felt my thumb she parted her lips reflexively and puckered them to kiss the ball of my finger. Her lips felt amazing on my thumb and I could only imagine how good they would feel against my mouth, my skin, my...

I leaned down slowly, giving her ample time to pull away if she wanted to, but she didn't.

Our kiss started off slow and gentle. I was still trying to give her space in case she wanted to pull away but instead she moved her lips against mine, eagerly taking everything I was giving her. Encouraged by her reaction I wrapped one arm around her waist and gently pulled her close to me. She seemed to contort a little and at first I thought she was struggling against me but then I noticed what was going on. She had her lower body pressed against me as tightly as she could but she tried to hold her chest away from me as if embarrassed. The kiss was too good to roll my eyes so I just wrapped my arms around her a little harder and she finally pressed wholly against me.

The moment she felt my chest against hers she sighed and deepened the kiss, as if she had only just realized that I actually desired her and wasn't just pretending. I'd been resting my hands on the small of her back but as our tongues began dancing I slipped them lower, tracing the curve of her hip and then giving her ass a gentle squeeze. She responded with another sweet little moan and returned the favor by squeezing my ass as well.

When we finally broke the kiss Selene said: “You never kiss me like that.”

“I would kiss you like that, you're just too impatient to let me take it slow," I countered.

She opened her mouth to argue, then closed it again when she realized that I had a point.

I chuckled and took my hand off Annabella's ass and opened the embrace to let Selene join us. “Go on," I told the princess. “I've seen the way you look at her.”

Annabella bit her lip and then leaned in to kiss the blond paladin as well.

There was nothing slow and gentle about their kiss. Annabella kissed her as if she were starving and Selene was a piece of meat. She was sucking and nibbling on Selene's lips and when she slipped the blonde her tongue Selene did what she always did to drive me wild and sucked on the princess' tongue the same way she liked to suck on... other things.

“You two are just too hot," Annabella said in a gasp when she broke the kiss. “It's not fair.”

“Well, we're in great company then," I told her.

“Are you sure you..." she began and I raised an eyebrow to shut her up.

“What do you want to do?" I asked in an even voice.

“I want to spend the night with the two of you," she said.

“There, that wasn't so hard," I said. “Anything in particular you had in mind?”

She bit her lip and looked between us but stayed quiet.

“Go on," I encouraged and she reached out to touch Selene, running her hands along the sides of the blonde's body.

“Is this alright?" she asked carefully.

Selene smiled encouragingly. “I have fantasized about getting ravished by Angelica the Womanizer before," the paladin admitted with a smirk.

Annabella took it as an invitation as she shoved the blonde onto her bed and crawled after her until she leaned over Selene, a knee in between her thighs. “Then Angelica the Womanizer is who you're going to get," Annabella told her and leaned down to kiss her again.

As they kissed Annabella slipped a hand lower and lower until she could sneak it under Selene's tunic and began trailing up her stomach and towards her generous chest. She massaged her right breast for a bit, then teased her nipple and finally she broke the kiss and said in a purr:

“Let's get you out of those clothes, shall we, kitten?”

Fuck. On stage lines like that sounded too cheesy to be hot. In an actual bedroom, the line still sounded cheesy but also admittedly rather sexy. And it was a testament to how into the roleplay Selene was that she didn't balk at being called 'kitten'.

Just about the only pet name I could get away with with her without provoking a violent response was 'baby' and even then only when she was hopelessly turned on. And here she was, taking her tunic off because a woman in a suit had called her 'kitten'. I might have been jealous, but I was too transfixed by what the two of them were doing.

To my shock, Selene didn't just let Annabella pull her tunic off, she actually assisted the brunette with it. Usually she was so self-conscious about her scars but she seemed to have forgotten about them for the time being.

I watched Annabella's expression like a hawk, trying to see if she had an issue with Selene's scars. We kept reassuring Selene that her scars looked great and so far we hadn't yet found anyone who would disagree, but if Annabella made an expression of disgust I would be very cross with her. But it turned out that the only thing that happened was that her expression softened a little bit and then she gently traced her fingertips along Selene's arms, feeling the crisscrossing scars under her fingers, as she mouthed:


Then she leaned down to kiss Selene again, trailing her hands back up to the paladin's shoulders and then down to her breasts, gently cupping and squeezing them.

“Do you want me to make you feel good, kitten?" Annabella asked in the husky tones of Angelica and she hit the stage persona's voice so perfectly I was beginning to think she might have played the role before.

“Yes, please," Selene whined, already writhing on the bed and pressing her thighs together.

Annabella took it as an invitation and began taking Selene's tight pants off.

When she had the blonde down to her undergarment she allowed herself a little smile. I couldn't blame her. Selene's intentions for the evening had been pretty clear before but her choice of undergarment left no more doubts. They weren't the comfortable and functional kind she usually wore. They were small and lacy and covered nothing but her crotch, unlike her normal ones which were practically short shorts.

As Annabella was staring at her Selene reached up and began unbuttoning her shirt, eliciting a gasp from the brunette. She began to pull back, not wanting to get exposed, so I said quietly:

“She trusted you enough to let you take her tunic off. She doesn't show herself to just anyone.”

I had expected Annabella to startle when I reminded her of my presence but instead she just looked over at me. She took one long look at my expression, then swallowed hard and nodded.

Selene reached out again and resumed unbuttoning her shirt, one button at a time, until Annabella's chest was exposed.

Frankly I was surprised. From the tight fit of her clothes I had thought she was as flat as a man but there were two tiny little mounds there. They were barely bigger than her nipples and from the way Selene's hands pressed against them they were clearly soft enough that tight clothing would press them flat, but I still had the overwhelming urge to play with them, to pull her cute pink little nipples until she squeaked. Never mind that the sight of her, with her shirt unbuttoned, was fairly alluring in itself, only showing glimpses of her nipples if the cloth shifted just so.

Selene must have clearly thought something similar because she squeezed the princess' nipples between her fingers, eliciting all kinds of sounds that were completely out of character for the sexy temptress she was currently pretending to be but that perfectly fit the cute royal herbalist.

Finally she growled, grabbed Selene's wrists and pushed them into the mattress. While Annabella was certainly fit, there was no way she could have managed that if Selene hadn't wanted her to.

“Now now kitten," she said, just barely suppressing a gasp, “I said I was going to make you feel good. You can play with me later.”

Then she leaned down and kissed Selene but soon moved lower, kissing her way along Selene's jaw, down her neck, to her collarbone, then to her breasts. She played with them for a while and then went even lower, sticking her tongue into the paladin's bellybutton and eliciting a gasp before going lower still.

When she had reached Selene's undergarment she looked up as if asking for permission. Selene nodded and Annabella quickly pulled them off.

“How do you want me, kitten?" she purred. “My fingers or my mouth, what would you rather have?”

Selene bit her lip and then said: “Kiss me while you use your fingers.”

“Great choice," Annabella said and slid back up, then rubbed index and middle finger of her left hand over Selene's lips until she got the hint and opened her mouth. She licked all over Annabella's fingers, getting them all nice and slippery wet before Annabella pulled her fingers away and replaced them with her lips, kissing Selene roughly as her fingers slipped lower again.

I sat down on the edge of the bed to watch them. From what I heard Annabella had more than a little bit of experience playing with other women so I was a little curious if she had some techniques that I hadn't yet figured out.

If it were me I would have slipped my moistened fingers right inside Selene but Annabella did something else first. She cupped her hand over Selene's crotch and then gave it a squeeze, not trying for any specific sweet spots just yet, just giving one good squeeze that had the paladin letting out a moan into their shared kiss.

Only then did she begin by gently probing between the blonde's folds, trying to find her slick opening. When she found it her fingers slipped inside, but didn't go straight for the sweet spot. Instead she slowly, gently felt out Selene's insides, taking an almost sadistic glee in touching everything except the sweet spot. Her thumb wasn't playing with Selene's little pearl either, but instead rubbed along the blonde's smooth outer lips as she twisted her hand left and right, teasing out more and more of Selene's reactions.

Only when Selene started rolling her hips against her hands did Annabella finally have mercy on her and started making a 'come hither' motion with her fingers while her palm was facing upward. Selene thrust her hips up in response and Annabella broke their kiss just long enough to mutter:

“That's right, kitten. Go wild for me. Don't hold back, let me watch you lose yourself.”

But then she pulled her fingers back from the sweet spot and went back to exploring Selene's insides and I realized she was keeping her on the edge. Just as Selene had calmed down a little Annabella swirled her thumb around her clit, making her roll her hips to try and chase her finger, but then she pulled her thumb away again and poked the sweet spot with her other fingers once more.

She kept going like this for minutes, only letting up when she sensed that Selene was about to come, and I had to applaud her for her impeccable technique. She wasn't just skilled, her fingers were also thin and long and nimble and she knew exactly where to touch for how long.

However, the advantage she enjoyed as a woman also came with a drawback.

It was clear that she was touching Selene exactly the way she herself liked to be touched and she was showing off to me how to touch her to drive her wild later, so I took very careful note of what she was doing.

And at the same time, she hadn't spent enough time with Selene to know the things she liked best. And a good thing too, because she had managed to rile Selene up to such an extent that, if she touched her ass now, the blond paladin would completely lose her mind. But since she didn't know Selene loved having her ass played with, she probably wouldn't go for that.

Not that she needed to, honestly, because Selene was already a shivering wreck. Her breathing had gotten ragged and the only reason she wasn't rolling her hips against Annabella's fingers anymore was because she didn't have the necessary motor control anymore. She was already far too busy just lying there and taking it.

“Please..." Selene whimpered. “Please...”

“Please what, kitten?" Annabella asked with a smirk.

“Please let me come," the blonde whined breathlessly.

I expected her to tease Selene even more but instead Annabella cupped Selene's cheek and leaned back to get a good look at the blonde's face as she plunged her two fingers deep inside to hit Selene's sweet spot and rubbed her clit with her thumb.

Selene's climax was immediate and spectacular. Her hips bucked so hard her ass lifted off the bed, she screamed out her pleasure and tears streaked down her face from sheer relief at finally being allowed to come. And Annabella took it all in, cataloging Selene's every twitch and sound, looking at her with desire and pride at having been able to bring her to such heights.

“So pretty..." she muttered out as Selene finally came down from her high. Then she turned her head to look at me, her expression a little smug.

“I feel like applauding, but I don't think that would be appropriate," I said as I watched her slowly withdraw her fingers from Selene's soaked pussy.

“Go ahead," she said. “I could really do with a boost to my ego.”

I smirked. “I could think of a few other ways to do that.”

“Like?" she asked.

I smiled and leaned over to her, then grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her off the still trembling Selene. She was lying flat on her back and I crawled over to her until I knelt over her.

“Seeing Angelica the Womanizer ravish one of my girls was pretty exciting," I said as I caressed her cheek, “but I think I'd rather play with Annabella instead.”

“Why do you think there's a difference?" she asked.

“Angelica is a character," I said. “One you play very well, but when it comes down to it you're more than a stage persona. You have desires that go far beyond that, don't you?”

She leaned into my hand on her cheek and averted her gaze, but I just leaned down and captured her lips once again. I could taste Selene on her lips, the flavor of roses mixing with Annabella's own flavor of sweet tea and herbs.

“How long has it been?" I asked after I broke the kiss. “When was the last time you let someone touch you? Someone you trusted enough to bare yourself to?”

The way she looked away was answer enough for me. I slipped my hands over her bare shoulders, underneath the shirt she wore and looked at her again.

“Do you trust me, Annabella?" I asked quietly.

She stayed still for a while, swallowed hard and then nodded. I smiled and kissed the cheek she had turned towards me, then brushed the shirt off her shoulder and kissed my way down to her now exposed collarbone.

Aside from her chest she actually had a very feminine body, with a thin waist and sexy wide hips, her skin smooth and flawless and her stomach had just the tiniest bit of definition.

I finally couldn't hold back anymore and went for her cute pink nipples, sucking one into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it until it hardened, then I gently nibbled on it, eliciting a gasp, and then switched to the other one and did the same.

I felt her fingers running through my hair as she arched her body up towards me, pulling me in and pressing herself against me. It seemed that it had been quite some time since someone had touched her like this.

I heard a moan from her and glanced up to see that Selene had crawled over to us and was kissing the princess, their tongues fencing as I kissed my way from Annabella's chest down to her cute bellybutton, dipping my tongue into it before heading yet deeper.

Selene helped Annabella take her shirt off all the way as I hooked my fingers into the brunette's pants and pulled them down in one go, exposing surprisingly girly undergarments.

“Gods, you're pretty," I muttered as I began to slide down between her legs, but she held onto me.

“It's not fair that you're the only one still wearing clothes," she whined and I looked down at myself. She had a point.

“Alright," I said and started to pull off my tunic, but she reached out and grabbed the hem, clearly intending to do it for me.

When she had pulled my tunic off I saw her biting her lower lip as she stared at my body. Equal opportunity ogler, indeed.

“Take off your pants," she told me. It wasn't a demand. In fact, if her tone had been any more desperate I would have called it a plea, so I obliged her.

When we were both down to just our undergarments she pulled me down, saying:

“I want to feel your skin on mine.”

I did as she asked, letting myself get pulled down and pressing my body against hers as I kissed her again.

When she'd invited us into her bed I had thought she had just wanted to get fucked but she seemed far more ravenous at that moment, eager to just be held and kissed. Clearly she had been starved for affection and had wanted someone to cuddle.

Selene noticed it as well because she crawled close to us and just stayed close, stroking up and down along Annabella's arm and cheek and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

However, as much as I could tell that Annabella wanted someone to hold her, the feeling of kissing and rubbing myself against such a gorgeous woman still made me hard in no time flat. At first I was worried she wouldn't like that but as she felt me pressing against her crotch her kisses became more and more ravenous and finally she slipped a hand into my underpants.

Her eyes widened when she wrapped her hand around me and she pushed me away a little to get a good look as she freed my cock.

“Good gods," she breathed as she gave it a few pumps. “Will that even fit?”

“It'll fit," Selene said soothingly. “Trust me.”

“I can't wait to try it," Annabella said as her pumping became more rhythmic.

I decided to reciprocate and gently rubbed over her undergarment, up and down, again and again until she began rolling her hips in response to my ministrations.

Finally she hooked her fingers in my underpants and pulled down. I assisted her in taking them off and then slid lower so I could take her undergarment off as well and then decided that since I was already down there I might as well tease her a bit and admired her beautiful pink slit.

The first thing I noticed was that she was clean shaven. I gently rubbed my thumb over the smooth skin and muttered:

“You were hoping this would happen, weren't you?”

She blushed and I leaned down to kiss the insides of her thighs, first the left and then the right, before I said:

“Be honest with me.”

She writhed under me and finally managed to moan out: “Mhm.”

“Good girl," I muttered and then kissed my way along her thighs, closer and closer to her beautiful pink pussy. Her outer lips were puffy and engorged and her juices were already running out. Well, if she was this ready...

I smiled as I thought back to how she had touched Selene and decided to do that, but with my own spin.

And so I gently slipped a single finger inside her, just to test out her tightness. She wasn't quite as unreasonably tight as Yume but making a second finger fit was still a little difficult though thankfully it didn't seem to cause her any discomfort. I explored her insides with my fingers, hot, tight, wet and exquisitely soft and slippery, and only when I had her gyrating her hips trying to make me touch her sweet spot did I curl up my finger to give her what she wanted. I kept going until her breathing got ragged before I stopped and went back to just fucking her with my fingers, but then started kissing her fleshy mound down and down until I pressed a single wet kiss on her little pearl. She bucked like a wild horse, trying to shove her clit against my mouth and I let her for a moment but then leaned back and curled my fingers up inside her again.

I kept alternating, punishing her from two directions without ever giving her the stimulation she needed to come until I finally heard Selene say:

“Don't be mean, give her what she wants.”

“I'm just doing to her what she did to you," I countered.

“Exactly," she said. “I know how frustrating that was.”

“You should also remember how hard you came because of it," I said and she blushed and looked away.

At first I thought she was just out of arguments but then she leaned down and started sucking on Annabella's cute nipples, trying to give the princess the tiniest bit more stimulation, and as I kept going we soon had her trembling on the bed, grasping at the sheets, and I decided to grant her mercy. I sucked her clit into my mouth and began punishing the bumpy spot inside her relentlessly while Selene sucked really hard on one of her nipples and in response Annabella came with a cry of pleasure so loud I wondered how long it'd been since she'd last let someone touch her.

As she came down from her high I kept gently, almost lazily, working my fingers in and out of her, keeping time with her breathing, and by the time she had recovered enough to open her eyes she was already rolling her hips with my movements again, ready for the next round.

“What do you want next?" I asked her, capturing her gaze with mine, not letting her get away. She swallowed hard and finally said:

“I want you inside me. But that's unfair to Selene, isn't it?” Selene chuckled from next to us.

“Go ahead. I'd love to watch him fuck you. And once you're done..." she trailed off, licking her lips.

“Once we're done?" Annabella asked.

“She'll clean us both up and then it'll be her turn," I explained.

“Clean us up?" Annabella asked, the pink color on her cheeks spreading out to her chest.

“She'll lick your juices off my cock and my seed out of your pussy," I spelled out and Annabella's pupils dilated in response.

Looking into her wild eyes I knelt between Annabella's spread legs and placed my cock over her stomach, demonstrating how deep it was going to go. It reached way past her bellybutton and she swallowed at the sight.

“You're going to split me open, aren't you?" she asked in a breathy voice caught somewhere between lust and fear, though from the line of drool coming out of the corner of her mouth lust was clearly winning out.

“Only if you want me to," I told her and pulled back to get into position, nestling my tip against her hot wet lips.

“Break me," she whispered. “Ruin me.”

“Fuck," I groaned as I slowly, carefully pushed myself inside her, watching her expression in case it turned to pain.

It didn't. Instead her mouth opened in surprise and her eyes widened as she felt me stretch her.

“Breathe," I told her when I realized she wasn't and in response she took a deep, shuddering breath.

When I was sure she was alright I could finally focus on the amazing feeling of being inside the cute princess. Her insides were velvety smooth, slick and wet and they squeezed down on me so hard I was worried that one good thrust inside her would be enough to send me over the edge. But even so I kept working her, carefully and slowly, desperately trying to make sure she reached her peak before I did.

I was still worried I was going too deep too fast but just as I was thinking that I felt her legs wrap around me and pull me close, forcing me deeper inside her and I obliged her as I leaned down to kiss her again.

“Show me I'm a woman," she moaned into the kiss and began rolling her hips and suddenly it was all I could do to fuck her and concentrate on not cumming immediately.

Selene didn't make it easier for me when I noticed that she was kneeling next to us, almost bent over with a hand between her thighs as she watched me forcing myself inside the princess' tight pussy.

“She's spread so wide open, I'm sure it feels amazing," Selene whined and I decided to pay a bit more attention to her to take my mind off my desire to fill the princess up.

“So," I asked with a pant, “did you visit the place I think you visited earlier today?”

It took Selene a moment to notice I'd talked to her before she moaned out: “Uh-huh.”

“Dirty girl," I said.

“Yes," she moaned.

“Don't worry. I'll get to you soon enough," I said, then leaned down and focused on Annabella again, kissing her and finally fucking her in earnest.

I began going deeper with each thrust, giving her what she wanted as I buried myself until I was balls deep inside her. She moaned into our kiss and wrapped her arms around me, pressing her hands flat against my shoulder blades and then curling up her fingers. I was immediately glad she had the nails of an herbalist rather than the long nails most noblewomen preferred.

When I felt Selene's lips on my balls a groan escaped my lips. She had sidled down and alternated between sucking on my balls and licking over the spot where Annabella and I were connected, giving equal attention to her delicate lips and my shaft as I kept working myself inside the beautiful princess.

The feeling of being inside her while Selene's mouth worked us both was damn near unbearable and I could feel myself approaching my limits when Annabella broke our kiss and whined:

“Please, fill me up, I'm so close, oh gods please...”

I used all my willpower to hold back and fucked her relentlessly until I felt her reach her peak, squeezing down on my cock and pulling me in as close as she could with both her arms and legs. Only when she screamed out her pleasure did I let go and came inside her, pumping her full of my sticky seed, and her screams turned into squeals and coos as she felt herself being filled.

I heard Selene lapping and slurping behind us, clearly trying to catch everything that spilled out of Annabella as her pussy kept squeezing down hard, trying to milk every last drop out of me.

I stayed on top of her until I was certain I had nothing more to give and then flopped off her to lay down next to her, slipped an arm under her neck and pulled her in close.

“You were amazing," I told her, my breath ragged.

“So were you," she moaned.

To my surprise Selene gave us a few minutes to recover before she crawled towards us and then dipped her head in between Annabella's thighs to lap up our combined juices. Annabella shuddered as she felt Selene's tongue on her and looked down at the blonde.

“You don't have to," she told her but it was clear she wanted her to.

“But I want to," Selene replied from between Annabella's thighs and got back to work.

For a few minutes the sounds of licking and sucking interspersed with Annabella's cute high-pitched moans filled the room, echoing around the large chamber, but once Annabella's breathing became ragged Selene withdrew from her and began licking the filth off of my cock.

“No fair," Annabella whined and began rubbing her pussy with gentle circles.

“Don't worry, I'll get back to you later," Selene told her as she licked me.

Normally she did this right afterwards, when I was spent, but the time she'd given me by taking care of Annabella first had been enough for me to recover so when she started licking my then limp cock it sprang back to attention soon enough and once she had me all cleaned up she was just sucking my cock, working over the whole thing and getting it slick with her saliva before she started taking me deeper and deeper.

The rocking on the bed told me that Annabella was working her pussy harder as she watched Selene taking my cock all the way down to the base. Yume had had a similar reaction when she had first watched Selene take me like this and I agreed that it was impressive. Not just that she could do it but how effortless it was for her and how eager she was to do it, fucking her own throat with my cock and enjoying herself as she did. This time she didn't play with her pussy though, but I knew it was because she was too eager to have her ass played with to bother touching it. She loved the feeling it gave her, to gain so much pleasure from her ass while her pussy was dripping with neglected need.

I threaded my fingers through her hair and held the back of her head, moving slowly so she knew what I had in mind and once I had grabbed hold of her I pushed her down, forcing my own rhythm on her. She loved having me violate her throat, loved the feeling of having me in control of her.

So I gave her what she wanted, pushing her down and holding her there as long as she could bear before pulling her off me again and repeating as soon as she caught her breath, using her mouth to jerk myself off, her sweet moans adding pleasurable vibrations to the experience. As I pushed Selene down again I looked over at Annabella, who was working her pussy roughly while staring at us.

“Would you like to help?" I asked her and she licked her lips.

“With what?" she asked as she hooked two fingers inside herself, working herself harder and harder. Before I replied I had to pull Selene off my cock again, a thick coating of saliva staying behind as she gulped down a huge breath of air.

“Selene wants me to fuck her ass, but I've got my hands too full to get her warmed up," I said as I pushed Selene's head back down again. “Would you get her ready for me?”

In response the princess bit her lip and came crawling over to us. She leaned over us and muttered into Selene's ear: “You really want that?”

I was about to pull Selene off my cock so she could answer but instead she gurgled with her mouth full:


Annabella swallowed, then scooted down.

“You don't have to if you don't want to," I told her as she started kissing Selene's cheeks.

“But I do want to," Annabella said as she gently bit Selene's right butt cheek. “It's just that most women I've been with didn't like this.”

I nodded sagely. “That's not something you'll have to worry about with her, trust me.”

She smiled at me, then spread Selene's cheeks and began kissing her way inward. “So cute," she cooed as Selene began moaning on my cock, then kissed Selene's cute pink hole and then started lapping at it. She was tentative at first but when she noticed how clean the paladin was she got into it, getting more aggressive and spreading her cheeks apart further to get deeper and deeper, rubbing her own pussy as she did.

Soon enough I had to pull Selene off me and let her recover as shudders overcame her at the pleasure she was receiving from both sides.

“Oh goddess... oh goddess..." she moaned and I let her enjoy the feeling of having Annabella work her ass until she took my dick into her mouth again on her own.

Annabella had graduated to keeping her tongue rigid and fucking Selene's ass with it, forcing her open in the gentlest way she could and soon enough Selene was pushing back against her, trying to enjoy her as much as possible.

“You're so ready for this," Annabella cooed as she came up for air. “You really love having your ass worked, don't you?”

“Mmmmhmmmm," Selene moaned on my cock, saliva running freely out of her mouth and down my balls.

Annabella bit her lip, then slipped both of her slender index fingers into Selene's ass and gently stretched her.

“Gods above," Annabella muttered as she stretched her out, “you really fucked her into shape, didn't you?”

“Jealous?" I asked in a joking tone.

“Yeah," Annabella said. “I'd love to have you do that to me as well.”

“After I'm done with her, sure," I said but Annabella shook her head.

“No no no no. I need to get ready for it first. Another time.”

“I'll hold you to that," I said, then put a finger under her chin to make her look up at me and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “What do you think? Is she ready?”

“She's so fucking ready," Annabella muttered, then kissed me again.

“So," I asked Selene when we broke the kiss, “what do you say you eat our little princess out while I give you what you want?”

In response Selene pulled away from my cock and turned around to catch Annabella in a kiss. The two women made out for a little before Selene grabbed Annabella by the wrists and shoved her down into the mattress as she began kissing her way down to the princess' pussy. Annabella's pussy was almost painfully red and swollen, desperate for release, and she began squealing the moment Selene shoved her face between her legs.

My beautiful paladin pushed her ass up in the air, enticing me with the view, and I couldn't hold back any longer. It had taken all my willpower not to cum down her amazing throat and I lined myself up against her ass and then slowly pushed myself inside. Normally I'd have used slime essence to lube her up but the thick saliva she'd left all over me was just as good a lubricant and I slipped inside her with no resistance.

She clenched down on me immediately and I was reminded of why I loved fucking her like this. Her ring of muscle squeezed down on me almost unbearably hard and beyond it she was hot and soft and slick and both sensations combined felt so good they left me breathless, but even all of that paled in comparison with how absolutely wild it drove her when I did this to her, shoving her ass back against me to get me inside her as deep as possible as fast as possible.

I gave her ass a smack and she squealed into Annabella's pussy, causing the brunette to grab her by the back of the head and pull her closer into her lap, grinding her pussy against Selene's face.

I gave it to her hard and deep, just the way she liked it. I used to be more gentle with her ass until she admitted to me that she loved it when I was rough and these days she had enough practice that she could handle it. In all fairness, it helped that soreness could be cured with just one cast of Alisha's minor healing miracle.

So I stirred her insides up as hard as she wanted, kneading her ass cheeks as she kept working on Annabella's pussy and soon enough she came to a shuddering climax, pulling away from Annabella just long enough to let out a litany of profanities as she clamped down on me before her whole body relaxed.

I was nowhere near finished with her, though, and once she had gone limp I pushed her down into the mattress so she was lying flat on her stomach and then buried myself inside her to the hilt, resting most of my weight on her and taking her breath away.

When I saw that she had recovered a bit I began fucking her again. I was almost there, the feelings I'd endured slowly catching up to me, so I worked her in just the right rhythm as she started eating Annabella out again and soon enough I had her on the edge again.

“Fill me up," she begged as she roughly shoved two fingers inside the petite princess, “I need to feel your cum inside me, pleasepleaseplease... FUCK!”

She screamed as I gave her what she wanted, letting go and allowing myself to cum, to fill her with everything I'd been holding back as I pressed myself as far inside her as I could reach.

I was completely engrossed in the feeling of pumping into Selene that it took me a moment to notice Annabella kissing me and somewhere between the kiss, the fingers inside her and the show we were giving her, she, too, came with a shudder.


When I woke up the next morning I was worried things would be awkward between the three of us. After all, we did just do all kinds of raunchy things with one of the highest noblewomen in the country, but my fears were alleviated when Annabella kissed both of us with no hesitation.

“Last night was wonderful," she told me as we broke the kiss. “Thank you.”

“Anytime," I said with a smirk and she blushed.

First of all I wish to thank my newest patron, Scipio! Your support means a lot to me!

Second of all, today is my birthday and so I've prepared a special treat. If you're curious what Alisha and Yume got up to while Felix and Selene were busy seducing Annabella, I actually wrote an eleven thousand word short story called Ties That Bind detailing how their evening went. As of right now this short story is available on my Patreon as Very Early Access. I don't do true Patreon-exclusive content so this story will eventually come to Scribble Hub but that won't be happening for quite a while, so if you're curious consider dropping by right here.

Ties That Bind is out now on Scribble Hub. You can find it here!

There. Shameless self-promotion over. I hope you have a great week and that you enjoyed this chapter!

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