
Vol.3 Ch.2 – Taking The Elven Priestess In Front Of The Entire Caravan (Sort Of)

Chapter 2: Taking The Elven Priestess In Front Of The Entire Caravan (Sort Of)

The next morning we finally got our first real break, five hours of rest for the oxen and for the passengers to stretch their legs a little. Of course we were in the middle of a forest clearing at the side of the road so there was little else to do but walk around. It was the downside to travelling via caravan. The entire caravan couldn't exactly stop in the middle of a village and clog up all other traffic, now could they?

A couple of the other passengers grumbled about it but for us it'd been exactly what we had been waiting for. The moment we were off the cart we headed a little deeper into the woods and Yume and I began teaching Alisha and Selene more about Qi techniques. I didn't know what Yume was teaching Alisha but I began by teaching Selene about the most basic technique, the Qi Burst, which amplified a single motion, like a step or a sword swing, to hit far faster and with far more force than normal. Applied to a step it created something I'd taken to calling a Qi Dash, as it allowed the user to dash with incredible speed and applied to a sword attack it could be used to damage creatures that would barely feel the user's attacks otherwise.

To Yume, who had grown up in a land where such techniques were commonplace it seemed bizarre how muscular some adventurers of this land were, as even a little slip of a girl like her was strong enough to punch trees and rocks into pieces if she flexed her Qi. Someone like me was the upper limit of how muscular people in her homeland got and I didn't consider myself particularly ripped. I did have a pronounced six-pack and strong enough limbs to run circles around my enemies and swing even really unwieldy weapons, but compared to some of the brick outhouses I had met at the Adventurer's Guild I barely qualified as toned.

But the Qi Burst alone had made me strong enough to deal blows that even said brick outhouses were unable to deal. I still woke up some mornings with a huge grin on my face when a dream took me back to that time I had killed a giant in a single hit. Alright, I woke up most mornings grinning these days, but that had more to do with me having three gorgeous women sleeping next to me whom I cared about deeply.


I demonstrated the technique to Selene a few times before explaining to her what exactly I was doing. Like the trick I'd been training her in the previous day it involved pulling Qi into the limb you wanted to reinforce but instead of keeping it there you pulled it up to the very tip of where you wanted and then attacked when the power was at the highest point, thereby unleashing, as the name suggested, a burst of Qi to enhance whatever you were doing.

For training purposes I found thrusting attacks with a sword the easiest to start out, so I held the sword in a high stance, blade parallel to the ground, pulled my Qi up my right arm and then further into the blade and the moment the power hit the very tip I thrust forward, burying the blade in the trunk of the tree I'd been aiming at in one impossibly fast thrust.

For this trick I was wielding one of the swords enchanted for durability we'd taken from the last Dark Lord's treasure hoard. My real blade, Helios Edge, was of course much better for the task, but the fire enchantment also heated up the blade whenever it was swung and I had no interest in starting a forest fire by accident. But I still needed a blade enchanted for durability because a mundane weapon would soon break under the strain of Qi techniques, which I'd learned the hard way when I'd left a sword's blade behind inside a cyclops' leg.

Selene had no such troubles, though, because her sword was a legendary weapon gifted to her by the goddess Freya. Like Helios Edge it was enchanted for durability and sharpness but instead of a fire enchantment it had an ice enchantment. An incredibly weird ice enchantment. The blade itself wasn't cold to the touch and didn't cool down when swung but when striking enemies weak to ice it would trigger that weakness anyway. We had tried the weapon out to see if that enchantment even worked and, sure enough, it did what it promised. When swung at something like a fire elemental the sword carved through the creature and cooled down the cut surface rapidly, lowering the monster's temperature until it could be hurt by normal weapons afterwards. I had asked her what the sword's name was but she said that Freya hadn't told her.

Since Selene was still very much upset with Freya I had no idea if she was being honest or just didn't want to use the name the goddess had given the sword. And I couldn't blame her. For one, I was pretty upset with Freya myself and I hadn't even been the one who had gotten hurt because of her machinations and for another, Helios Edge used to have another name as well, one I refused to use because of the memories it conjured up in Yume, as the sword had once belonged to the man who had controlled her with a magical collar, the man she had murdered horribly for what he'd done to her. And apparently even the sword itself hadn't liked the man because it had taken with gusto to its new name and owner. Though I guess it helped that I had promised to oil and polish it and had made good on that promise.

Once I was done explaining the theory Selene began trying to imitate me. She fumbled the first few attempts but then got it right on the fourth, which I thought was pretty good, though it took her a good five seconds to bring the power forth, so I had her practice for four of the five hours we were there. I motivated her by promising to show her how to apply the technique to dashes and thrown objects if she managed to bring down her time to one second and she practiced hard enough that by the time we had to move on she had gotten it down to just under two seconds and was exhausted by the effort.

Alisha looked similarly winded by whatever Yume had had her practicing but both Yume and I knew there was no way to improve unless you constantly worked at it, so once I was sure Selene had the technique down I began practicing on my own. Eventually I had gone a bit deeper into the woods to train my new secret technique. I really wanted Yume to teach me a new trick but we both agreed it was more important to teach Alisha and Selene the basics first so instead I'd begun tinkering with what I had. I wasn't quite ready to show my new trick off to Yume yet but I was sure that the next monster weak to fire I encountered would rue the day it tried to mess with me.


As I mentioned before, the food the caravan served wasn't anything to write home about but it was fine sustenance and all of us dug in like starving wolves. We hadn't just missed breakfast, we had also performed truly exhausting exercises for hours so of course we were famished. It wasn't until we were halfway through our bowls that we even realized we'd forgotten to season the stew.

Honestly though I was impressed with the cooks. Making an under-seasoned stew when one of the main ingredients was salted meat took some doing.

That evening found me sitting outside the canvas covering next to Yume. She'd leaned into me and was making a low buzzing noise of satisfaction as her tails wagged. Except for the ears and tails she looked pretty much human, but her mannerisms were pretty similar to a fox's.

“I don't think I've really thanked you yet for teaching them, have I?”

She smiled and twirled the dispelling stiletto I'd given her, a habit she'd picked up once she'd run out of stuff to do during the trip. “I did make a promise, didn't I?”, she asked. “Besides, it's not as if I mind. If anything I should be thanking you. This is much easier with you helping. Teaching both of them at once would be difficult, especially since they both need to learn entirely different techniques.”

“It's the least I can do since you're sharing so much with us”, I said and scratched behind one of her ears.

“So”, she said, “what's that trick you've been practicing in secret?”

“You've noticed that, did you?”, I asked.

“Of course”, she said. “So, out with it.”

“It's a flashy move I've been tinkering with”, I explained. “I'm pretty happy with the move itself but it takes a while to use and leaves me exhausted afterwards. I wanted to work on it a little more before I let you see it.”

“You should just show me”, she said. “If I can see it I might give you some pointers on how to make it more efficient.”

“Promise you won't make fun of it?”, I asked.

“There's no way I would do that”, she said. “You only know two Qi techniques so I doubt it's something I've never seen before.”

I smirked. “We'll see about that.”

She shrugged. “I mean, you have used your two techniques in very unexpected ways”, she said. “Those thrown rocks and the duplicated ballista bolt were inspired. I'm honestly kind of curious what else you'll be capable of if I teach you more.”

“I'd rather see you in action”, I said.

“Find me a proper sword instead of these clunky blades you Northerners use and I'll give you a show”, she offered.

We had been trawling the stores in the capital for a couple days already, looking for one of those southern blades Yume was talking about but so far we'd struck out. Trade between our kingdom and the realms to the south was slow since it had to either go through an utterly inhospitable volcanic environment or sail around that through a monster-infested sea, but with enough searching we should find one of those swords eventually.

“Deal”, I said.


The next day was by far the most tedious. Having only just learned the Qi Burst Selene wanted to train it but the cart was far too fragile to train inside it, so she could only use the basic amplification to keep exhausting herself. Alisha on the other hand was making some sort of progress and the shapes her Qi was taking were interesting, but I had too little knowledge of magical theory to even guess what she was trying to accomplish, which left me sitting around chatting with Syr, though there was precious little to chat about.

Syr hadn't been very happy to find out that the one who had taken her body was setting herself up as some sort of figurehead for an Outer God but on the other hand we finally had a concrete lead on the bitch. Syr's main worry was that if we got her body back people would want her dead for the things her body had been doing without her consent and I couldn't blame her. I'd told her I wouldn't let that happen but depending on what vile shit this Holy Maiden had planned I wasn't sure I could make good on that. If the entire kingdom wanted her dead I wouldn't be able to stop them all.

Before we could get each other down any further Syr began fading. The first few times that had happened I'd been terrified but now we were both almost excited for it. It was the sign that she could take back a bit of control over her body, temporary as it was. Sometimes it allowed her to act and other times it allowed her to listen in on what her body was up to. Both of those gave her lots of useful information and she cherished each opportunity, even if she frequently found her body doing disgusting things, like for example the fact that whatever this Holy Maiden had done to Syr's body, she now lactated blood red breast milk which could induce mutations in those who drank it.

I wished Syr good luck before she was completely gone, hoping this time would be informative rather than vile.


With these gloomy thoughts coursing through my head I found myself sitting outside the canvas again, staring up at the starry sky, the two moons as large as they ever got when one wasn't hiding behind the other.

Soon enough a surprisingly chipper Alisha sat down next to me and leaned into me.

“What's got you in such a good mood?”, I asked.

“I just figured out a technique that lets me use Qi to attract and control mana”, she said. “That means I can use more magic while tiring myself out less.”

“At the cost of tiring yourself out from overusing Qi?”, I asked. “That doesn't sound too amazing.”

She shook her head. “You can't use magic so you wouldn't understand, but they're totally different”, she said. “If I overdo it with Qi my whole body feels tired, but if I overuse magic my brain feels like it's about to come running out my ears. But with this technique I can balance the two of them so I don't overuse either. It's amazing. Remember when I collapsed after casting a couple dozen air lances at once?”

I did. I'd only barely managed to catch her before she hit the ground. I nodded.

“Yeah, that won't happen again”, she said. “I can use that exact same trick now without even staggering.”

“Wow”, I said. “Good job.”

She preened under the compliment. “Thank you”, she said. “Now tell me what's got you in such a terrible mood.”

I shrugged. “I was just talking to Syr about the Holy Maiden and then she vanished to spy in on her”, I admitted. “I'm kind of worried is all.”

“Worried about what she'll see?”, Alisha asked.

I shook my head. “No, worried about what we'll do about her”, I said. “I promised to find a way to free her, but is there even such a way? And even if I do manage to save her, how many enemies will this Holy Maiden make that Syr will then have to contend with? I can't protect her from half the kingdom.”

“Everything will work out”, Alisha told me with the utmost confidence. “I believe in you.”

My breath caught in my throat and I pulled her in close. “Thank you”, I said. “I love you, Alisha.”

“I love you too, Felix”, she mumbled into my chest.

We just held each other for a while until the situation stopped being romantic and her body against mine started doing other things to me.

I pulled her up a little and began kissing her neck and she moaned quietly.

“We can't”, she muttered.

“You don't want to?”, I asked.

“I do”, she said, “but I can't keep quiet if we do that.”

“Not even if I tell you to?”, I asked with a hint of command in my voice.

She loved it when I pushed her around and degraded her... in the bedroom. In all other aspects our relationship was very much one of equals, but in the bedroom she wanted nothing more than for me to make her my little whore. More than once I'd been worried I'd gone too far and then Alisha later admitted that she'd wished I'd gone even farther. But despite all those things she admitted to liking there was one thing she loved but was embarrassed to admit: She loved being humiliated, to be talked down to, and to be seen by others as it happened. She was desperately embarrassed by it but it drove her wild. The one time Yume had asked her what her goddess would think if she could see her getting fucked Alisha had practically melted into a puddle from lust and embarrassment.

“Well... if you tell me to, I can try”, she muttered, blushing.

“Good girl”, I told her and pulled her all the way onto my lap so that we were facing each other, her legs to either side of mine.

Her top was held together in the front by nothing more than a knot, which I quickly loosened, exposing her beautiful chest and belly. She was thin and lithe, not as curvy as my other women, but sensual all the same.

“Gods, you're gorgeous”, I muttered as I reached under her top to caress her body, sliding my hands along her sides, from her waist up to her chest before cupping her small breasts and giving them a squeeze.

Of all my women Alisha had by far the highest sex drive and a whole three days of going without it had left her extra sensitive, so she could only barely stifle a moan at the touch.

“Do you like my breasts?”, she asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice as I massaged them.

“You know I do”, I growled as I attacked her neck again.

“Even though they're small?”, she asked.

I looked up at her face. Now that I thought about it she did have a bit of an obsession with my other girls' breasts, both of whom were more stacked than she was. One time she'd even whined to me that she couldn't touch Syr precisely because she wanted to find out how Syr's massive chest felt. Did my little elf have a complex about that?

“I love your breasts”, I told her, looking her right in the eyes. “They're perfect. Do you wish they were bigger?”

She shook her head, her long ears flopping back and forth. “I know that probably sounds vain, but I love my body”, she said. “If I was supposed to look different the gods wouldn't have made me this way. I was just worried that maybe they weren't large enough to keep your interest.”

I smirked and pinched her nipples. “There's something you should know”, I told her as I kept rolling her nipples between my fingers. “I don't actually care how big a woman's breasts are. I like big ones and I like small ones. The only thing I care about is the shape. I'd much rather a woman be flat as a washboard than if she had two apples in stockings for breasts.” It took Alisha a while to assemble a mental image of what I'd just said and when she had, she snorted. “But yours are perfect. They're small, but they fit you perfectly”, I told her, then gave her nipples another rough pinch to demonstrate.

“Thank the goddess”, Alisha moaned.

“But if you're not jealous, why are you so obsessed with Yume's and Selene's breasts?”, I asked and Alisha blushed.

“I like touching them”, she said. “I'm fine with mine being as small as they are but that doesn't mean I don't like playing with big breasts. Just like how I'm pretty sure you don't secretly wish you had breasts just because you like fondling ours.”

Now it was my turn to snort. “Point taken”, I said and then I felt her fingers trying to pull off my tunic.

I leaned forward a little to let her and soon we were kissing again while pressing against each other, her hot skin on mine driving off the evening's chill. She was running her fingers through my hair to pull me close, trying to feel as much of me as possible. I finally had my hair back at the length I preferred, about six inches long and with a rat's tail on the back of my head and from Alisha's look after I came back from the barber I knew she approved.

“I've missed this a little”, I finally admitted after a few minutes of making out. “I love our group activities but I've kind of missed it being just the two of us.”

“I know just what you mean”, she said. “I love playing around with Selene and Yume and I love watching you with them, but I kind of like having you all to myself, even if it's just every once in a while.”

“Do you think you can handle me all on your own?”, I teased.

“Only one way to find out”, she said and then her breathing hitched as I slipped a hand into her undergarment.

According to Alisha elves couldn't grow pubic hair so even after three days on the road she was still perfectly smooth and my hand slid effortlessly along her clammy skin until I reached her folds. She squeezed her eyes shut in a desperate expression and began rolling her hips against my hand as she grabbed hold of my shoulders to steady herself.

“We can't”, she whined quietly. “What if someone sees?”

“Nobody will see”, I reassured her. “We're facing away from all the other wagons and we're passing through a forest. The only ones who might see us are dryads and they get up to much naughtier antics than this.”

She gave a low whining noise and I slipped my fingers a bit further down, brushing past her little pearl to find her drenched opening.

“And what if someone hears?”, she asked. It was probably intended to come out as a warning but instead it came out as a needy plea.

“Well, you're just going to have to keep very quiet then”, I said before roughly pinching her clit.

Her hands flew from my shoulders to her mouth, trying to hold in the squeal she'd almost let out.

“I... can't...”, she whined, but didn't pull away. If anything she ground her hips against my hand even harder.

“Too bad”, I told her. “Because I'm not letting you go until you come all over my lap.”

She made that low whining sound again but then grabbed for my pants and slipped a hand inside and after a bit of fumbling wrapped it around my already hard cock.

“Does bullying me... really make you this hard?”, she asked, panting.

“You're one to talk”, I said and, to her whimpering protests, pulled my hand out of her undergarment to show that they were covered in her sticky juices, a line of it spreading from my thumb to my index finger. She growled at me and shoved my hand back into her undergarment. “So needy”, I teased and kept rubbing her, deliberately copying the rhythm with which she was pumping me.

Her slender fingers never felt any less than amazing on my dick but right now her desperation made it even better. When she realized that my hand was keeping pace with hers she began pumping me harder and faster, trying to get me to give her what she wanted, but I kept slowing down bit by bit until she growled at me again. She sounded like a puppy struggling with a washcloth when she did that.

“If you want to get off, pull my cock out and then turn around and lose the undergarment”, I commanded.

She growled at me again but complied. She pulled my cock out of my pants and then got up and turned around before loosening the clasp that held her skirt up and then slid both it and her undergarment off her shapely butt. She only just had enough space to maneuver this far and when she finished stepping out of her garments her ass was practically in my face. I grabbed her ass cheeks and kneaded them, spreading them apart and digging my fingers in hard enough that she'd have trouble sitting later. I debated for a moment about going for her cute little asshole, just to tease her more, but decided against it. If I made a habit out of it it would stop feeling special. Besides, the wash basin inside the wagon was positively pathetic.

So instead I grabbed her roughly by the hips and pulled her down onto my awaiting cock. Going from a little light teasing with two of my fingers to suddenly having my cock buried inside her was almost more than she could bear and she had to press her hands to her mouth to stop from crying out.

“Did that hurt?”, I asked very quietly so as not to ruin the moment. There was a fine line I had to walk with her. She could take a lot, more than I was willing to give her usually, but many times that led to me being rougher than I thought she could take and then needing to check in. But we had a pretty good rapport. Quiet questions out of character were fine so long as I kept the teasing up afterwards.

“Mm-mm”, she replied, telling me she was alright.

“Good”, I said, again in my teasing voice. “Then I guess I can go harder.”

I kept my hands on her hips, using them to lift her up and then pull her back down again, practically using her incredibly light body to masturbate with, burying myself wholly inside her on every stroke and filling her out just the way she liked it. It was a testament to how much we'd been together that she could take all of me so easily and it was a testament to the amazing anatomy of elves that she still felt almost unbearably tight despite that. Her slick juices made shoving myself inside her effortless and yet her insides still felt like they were milking me, squeezing down on me as if begging me to fill her up, something I had absolutely no scruples doing since elves could only get pregnant six days a year and we still had about seven weeks to go until her next risky day.

Soon enough Alisha was only barely holding on and only her hands covering her mouth kept her from moaning and squealing at the pleasure and that's when I decided to finish her off. I snaked my hands underneath her armpits and then laced them behind her head, pressing her head down and her arms up, away from her mouth. I'd grabbed her like this before and I knew she loved it, loved how humiliating it was, loved how it took her breath away, loved how much it showed her that she was mine to do with as I pleased. But in this case, where she was terrified of others hearing her, it was more than she could bear.

She was panting hard, desperately trying not to cry out, and I pulled her close and told her:

“I'm not going to stop until you can't hold back anymore.”

Then I started giving it to her even harder, standing up and slamming into her as hard as I could, pulling out as far as I dared without the risk of slipping out entirely before slamming it into her again and burying myself inside her soaking wet pussy. Honestly, we were making more than enough noise already. The slapping sounds of our flesh colliding violently, the squelching sounds of her drenched pussy being scraped out again and again and her heavy pants and aborted squeals were already loud enough to ring across the caravan and when she realized that she gave up trying to hold in her voice.

With every thrust she grunted, squealed or panted, which soon graduated into unintelligible cussing, her words slurred by some combination of the unnatural posture, lust and saliva running out of her mouth. I pulled her close and growled:

“Now scream for me, let the whole caravan hear what you sound like when you come your brains out.”

That did it. She convulsed, her whole body trembling and her pussy squeezing down on me as if trying to strangle my dick, and the litany of her ecstasy reached its crescendo:

“Oh Goddess... fuckfuckfuckfuck... FUCK!”

As I felt her let go I gave up trying to hold back as well and pumped her full of my sticky seed, filling her to the brim. Good gods but I'd never get tired of coming inside her pussy. It was as if her hole was made for no other purpose than to pleasure me.

When we both came down from our high she collapsed on top of me. I just held her for a while before she started sniffling.

“That was so cruel”, she whined, her eyes puffy. “Everyone heard me, how could you?”

I stroked her hair and made soothing sounds. “But it felt great, didn't it?”, I asked.

She looked away. “Yes, but...”, she trailed off. “How can you be so calm about this?!”

At that moment I couldn't hold the chuckle in anymore.

“What's so funny?”, she demanded and I scooted off to the side to let her see the strange cone-shaped device behind me. My cone of silence, a magic item that created a soundproof field around itself when activated. She stared at it, then stared at me, and then comprehension dawned. “When?”, she asked. “How?”

“Why did you think I wanted you to turn around to take your undergarment off?”, I asked. “Why did you think I was so calm about you making noise?”

“But... but...”, she trailed off.

“I know you've been fantasizing about something like this for a while now”, I said. “So I thought up a way to give you what you wanted but without any risk of it completely humiliating you.”

She blinked. “You did all of this for me?”, she asked.

I nodded.

She pressed her face into my chest and muttered:

“I love you.” Then she added, after a pause: “Bastard.”

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