
Vol.4 Ch.10 – Hey, Remember That Collar Yume Used To Wear?

Chapter 10: Hey, Remember That Collar Yume Used To Wear?

After dinner Sheila decided to talk to Selene, Yume and Anna and dragged them off to their room, leaving Alisha and me in the dining hall. Alisha spent a little while talking to all the elf children, every single one of which was apparently a younger sibling of hers.

She'd told me about how much easier it was for an elf and a half-elf to conceive, but seeing it in action was still staggering. There had to be a dozen young elves around, all of them relatively close in age. Alisha introduced me to her siblings as her husband but thankfully she did not introduce each of them by name. I was certain there was no way I could have kept a dozen names straight.

Once we were done with the introductions Alisha practically dragged me back to her room and it reminded me of the first night we'd spent together. She'd been just as eager back then and I wondered if she was feeling the same right then, but then I felt the shape of Anna's notebook in my back pocket. Yeah, it wasn't because of me that she was hurrying us along like this.

Just as I thought that she glanced back at me and gave me a look of deepest, darkest hunger.

Alright, maybe it wasn't just because of the book.

As the door to Alisha's room clicked shut I joked: “You seem pretty eager to earn your chance at that notebook. But don't you think it's a bit unfair to not even give Anna a chance to earn it back instead?”

Alisha blinked, then smiled and tried to angle herself so she could get a glimpse at the back pocket I'd stuffed the book into. “Honestly, I'd already forgotten about the notebook, but thanks for reminding me.”

She lunged for the book and I just sat down on the bed, denying her access. She glared at me and then dug her hand between my ass and the bed, trying to get at the book that way, but I just shifted my weight and she had to pull her hand away.

“Ass," she hissed.

“Yes, that's where the notebook is," I agreed.

She lunged for me again, trying to poke me in the sides, and I responded by tickling her. She started squirming and I kept it up, making her giggle uncontrollably.

I flipped us around so she was lying on the bed and then blew a raspberry on her cute bellybutton. She kept squirming and giggling but evidently she wasn't too incapacitated to reach out a hand and try to grab the notebook, so I quickly pinned her wrists to the bed, leaning over her.

Her expression turned from amused to mischievous and sultry as she noticed our position on the bed. She licked her lip and was just about to make a no doubt filthy suggestion when the door rattled behind us and Anna slipped into the room.

“Am I... interrupting?" the princess asked as she saw us.

“Come right in," I said. “I was just trying to keep the little sneak from taking your notebook away from me. Is something wrong?”

She chuckled and closed the door behind her as I pulled away from Alisha. “There's nothing wrong, really. I just needed some room to breathe and told them I wanted to get my notebook back.”

“Was my mother being a bit overbearing again?" Alisha asked, righting herself.

“Something like that," Anna said. “She's a bit... ravenous for stories about you... Both of you.”

“And you just... left Selene and Yume to her?" I asked.

“They seemed to enjoy it," Anna said with a shrug. “To me it felt too much like when a duke asks for gossip on one of my siblings.” She stuck out her tongue and made a disgusted face.

“I mean, I guess that's what it is," I said. “Except I'm sure she's also sharing embarrassing stories about Alisha with the two of them.”

Alisha groaned.

“Also," Anna said in a small voice, “I do kind of want my notebook back.”

As I looked back and forth between the two women I felt a predatory grin stretching over my face. I pulled the notebook out of my back pocket, showed it to both of them, and then put it into my bag of holding, which I then sat down on. “Well then. I guess we'll see who wants this notebook more. Convince me.”

“You're awful," Anna said. “You realize this is actually my notebook, right?”

“Of course it is," I said. “But as you said, it'll be fun to see how much Alisha will give for those ingredients. And once she's done with that I'm sure she'll give it away willingly, right?”

As I asked the last I looked over to Alisha expectantly and in response the elf nodded.

“So," I continued, “it really only comes down to what you're willing to do for me so that Alisha will beg you rather than me for it.”

“You make me sound like I have no self-control," Alisha said.

I grinned at her and pulled a small strawberry out of my bag of holding. I waved it back and forth like a pendulum and before long Alisha lunged at the strawberry, only narrowly avoiding my fingertips with her teeth as she bit into it. She sucked the juices off of the leftover stump and then licked the rest off my fingers before she even started chewing the fruit.

“You were saying?" I asked.

When she was done with the strawberry she growled under her breath: “Bastard.”

My point made I turned back to the two women. “Now then, what are you willing to do for the notebook?”

Anna seemed a bit perturbed that she was even considering doing this before she said: “I'll work on you with my mouth.”

I thought back to that first blowjob Anna had given me, sweet, clumsy, and so incredibly eager it had felt amazing despite her inexperience. I smiled at her and then looked at Alisha in challenge.

The elf was still licking the last of the juices out from the corners of her mouth before she said: “I'll let you fuck my throat, the way I know you love.”

Anna glared at Alisha, knowing full well that she was unable to do that. Alisha had been really rather good at that from the get-go, though not quite as much as Selene, but Anna had tried and had simply been incapable of it. She was slowly getting better at it but it would still be a while until she'd be able to take me all the way.

But instead of admitting defeat the princess looked back at me and said: “I'll ride you until you cum.”

Alisha didn't even wait for me to look over to her before she said: “I'll let you tie me up and use me however you want.”

“That's just a reward for you," Anna hissed.

Alisha grinned back at her.

Both offers were exciting. Anna's toned body grinding against me as I laid on my back and enjoyed her sounded amazing, but so did tying Alisha to the bed and fucking her until she could no longer form coherent syllables.

“I've brought some powdered unicorn horn," Anna said. “If you'd like to work my ass again, I'd love to have you.”

My eyebrows rose.

This time it was Alisha who glared, but then she leaned forward and whispered into my ear, just loud enough for Anna to hear: “If you give me that notebook I'll do that thing I did for you back when we visited your mom.”

I felt my cheeks grow warm at the memory and as I looked at her I saw her blushing as well.

“Gods above, what did you do to him to make him react like that?" Anna asked.

Alisha trailed a hand over my chest as she said: “Something a woman will only do if she really really loves her man. Something a man will only permit if he really trusts his woman.” Then she made a lewd gesture with her fingers and her tongue.

Anna seemed to get it as her cheeks turned red as well. “Wow.” She cleared her throat, then said: “Very well, I'll do something for you that feels even better.”

“No playing coy now," Alisha said. “If there's a way to make a man feel even better I want to know.”

Anna grinned, feeling like she had the upper hand. Then she explained: “If you think a tongue feels good, how about a finger down there while his cock is in a warm, wet, eager mouth?”

“Gods above, you two are going to drive me crazy," I muttered as I imagined what Anna had just suggested, those long, cool, slender fingers slipping inside me as her dainty mouth licked my cock...

“Shush, you," Anna told me. “You wanted us to sit here and one-up each other for your amusement. Don't act so shocked if that goes too far.”

I considered that for a moment and then shrugged. I had brought this upon myself. All I could do is lean back and see how depraved the two of them were going to get for that stupid notebook.

“Alright then, if you're all out of steam," Alisha said to Anna, “I'll win this little contest now.”

Anna and I both raised an eyebrow at the little elf and in response she reached into her bag of holding and pulled out a red collar. A very familiar red collar, one I'd been looking for in a Dark Lord's throne room but hadn't been able to find.

“Alisha, why do you have this?" I asked carefully.

“Well, I thought if things ever seem truly dire we could slap that around an opponent's neck," she said.

I bit my lip as I considered that. She wasn't wrong. I could already imagine fighting a powerful cultist like Wilhelm and simply using a flash step to get close enough to lock him up with that collar. Once closed around someone's neck they would have no choice but to follow any commands issued by the one who had fastened the collar, up to and including anything that went against the wearer's morals or sensibilities.

“You realize that Yume would be furious with you if she knew you had that, right?" I asked.

“Um," Anna said, “I don't really get what you're talking about. What's so special about that collar?”

I explained to her what the collar had been used for and by the end Anna was all but shaking with rage.

“I have to agree with Felix then," she said. “Why would you pull this thing out now?”

“That's easy," Alisha said. “I want Felix to put this thing on me.”

Anna and I both glared at her.

“Not permanently," Alisha hastened to add. “Just for tonight. I want to feel totally helpless, just this once. I know what happened to Yume was awful, but I know you're not like that. I want to be completely unable to resist. I want to know what that feels like.”

“And you're willing to go that far for such a stupid little bet?" Anna asked, the heat still clear in her voice.

Alisha blushed scarlet and turned away. The silence stretched on until she admitted: “I've been meaning to do this for quite some time now but I don't really get many opportunities to be with Felix without Yume being there. I'm not totally insensitive, you know? I didn't want to use this when she was around. So, when mother dragged the three of you off and left the two of us alone...”

“Would it help if I wasn't here?" Anna asked, drawing her own conclusions.

In response Alisha grinned. “No, it's great that you're here. You can tell him to be rougher with me if he's being too gentle. Again.”

“I've seen how he treats you in bed," Anna said. “Are you saying that's still not rough enough for you?”

“I can take a lot," Alisha said with a shrug.

“What she means is that she's an insatiable little harlot," I translated. “And in the heat of the moment I keep forgetting that bruises don't really matter when she can just wish them away.”

“Miracles aren't wishes," Alisha said quietly.

“True," I said. “With a miracle you actually have to admit to your goddess where you got the bruises you want her to heal.”

Her blush had almost receded but at those words it returned with a vengeance.

I let her stew in her embarrassment for a while but finally she took a deep breath and asked: “So, will you let me do this?”

I bit my lip as I thought about it. Finally I asked: “You know the only reason I'm even considering this is because you asked for it, right?”

“Of course," she said.

“And you realize that this is more a reward for you than anything else, right?”

“I mean, once you've got me all helpless you can make me do whatever filthy things you want, so it's really a reward for both of us," she argued.

I looked between Alisha and Anna. The whole point of this exercise had been that Anna had wanted Alisha's very physical gratitude. But if I accepted Alisha's offer I could make her give Anna whatever she'd wanted from the little elf.

“Alright, fine," I said. “Have it your way. Give me that collar.”

“Are you sure about this?" Anna asked quietly. “If this thing is as strong as you said...”

“That's why I have you here," I said, just as quietly. “You'll be here to make sure I don't go overboard. Alisha trusts me with this. And I trust you to yank my chain if I overdo it.”

“Alright," she said as she averted her eyes, a blush coloring her cheeks.

By this point Alisha had already come close enough to hand me the collar. The thing felt exactly the way I remembered it. The leather itself was of exceptional quality but something about it felt wrong to me. The magic in the collar felt somehow greasy, not quite as vile as Outsider magic but not entirely right either. On top of that, the collar felt heavier than the material could explain, as if it weighed more heavily on reality than it should.

“This thing is just vile," I said as I opened the buckle. “Add it to the long list of reasons why Ares needs to have his ballsack cut off and fed to a mountain goat.” I looked at Alisha. “Come here.”

Alisha did as instructed and brushed her hair back so I had easy access to her neck. I slipped the collar around her neck, noting that despite the unpleasant feel of the magic the inside was padded quite nicely. I wrapped it all the way around and then cinched it just tight enough that she could feel it around her neck without it throttling her.

The change was less dramatic than I'd thought. The collar flashed red just once and Alisha stiffened but other than that nothing happened.

“Did it... work?" Anna asked.

“I don't feel very controlled," Alisha said.

“Stand up," I said and there was a flash of red before Alisha obeyed.

Then again, she always complied when I ordered her around in the bedroom.

I frowned, then considered. I had to try and order her to do something she wouldn't want to do. I thought about it. No matter what filthy suggestion I came up with she'd probably do it anyway and with a smile on her face, so I had to make her do something that had nothing to do with the bedroom. And then I had it.

“Answer me honestly," I said. “Which one of your siblings is your favorite?”

She glared at me for a moment, unwilling to rank her siblings like that, but then the collar flashed red and she ground out: “Kattleya.”

“Why?" I asked.

She remained silent, glaring at me.

“Answer me," I demanded and the collar flashed red again.

“She's bright and upbeat and I desperately want her to be able to choose her own life the way I did.” She paused, then added: “Asshole.”

“Well, that's proof enough for me," I said, then considered where to go from here as Alisha's expression slowly relaxed. “Alright, let's start with the basics. Alisha, you are to address me as Master and Anna as Mistress. Understood?”

“Yes, Master," Alisha said after a flash of red.

“Good," I said. “Now, let's see how powerful the magic in this thing is.” I gave her a wicked smile and then said: “You may not orgasm unless and until I've given my permission.”

There was a flash of red and I knew the command had taken when she pressed her thighs together and glared at me. I could tell she wanted to call me a bastard again but she couldn't.

“Lovely," I said. “Now, strip, then do a handstand.”

“Grrr.” She growled at me even as the collar flashed red and made her comply.

Mechanically she took off her clothes one by one, then took off all the bangles she wore on her arms and then did a rather wobbly handstand, her long wavy light-brown hair pooling on the floor. Her breasts were so small and perky they barely hung down despite the awkward position and the way her tummy tensed as she tried to keep her balance was too cute.

“Keep this position as long as you can," I told her and she grew a little steadier.

I wondered about that. Was the collar forcing her muscles to function more efficiently? Was it making it easier for her body to coordinate? Could this be used in some way?

I shook it off and got off the bed, then walked over until I stood right in front of the little elf. Her legs were straight up in the air but spread ever-so-slightly and I used the opening to give her pussy a light smack.

“Mmmm," she whimpered. “Mmm-Master!” I could hear the faintest 'd' sound after 'Master' so I was pretty sure she'd just tried to call me a bastard again but the collar wouldn't let her.

“Why yes, I am," I chuckled, then turned to Anna. “Check out how wet she got from having her pussy slapped.”

Anna hurried over to me and I looked down to see that Alisha was beet-red. I wondered if it had more to do with embarrassment or with the blood rushing to her head.

“She's not that wet," Anna commented as she looked at the elf.

“Oh, she is," I said, then guided Anna's hand to Alisha's crotch and gave the princess a wink. “You just have to dig a little deeper to feel it.” And then I pushed two of Anna's long, slender fingers inside the young elf.

There was a loud squelching sound and at the same time Alisha let out a little “Mnnnha!”

She wobbled unsteadily again and I hissed: “Stay where you are, we're not done with you.”

“Y-yes, Master," she whimpered and I gave her clit a little squeeze. “Fuuuck...”

Anna gave me a look, as if asking whether I was going too far, but despite that she'd started working her fingers in and out of the elf's pussy and each time she pulled them out they came away a little wetter.

We really were tormenting Alisha quite nicely and she was clearly loving it, so I decided to add to the humiliation a little. I grabbed hold of her tight ass and gave it a nice squeeze before lifting my foot up to her mouth. Without the slightest bit of hesitation her tongue darted out and started licking my toes, coating them in her sticky saliva one at a time.

“Good girl," I told her as I kept kneading the supple flesh under my hand, then used the hold I had to spread her ass cheeks apart a little and having a look at her twitching little pucker. It looked so eager to be played with and I looked over to Anna. “You said you had some powdered unicorn horn with you?”

“I do," she said and started rummaging around in her satchel.

“I should have asked this sooner, but how expensive is that stuff, anyway?" I asked.

In response Anna waggled her hand. “Not very. A unicorn horn is staggeringly expensive but a single horn yields hundreds of portions. And since I had a couple horns in my satchel when mother sent it through the duplicator I've got more than enough to spare.”

“Good," I said, not wanting to rely on her generosity.

“Don't worry," she said conspiratorially. “Being able to play with someone's ass without having to worry about things getting filthy is always worth it.”

I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before I whispered in her ear: “I fucking love the way your mind works, Anna.”

“Thanks," she replied before she gave me a kiss in return, on the lips this time.

We didn't stop tormenting Alisha as we kissed. Far from it, in fact, because Anna used her free hand to fish a tiny thimble full of glittery silver powder out of her satchel while her other hand was still working Alisha's pussy over. As we broke the kiss she pulled the cork out with her teeth and then dumped the powder out onto Alisha's twitching pucker, where it immediately sank into the elf's skin.

When the stuff had run its course I locked eyes with Anna and we both nodded. Then she turned the almost lazy thrusting of her fingers into proper finger-fucking while I tormented Alisha's clit with two spit-slick fingers.

“Fmmmmmck," Alisha yelped out with my toes still in her mouth.

It took only seconds for our combined efforts to bring her to the brink of orgasm, but no matter what we did she just couldn't climax. We kept it up for a while longer until I saw Anna growing frustrated. She clearly took pride in making her lovers come and Alisha's current inability to do so was beginning to annoy her.

Eventually I gave in, mostly for Anna's sake, and said: “You may come now, Alisha.”

Instantly she started trembling and squealed like a sow in heat and as she did her arms gave out and she sprawled out on the floor, a panting, red-faced mess with drool all over her face.

I didn't even give her a moment to enjoy the afterglow, though. She loved being used and abused and tonight I was going to drive her crazy. I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her over to the bed before clapping my hands together to get the dirt out of them. The floor hadn't been entirely clean and a thin layer of dust now clung to Alisha's luxuriously fluffy hair.

“Just look at you," I taunted, “all blitzed out on sex and your asshole is cleaner than your hair.”

“Mmnn," she whimpered.

“I think we should clean up a bit, right? It wouldn't do for you to not look your best before I mess you up completely.”

“Y-yes, Master," she mewled.

“And besides," I said as I leaned down and cupped her face, squishing her cheeks together, “you made me a rather raunchy offer before and I intend to collect on it.”

She stared up at me, her eyes glossy with tears, her lips squished out from the way I held her, and her tongue flicked out to lick her lips as best she could.

“She really would do anything you asked of her, wouldn't she?" Anna said quietly.

“Pretty much," I said. “And tonight we're going to torment her together.”

“Together?" Anna asked. “I thought I was here as chaperone.”

“She has to obey my every command," I explained. “So I can make her do all the things you wanted her to do for you, can't I?”

She swallowed.

“If you're a good girl for me, that is," I added.


The bathroom connected to Alisha's room was surprisingly big, to the point that I had to assume her parents had expected her to invite a partner to live with her eventually. There was a bathtub connected to one wall that was big enough for all three of us without feeling too terribly crowded.

I'd made Alisha scrub both Anna and me down and then we'd gotten into the tub while she tended to herself. Anna had her back leaned against me and I was tracing lazy patterns over her toned stomach, causing her to release a fluttery breath whenever my hand slipped below her bellybutton.

Watching Alisha cleaning herself up was a treat all on its own and both Anna and I were looking at her, following her every move. The red collar looked surprisingly nice as the only thing she was wearing and it was plain to see that our attention excited her.

When she was finally done she sank into the bathtub, facing the two of us. The moment she'd sat down the way I touched Anna became less chaste, massaging one of her tiny breasts and dipping my other hand down between her legs.

“Hmmn," she moaned as I kept up my ministrations, maintaining eye contact with Alisha all the while.

I could tell the elf wanted to join us but she held herself back, waiting for me to order her to do so. Of course I would do so, in time. But first...

“Tell me Anna, what exactly did you want her to do to you?" I asked the princess as I pinched one of her nipples.

“Mm," she moaned out. “There wasn't anything specific. Like you I was curious how far she was willing to go.”

“Alright," I said, “but how far were you hoping she'd be willing to go?” I could see Anna biting her lip as she looked Alisha over.

Finally she admitted: “I wanted to mess with her, the same way you do. I wanted to push her around, fuck her mouth with my fingers, finger both of her holes until she screams and then ride her face until I was satisfied.”

“Damn," I said, honestly impressed.

It had not been what I'd expected. She'd seemed so... sweet to me, her desires skewing more towards being cherished and made love to than the freaky stuff we got up to. Of course I had no illusions about Anna being a blushing, innocent maiden but still, not what I'd expected...

Then again, she had gone for Yume's asshole of her own volition when she'd licked the little fox, hadn't she?

I smiled and looked over at Alisha. “Come over here and finger the naughty little princess. Make sure she doesn't come quite yet, though.”

“Yes, Master.” Alisha leaned forward, then traced a hand down Anna's stomach until she'd found her pussy. I pulled my own hand away to give her access and two of her fingers slid inside the princess.

“Kiss her," I said and immediately the two of them mashed their lips together.

I slipped my hands in between the two women, massaging Anna's tiny breasts and making a game out of trying to pinch both their nipples between my fingers.

Soon I felt Anna trembling against me, rolling her hips hard as Alisha worked her and then, just before I was going to remind Alisha not to let the princess come she pulled away and licked her fingers clean.

“Please..." Anna moaned, still rolling her hips against the water. “Please don't stop. I'm so close...”

I chuckled and very gently wrapped a hand around her throat, pulling her head back until she was looking me right in the eyes. “Get out of the tub and dry off. You'll get to come on the bed, with Alisha's face between your legs and my cock in your mouth.”

As she heard those words she shivered all over and hurried out of the water, slightly faster than was strictly safe.


Happy Halloween!

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